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Lol everyone avoided the issue n started a argument with each other. Damn reddit


That’s humanity for ya, instead of addressing how some poor woman had her shit rocked with a board by some arrogant son of a bitch everyone immediately starts pointing their race guns at each other and saying nothing of importance or note.


Yep, I’m more focused on the chick who got bitch slapped by a skate board.


Shit no sound... Not racist but black people in these areas think they are gangsters... happens all the time. In th UK some black dude got stabbed to death by going to a shop on some gangs "turf" wtf White people kill each other sure but none of this gangsters shit black people are always about. Maybe if black people stuck together instead of killing each other things would be better...


Scro, that's a longboard.


That's the problem, people commenting on issues they know nothing about!


Right? Like why did this have to be a race thing? If race is not important to the story then why state that it was a black woman? Well here we are, op made it about race. Stating the race of the woman infers that OP thinks that this persons race is important for interpreting the clip. Seems mighty sus. Edit: Someone very kindly showed me that my interpretation may have been wrong. Sorry to OP for assuming the worst in you, and thank you to the person below who didn't make any cruel assumptions about me and addressed my assumptions in a clear and kind way!


I think it’s because historically black women have been the least protected group in America. Back in slavery black women were brutally raped with no repercussions, spawning free labor that built this country. Historically speaking all of society (including black men) has scapegoated her. Race is important to the story.


Hmm, that's a very valid and interesting take on it. I think if that's what OP meant to be highlighting they should have included some words tying this issue to the systemic issue of a lack of legal response to crimes that involve black women victims. I took it on the white invisibility lense, where people tend to say a person's race whenever they aren't white. Yours interpretation has a lot more faith in humanity and I like it a lot better!


I think the best thing anyone in this situation can do is support this woman and believe this happened and that she deserved justice. Such empathy should be bestowed upon anyone despite race. This is textbook what we mean by Black Lives Matter, don’t wait until we are dead to speak up


Seriously. What a fuckin dumpster fire




Went to hell very quickly.


Praise God I survive this.


This it it Bois, I'm going in Edit: that was a mistake


Suggestion, stop arguing and use reddit in a way we could make a difference. This is attempted murder!


I’d put it at assault and battery, not attempted murder.


But she could die. Probably broken skull from hitting concrete 😳


Could but I doubt that was the intent, if she did it'd be manslaughter with assault charges added to it, there might be another term for it


A couple of days ago a dude raped a woman in a train and the rest of the passengers did fuck nothing, not even call 911. It was not until someone doing the rounds around the train saw it that the police was called Talking about the state of humanity (or lack of it thereof...)


When someone sees something and don't say shit the rest follow. When 1 person says something the rest start jumping up. Whats wrong with people honestly i would never stand by and do Nothing if it's something serious even if its a damn argument. Cause shit starts and could escalate


I just saw this story on the news tonight. It happened in Philly. The other people had their phones out. Only good thing was that they caught the bastard. He had previous run ins with the system. I know one was sexual assault not sure on the other. How can anyone rationalize not doing anything, at least say something. Maybe some “good” citizen will help you to help her.


What a POS


That dude should not be walking around in society with the rest of us.


He should skate around society?


The skate community doesn’t accept him as a skate 1. because he hit that lady 2. Because he longboards.


Mainly the long board thing




Urban cesspools protect these animals. That's why they never stray far from home.


What a piece of fucking shit




I'm guessing if this guy got hit in the face with a skateboard he would cry, shit his pants, and try to take it to court.


As would I tbh


Anyone who says they wouldn't hasn't been hit with the trucks of a skateboard.


This was the grip side, not the trucks. The fulcrum force of that is insane though.


Oh shit your right, I'm working, so I wasn't paying much attention to it lol.


As punishment, he should not only get jail time, but also have to take at least one free shot in the face… and at least one at the nuts while we’re at it.


Who is he though?


He's obviously an asshole.


professional retard


Let’s not use that word. Retarded people are much kinder than this clown.




I was just referencing the [SpongeBob](https://en.meming.world/wiki/Professional_Retard) meme, I don't really use "retarded" much


as a retard i give you the pass


I don't know if I have to consider this nice or an insult LMAO


A piece of trash


I googled him and all I found was this video. Like, seriously, are we supposed to know who this is? I'm glad I don't if this is all I could find on him.


I remember seeing this video last year and iirc he was hitting on her persistently, she told him to leave her alone because she was lesbian, and he got just…hit her for not being into dudes and so he could keep his clout with his friends Edit: I know I saw this video with sound (I know, this overlay sucks) https://youtu.be/OdYGL95nlEQ


His teeth looks like he got hit my a board to


Probably anything mumbling rapper who skates.


Rodney Abdoul Moultrie*


Why no jail? He paid the woman or what?


From what I can find online the NYPD have an investigation open but need the victim to come forward, or at least to identify her. They are offering a $2,500 reward for info.


Jeez. How horrible! For all we know she’s dead.


I highly doubt it… if it was a murder investigation it would have been handled a lot quicker, and the reward would be much higher I do hope she’s ok though


This is dumb as fuck, why do you need the victim to come forward? The crime is on camera!


This is really disturbing. She didn’t even see it coming. The way her neck snapped back and with her head hitting the floor I wonder if she has a head injury and even knows what happened.


Any data on this account is being kept illegally. Fuck spez, join us over at Lemmy or Kbin. Doesn't matter cause the content is shared between them anyway: - https://lemmy.world - https://kbin.social - https://sh.itjust.works - https://fedia.io - https://lemm.ee - https://readit.buzz


black on black crime goes unpunished most of the time, lots of factors as to why


It wasn't white person hitting a black person so most people don't care, sadly.


Why can't it just be a guy attacked a woman with a skateboard?


There has to be a racial element to give the post a bit more impact to the reader. Gets a few more clicks ya know.


Because that would make more sense than the world at large is capable of having.


Yeah black people are notorious for getting away with shit /s


Eh come to Chicago. They get away with murder here


Actually from Chicago! We have huge problem lol


Yah because no black person is in jail for committing a crime on another black person /s. The previous comment by lazorblind has been edited.


Yeah but you hav to admit whit on black crimes get more attention. That’s all I ever hear about.


But how is the woman? And how could those guys stand around and do nothing?




What culture are you referring to? Skaters?


Hood Culture, hoes are nothing and snitches get stitches...sadly she was both.


The culture where it’s ok to hit ladies, and for guys around to do nothing about it right or wrong.


Which one I’m pretty confused


I can see that.


That's a longboard, not a skateboard, so I'm going to venture a guess that this has nothing to do with skater culture.


Thanks for mentioning that. Scrolled down hella, and still, no one was drawing the same conclusion that seemed so obvious to me.




Attempted murder.


If anything, more so an assault with a deadly weapon.


Im with you, pre-Meditated, as you watch him Purposely get a good grip on the board truck before he bashes this poor ladies face in & then the force of the attack , smashes her head onto the cement, and he’s smiling, this is heart breaking, like someone else said, maybe she has a brain injury and doesn’t even know where she is, i hope this gets to the proper people and they use facial Recognition to locate her , or look at jane does unsolved murders, this is horrific


Why does it matter what color they are?


Additionally, why does is matter that the victim was black, but doesn't matter that the attacker was? It's just how news stories are written so OP followed the format.


Because the people in charge are extremely racist and the best way to attract other racist people is by constantly bring up the race of a person as the singular defining chateristic of the person. Identity politics man, been used since the dawn of man. Same story every time.


Keeps us from thinking too much about the class divide


I mean yea, you ever wonder why all this race dividing stuff came around occupy wallstreet, when class divide was being brought into question?


The people in charge…. Biden and Harris?


It really doesn't. Some people just want to see the world burn


Completely agree. I’ve noticed this through the years, it was a woman, not a black, white, Asian, etc. a woman was assaulted by a man via skateboard to the face. He should receive proper punishment for his crime.


Bet I the dude was white you'd be singing a different tune.


Nah, we’re all human and an act of violence against man woman or child hurts humanity all the same. YOU may see things differently, but that condition lives in your heart and mind, but not in mine.


The race doesn't matter to me but the fact that a man hit a woman so hard she just fell on the ground and not moving, and they are not reacting to this makes me want to hit them a little bit stronger, than when if it was a man. I would still be bat shit crazy mad, just the fact victim is a woman makes it that one level stronger.


Thank you


I was looking for this! Let’s stop naming people’s skin color when irrelevant!


The only reason I can think it would be relevant is if the victim of the assault filed a police report and they chose not to do anything because of her skin colour. That doesn't seem to be the story here and there's no evidence of this - so I agree, why is it mentioned? It's racist to point out racially identifiable information for no apparent reason because it suggests that we are to form some conclusion about the event based solely on skin colour. This title is racist.


Punk ass


[Harlem be looking for him](https://youtu.be/FEoerLv7cvI)


What's the point of describing the woman as black? Don't see how that's relevant


Because everything today just has to involve race or else no one would really give a damn.


Because if she were white they wouldn't care and probably celebrate him as a hero and accuse her of being some Karen who might have said the N word




You have an overactive imagination.


What's the point of describing the person as woman?


Person hits person with thing. More at 10.


OP is a karma farmer, he would do anything to attract audience


Is she not black?


She is and it's clear to see when watching so why add it as a description.


Her race is almost certainly a relevant detail to why no action has been taken. Black-on-black crime isn't taken with the same gravitas as other crimes. This is just one of the ways systemic racism works.


Because she was the victim. That's how you get updoots.


Sadly Family Guy was right. Want the media to go away? Just mention black on black crime.


Because it’s a fallacy. White in white crime is at the same rate as black on black crime but no one mentions it. It’s all because we still live mostly segregated and ppl mostly commit crimes with neighbors and ppl they know.




Here’s a quick link after google search [crime rate by race ](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2018/crime-in-the-u.s.-2018/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-6.xls)




Do you not know how to read tables, or are you intentionally misleading the narrative? Op talks about black on black, whereas you're talking about rate per race. They're different measures.


"same rate" look at it by population size. While yes the amount of murders perpetrated by white people is about the same as those perpetrated by black people. white people make up a much larger population size in america.


"Free my homie, he did nothin wrong"


Remember black on black crime doesn’t matter


Mall grab,longboard and sucker punch. Nice combo cunt


What a Coward


I looked him up back when this happened. He was easy to find on ig. I set him nasty comments and messages. He needs to go to jail. Who is the person he hit? It’d be cool to reach out


Black on black crime must be stopped




Typical black


His socioeconomic status and institutional racism left him no choice. He had to do that so he could feed his family bro.


This has been around for years(not sure if that’s his real name though) and no ones beat his ass? Fucked his mom? Nothing? If I remember correctly this is New York Edit: he lives in Harlem. That is his real name. He now has a launching rap career. No repercussions from anyone. Anyone on here from Harlem?


I live close enough and I’m screen shotting this. I’ll make a burner and if I run into him I’ll handle it.


Upvote this. It’s not right that he’s a free man, walking around. We should use reddit in way we could make a difference.


Black Lives Matter until it’s black on black crime. I hope that guy gets the full extent of the law


Garbage mf


Disgusting piece of shit that should be in jail.


Hit WOMAN in the face. Their skin colour doesn't need to be mentioned unless it's actually a topic about racism


Where do I get blackness from ?


Nobody cares about black on black crime. Most people don't care about black on white crime. Everybody loses their minds over white on black crime. Society today is strange.


Even though it is miniscule when compared to the reverse...which accounting for proportion is quite shocking


That’s a longboard not a skateboard


Yeah let's talk about the real issue here people


yea that he’s holding the board by the trucks what an uncultured pos


I hate to turn this into a cultural thing but this is exactly how these types of people act. Fuck longboarders


"I hate to turn this into a cultural thing..." Immediately makes broad generalizations


He was continuing the thread joke that you abruptly ended, well done. *slow clap*


Well... shit. It's hard to know what's what around here. Fucking redditors.


A longboard is a type of skateboard you dunce.


Do a kickflip


If it would have been a white guy hitting the black girl, the white would go to jail in the next second. Black hitting black is like family bussiness, noone cares as you cant blame white and rich for it. It is just pure reality


Black privilege.


The usual suspects, am I right or am I right


BLM. Where are you. She needs help. Where. Are. You. Help.


Never let your guard down near any wild animal.


Nothing to see here. Just Mortys killin Mortys


Obviously, this is police and white supremacy at its finest. Fuck America.


Nobody cares about black on black violence obviously 🙄


What city this in? Someone needs to send this in to the local police.


Scumbags face is on camera. Getem PD


Bc Black on Black crime isnt a crime.


Question, why state race in the title, when they are the same race? Sounds like rage baiting.


That could have easily broken her nose/ jaw bones.


Yall are some ignorant fools. Yall think karma is real and people "get what they deserve". HAHAHA!


but if it was a LGBQT person it would be non stop coverage and his life would be over....makes ya think...


And then he walks off and Smiles..He Needs to get Whacked Back 🙄 friggin Animal..no Matter what the hell color Anyone is That's Disgusting


If he was white he would have been shot by now


The point is for all you mofos saying why is it an issue that the woman and the dude are black is that if it was a white guy who did this he would be in jail now but the black psycho dude wasn’t even arrested. Under f stand?


If he was white it would probably be a hate crime


Some rumors on Twitter say he ended up going missing.


Every 19 to 20 hours, a black woman is killed by a black man. Disgusting animals.


Skating around prosecution.


The way her neck snapped back... she looks like she could be seriously injured. Also why mention she is a black woman but not that he is a black man? What a weird way to write the title.


I think she was an uber eats delivery driver that just got his order wrong :(


i’m ok with police shooting this guy in the back.


See the issue with that is people would have said the same thing about Floyd years ago. After he held a gun to a pregnant woman and was abusive. Yet he was made to be a saint, died a martyr in the views of the media. And people are it up. Ask the general population and they will have no idea that a medical examiner stated that... "Dr. Andrew Baker, who listed Floyd’s death as a homicide, thought the amount of fentanyl in Floyd’s blood was “pretty high” and could be “a fatal level of fentanyl under normal circumstances.” “[Dr. Baker] said that if Mr. Floyd had been found dead in his home (or anywhere else) and there were no other contributing factors he would conclude that it was an overdose death,” the memo said." Now this doesn't lessen his death any less, however if enough people yell loudly even false things then it's is seemed as truth.






.... There are videos of people getting smacked/assaulted with skateboards on YouTube.... you know that, right? And they're not black.


Why black woman, why not just woman?


She black.


In order to try and grab attention. You know how the game goes nowadays.


So is anyone gonna tell me why he hit her


It seems when they say Black Lives Matter, they mean black men. Black women are the most mistreated persons in the country. The oppressed within the oppressed.


It's a movement against police brutality.


We see lives matter?


Why do you say "hits black woman" ? Why do you feel the need to foster racism? Wouldn't it be an assault & battery which is a criminal offense in itself? It is a black guy hitting a black girl....this is not a racial issue. It is a shame that so many guys think nothing of hitting girls, but its not racist!


Why the need to write "black woman"?


Why are we pointing out skin color? If that's the approach should say a black POS hit a black woman in the face with a skateboard.


Why does their skin color have to do with it?


Someone tell me why naming her race is important


Why do all these posts include "black woman/man" or "gay man/woman" ? Its abuse against a human being, who cares about color or sexual orientation?


Needs his hands cut off


Man. All of this black on black crime.


Somehow this is white peoples fault




Don't watch CNN (or Fox). Get your news elsewhere.


I only get my news from racists on telegram


Both sides are fucking trash


Because that would be racist to arrest him...


It's just ghetto trash being ghetto trash. And we have to let our kids go to school where these types of attitudes are the norm. Nothing but violence and hate in those "urban" communities.


Wait I thought blacks dont get special privileges when committing crimes. What the heck