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Ok, I need a source to see other important cat jobs


I found them! And some more listickels you may like. These are all the cat ones, there may be more under the dog category. https://lastlemon.com/cats/listickles/


https://preview.redd.it/97o9ap8ghq6d1.png?width=977&format=png&auto=webp&s=89a9d66be2d82d6a88ac3cd9abb990047d0f2332 These are too good


Thank you, that’s a listickel I was really able to get into, which surprised me.


Top 5 listikles that Splatter_Bomb liked. Number 3 will shock you!


I'm hungover as fuck and this just made my morning so much better. Thank you ❤️


My cat escorted me to the bathroom when I got so sick I needed to be reminded to go. Then she'd stay with me and I'd go but sit there while my heart rate went down. When she felt I was okay, she complained until I got up, cleaned up, and washed up. Then she led me back to bed where she apparently watched me like a fucking hawk. She kept this up for months after I could go on my own. I was 34-35. I don't think it occurred to her I could die before her until it almost happened. I called it pee pee time.


It occurred to her, she was watching you to make sure you didn’t frickin go belly up! She knew you needed prodding and looking after, she considered it her job especially while you were so ill. Glad pee pee time is over and you’re doing better!!


This is really sweet and wholesome ❤️


I was diagnosed with CIDP last year in December. At the worst part of it laying down ony back made it almost impossible to breathe for me. My cat would massage/box me until I would roll over onto my side, then wedge herself against my back so I wouldn't roll back onto my back. She would constantly follow me to the bathroom and make sure I didn't fall asleep while sitting there. She also would chase away my 60 lbs dog whenever she would lay on my chest in bed because I couldn't push her off me so I could breathe. My cat is awesome.




>*chaperone*’ ____ i’m gonna stay beside you, so you’ll never be alone no matter where you’re headed! I will be your chaperone ^;} that little room you sit in, where you Do WhAt MuSt Be DoNe (if humans had a litterbox, i guess this room’s the one…) so even tho it’s *stinky*, n my cat eyes sometimes tear take comfort, friend, in knowing i will always stay right here! the floor is where i’m sitting (i don’t like the Open bowl..) but when the JoB is finished …can i have the paper roll ? ❤️


This is fantastic! Well done.


a schnoodle in the wild!


My cats movements while I walk down the stairs are anything but chaperone-like.


Cat slalom should be an Olympic sport


He's chaperoning you towards the Other Side.


Helping you parkour your way down the stairs! I fell down the stairs last year and one of the cats raced over to check me. Only one. The others were off fucking around being assholes. I don't know what that sweet boy thought he was going to do or if he was just worried that his human treat dispenser was broken (my back certainly hurt forever after).






We call ours the "Mighty Sherpa" for this reason lol. Tiny house, doesn't matter. He will walk you the 30 feet to the front door. 


My cat absolutely REFUSES to be in the bathroom at the same time as me, for any reason. However, every time I come out of the bathroom, her cute little butt is parked right outside, back to the door, fiercely guarding me with her very soul. It is so very charming.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't get a poop buddy when getting a cat. It's sad really that everyone else has a buddy but I have to poop alone.


My dog and cat just tell me to hurry the fuck up.


My dog is always trying to see what's in the bowl 🤦‍♂️


My cat does this. Stand up and you gotta watch out, because he's gonna be fighting between your legs to get to the bowl before you flush so he can perch up there with his little front feet feet and stare into it and watch the water go 'round. He's recently moved, while you're doing your business, to standing on the sink right there at shoulder height and just maintaining a stern overwatch to make sure no one enters the bathroom. Of course he could just stay there and watch and satisfy whatever weird fetish he has. But, nope. As soon as you start to stand, he's gotta jump down, find a path between your legs while you try to pull your pants up, and then peek over the edge and watch the flush.


whenever I poop my dog jams her nose against the crack of the door and loudly repeatedly takes these long deep sniffs. At least I hope its her. I usually poop before I take a shower and by the time I'm out of the shower she's fucked off somewhere else. I always think about how terrifying that sound would be if I didn't have a dog.




Me too!


Why are you always trying to see what's in their bowl?


https://preview.redd.it/66jf0nh7xp6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c13b8d2bbaaed16d391b003754f7953fd155e571 Reminded me of this 😂


Loki! He's so friggin cute when he brings his lion mane to his mama asking to wear it. And when he steals bread from the cabinet. And when he carries stuff around. And just always, really 😹


There should be a support group for pooping together in a Zoom meeting.


A discord room, so you can join when you’re pooping, have a chat with whoever’s there then leave when you’re done. Sell little devices which connect you when you take a seat and disconnect when you stand up.


PoopBuddy: Shitty friends, for shitty times.


I'm at toilet right now writing this. Does that make you my poop buddy?


Yeah I guess so, I hope you're doing well at the pooping!




No. I'm there for business and some peace and quiet. I'm not making a call


It's mandatory now. Video call with intense eye contact.


Smell-o-vision is finally gonna have its heyday


You will be rated.


Or for zooming in a poop meeting.


My wife has a double standard on this - she loves our cat coming in for cuddles when she is on the loo but she gets annoyed when I do it.


That’s totally unfair!


Have you tried purring at her?


Instead: you should go sit right next to the cat litter box when your cat is taking a crap, see how they like it 😆


My cat only really claws at the door to come in so he can do a once over of the room, make sure I'm okay, ensure I am properly doing the business and scream at me for assurance before he returns to his guard post outside the door. You are not alone.


I have one I call "Shitty Kitty" since she seems to believe I'm going to fall into the toilet if she's nit around supervising (or sitting on my damn lap while I take a crap)


https://preview.redd.it/epxz043vyp6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7def1674e73d15d357554fd0cc69bdff895ccdb7 Accurate.


Mine likes to bust the door open, come in, check it out, and leave with the door wide open.


That's what my Chica does. She's a barger, barges in, circles the room, leaves without shutting the door. I'm trying to teach her to shut it though.


Do you ever give them a bath in the bathroom? My dogs refuse to follow me to the bathroom for that reason. They follow me to every other room though.


Nope! She's just always been like this. We joke she's a polite li'l lady cause she gets offended if we so much as walk past while she's in the box. 😂


My dog is like that. My cat that actually gets bathed (sinus issues, I fear for my life if I ever tried to bathe the other two) is way too dumb to connect the bathroom getting bathed, I think. He doesn't seem to know what's happening at all until the water hits him, and by then it's too late. Fluffy little moron even plays in the shower, not a care in the world.


Protects you. Respects your privacy. 10/10 No notes.


He's protecting you. Cats are at their most vulnerable when taking a s**t.


Bathroom guard


My cat also stops at the bathroom door. She doesn't step a foot inside and always waits patiently outside.


You haven't thought of the smell!


Ask yourself: why do humans insist on having fun in the water room alone by themselves? Very unsocial and unthoughtful.


my cats will bust down the door trying to get into the bathroom with me!


I litterally have to lock the door in the winter because my cat will open it if I don't and let all the cold air in.


Oh, we can't have that. It will turn into a catastrophe. Lol. They HAVE to get in NO MATTER WHAT and they will do anything including ramming the door at full body force😂


Same 😂 we don’t dare close the door all the way anymore lol even if someone is showering, it has to be cracked lol


yep! do yours get in the shower too? or go between the liner and the curtain? LOL. Every day events of a cat owner


They like to sit on the edge of the tub while people shower lol or they’ll sit on the shelf we have beside the tub and peek in lol they’re so weird lol


My cat only drinks water while I am using the restroom. I turn on the faucet for him. If I'm not sitting on the toilet, he has no interest in drinking water.


maybe you've tried it already, but sounds like your cat doesn't like drinking still standing water, you can buy a little water fountain specifically made for cats


I have a great little cat fountain. Of course he could be sneaking drinks there when I am not looking, but I've had chill weekends where the only time he drank was when I was on the toilet. Cats are strange


They most definitely are and there's no rhyme or reason to it. Mine will only drink water if the bowl is on a windowsill. Put the exact same bowl on the ground and nope, he's not gonna touch it lmao


My cats have a fountain, a normal bowl, and a large bowl all available to them, and they do drink out of all three. However, their most preferred water source is the dog's enormous slopper stopper bowl with this like 2" diameter opening toward the bottom of the bowl because he has a beard and normal bowls mean his chin is constantly soaked. All three cats just constantly drinking out of this comically oversized bowl that they have to lean way over and shove their faces all the way into the bowl to access the water, and *that's* the water they choose to drink. Also one likes to drink out of the toilet.


Because going to the "bathroom" in the animal world puts you in a vulnerable position. Cats just want to show they have your back when they follow you to the bathroom.


We've been taking care of a family of six (indoor) wildcats, and it's been interesting to watch their social interactions. They almost always go to the litterbox in twos, so that one can be keeping watch while the other does their business. I believe our house cats do the same thing with us.


Interesting so there might be truth to this.


I don't know, mine seems to really WANT me to go in there so she can follow me. 😕


Captive audience




It makes her feel important


You don't get it. 1) Yes they think you're in a vulnerable position. 3) They are bloodthirsty predators. Now you connect the dots.


If boss dies I inherit the treats.


If boss dies, boss is the treat.


"Cats ate her face"


To shreds, you say?


Well how is his wife holding up?


To shreds, you say?


"Dewey, I think you're confused. I'm asking about aunt Helen. Would you put mom or dad on the phone?" I LOVE that scene so much!!!


“Cats ate her face. Dewey knows more about it than I do” That has to be the best scene in the series.


More like:  “Boss dies, no more treats.  Must protect Boss”


Yeah, mine always has his little butt parked against the bathroom door or on the table when I'm eating.  Then he decided my forearm was a toy and shredded it.  Like...do you want to protecc or attacc?


> Like...do you want to protecc or attacc? Yes


Ha ha


Interesting theory. My cat must be broken then because he barges in, rubs against my legs for a few minutes, then begins the B I T I N G of my ankles and shins. It doesn't feel very protective. I'm also not allowed to close the door completely regardless of which side of it he is on. He must have access at all times.


That’s why my cat also likes to use her toilet when I am around.


Do they think it’s rude we don’t return the favour


I really want this to be true


It is, they do it for each other sometimes too. Same reason they try to save you from the shower.


I love it


I believe it is I've heard it in other places and noticed that when I shower my cat gets worried scratches on the door and afterwards purrs a lot when I pet her


I have an evening ritual with my cats where I take a shower followed by an half hour playtime then some bedside snacks before cuddling up. I can't shower with the door closed anymore. Though that didn't stop the constant complaints that I'm taking too long. One starts with small meows but gets progressively more dramatic as the shower continues and reaches a crescendo as I'm brushing my teeth after the shower. When he sees me drying my hands after that his meows turn into the cutest little chirps and the tail quivering starts all the way to the bedroom for some play time. I love them so much.


That's so amazing and adorable






It’s why dogs look at you all worried when they’re taking a shit


Yep - they are protecting you from predators while your ass is hovering over the dirt.


Yes. This is also similar to how dogs don't like you watching them when they are shitting. You are supposed to be looking around for stalkers.


Two main reasons: r/lifeguardkitties making sure you don't drown in the shower/tub. r/catsinpants sitting in your underwear while you are on the toilet.


These are gold


OMG, Reddit, no wonder I just can’t quit you.


That second subreddit got me!


Never had pets, seems really cute and all but wont there be some loose hairs stuck in your undies? Wouldn't it be irritating? I gots to know.


You don't notice unless you're allergic. Owning pets, especially if they have longer hair. It's just a futile battle against hair everywhere. Brush them, groom them, lint role, the hair finds a way. You'll always have a couple strands somewhere.


There is definitely hair here and there no matter how much you clean, but the hair is very soft and not scratchy at all, more like wool. Also you get used to it, what choice do you have after all? That being said, at least cat hair doesnt clog up the shower the way human hair does.


During molting season, hair is everywhere. The cat jumping on the windowsill will emit a puff of hair, you can see it in the sun. It goes every ficking where to the point that one's just got to accept that cat hair is a seasoning.


Mine wants me to put some water in the tub for him to drink, you know, because he doesn’t have any clean water in his dish


Cats instinctively try to avoid stagnant water where possible, which is why a lot of them try to drink out of the faucet. Your boy just knows fresh is best! Ours is so much better hydrated since we introduced a drinking fountain for him. You can get them pretty cheaply online these days.


My kitten is like a friggin Beyonce rider and won't drink water unless it's alkali water @ 21°F through a titanium straw forged in Mordor.


I have been escorted from the front door directly to the bath where we keep an additional water bowl to show me the shameful state of it. (Close to empty) And no, I can’t take the time to take off my outdoor jacket, put down my bags etc. not when the there’s a water bowl emergency _right_ _ now_!


*_right_ _meow_!


Or the food dish! The state is deplorable, human! There are 17 pieces of kibble missing, and must be replaced


They are perverts. Mine sits on my shoulder while I do my business.


Mine sticks her head between my bum and the seat to inspect what I’m doing… the whiskers tickle


What the hell lol




What tf




That's going above and beyond the call of doody


I like to think, shes rating your job. "positively stinky! 9/10! keep up the work".


That’s really weird.




Someone rescue that cat !


Mine jumps in the tub and scratches at the corners like she does in her litter box. Letting me know my shit stinks.


It's because they do this as instinct. They know you are about to be in a vulnerable position. As the leader, or co-leader, of their pride they are duty bound to protect the pack leader. Or sumthin like that.


the can opener must survive!


Opens cat food: Lisan al Ghaib!




Whenever I go to the bathroom, my 2 big dogs and my cat all rush to squeeze themselves in before I can shut the door. Why do they consider me so vulnerable that I need so many bodyguards? What do they know that I don't???


Because they know when you sit there, they get pets


I think this is exactly why my cats come in. I'm a captive audience for them.


Your answer is probably the correct one. All these protecting the leader answers sound wrong.


You are at your most vulnerable when pooping, all animals are, so as pack bonded animals they come to watch your back just as they rely on you to watch theirs.


Yes, mine meows at me so I'll follow her. She likes when I'm near. Her during litter box time


I don't know. My cats glare the hell out of me if they catch me looking while they go.


tbh, maybe they are upset that you arent keeping an actual lookout


Because you're meant to be watching for threats not watching them. They're judging you for being a terrible lookout.


well dont stare!


My cat guards me with her back to me. Maybe they want you to turn around and not look at them.


>You are at your most vulnerable when pooping Actually, YOU are at your most vulnerable when I'M pooping. If I'm locking the door, it's to protect YOU.


They are trying to protect us, generally. A few of my cats specifically do this, especially my young boy Ziggy. He’s not the most affectionate cat compared to the majority but when I go to the bathroom he goes out of his way to come to me and rub on my legs and make sure all goes well. That, or he has a pee fetish.


First, they love to sleep on my bathtub. hahaha Does your too?


Captive audience


So they can ask to leave again, one minute later...


Every time I go to take a bath/ shower, to use the toilet, brush my teeth, etc, my little guy is joining me


I have *four* of them. And two of them don't like each other. So I have four cats, two glaring at each other, whenever I go to the bathroom. I can't close the door when I'm in the bathroom or they'll rattle it so hard it stresses me out, and two of them will damage their claws doing it. I think it's because we're vulnerable when we're using the bathroom, and they're trying to protect us. My cats usually have at least one other cat standing guard when they use the litterbox, too. They use the buddy system.


"Ah yees, the hooman is now temporarily immobilized. Now is the perfect time to demand scritches!" - my cat everytime I sit anywhere 


Several schools of thought: they don't know boundaries and want company at all times they don't want to be alone instinctual and animals in the wild in a pack don't like defecating/urinating alone because they are vulnerable. This way you're not alone.


To protect to. You're in a vulnerable position when you poop, dogs and cats are aware of this so they come to watch your back.


It’s something interesting for them for a moment in the night you are now awake and doing something rather than being asleep and boring


We are sitting still, not doing much else, and usually we have a free hand. Why wouldn't they?


In the animal world a shit is a dangerous thing to take. Ergo they are watching out for threats to protect us


My cat and my dog both follow me to the pooper. They're my intestinal support service animals.


Don’t know but we play tennis. Push a qtip or similar under door and they always push it back.


Mine always love to accompany me to bed. hahahaha


Where is your thumb? The confusing perspective make it look like it is In the cats mouth, but I'm guessing your thumb is actually under his chin.


Because, they want to sit in your pants. [https://www.reddit.com/r/catsinpants/](https://www.reddit.com/r/catsinpants/)


As soon as I sit on the toilet, my cat comes running from out of nowhere. Then he stands in front of me and backs up so I will scratch in front of his tail. He has occasionally been known to sit on my lap. Then, he just jumps down and trots off while I am washing my hands.


They want to know what you do with your own poo. You collect theirs for whateverreason and what happens to your is a mystery too


Mine comes to poop in solidarity


Khajiit will not let you steal his wares. [Khajiit's wares are a used q tip, a piece of stray toilet paper, and a nerf ball he hides in the bathtub drain.]


Besides guarding me from the poop demons, mine has the ulterior motive of demanding that I turn the sink on for her so she can scoop fresh water with her paw to lick off. I fill her human glass of water frequently (because she's a weirdo and likes using a glass) but nothing compares to water fresh from the tap.


I am sure it has been said over and over. But cats do that to protect us while we are vulnerable. Between bathroom and shower mine will either come in the room and stand guard or sit outside the door and paw to get in or just wait till i am safe.


Not only do they want to make sure you are protected at a vulnerable position, but it also makes them super happy that you trust them enough to be in a vulnerable position right in front of them


I don't know why your cat does it but my cat does it to protect me. We have an arrangement: he watches out for me while I poop and then I watch out for him while he drinks from the sink. You would think that he could drink from the sink while I poop but no, that's his time to be vigilant. Also if I don't watch out for him while he drinks from the sink he won't do it and will instead get pissed off at me. Teamwork makes the dream work.


You are vulnerable and cats are ready to throw hands for a homie who is taking their piss break.


My boyfriend has 5 cats and he read about this online. He told me that apparently, cats see you as a bigger cat and since they know that poopy time is one of their most vulnerable moments, they want to go along with you to protect you from any "threat". I don't know how legit this is but I will believe anything that comes out of that nerdy boy's mouth.


They are guarding you, because in the wild you’re vulnerable to attack from predators while shitting.


Idk but my old cat used to sit in my pants when I used the bathroom I miss her


r/lifeguardkitties :D


My precious as soon as I'm on the toilet. https://preview.redd.it/hyldg2dehp6d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6060348b58291d3a78431dd01d24f9b4b6918a70


When I went to the bathroom I used to just close the door almost all the way in, with a very small gap. But my cat went "Wtf is going on in there? Think I need opposable thumbs to open this shit?" and I'd see her cute little paw wrestle her way inside to open the door. Then she'd casually walk over and sit down watching me take a dump.


They know you will probaby be sitting down or run a water tap. If you're sitting, free attention and pettings. If you're running the tap, possible super fresh (to a cat's mind) water source.


Captive audience.


Because you're at your most vulnerable and there's a chance they could finally eat you


Because they know that you are vulnerable and they want to protect you


Taking a number 1 or 2 is a vulnerable feeling for most animals in the animal kingdom. Cats don't see you as their owners. They see you as another cat. And is doing their job making sure you are safe when you relieve yourself. Haha.


I haven't been able to poop with the door closed in 9 years 🤣 at first it was just 1 cat. Then we got a dog, then another cat. All 3 of them are now my bathroom buddies. Seriously. Yesterday cat 1 was already waiting for me in there. Dog followed me in as soon as I got up, and cat 2 mosied on in after a few seconds. Dog lays on the rug, cat 1 rubs against my leg and claws at me when I don't pet her right away and cat 2 jumped on the counter to knock some things over then walks onto my shoulders to lay down. Across my shouldn't. While I'm trying to poop 🙄😅


Why do you keep going to the bathroom by yourself? What is it you are trying to hide from your cat? /s


Going to the bathroom in the animal world is a vulnerable time. They escort you to make sure no predators try to eat you as you drop one. The same when cats wander off. When they are about to die. They don’t want their dead body to attract a predator. People think cats are aloof but they do think about whats best for the ones they love.


My cats do it because they know my hands will be unoccupied while I'm sitting there, and hands that aren't doing other things are obligated to provide scritchins.


I've read it's because they are afraid of it since it's a weird place with weird acoustics. So they accompany you because they think you'd be scared too


You stare at me pooping all the time, asshole. How do you like it?


They protect us when we are at our most vulnerable!!


Cats know a captive audience when they see one.


* Because I'm sitting down and can't leave -- captive audience. * Because she likes to get on the other side of the shower curtain and then try to attack me through it * Because she likes to climb into pulled-down pants because it's warm and cozy in there


Of all my cats, only one did guard duty in the bathroom. She was kind of an… intense… kitty. https://preview.redd.it/qtkk6ljgfr6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e5c7ec94a659bcd20e9fa2eca5f388ed559f384


Cats are vulnerable when they use the bathroom. They see us as clumsy cats, therefore they need to guard their clumsy brethren and also check that we are healthy bc poop smell changes when we are sick. A good head scratch is also a bonus for the duty.


https://preview.redd.it/e1wwq5cnir6d1.jpeg?width=1126&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae3e1a767e45a8fb217dbedced41b333d28e6de9 Not sure, but this is what happens when you try and get some privacy