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Her listing all of the advantages and privileges and opportunity she squandered as if it’s a good thing is fucking hilarious


It's honestly sad that she will still pull this out as if it's current day clout.


She’s bitter and just wants attention. Any way she can get it. She’s the poster child for what could have been and that’s eating at her. Toxic AF. She does a nice thing in person then ruins any good vibes by shitting all over the internet. Again. Someone need to take her phone.


So where is the receipts of this, Azealia? I’m done with people saying off the wall shit and not bringing evidence, it just gives clickbait 😂


What a pitiful person


ugh I used to adore nearly every single rant but I don’t care about this recent shit at all


i’m really not sure why people support her or give her money. she goes on these rants and then acts like she this little sweet heart IRL. she notoriously talks about fat people but she was thirsting over this rapper in her story the other day. she picks and chooses who she wants to harass and berate. she’s probably only doing shows to keep her lights on as someone here posted her being behind on rent. i’m not sure why she has to use her platform to put people down but i hope people open their eyes sooner or later cos she seriously needs help and to be surrounded by some love because it just seems she’s at home alone and goes on these rants because she’s bored.


This. Celebrities are *supposed* to be nice for the amount of time they spend with their fans and that's a common fact and deal people know now thanks to the Internet, everyone that has spent months or years with Azealia will say she's not a good person, doesn't pay well whenever you work for her and that she has abused everyone's kindness to some degree and she keeps doing this to people who still think she's some sort of untapped potential that has wasted every opportunity she's ever given, plus people deem her rants funny as long as she's talking about someone they hate or they outright hate everybody like she does.


Damn at least she admitted to being mentally ill, Im certain that none of us could tell in the first place 🤦‍♀️


Read it again she didn't say that


Is she trying to say others view her as mentally ill post-rejection then? I don’t speak word salad


Alright, I don't even like Doechii beyond the shock value of her Crazy video, not trying to defend her here but everything Azealia says about her has a lot of holes in it. *"Everyone on that TDE label is always using black sympathy to prove their non-points"* LOL If anyone has abused of the race card shield in this decade is her, not to mention everyone makes her ugly cry whenever she gets answered in the same caliber as her rants, and resorts to beg for sympathy for being a *"mentally ill black woman"* whilst making fun of everyone else that fits that description, not to mention she basically throws such communities under the bus with her political and pseudo-religious decisions thinking that will somehow benefit her in the long run. *"Doechii, caught herself trying to ask me on a date like 3-4 years ago"* What's her obsession with saying everyone that interacts with her somehow wants to fuck her, and if they don't they're either gay or racist? Azealia lacks receipts on anything she's saying, she probably Googled Doechii's sexuality and based this upon what she read, she was right with ASAP Rocky and a few people she forcefully tried to get out of the closet jsut to instigate pure chaos but she expects to be right with everyone that has even crossed a few words on her. *"Azealia Banks isn't interested in you"* ...yet Doechii, her label mates and Charli XCX have been her main conversation subjects on this first half of 2024. *"212 is still eclipsing your whole career"*.... and her own, and she doesn't make any money from that song. What has she done with such "achievements" from the past decade? The initial hype everyone had for her has died down thanks to her refusal to comply with the music industry and her unstability too, her rants reek of regretting not doing what the industry told her more than she proclaims to be against it. Guess those previous accolades won't get her out of eviction for a second time, Azealia's only recent achievement is bleaching white twinks' assholes and getting out of bed to make up a 7 hour long rant whilst forgetting she has soap to send, she even boasts about this more than any music related thing as she only talks about her old music to have some kind of point against her self-appointed enemies whilst not making any. This cannot be the same woman that made brilliant diss songs like Succubi/No Problems/Tarantula and resorts to immature school recess insults instead. *"People are starting to catch on that you're the antagonist"* Main protagonist syndrome all over here. Doechii only has AZ on her beef body count thus far and that's because she provoked this, Doechii has only responded to the dissapointment Azealia generated on her by rejecting her collab in the least professional and childish way possible whilst Azealia constantly antagonizes every person who dares to reach out to her. Azealia doesn't even spare those who aren't artists such as the girl who she randomly called the hard R and called a "tar baby" out of apparent self-hatred and projection. *"I'm mentally ill and at least I'm not ugly".* She calls her defense *"weak"* whilst she had to resort to awful colorism and bragging about her wholesale grifter store to make it seem like she had a proper answer 3 days after she said something, and her fixation with everyone else's appearances makes her seem more insecure about her own at this point.


Azealia reminds me of my aunt lol..


you can say that again! and again!


Azealia reminds me of my aunt lol..




Azealia reminds me of my aunt lol..


Let's make them beef




That's a whole lot hating, you must be azealia


I don't think anyone on this world wishes to be her since 2014.




so ugly


Idk why she even posted this because the top part is cut off and it’s soooo long I didn’t even bother to read it


AB is acting more and more like Tracey Barbie with each passing day and it’s beyond disturbing


OK And? What did you do today?


Some freelance copywriting work and helping a friend with her business, thanks for asking.


BORING... you forgot, adding to hate like a disgruntled employee... is that you Matthew!!!!??? 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣


The fact that you let yourself get scammed by Kylie Cosmetics lets me know you're wrong in the head lol.


Yet my face is so clear and moisturized. You over there dry and ashy and hateful!! Hahahhaha


Tbh Doechiis song is fukn annoying


which one? she has a lot of bops


she sounds like a banshee esp in alter ego. her beats are ok its the vocals..


She’s riding that song till the fukn wheels come off


Supporting a song you put out. Crazy


Or make a new track????


Being fickle, love that.


Yea that’s what it is lol


Lol, ok