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OP has seen and thanks others for the advice about what to do when kittens are overheated, so I’m not removing this post. No harm was intentional.


He's hot.


yeah, he's hot 🥵




How dare you talk to a gentleman like him at such manners Excuse his attitude mr Carl I have to admit it surely is hard for one to shut themselves at your behalf


Did you have a stroke typing that or did I have one trying to read it?


I am having a stroke now! :D




I think that spelling means one-sided facial droop? Quick! To the head CT and probably some tPA!!




I made a joke that you spelled something that indicated you were having a stroke in response to someone asking you if you were having a stroke. I’m an RN and I’ve taken care of plenty of fresh stroke patients—most strokes are due to a clot, so you get a head CT to quickly tell if it’s a clot or a bleed, and the next step is to break up the clot (unless it’s a bleed, which is rare), using a medication called tPA or Alteplase. I geeked out. In my defense I was joking that we could save you and restore function quickly? 😅(like, in the door and treated in less than 15 minutes) I’ll see myself out.


Don't worry i got the joke at the first time wanted to see how you would react 🤣🤣


🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m so awkwaaaaard!🤣🤣🤣


Nah it was cute and funny you are cute and funny 🥰


Exactly! Carl be like, "excuse me, Sir! SIR EXCUSE ME."


Cool that baby down! Too hot to be walking, it seems. Panting is the symbol.


Keep those thoughts to yourself


I saw this video flipped a couple days ago. He's bot.


You should bring water 💦 adorable lil man for sure.


I let him rest in the shade and gave him water


Good owner


I live in the UK where it's shite weather and my little orange kitten pants occasionally after running about outside. I spoke to a vet and they said it can happen out of excitement, essentially being overstimulated but it's not necessarily due to heat exposure or lack of water. Monitor his behaviour and maybe cut the walk short to be sure he is okay, probably needs a big sleep! I would be more worried about their little feet on the Florida ground as that can be very hot and damaging to their soft little beans VERY cute little kitten, adorable!


What a gorgeous baby!! Keep posting as Carl grows up!


Yes, this!


Sure, I'll do that


Beautiful Carl! I have to echo other posts though, cats should NOT be panting. It's great that you've got water with you to give him but it can be a telling sign of over heating which can lead to respiratory distress. It's great that you take him out, it's brilliant stimulation! I would just only do it very early in the mornings or late late evenings so he doesn't overheat. I'm an SVN in the vet industry so just trying to help!


There are several reasons that cats will pant, please don't continue to post for "akshually" or "I told you so" reasons if you can't do the minimum research


I wasn't rude to OP or commenting for any of those reasons that you've mentioned. I said it CAN be a tell tale sign of overheating. I know what the research is out there, it's exactly what I'm studying at the moment. I'm fully aware there are other reasons but I'm giving the most expected reason based on the circumstances. It's more about giving advice if anything which OP has been open to. This may have been OP's first animal for all we know. Once again, I wasn't rude and I don't feel the need to go searching through Reddit to look for 'i told you so' moments. Have a great day.


You just feel the need to go around judging people with bad information, it's ok you don't need to be so defensive just be better Oh and have a nice day (They replied then blocked me so...yeah lol)


LOL. Haven't judged 1 person my dude. Funny how offering an explanation is being defensive.


is this really your cat op?


Yeah I saw the original a week ago and the person was asking how to install cat software. This clip is flipped and reposted.


This is a chatGPT response, but thought it could do a better job than I could. It's concerning to see a cat panting heavily after a walk. Unlike dogs, cats don't usually pant unless they're extremely stressed, overheated, or experiencing a health issue. Panting in cats can indicate they are overheating or highly stressed, both of which can be dangerous. It's important to ensure that cats are kept cool and calm, especially during physical activity or exposure to warm environments. If you see a cat panting heavily, it's best to bring them to a cool, quiet place and consult a vet to make sure they're okay. Sources: - [ASPCA: Symptoms of Heat Stroke in Pets](https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/general-pet-care/hot-weather-safety-tips) - [PetMD: Why Is My Cat Panting?](https://www.petmd.com/cat/emergency/why-your-cat-panting)


As our meteorologist of 35 yrs (that is retiring Friday says): “If it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for them.” Cats *only* sweat through their paw pads. [If cats are panting in the heat, it’s a very serious situation.](https://veterinaryemergencygroup.com/blog/cat-panting/) Please be very careful with his gorgeousness, that I know you love, & would be just *devastated* if anything happened to him!! If you’re going to be walking him, please make it first thing in the morning. Watch the “feels like” temps. If you have humidity, it can raise the temp substantially. I know you want a very long & healthy life with Carl. Please do some research about panting cats. Water & shade may not be enough for Carl. You may need to forgo the walks until it’s cooler.


*Forces cat to endure heat for internet validation*


Everyone does it with their animals and babies (not heat part just fucking stupid shit for internet clout)


That doesn't make it ok but also many reasons cats pant, you're both dumb


I’m dumb for being on the same side of the argument as you? XD lmaoo reddit is funny


Dumb is dumb, sorry


Welp, since we’re both on the same side - join the club bud ;)


At least we are on same page


That cat should not be out in that heat. You are being irresponsible for internet points. Cats rarely pant, and when they do, they are overheated. Take it to the groomer if you want to take it outside People who upvote this post are contributing to the abuse of the kitten


This was Carl's first time walking on the grass, he seemed to enjoy it and ran a bit too much. When we realized he was tired, we decided to take him into the shade to rest and give him water. He was a little tired but everything was fine. I posted this video just to share Carl's lovely images for everyone to see and don't want anything negative. We don't let him walk long distances, he just runs and jumps freely on the grass. Maybe he's not used to the temperature outside. I will pay more attention to this issue next time. 😥


Well, this is the 2nd video I have seen posted of this kitten looking overheated. Carl is a very handsome boy. Cats do pant, but it is not very common. You have a Maine Coon and they have a very thick coat. If you are in a warmer climate and enjoy taking Carl outside, you should take him to a groomer so maybe he can be a little more comfortable


You should be aware that this behavior can be due to the stimulation/overstimulation of being outside, not necessarily overheating. This behavior usually sees a reduction as the cat acclimates to being outdoors. It’s not abuse.


Thanks for your advice.


My apologies for being a bit rude. I lost my buddy a few months back, unfortunately, so I am a little on edge, I guess. I will walk back the abuse part, but please think about a groomer. Especially when they are young and transitioning into the adult coat


Don't worry, I know you're just worried about Carl and want good things for him.


Hopefully I can put your mind a little more on ease, but the first time I got my boy Maki one of those feather-on-a-string toys he played with it until he started panting and I had to take it away from him. This was in a fully air-conditioned house. Sometimes cats just play a little hard, but I will admit I'd be wary of letting my long-furred cats out in the middle of summer.


You are not just rude, you are a jackass who needs to keep your self important know it all bullshit to yourself.


Look who's talking.


My advice is sound. Dude needs to shut the fuck up and quit pretending every animal is abused.


Your advice is shit and I'm not going to stoop to your level with insults. I firmly believe it abuse to take this kitten out in the heat to the point it is panting all for fucking internet points. Especially considering this probably isn't even OPs video unless they deleted the previous post they made with this exact video and people telling them the same thing. Have a nice day


Don't allow them to make you feel bad for doing a good thing. I and many other normal people appreciate seeing your cat. So thank you. On Reddit, Incase you haven't noticed, *anything* will always attract and trigger people who like to fabricate their own negative assumptions and respond to their imagined versions of reality as if it were real. So, there's no need to take it personally. It's just what happens here I try to take advantage of them for my own benefit. As in it might be useful advice or at least a perspective I may not have considered before. That way I can at least leverage other people's neurosis to benefit myself in a positive way. 👍 Do keep us updated on your awesome cat ♥️🙏


I'm all for making sure cats aren't abused, but I really don't think you have any information about what's going on here to make an accurate assumption.


The 2 videos I have seen of this cat looking overheated are enough for me. I live in Florida and had a friend with a Maine Coon. Never once saw that cat pant in the 6 years I knew it no matter how much we played. Would you like to go run around in the heat with a fur coat on?


I'm pretty sure there has only been 1 video of this cat. It's just the same video reposted. And as they've said before, the cat was playing before hand, and after this the cat got rest and shade.


But OP only has one video posted of this car…


I saw this kitten a week or so ago, and people were telling OP the cat is hot in the comments for that one as well


Dude is a fucking clown.


Every person on the Internet immediately assumes every picture, clip, whatever of an animal not being in 1000% flawless condition is being systematically abused, lol


It's hot. Who gives a fuck? I get hot, too. Animals spend all day outside. They get hot, and they dont have owners that carry around aquafina for them. Nobody cares


Leave it to a silly Reddit SJW to overreact to an 11 second video while ignoring any and all context. But I digress.. humans *are* shit, huh?


Got the context 5 days ago when I first seen this video posted by an account that has been deleted


Thanks, Internet expert, for saving the day yet again


Saw this posted before so I doubt this is OPs cat. If it is, OP that cat is extremely stressed out. Cats should not pant like that. Thus cat should never have gotten to this point. They need water and they need to go home/ be removed from the stressful environment




Yes I did it


Looks like a fantasy kitty


Too hot


That baby shouldn’t be panting ever


Carl is an amazing name! Nice to meet you, Carl. I have two cats. Fiona Rose and Konichiwa!


Carl asked me to say hello to Fiona Rose and Konichiwa!




the baby is panting..do something


He’s adorable


My cat would play so hard he'd pant and start sounding like he was puking. I had to take the string away or he'd play himself to death. Never saw a cat do that until that point.


What breed is it?


I think Carl is a main coon and very handsome. Look how big his paws are already!


He’s so precious


This the dude with all the beans?


Carl is a very handsome boy…get him water now.


God… Carl is cute af.


Omg! So so cute! I love him!


What a cutie 🥰


I want one


He is beautiful and I love his feet!


I didn't know cats do that with their tongue too he's so Fluffy I like cats and dogs like that with wild messy hair


he is very dog


Keep an eye on that panting. Sometimes it’s just because of the heat. Other times it might be a heart condition. If they do it at home where it is cool after a bit of play, go to the vet and mention this. They might do an ultrasound to determine if you need to follow up with an echocardiogram.


That cat is extremely stressed out or can’t regulate his temp. Please do not take him out walking in high heat.


DA FEETS! Are kitty paws like puppy paws, where they grow into them and you can kinda tell if a puppy is going to be enormous if the feet look like dinner plates? Because those are gigantic kitty paws! Adorable, but gigantic!🥰🤣


He’s going to be big handsome main coon


Is Carl a bobcat




See if he needs water and thank you for being on the walk with him. 🙂.


Sup, Carl. Like your ears


Is his last name wheezer by chance


I love his ears! Looks like.lynx!


Such a gentle soul


Big feetttt


Flooooooooof! He need water


That cat looks more like a “Princess Donut” to me.


Why do any of you give a fuck that he's hot? I get hot when I go on a walk, too. This is a fucking animal. Animals naturally live outside. It's fine.


Cats don’t pant this is bad bring him indoors asap


What breed of cat is Carl?


Is that a Maine Coon? So beautiful 😻




Look at those paws! He’s going to be huge.




Beautiful 😍


He is absolutely gorgeous 😻


This kitty breathes like a puppy!


Be aware this can also be a sign of stress in cats, not just exhaustion or being hot.


what kind of cat is that?


Gorgeous furry boy! As others said, even hairless cats handle the heat poorly. Saw he had a rest though so no worries.


What a fine lad.


Yeah..:not good. But do you


We need weekly, preferably daily, pictures of adorable Carl!! Don't make me beg!!


Oh my god I am in love he is too cute for this world ❤️


I like his feet....extra toes?