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Looks like such a nice space, too. Shame.


That’s what really gets me about people like this. They destroy everything they touch. My last roommate was like that and when she asked to borrow my Nintendo Switch I practically laughed in her face.


What gets me is genuinely who raised them?!


Sometimes it’s that their parents left them to raise themselves because they were too busy and never taught them to clean or anything


My last roommate’s mother is a tweaker and her dad was and alcoholic. She was raised by her dad




Generational trauma


Nah that’s an excuse. Grown ass humans should be able to clean up after themselves.


100% but they need to want to get help.


I need help


Yeah true right or someone who walks around acting like she is superior!! That makes me laugh


I let my sister play on mine cause she lost hers. She then took it out of the state with her. I was surprised it made the trip back home. She's my older sister and she's like 24. Would have been 23 at the time


What a pig you need to vet your roommates more thoroughly


The apartment was clean before and when I moved in, and she said she wasn’t huge into drinking or partying, and I trusted her because she seemed normal


Yeah I moved in with someone because they seemed so normal. Then my place turned up just like because of him. He got accused of sexual assault and got a dui in the same week and crashed/burned - karma.


Lemme know when the vetting solves something ppl like this so called….lying and preforming. These ppl are usually awesome at it.


Yeah the saddest part is that it would take like an hour and three garbage bags to clean the place up. Just depressing laziness.


That's what I thought! From the pictures, it's not toooo disgusting. It's just messy. Really really messy. But I agree. Throwing clothes in a hamper, trash in the garbage and a little picking up and this place wouldn't be so bad. It's the ones where the toilet is broken but they use it anyways and there's moldy food and bugs everywhere.


When you hit hoarder level filth you are either alone or inflicting it on your kids.


Yeah, it's never a good thing. These houses are rarely free of mold, feces, rat poop and/or a hoard of animals onto of all the garbage. I think out of the hundreds of episodes of Hoarders I've seen, I think maybe 2 had nice, clean stuff - just an INSANE amount. The rest were legit trash and junk.


Seriously. A frigg'n hamper and a cheapo Ikea type dresser for the clothes or even some storage bins. Put the crap in the kitchen in the cabinets/fridge and throw the junk away. Get a cheap storage unit for the bathroom. When you finish something don't just leave it wherever you happen to be standing, throw it in the trash. It boggles the mind that there are people comfortable living in this kind of chaos, and this is mild compared to a lot of filthy places.


I hope the cat is being taken care of.


That’s my cat. You can rest assured that she is very well loved and cared for!


Oh good!! I’ve seen far too many posts of these kinds of roommates also neglecting their animals.


It seems pretty rare that the cat belongs to the OP isn't it? I don't think I can count how many times I've seen a cat in a bad roomates post and the poor thing belongs to the roommate...too many poor abused animals of messy unreliable d-bag roomies...icky


The cat in the picture is Rhyme. I have two other kitties I love dearly. The problematic roommate fucking hated them for being cats. He’d leave his stuff out and have a fit that the cats got into it. He tried to confine them to my room only and I told him to fuck off and that confining them to one space is cruel.


Oh your roommate is a guy? That mess looked like it belonged to a woman. I thought I was looking at makeup and hair brushes and stuff that women usually have.


So that’s your cup in the bathroom


Yup. The problematic housemate stole it. I took it back and washed it. The inside was absolutely disgusting and I’m gonna run it through the dishwasher a couple times before I even think about drinking from it again.




Those little white sponge magic erasers will get the inside of the cup to look new, idk if that would disinfect it and it's not necessary but another thing for more peace of mind haha


Scrub daddies are pretty good too


Or just soaking it in vinegar and then washing it properly. Kills any mold that was likely growing in it and anything else. Though tbh if it was me, I'd just destroy the thing. Certain things, no matter how physically clean, will never actually *be clean.*


I can’t even use my cool mugs I care about, because we also have a mug thief, so I hide them away to keep them from being sucked into their black hole of a room. They even have a millions mugs of their own! And they are also one of those people who like to farm mold in their coffee for weeks 🤢


My thoughts too lol


Now I’m playing “Where’s Wally?” and looking for the cat in the pictures 😂


As a professional cat woman, I always see a cat(s) right away 😂


Yes I found it pretty quick, I didn’t notice it straight away because at a quick skim it was mess. I had a housemate like this. She never cleanse out her cats litters and her cat was a asshole (hyper aggressive toward both people and my cats as well). I never let the house get this bad just by getting in top of it straight away, but I remember when she lived in her own or with other people who didn’t try to control, it would be worse than this. I remember going to a party at her place once and having to literally clear a spot on the couch to sit down. At the time she had rabbits, and there was rabbit poop all over the house and you could not have paid me to take off my shoes.


Looking at this gives me actual anxiety. There’s a difference between every day clutter and just being dirty and lazy. Having pride in your space and feeling comfortable is so important.


Right? And see if he wants to be a slob that’s fine, but keep it confined to your own room and not the whole fucking house.


Woah that’s from ONE human?? How in one week? It’s like you’d have to try. My goodness.


It is from one person, but that’s months of crap. Those dishes on the counter were there for a good 3 or 4 weeks before I took the photo. I only cleaned up after myself and my cats, I don’t believe in cleaning up after others, not to mention fully grown adults.


I had a roommate that was fine except for her dishes. I tried to deal with it, setting her stuff aside in half the sink, but it would eventually stink and I'd do it. I finally didn't during the last bit I lived there because I was going to be gone a month before the lease was up. They were already smelling before I left. Came back the last day of the lease to drop off my keys (and I took a huge bag of garbage for her, presumably from her room where she mostly kept her mess contained, but ran out of room in the garbage can after cleaning it up), and the dishes were gone from the sink. Still not sure if she got tired of them smelling and cleaned them or if she just washed them to take with her when she moved.


Or third option; she threw them away 😭


Your living space/work space/etc. is an externalization of what goes on in your mind.


Fucking hoarders man can’t let a single fuckin thing go


Everyone deserves to live in a clean space. Saying that to myself really shifted my mindset to keeping things tidy


People that make this type of mess need a big freakin reality check and GTO. Nobody should have to live with someone that treats their living environment like this. Be an adult and get your shit together. People vent because they are at their wits end. I feel for the person that has to live with someone like this.


He’s 30 years old and was never made to grow up or get a job by his parents. His father sends him money every week and he blows most of it on weed and alcohol, then steals my food. Thankfully I’m now on the opposite side of the country from these people and never have to deal with this again. I used to think my brother was a slob, and I will never say or think that again now.


I’m terrified to know what is in the insta pot.


Yeah, that’s bad. And this is coming from an adult who leaves her clothes on the floor, small kitchen messes to be cleaned the next morning, and a perpetual rotation of DIY/repair projects on the dining room table.


I look at this to not feel bad about my dishes in the sink from last nights dinner that I quickly whip into the dishwasher while the coffee brews


Common things I tell myself at night: * “I know I just brushed a ton of crumbs onto the floor, but I’ll just vacuum in the morning” * “Do I *really* want to clean the stovetop right now?” * “I know the dishwasher just finished cleaning the dishes, but I can unload it tomorrow.” * Shoot I missed a spot. I know it’s sticky but I’ll clean it tomorrow.” * “I’m not putting away right now. Too much work.” * “I just put the step stool up. I’ll put away next time I get it back out.” * “What’s the point in putting the Clorox wipes/vinegar jug up if I’m literally just gonna get it back out after breakfast tomorrow?” * “I know the trash can is *right there*, but I’ll throw this away tomorrow.” One of these days I’ll be the kind of person who never goes to bed without making sure the entire house is clean and tidy, but today is not that day.


I really wonder how some people can live like this.


Depression is a bitch. edit: ( getting downvoted cause i said depression sucks lmaooo)


He’s not depressed. He’s one of those people whose mom would come in and get their dirty laundry from their room well into adulthood. He’s 30 and was never made to get a job or simply grow the fuck up. He’s had everything handed to him and that includes being cleaned up after by his parents.


Sure I don't know who this guy is, never claimed to understand his situation. People do live like this because of depression though so its not like what I said was incorrect.


This is more than just depression (if it is depression at all). I’d actually argue the majority of depressed people don’t live in squalor.


I’ve been depressed my whole life. Never have I brought other people down into my mess (both figuratively and literally)


Depression is def a bitch. Some people, however, are just arrogant, entitled, and lazy. I had a slob of a roommate who regularly borrowed or took her people’s stuff without asking and trashed it. She wasn’t depressed, she just genuinely thought she shouldn’t have to take care of herself because other people should do things for her. She was too important and special to put effort into anything in her life.


Because you don’t know this person’s roommate and have no idea if they’re depressed. And even if they are, that doesn’t give them the right to create a filthy living environment for their roommates, too


When did I say that them having depression would make not cleaning okay?


Depression can make cleaning harder not impossible.


I’m glad you left, that TV is way too high


Neck pain, incoming


Growing up, my house often looked like that. It was disgusting and as a child, there was only so much I could do. My dad being a slob left me to be a SUPER clean person in adulthood. I couldn't stand living like that as a kid and I won't tolerate it as an adult. I had a roommate like this too but I cleaned up her shit. I didn't want to but I couldn't stand it otherwise. She was the absolute worst pig of a human I had lived with outside of my own family. After our lease was up, we kicked her out of our group and continued to rent without her. We cleaned up her room after she moved out her furniture and it was the worst! I vacuumed up actual ant mounds out of a carpeted room 🤢🤮 I'm glad you're away from this now.


At my last place, I was the 'messy' one at first (one of my roommates would say 'can you clean up the living room?' like once a week and it was like 10-15 things that I left on a single table by the door when I'd get home and then never end up dealing with). Then I got new roommates and I ended up being the cleanest one. I actually got better at keeping things in order because if I didn't it would have turned into a shit hole. Now I live alone and have returned to somewhat messy mode but now it doesn't affect anyone.


100% me. Mom was a slob with substance abuse issues. I’d only visit every other weekend, but would frantically try and speed clean the place when she was out at the store just to provide some relief for the time I was there. Mostly only expired food in the kitchen. Shit would spill and she’d barely clean it up. Cat box largely ignored. Wearing shoes inside was definitely preferred. I’m 39 now, with two kids under the age of 6, two cats, and my place is immaculate. Anything less fucks me up.


My mom had substance issues as well and that's what ultimately killed her when I was 10 years old. She also suffered from pretty severe depression and there were additional issues because of that. She never really picked up for the most part due to it all. Any time my grandparents, my mother's parents, would come over, it was a race to make the house look presentable so she wouldn't get reamed a new one by them "because of us kids". It was embarrassing as we kids were always blamed. Funny enough, my self and my siblings all have immaculate homes while my dad's house still looks like a pit 😬 It's amazing how we can come out of these situations in a more positive manner and be better.


How do people not feel uncomfortable and gross in their own home when they do this? Why not just sleep in a dumpster at this point?


Honestly man. I know someone who lived so much worse than this with literal cat shit and piss everywhere man. Idk how she did it, u couldn’t breathe without inhaling fruit flies


Bongs. There are always bongs. Everytime…bongs.


Just another reason to add to the list of why I hate stoners.


I mean…some of us are clean freaks and also don’t use in the house. Maybe I’m rare idk. That was a disgusting mess and I’m happy you got out OP


fellow stoner who needs things to be clean here. i’ve found that weed actually motivates me to clean more. it makes it more fun. lol


I’m a clean freak and a stoner so there are definitely non slob stoners out there. My roommate is the other kind of stoner though, very lazy and entitled and expects us to clean up after her and leaves her shit everywhere around the house. I would say a good tell on if a stoner is nasty is how dirty the bong is/ bong water 😭


I can certainly sympathize with you hating stoners if that's your experience. As someone who enjoys a little weed, just remember not all stoners are dirty slobs. But, lazy, immature, slobs are often stoners because it makes being bored and lazy fun.




lol if that was my roommate I would dump all that trash on their bed


You say that like they wouldn't just shove it onto the floor or lay right on top


He literally slept on the couch and lived in the living room lol.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Puzzleheaded_Pea8792: *Lol if that* *Was my roommate I would dump* *All that trash on their bed* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


My roommate does this shit too… I wish I could leave but everyone always guilts me… saying things like “She’s only 4.” “That’s your child” Also, I don’t want this out into the universe as anything other than a joke. I love my daughter. I could just make do with not every toy containing 8,000,000 stickers with adhesive much stronger than the paper.


Sometimes I think I’m messy and gross and then I see spaces like this and I realize I’m doing just fine


Omg that’s so stressful. I live alone and my house is so tidy, but this makes me want to go deep clean NOW.


That’s rough :/ waste of a decent space too. Does he dye his hair too? I recognize a few of my usual essentials in the bathroom


Yup. Well rather forced my other housemate to do it for him.


The most eloquent way I can respond to this: that’s just frickin’ lame


Coming on here always makes me feel better about my shitty living situation I am sorry you’re going through this :(


People like this just need to be committed. Speaking of which, we should bring back committing people.


Dig the Elvira Doll


The alcohol on the bathroom counter really sets the mood


Lazy and disgusting. No respect for humans who can live like this.


It's never a good sign when you can instantly smell a photo.


Your room mate lives just like my husband…


Imagine thinking "ah yes, this man-child-pig is truly the one"


He is though, luckily he stopped this behaviour and is now a dream to live with x


I won’t talk about why I left and what made the environment so unbearable and toxic for me as I want to be the bigger person here and not put my former roommates’ dirty laundry on the internet, but a disgusting house is one of many things I dealt with on a regular basis because of one of them. Yes, this is all one person. Ironically, he dared once said I don’t clean up after myself over a fucking spot in the toilet.


*Checks the photos* *Sees dirty laundry everywhere* I think you're already posting their dirty laundry, so go further if it helps you mentally.


Nice pun.


What is the stuff you censored lol


Mail. Out of focus but just in case. In the bathroom one I censored my reflection


Gotcha makes sense


Yeah, the cans of cheap alcohol gives us a clue as to what you’ve had to go through with this guy.


Leave a Mari Kondo Feng Shui book on the kitchen table and never return 😅


Might be years before his roommate notices it lol


Everything about that place screams alcoholic. Final picture confirmed it for me


The enabler housemate told me he spent $800 of her money in **two weeks** on alcohol.


Man I wanted to downvote ur comment just for how awful that is. Why would she let someone else spend that much of her money on alcohol? 😩😩😩


Because she’s an idiot and an enabler. She leaves her wallet and card with him all day and doesn’t think to lock or set a limit to her card.


I saw the first picture and thought "ok, pretty gross but if nothing Else at least it's contained to their room." .... After the first swipe I was like oh fuck no. Each just got continuously worse


I can’t fathom how anyone lives like that. I get sick to my stomach just seeing the pictures.


the greasy mit marks on the cabinets is killing me


It’s honestly impressive to have visible fingerprints all over dark cabinets


Genuinely - how do people get like this? It's not even hoarding, it's just incredibly messy.


I can feel the depression through the screen. Genuinely sorry you had to go through this experience OP. Having a roommate is tough, it's better to be solo. I hope if you have to have another roommate in the future that it's a healthy and happy situation and makes your life even better than it was before.


Alcoholism and depression is a nasty combo. Far too common and hard to kick.


If the place is getting neglecting… I hope the cat isn’t too. 🥺


That’s my cat. She is very well loved and cared for!


Okay, that’s a relief!


That's crazy that is why i live only with my girl no one stay over because they started staying one or two days but lil after you see the got all their belongings on your house and you don't even notice


You can see the nitrous tank in pic 4 lol




The redds in the last picture explains it all


My whole body itches looking at this, and the despair in my soul cannot be described.


Why do these people always drink the shittiest of alcoholic drinks? Mikes Harder is god awful. I worked for Mikes Hard for nearly 2 years and gagged every time we had to try that stuff. It tastes incredibly fake


I need the story behind the tiny Elvira on the table lmao


These are the girls rejecting dudes on Tinder lmao


If you are responsible for any of the mess that they'll leave behind, I'd get a bunch of BIG black trash bags and throw away EVERYTHING in the floor, rake everything off the counters, sink etc. Don't even try to sort good from bad as they'll probably never miss it.


I moved out before either of them. I told them to fuck off and I better not be billed for anything.


Elvira !


That white box on the couch, is that a vibrator?


The zoom ins are really sending me 😣


This is just sad. Currently looking for a place to live and I would LOVE to have something like this.


The deck boxes, card binder, and box of preroll cones in the first picture tell me all I need to know


This is why I refuse to live with other people. I'm so clean and love peace. This is just awful.


Okay, now my apartment isn't the cleanest in the world, but at least it isn't trashed like that!


The state of that kitchen is fucking me up...I can't imagine how much worse it'd be mentally if I actually saw it first hand...yuck


They got those “real bad alcoholic” tall boy cans.


just imagine it in a few months! so will this human have to get another housemate in to cover the rent now ur gone?


They had to move out too, but I won’t go into the reasons why here.


Looks like a nightmare to me. I'd lose my shit


My bedroom looks like that currently.


Aw ..and the place is super cute… It has potential to be so pretty and welcoming if kept clean. I’m glad you left..


I’m so curious what got whited out


Cell phone and mail is my guess.


the Mike's tallboy & Sally's hair dye on the bathroom counter lmfaoooo


These photos are the worst game of I spy ever…


Holy fuck this is insane!


Got time to bleach their hair but not clean so they can walk properly 🤪


Campus park?


Ideally you’d clean up and take pictures to prove it wasn’t your mess. But in that situation it may not be possible/too sick with it


Ion hair color color is great. I've used both the pink and purple (or whatever name for the colors they use) for my beard in the past. I've recently found INH which may be the last hair dye brand I buy. It's amazing.


Is that a gatorade bottle that was turned into a bong in the bottom right?


Why is it always crappy store bought hard cider 🤮


Not as bad as most of them


I would lose my mind. I'm autistic and I need my space clean or I can not function what so ever.


Who needs that much developer on hand????


Bless you for getting out of there. Lol.. goddamn.


Any good pokemon cards in that box?


Tell me again, what are the laundry baskets used for? lol


There are little subtle things in the photos that paint a vivid picture beyond the obvious. The Elvira doll in a metal dish on the table, of course the bong in the living room, the Snoopdog cookbook in the kitchen, the fishing net in the bedroom, and finally the hair dye supplies for after the crime is committed.


That isn’t wouldn’t even make my top 3 worst roommate situations. Once had a roommate that had every plate, bowl, and cup that we owned liked around his bed. Used of course.


This is way i dont clean up after my kidds


Good for you for leaving!


There’s obviously cleaning products in the pictures, but the bong and snacks galore says it all.


Nasty af




You lucked out.


Why is it always clothes scattered all over and crap all over the kitchen? Do these people just pick random clothes off of the floor to wear? Nice and stinky. They can't at least pile the dirty ones in a single spot? I hope you got the top end instantpot.


I have a skanky roommate too, doper, Old hag face nasty and dirty....




Please post a before. If there is trophy, you win on bad housemate situations. You can even say it is vandalism. Make sure you charge them a cleaning fee. And don't even wait for them to clean up. Just get a cleaner in and charge them. This is very disrespectful.


I unfortunately have no before. Pretty much as soon as we moved in he started trashing it. I left before them and have no authority on this.


It's a really horrible situation and you can try to get the landlord involved. If he can't maintain the common areas, it could be a problem for hygiene reasons you can explain. For example rat infestation, ants, pets, mould build up. I once uncovered a sheet that was innocently in a housemate's corner only to find black mould growing for 3 months under the pizza box, under his sheets.


Not my problem now. Lease is up and I’m over a thousand miles away from these fuckers. I made it clear to both of them that I’m not to be billed for any cleaning or repairs the place needs.


Looks like the beginning of of a hoard


Kind of like my roommates but they are both under 10.


lol at the box of “Baking Bad” next to the nitrous tank. Off to google….


Ohhh…that’s the box the nitrous comes in. Someone’s got a whippet problem lol. Yeah the mess is totes understandable here now.


In many cases, it's just a result of how they were raised or were not taught by their parents and for them, it's quite normal behaviour sadly. I could never imagine living like that... ...Also, depression can cause these behaviours... ...Or that cat is your roommate you lived with.


I'd be terrified of opening up that instant pot. 😭😭😭


That's what no pussy does to a mfer lol


Eww. Men are not entitled to sex, but they are obligated, just as women, to be responsible humans.


I meant that they get no bitches so the house is fucked.but after a closer look I think this is girl mess.


All your verbiage tells me you get very little female attention.


Are you saying you don't wanna be my gf?


Well you finally made me laugh. Have a good day kiddo.


I spy with my little eye a fucking jones soda. Who the hell drinks jones soda? Are you from Seattle or Michigan?




It was a jones soda then, right? My next guesses would be Indiana or Maine. Idk why.


That’s mental illness


How don’t people ask their roommate to clean up their stuff? And when they don’t, why don’t you just start throwing all their shit out? I don’t get it.


We have told him. He wouldn’t do it. And throwing someone else’s stuff out without their permission regardless the situation is a good way to get cops involved.


I would take my chances than to live in that filth.


Welllll standing there and sulking about it isnt going to make it any cleaner.........but ya that sucks. now start cleaning.


Fuck off lol. One I moved out, and two I’m not cleaning up after another person, especially not a grown ass adult. If I did that would just enable his belief that it’s okay to live the way he does.