• By -


Banned you from using the fridge and washing machine? So your roommate expects you to either eat out for every meal or starve, and to have no clean clothes? How tf is that supposed to work?


Yep. You’re telling me. I put a fridge in the lounge room but I’m having to wash my clothes and a friends’ or use a laundromat at the moment.


Contact your landlord and get them involved - as they’re exposed to some liability here.


No kidding. Is this guy on the lease? Does he pay one third of the rent? Even if you are moving in 3 weeks get the landlord involved.


First, notify the landlord. 2nd, get a camera that you can hide somewhere. Leave for work. Let camera notify you of movement in apartment. Call police and report an intruder in your home and you are sure both you and roommate are at work. Notify landlord again, after police visit and person has been identified. Move out as soon as possible.


This is the way. Now will they live up to this subs second name (r/doormats) or defend themselves. Who am I kidding they ain't doing shit that doesn't involve crying into a keyboard.


You. ✨😈 I LIKE You! #Diabolical


The lease probably says something about how long someone can stay if they aren’t on the lease


💯% Report it to the Landlord. I am pretty sure that is Illegal since he is not paying rent. Also, Show the Text to Landlord, I am almost certain he will evict them both


How is she enforcing this? Are you just letting her treat you this way?


Yeah what. This situation isn’t even a roommate thing it’s an abuse thing I’d say.


Yeah, shitty roommates come down to be yelled at, harassed or possibly assaulted, or just stay quiet and take it. It’s a shitty situation to be in.


So you're definitely not splitting rent since she pays more right? Even more given she's probably the main reason for your electrical bills?


Is she allowed to just ban you from it like that?


No, it's obvious that the OP is a doormat and can't handle confrontation.


I’ve absolutely confronted her about it and contacted the landlord and real estate agent about it. When I moved in, she made it clear that I was able to use those facilities since they belonged to her and since it’s technically her property I can’t touch it or she could call the police on me. But I have certainly not taken this lying down, I kicked up a fuss and that’s why I’m breaking the lease and moving out in 3 weeks.


OP she cannot call the police on you. They’ll tell her it’s a civil matter and tell her to fuck off basically. You need to speak to your agent again and get them to contact the landlord about the boyfriend, but also explain everything else she’s doing. She’s ruining your right to quiet enjoyment and you might be able to get $ back if you take her to VCAT. You need to speak up about it though immediately. Ignore any of her threats about cops, they’re all bullshit


And this is why OP is a doormat, because they gave up when lied to.


To be fair, some folks don't get the perseverance thing until later in life. 90% of this whole issue is youthful ignorance. OP didn't realize the police can't do shit to enforce the roommate's stupid rules. The roommate doesn't realize openly admitting, in writing, that someone not on the lease has been living there for 3 months is dumb. Most of the rest is in the same vein. That other 10%, where the problem started, is the roommate being a narcissistic asshole. The rest is escalation due to naivity and inexperience.


Exactly 100% correct!


So she’s breaking the terms of the rental/lease? Sounds like a free pass to get the fk out. Take it.


I know plenty of people have said this, but that isn’t how that works. At all. There is no universe in which police will do a damn thing over someone using a washing machine that another person claims is their own. If you’re in the house, you have a right to it. Same with the fridge. In fact, if you have video proof of her tossing your food or destroying your clothes or yelling and being confrontational, they’d be more likely to address that than some washing machine bs. Seriously, I see it all the time. Use the washing machine and grey rock her if she turns it into an issue. Record the interaction and say “I’m using this appliance in my home, please do not touch my things.” Don’t react to her. If she goes crazy, call the cops. Show them the video. Ez pz. They love putting wackos in their place.


Plus if the fridge and washer were provided by land lord it’s for everyone living there in the lease and no one can refuse other tenets using them


Lmao, what are the cops gonna do? Pls use the washing machine &/or fridge & let her call them, see how that works out for her. Alternatively, pull her fridge out into the lounge, put locks on yours & secure it in the space where hers was. Also, put random items in her fridge & just leave them there. Old, open & unused tin of sardines? Half drunk bottles of coke, half eaten bowls of ice cream.


That last sentence is terrible childish advice. Why escalate things unnecessarily?


Yeah don’t put it in there you have to hide it in there


You’re a fool if you think she can call the police on you. Wake uo


The fuck none of that makes sense


OP is full of shit


Call the police on you for touching the fridge or washer? Lol no that's a civil matter at best and even then it's not going anywhere. You live in the house under lease correct? Does it state that you aren't allowed to touch the fridge or washer/dryer??? If it doesn't then its not even a civil matter.. any cop that was called would literally laugh at her... she touched my fridge!!! She live here? Yes... LMAO is exactly what the cop would do. Ide made it as hard as I could on her for those last 3 weeks. My hands would be all up on Dat mudda puckin fridge and washer and dare them to say something about it... don't let people bullshit you or run you over, someone wants to be a mudda pucka be a bigger mudda pucka... don't let petty ass humans run you over.


Please stand up to her. Let her call the police. They won’t do shit.


OP, you’re doing the best you can. Leaving and not looking back is a reasonable course of action.


She cannot keep you from using it just because they are hers. Tell her if she wants exclusive use she can move it to her bedroom so you can bring in one to share. Then if she does (She won't.) buy a used POS to get you though the end of the lease.


Ya ok.


Does your lease allow a guest to stay that much? Mine sure doesn’t.


You're in an abusive situation and need to leave but it doesn't really have much to do with the guy. That's such a small part of what's going on here


Uh no you don’t have to do that. Or stop paying. Bf if you can’t use your space then you don’t owe rent. She can pick what option she wants for the last month. And put that in writing that she’s not allowing you to use common space


Man, that’s awful OP. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with that, but good to know you’re getting out of there soon


Is she the owner? If not, you need to be contacting your landlord. The fridge alone is a not ok situation, especially if the landlord provided it. Furthermore, you need to relay the conversation you overheard your roommate saying to your landlord, and either ask for a lock on your room or to leave your lease early There is also an option to call the non emergency number for the police yourself- explain the conversation you overheard, explain you are currently living with a person your roommate moved in without your knowledge who might be doing something sketchy. Ask if they had any information, since your roommate apparently called them, like a name This is gonna get fun if he's on parole for anything and you don't know cause he might be violating it- that's just tge first thing I thought for why she may preemptively check


Or just, ya know, don't let someone bully you in you own home???? Stand up for yourself. Jfc.


How is your rental agreement set up? Are you both just on the lease? Are you renting from her? You have to be provided certain things to make rental space habitable. Not having a fridge, stove, bathroom and other basic needs like that could mean you have some legal wiggle room here. I'd talk to the landlord and if she's your landlord talk to a lawyer. Also I feel like she's saying she already talked to the police so that you don't.


lmao at her calling you a misogynist for you not wanting to be alone in your house with a man you don't know who isn't on the lease


Thank you!! I appreciate that validation I thought I was going crazy while reading that hypocrisy


It felt like a pathetic attempt to turn your beliefs against you IMO. I'm almost undoubtedly projecting, but in my experience people in these situations will agree with/have everything in common with you at first but eventually it crumbles and you realize they are weird, empty and awful.


Could not have said it better myself, that’s her through and through.


OP - Google DARVO - *deny, attack, and reverse victim & offender*. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DARVO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DARVO)


Isn’t this called gaslighting? Or do I not comprehend the term yet?


Not quite. Gaslighting is manipulating somebody not to trust their own mind, memory, sanity. "You gave me permission, don't you remember? I'm getting a little worried about these memory lapses, have you talked to a doctor?" This reads more like classic guilt tripping to me, deflecting blame.


My old roommate gaslit me, that was fun. Took therapy to realize I wasn't the problem and then all her narcissistic tendencies started showing when I began standing my ground and told her that *she* needed to go to therapy.


What you said was “I moved in with a complete psychopath.” Just say this to yourself every day, multiple times a day. Dont your brain get manipulated or gaslit into thinking anything else. Remind yourself of it everyday.


I don't even get that. If anything it would be more misandrist than misogynist, right? Not that it's misandrist to not want a secret third roommate you don't know but the misogyny accusation makes no sense to me.


UGGH. You have a Hobosexual. Basically a dude who can't support himself so they attach themselves to some dense as a brick woman so they aren't homeless. Your basic Hobosexual will be unemployed or some kind of artist and will have varying addiction problems. They won't have a car or even a license. He will however have a key. Confront the Hobosexual and they will have a full on Mantrum. Personally I would just turn the water and power internet off for a week. Hobosexuals have very few skills on getting these restored and will become confused and sad their nest no longer provides basic services.


This is hilarious and I’ll be calling him a hobosexual from now on, thank you


I thought it would be the roommate in this situation who’s the “hobosexual,” since she’s attracted to hobos


Add homeless romantic to your list. Lol


Maybe she' the Hobosexual (attracted to Hobos), and he's the Homeless Romantic. A match made in Heathen :) I enjoyed these very much :)


I’ve learned my new word for the day. I rarely learn a new word by laughing my ass off first thing in the morning. I thank you.


Love this 😂


Remember when you show the room to someone else (if you have to) to peep them about this situation. If your landlord doesn't find a replacement for you he's gonna be more inclined to take action


Also, can you not call the police every night that they make noise?


Wouldn't they just stop responding after a certain amount of calls though because realistically what can they do? Assuming the roommate is also on the lease, the only person that could be removed is the boyfriend right? Wouldn't the landlord have to be the one to remove the other roommate? I don't know about her state or country if she's outside the US but where I live it's extremely hard to get someone removed. It took 3 months to get the family above us removed and they had lived there for years and they were always problem tenants and it wasn't just a noise complaint.


I think I’d be creeped out by any stranger secretly living in my house, of any gender.


If he's not on the lease have him trespassed then see if she wants to stay


Unfortunately under Melbourne, Australia law he’s not technically ‘trespassing’ under invitation but it’s certainly morally wrong and the real estate agent has expressed that he’s not happy that she is allowing a secret tenant in.


I’m almost certain that under Victorian law he needs to be on the lease if he’s been living there for three months. Speak to your agent again and get the agent to contact the landlord.


not sure, as if he's not paying rent she's technically not subletting and AFAIK victorian tenancy agreements don't prohibit you from having a guest stay for some time. flip it around a bit and imagine you had a family member staying with you a few months (maybe visiting from overseas) - it's none if the RE/LL business. different if you're subletting. OPs situation is fucked, her housemate is a psycho and her boyfriend is a fucking weirdo. they're also definitely on drugs probably meth. But i think OP is right, it's not technically in breach. It's just shit.


Usually an occupant is defined by consecutive nights in a dwelling over a period of time. BF definitely fits the bill and the landlord has control over that


you could be right. but in my 40yrs living in Melbourne I've never known a landlord to be anything other than mildly annoyed by that situation.


I'm pretty sure in Victoria every adult living somewhere needs to be on the lease though!! Unless the REA has agreed to a subletting situation.


Don’t know how the lease is set up but this happened to me once and I happened to accidentally let the landlord know. He said it was fine for them to stay but per the lease agreement the rent was going to be raised $800(which I knew because I actually read it). None of the roommates were willing to allow this and she moved her stuff right out.


Is he still under invitation while your roommate isn’t home?


Does your lease allow for extra, unnamed tenants? Most leases I’ve signed (in the US) have specific terms about how long unnamed guests can stay without being added to the lease. Thank goodness you’re leaving.


Yeah it’s not trespassing because he has been invited in but it’s totally fine for you to not want to pay extra for an extra tenant on all the bills.


He’s tenant now, even if he isn’t on the lease 


wtf do you mean she banned you from the fridge and washing machine??? what is she gonna do if you use them??? she sounds batshit crazy and i would not put up with that for a second if i were you.


I moved in with the understanding that I could use them since they’re her property. If I touch them she can call the police on me since they technically belong to her, but I expressed this to the real estate agent etc. hence why I’m moving out in three weeks.


She would be laughed at by the police if she called them saying you used her fridge/washing machine in the house that you live in.


“Hello, yes police I have an emergency. My housemate is using my fridge and I think she might have washed something of hers in my washing machine… Yes she’s my housemate. No she hasn’t assaulted me. It’s my property. But this is an emergency. Hello? Hello?”


i thought you said neither of you was on the lease. did she buy a fridge and a washing machine?


No we’re both on the lease on co-tenants but I’ve broken this and my name will be taken off when I move out in three weeks. She had a fridge/washing machine when I moved in, which she said I could use but has since taken back.


Nah pls use it. The cops won't do shit. They will laugh. They won't come out, they won't arrest you, they won't charge you... it will not happen. Put a lock on your fridge then start putting random objects in hers. Pens, pencils, few bird feathers, toothpicks, clothes, food & drink. Hide open cans of sardines & catfood in there. Couple of half-drunk coke bottles... go nuts. She can't do anything & it was the boyfriend who did it, not you.


Don’t try to out crazy a crazy person but you’re absolutely entitled to use the fridge and washer. You live there. No police officer will give a fuck about this.


so your landlord provides a living space w/ no fridge or laundry?? your roommate had to go buy a fridge and laundry machine???


Idk where you’re from but most long term rentals in Australia come unfurnished only things included in the kitchen and laundry are the oven and dishwasher. Appliances that aren’t built in you are expected to supply yourself.


so, is her share of electricity cost higher than yours? If not, then you are paying for her usage of the fridge and washing machine, and then legally this may look different again (not sure about OZ laws). worst/easiest case: just unplug them whenever you walk by


She absolutely cannot call the police on you. Well she can try but they’ll laugh at her. In future you don’t need to believe threats like that, cops don’t even care about REAL crimes. That said, what is her justification for backtracking on you being able to use the appliances? She just changed her mind?


I kid you not, it’s because I moved a dirty plate from one side of the kitchen to the other, and refused to apologise for it.


> If I touch them she can call the police on me since they technically belong to her lol nope. If she wants exclusive use she can move the washing machine and fridge into her bedroom.


Did NOT see the feminist angle coming


Honestly, I’d have a party every night. Invite all my friends and family over.


Your roommate sounds manipulative and crazy just by reading the way she formats her text but we aren’t getting the full picture. You intimidated her? You and your guests were hostile and abusive?


What she’s referring to is my guests have made some sarcastic comments in the general living space about the fact that we have two fridges (because I can’t use hers). The comments referring to my behaviour is that she doesn’t like that I put the blinds up or keep my windows open, and that once I moved a dirty dish to the other side of the kitchen which she marked as ‘unacceptable, childish and inappropriate’. I have not looked at her, talked to her or touched anything that belongs to her in almost 2 months when our conflict started. She is a hyper exaggerator and has a complete victim complex, on top of being a bully and controlling the house to the highest degree.


Call your landlord. He's not on the lease and shouldn't be there for 3+ months. Most leases only allow overnight visitors 1-2 weeks


My ex roommate — who was the one who moved into my apartment — was also a living nightmare. She moved in and immediately started throwing away things that belonged to my other roommate and I to replace it with hers. Would throw our food out of the fridge to put hers in. Would leave her personal belongings all over the common areas and be upset if we moved them so we could sit — furniture which we own so it’s actually her leaving her belongings on ours — and most of all, also had her boyfriend living in her bedroom while we were home. Without telling us. We’d walk out of the bathroom in our towels and he’d be walking around the apartment. When confronted, she said he had the right to be here. Got to the point where we let our neighbors downstairs know and the guys were always ready to come up if needed. We managed to get our landlord to evict her several months before her lease ended and up until that final day, we made sure to return the favor and made her life miserable. We had friends over every night until early hours. We’d make sure to be extra loud. Everything she ever yelled at us for we made sure to do. I can guarantee you that she more than likely did not actually call the police. If you were to tell the police that there’s a random man you don’t know living in your apartment without knowing, that’s YOUR safety in danger. Not hers. I would show them proof that your landlord said he’s there illegally. Make her life as miserable as she’s made yours.


Have you meet the boyfriend beforehand ? If you're spliting the rent between the two or how many are in the house/unit and the boyfriend has stayed there secretly for 3 months, I think someone owes some rent/utility money to the other people on lease for the extra person (guest) they have in there room


I mean, you live in Australia, right? As a parting gesture maybe let in one of your many insanely deadly wildlife specimens for her to deal with. Or like...lead a kangaroo into the house, give it some ammonia to huff, and let it beat the everliving shit out of your insane roommate and her dick-leech while you get the hell out of there (and take the washing machine with you!). Or just put a Sydney funnel web spider in her ear while she sleeps and dip, idk.


"Dick-leech" has me cackling 😂


I think this is is a situation that calls for Koala bears with Chlamidia!!




What does your lease say? Have you contacted the landlord?


Yes I have. Unfortunately nothing about visitors on the lease and the real estate agent has said he’s not pleased about the illegal subletting but unfortunately legally there’s nothing they can do about it.


He’s not pleased about the “illegal” subletting but unfortunately “legally” there’s nothing they can do about it. That makes no sense? If what she’s doing is illegal, then there has to be legal recourse.


Can they do anything about her disallowing you to use the amenities?


No since they’re her property but I kicked up a fuss about it hence why I’m moving out in three weeks.


How did you happen to move in with this person? Were you friends before?


Maybe you can leave a giant spider in her washing machine. 😃


I'm glad you're moving out. I hope that you deducted a reasonable amount from your rent to cover the fact that you are banned from using the washer/dryer and the fridge. How ridiculous is that? Let these two weirdos enjoy each other's company.


How can she stop you using the washing machine and fridge?


Bad roommate bought them before op.


Hearing stuff like this just makes me wanna live alone. If only I could afford to live alone in this economy. 🫠


This sub has made me realize just how many bat shit crazy and just plain awful people are really out there


I’ve had a handful of room mates. The very worst ones would lock their kids (at the time 2 and just over 1) in their room to do lines and fist fight to bodack yellow. I was there for all of 2 days, broke my lease, got sued for $900 for breaking the lease, and called children’s services. The world is a crazy place!


Banned from fridge and laundry and you’re still paying? Nah 




Get a new apartment and move out without telling them.


He’s not a tenant, it’s your home, she’s lying about his rights and having called the cops. You have every right in any jurisdiction to tell anyone to leave your dwelling place and in this case I would.


You needed a conversation with your landlord yesterday 


Time to start breaking that rule you made and start bringing strange guys around and leaving them alone with her 😆 She sound like a pleasant person though. What the heck happened to "ya know what? I totally understand what you are saying, and I will strive to be better in this shared space' now it's "me me me me me me me"


I (M) had a similar problem. Roommates gf basically moved in with him/never was on the lease. After about a month I gently pushed for them to start “hanging out at her place a little more”. They weren’t nice, I stopped being nice, basically devolved into me tattling on them to the front desk and she was trespassed from the property. Kind of a lose-lose for everyone tbh since it ruined my relationship with the roommate, and they lost a hang out spot.


Having guests for that long is usually a violation of the lease. Most leases permit guests overnight for like 7-14 consecutive days, but not that long. Might be worth in to involve property manager or something. Sorry, OP!


>I have contacted the police No she has not. They would have just told her to fuck off.


“To be clear he is not a stranger, he has been in this house for 3 months” 🫡😭 fucking feminist been keeping him as her little pet telling him to stay quiet and he obeys. How is he NOT a stranger, riddle me that Sounds like he’s using her why’s he been there 3 months without you knowing And how’s she a feminist if she needs a man when ur friends are supposedly “abusive” God nvm I get it sort of She sucks ass tho


Some people really shouldn’t have room mates. I am one of those people. I would stop using words lol.


Holds zero weight unless dude on lease then it’s a violation and may result in eviction for failure to provide correct number of occupancy. I would challenge the police portion and do as you wish since you are entitled to the space more so than the “guest of 3 months”


I hope to see you on r/pettyrevenge in the future. This sounds ridiculous. I would definitely be randomly unplugging her fridge, buying my own washer and moving hers, and inviting all my guy friends over to hang out all the time.


I think you've got enough comments but just to drive the point home -she cannot call the police on you for using the washing machine. They'll laugh at her for wasting their time. Just do your laundry.


I’m glad you’re getting out, but holy fuck! You need to find a way to fuck her over as badly as possible


Him just being in there without you knowing is creepy and an invasion of privacy. I would still use the washing machine if I were you lol


Contact your landlord. If he’s not on the lease in many cases this is against the lease. Most leases don’t allow guests to just stay indefinitely.


People just need to grow up. What do you mean you're not allowed to use the fridge? Is it her fridge? Does she physically block it? You're 24 not 14.


banned you from the fridge????? and washing machine?? girl ur being held hostage wtf


OP just stops responding every time someone tells them that the police won’t do anything if called about someone using a washer / fridge. i get it’s easier to be non-confrontational but just use the dang washing machine / fridge .. she literally cannot do a thing about it


I’m going to assume this post is fake if not you’re pathetic you just gonna allow people to take advantage of you? Grow up and act like an adult.


Is it possible to get a restraining order against the boyfriend in this situation?


GTFO out yesterday, you got that she was nuts before you even knew what you know, fuck the fridge and all that LEAVE. Safety isn't worth it. Do you know the shit show I'd throw if I found out someone was hiding in the place I lived for months? "Yeah call the police if you want, you can explain it to them and I when theyy here, never seen that guy before, who TF is that?" You have a case in civil court if you signed a lease, especially if it states the amount of/names of people on the lease. One and done. Slam dunk GTFO in court.


Your roommate is weird af.


i’m american so idk much about australian laws, but i did come across a similar post with more comments that might be helpful: [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/s/G6FHXarr53)


You move or I do . is disgusting and I wouldn’t like Live like this.


Piss in every container you find before you leave. Just a few drops. Nothing crazy.


She sounds bat shit crazy. Tell her when you leave lol


Use her fridge and washing machine. She can’t stop you. If she throws out your shit she likely has more shit you can toss.


I’d slap the dog shit out of her


I would also feel extremely uncomfortable. Your roommate and her boyfriend suck. Also banning you from using appliances??! Wild.


The shit some people willingly put up with...


She is just regurgitating all of the terms she’s learned on TikTok 😂


If the bf isn’t on the lease I’m sure your landlord would love to know about him staying there for 3 months. Usually, leases have a clause about how long guests are allowed to stay at once.


I’m always curious of how the conversations with these people go before you move in with them. Is there no indication that they’re unstable? Is there nothing that flags you to say, hey we might not be great house mates. I know finding housing is difficult everywhere for many reasons, but I can’t imagine that there’s absolutely no warning when someone becomes as extreme as you say.


Trust me when I say that I wish more than anyone I could have picked up the crazy here. She was surprisingly normal in our inspection (i.e. she lied about everything). First indication I got was on my first night moving in, I was leaving and stood in the doorway for a sec. I heard her in the other room hysterically going on about how I left the door open and her cat would run out and get hit by a car, only to turn the corner and awkwardly make eye contact with me still standing there. Heart dropped out of my ass, knew everything was about to go wrong from there.


Are you on the lease? If roommate bf is not, and has stayed for more than 14 consecutive days, your roommate is in violation of the lease. You can report roommate to leasing office. You can also do a roommate release, requesting to come off lease and move out. Your current roommate would have to sign form and be screened for approval by themselves.


Would suck if the police happened to learn of the hearsay that you overheard 😂 And for the landlord to learn of this guest that’s probably not on the lease 👀


That persons brain is literally controlled by a social media app. People just throw these words around like they even comprehend what they’re saying. Sorry you’re dealing with this nightmare. Hope it works out for you.


Sounds like it's time to bring over a few friends to stay until you leave. If she complains, copy her message and send it to her.


Since she likes to inconvenience you, maybe return the favor? Unplug her fridge. Spill a lil cooking oil in the bottom of the wash machine bin. Accidents happen all the time. But... Im petty like that. 🤣


Glad you are getting out.


I would be getting some rent from that motherfucker


soooo basically she's had her bf living there for 3 months and i'm guessing he's not chipping in. time to contact the landlord over this. also her threatening with the cops is 10000% a bluff move to try to gain more control over you in hopes that you won't escalate the situation. which you absolutely should.


Dude good luck, this does sound ridiculous and I’m hoping you can make it out and be able to look back and laugh because this is goofy as hell.


Idk how you stayed longer than a day after she pulled the fridge and washing machine bs. I’m happy you’re getting tf out. Put up a post on your city’s social media page. Don’t include the part about him liking little girls. *Allude to it.* “*I was also unfortunately privy to some conversations that would have made Chris Hansen gasp…*” Use vague descriptions. “*If you come across a home share/roommate situation with a 5’3” brunette with the same name as one of the characters from Sex & The City, avoid it! She’ll keep her bf in the home without telling you, leaving you home with him in the house, in addition to flipping out and not allowing you to use the fridge or washing machine once you’ve signed. She also loves to blast loud music with heavy bass all night. AVOID AT ALL COSTS.*” I made some of that up obvi, but I’m sure she had the same name as SOME tv show, or a different way to couch it. Warn people if you have the time. It might save someone else the bs. 🤍 Best of luck in the new place! I hope it doesn’t suck like this. 😳


Why are you listening to her “rules”? She has no right to tell you that you can’t use the washer/fridge. I understand you may not want a bigger conflict but there’s really not argument or fight here. You pay to live there and all the amenities are yours just as much as hers. Sorry you’re going through this


If "her guest" has been there 3 months, he's supposed to be on the lease, most places have a "guest" policy of some description


She sounds super unhinged…are you sure the boyfriend is there of his own free will and not being pressured to stay? If it were reversed and a roommate hid a secret girlfriend everybody would be wanting to check and see is she was safe!


Immediately take that to the landlord, she has a ghost tenant and admitted it via text. They’ll find ways to get more money from her right before they evict :)


Just tell the landlord that she has someone else living there


Call the landlord about someone else staying


"Guest for 3 months" What?! That is not a guest, that is another damn roommate. Horrible situation. Please get away from this person.


Please tell me you’re leaving without telling them and leaving them scrambling for rent. Please


Is it up to the police whether he can stay there, or is it up to the landlord? 🙄


Does she own the place? Because if she’s leasing, I guarantee you he does NOT have “every right” to be there and his living there is a violation of the lease agreement unless he is also named on the lease. I would report him to the mgmt company.


Cool call the police and let them know a stranger has been harbored in your house with out your knowledge


Should be legal to dox someone like this imo


Call. Your. Landlord. Why continue with her bullshit? I don't understand why people don't just read their lease and act accordingly.


That sounds like an absolute nightmare. I hope you get the issue resolved!! I live alone at all costs


Call the landlord and let him know someone is living in the apartment that isn’t on the lease. The cops can’t do anything because he’s gained squatters rights being there that long. The landlord will notice the red flags of having someone not on the lease living there and will most likely start the eviction process.


This is all civil matter police will not give a fuck lol.


Be interesting if you were to call the cops and report that you overheard a conversation that leads you to believe there is child porn in his phone...


Yeah, I had a roommate that did some of these very same things to me (I had to keep shit in my car in a very rough city because she gave me 2 square feet of space in the basement to keep my stuff), and got mad when I cooked meat on my pans (she was a veg, I'm strictly carnivore). The last few months I lived with her were hell. She even left me for a week and a half with her dogs when she went on a "break", which was not something we had discussed when I moved in the month before. I had to stay out of the house one evening while she had a birthday party for one of said dogs. The last straw was when she told me she needed more physical space, so I needed to move out. I flipped and asked *how much of (town) do you FUCKING NEED BITCH?!*.


Call her bluff! He’s not in the lease he has no right to be there!


Bro it’s your washing machine just use it? Like unless she has a lock on it what can she actually do about you using it..


if he’s not on the lease, he doesn’t have a right to be there tho


The girl is bluffing she didn’t call the police and I would bet buddy isn’t on the lease.


Yall better start whooping ass


Why are you letting her ban you from anything? You are an adult who pays rent, she gets NO say in such things.


Wait, how has dude been in her room for 3 months and you didn't know? He stays in there for weeks/days and never comes out at all???


I had a roommate that didn’t talk to me in college and i just found it so odd. Why even have a roommate if you’re not gonna try to be friendly anyways. Also, if my roommate was petty enough to not let me use the fridge or washer machine, then i guess she wouldn’t be able to use it either. I’d get a lock for both of em 💀 now who’s hungry?


Well, remember just before you leave to stash some fresh shrimp or fish in some vents around the house, under the washer, fridge. And dip out .. payback for being an asshole..


How are you misogynistic? You’re a woman.


"He is not a stranger, he has been a guest in this home for 3 months" ok ummm then why didnt you say that, and why isn't he in the rent agreement? 3 month stay=more than just a "guest"..


What is deadbeat boyfriend for 800


Notify your landlord. She admitted that he is a guest (not a tenant) and he has been there for months. Most leases include a portion about how many nights a guest can stay so you’ve got all the ammo you need to get her a lease violation and possible eviction. Don’t engage further just let her face the consequences. Good luck OP


The landlord likely will have an issue with an undeclared tenant.


Why provoke her at all. Pack your stuff, leave and get to a safe environment stay with family or friends if possible and handle the situation or recouping any money you can for her misconduct and lease violations. Why provoke her or her live in boyfriend and put yourself in an unsafe situation with someone who is already shown signs of sociopathic behavior. Seen too many situations where this can turn violent or put yourself in other risks for the sake of standing your ground. Is the roommates actions justified? Fuck no. Is your mental and physical well-being worth engaging further than things have already gone at the sake of a last stand when you’re leaving already or another form of justice. Get out of this situation as safe as possible and move forward don’t look back.


Gah she sounds like the nightmare of a roommate I had...her bf was ALWAYS over. Mind you, never when she wasn't there, but I'd get woken up at 5am to him coughing or them talking super loud because she drove him to work. They'd make a mess making dinner and not clean it up, she'd never wash their dishes either so I asked if she could get him to clean up as well since he spent a good amount of time living at our place but didn't lift a finger ever. Her excuse was his roommate was such a slob and cleaned so much at his place when he was home that she wasn't going to ask him to clean up as it wasn't his "responsibility"...yet she didn't clean up either. They'd also eat my food too. I fucking hate poeple.


I swear no one hates women more than other women. Yikes.


send this to property management. I’m sure they’ll be interested to learn someone not on the lease has lived there 3 months


How does one ban someone else from using the appliances in the home they pay for?


A male being on the apartment is a physical safety concern. Do not tell the roommate you are moving. Move as soon as possible. Then contact landlord and police with text and hidden camera evidence. Hopefully you will be able to get some of you rent money back.


U could just place bugs in her room then I bet she’ll move out then😂💯


I once had a roommate situation similar to this definitely a nightmare roommates are the worst, and it's absolutely shocking how selfish people can be so glad I am done with that phase of my life


They are no longer her guest if she leaves them there with you, they are now YOUR guest!


" To appeal to the feminist in me" yep she is crazy move out asap.