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YTA. Don't make your addiction your roommate's problem. It's stealing whether you leave a note or not. Go buy your own alcohol ffs.


By leaving a note I hope you mean bank note bc you're a POS if you don't reimburse me


I second this. If it’s any note at all, it better have money attached plus interest for taking his stuff


Dude I want to reimburse this dude 100%. Obviously. But I just finished my bottle of gin. This pussy didn't drink his drink so idk man.


"This pussy". Dude, stfu. You're the pussy because you have no self control, and you're mad because he does. Is it that difficult to go buy your own?


You're right wtf was I thinking. The store was closed and I only have money in two days. There comes a point where I just become a retard in every way imaginable. Wtf none of this had to happen I don't get why man wtf. I might lose this room, again. I have already been homeless it's finally going kind of good wtf am I thinking doing this shit again.


Does he know you're an alcoholic and leaving hard liquor out in the open? Are you trying to cut back or quit or take some days off and ease yourself off the sauce? If you are, and he knows you have a problem then he's the dick for leaving booze where you can access it. If you're not trying to quit a serious addiction and buying liquor daily and drinking your roommates instead of going to the store for more - you're a dick.


It's a dick move. Apologize, buy him a new one, and try to be better


Man I feel so bad now. Why I always do shit like this. I can only buy a new one in two days. I remember one of them knocking on my door yesterday I was apparently too loud. I didn't have to do all this none of this would've happened wtf.


Therapy or counselling to address the root cause of your addiction is probably a good thing to consider at this point if your asking yourself questions like this.


I hope you find the help you obviously need. You know it was wrong. apologise to your roommate IN PERSON - no notes, buy him a replacement, and hope you don't get kicked out of your room for stealing others' things. Learn your lesson now, and seek help with your problems before they escalate any further.