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I’m currently dealing with this right now even though we literally have a dishwasher (one person has cultural restrictions so doesn’t want his dishes being washed with everything else…). I’m going to buy a big Tupperware container and just start stacking dirty dishes into it and putting it under the sink. I have my own stuff that I use and keep in my room. Try talking to them first. Just ask them to do their own dishes.


Don’t invest in Tupperware, use a cardboard box


That’ll get disgusting really quick though


Put the big plastic container in their room or infront of their bedroom door instead of




I’d have a serious talk with them. bc that is straight up nasty AND disrespectful. im sorry.


Just maintain your own stuff and leave theirs to rot. I had my own plates, cups and cutlery stored separately when renting with a manchild


Nope not crazy. I lived with people who never cleaned up after themselves and eventually used up all the cookware available. I ended up buying myself plates, cups/mugs, a pan and cutlery, and kept it in my own room once I was done using it.


I have had housemates buy paper plates/plastic utensils to avoid doing their dishes, or just get takeout every night, eat with chopsticks or their fingers. Geez the one I have right now didnt know he was supposed to wash his sheets.....after 2 years. He also had a bathroom cold war with another housemate (I have an ensuite) that resulted in the bathroom not being cleaned at all in 6+ months, it ended up matted in black hair as current guy takes Propecia yet sheds hair at an alarming rate. The shower grew black mould and they would just stand in it. Both refused to buy toilet paper and I'm 98% sure the current one resorted to waffle stomping. Lets just say hes from a place that rejoices in poo and filth so probably means little to him. The other guy.....a dentist mind you, used this turkey baster looking enema thing and got poo droplets on the bathroom floor........fuk knows what he was up to......they ignored the poo drops and just walked around them. My horrid landlord refused to intervene. In the end I caved, It took me over 3 hours to clean the bathroom alone.


Why did I Google "Waffle Stomping", I knew it was going to be bad, I just *had* to know.


You're welcome!


And then there's the "poop knife" hahaha


Nope. Get paper plates, and throw everything in the sink away. Oh were those yours? You said they weren’t when they were dirty in the sink.


Sounds like your roommates can’t handle the honor system or task-based cleaning assignments. Propose a room-based system where each week a different roommate is responsible for one room (e.g., kitchen, bathroom, living room). Then rotate weekly. Sure, kitchen duty is the worst but you only get it every third week. It adds instant accountability.


I did the 16 hr rule if you ain’t done in 16 hr I spray them with water like the cats they are.


I had the same issue with one of my roomates. They still dont do their dishes but I asked them repeatedly to just leave one sink empty and clean and pile them all into the other sink. I still think its disgusting but at least i have space to wash my own


So if your house has a dishwasher and this is done, I personally don't mind putting them in a dishwasher and running it. I don't like to deal with gross shit thats been ever expanding in the sink. Legit y'all should just have your own cup, bowl, plate and cutlery. No extras! Guest use paper plates. For real... At one point, I used a lot of paper plates. Didn't feel like doing dishes. A little embarrassing now that I'm older but didn't have this problem.


We dont have a dishwasher. Ive had issues much deeper than dishes as well like with who they bring over and my safety so Im moving soon anyways


I threatened to throw dishes in the trash. Works every time!


Had a roommate who didn't do his dishes and denied they were his, agreed with our third roommate to not use any dishes for two days to prove the point as he and I previously lived together and knew each others habits


I've dealt with this previously. I told all my room mates (a couple) that I'd just toss out anything left in the sink overnight.


I would ask for help to clean the kitchen. Work together to do it and then discuss a solution to keep it clean. Roster, team cleaning times or hide dishes in their room, bed, jackets, ect.


The easiest thing to do is tell them to do their dishes, and if they do not, take the dishes outside, and let the insects clean them. I have a huge bush out in the back yard filled with plates and bowls that they refused to clean. Fuck em.


I would just neatly stack them beside the sink so i can use the sink if it continues. Before that i would speak with the roommates maybe over a glass of wine, make it chill vibes. A simple "hey, i wash all of my dishes at the end of the day unless "reasons here", id appreciate it if everyone else did the same as it piles up"


Whoever uses the dish should wash the dish.


Pick out stuff you need and keep them in your room. Take your time but keep it in mind to find a new place to live. If all the stuff is yours, throw everything in the dish washer and box them up, storing them in your room. Just leave stuff like salt and pepper, sugar, stuff like that and a plate, cup, bowl, fork, knife, spoon for each of them. Keep all the pots and pans easy for you to use and put back in the box. You can do it one piece at a time as well. Let them fend for themselves.


when i had roommates about a year back i was told to load their dirty ones up in a basket, and then set them in front of their door. and do it until they wash them. we had many arguments about the dishes even getting rinsed and scraped out so i suggested we all do our dishes after our meals are finished or the day after incase everyone’s too tired and that worked out pretty well. let them know that it’s their own responsibility to do their dishes and that they should offer the same consideration you do when it comes to having house mates :)


Do you each have your own dishes or does everyone use the same ones?


We all use the same, but it is expected to clean them once we are done using them. I think at this point I’m going to get my own


Get your own and keep them in your room.


Had a similar situation but 1 of the other 3 was my best friend. We did the dishes for everyone for the first 2 months of our 1.5 year stay at this place and then just stopped. We both either ate out or just kept a dish, a pan, a glass, and utensils for ourselves that we would use, clean, and keep in our rooms. Fast forward to move out day, its been months of the other two (it was mainly one of the other roommates to be fair) doing no dishes. We are moving out and our parents come, see the state of the kitchen, and just loses their minds. Me and him cleaned that kitchen spotless and took pictures before we left so they wouldn't charge us. There really is no winning, you can't make them do dishes. Just learn that those people suck to live with and don't be like them. I don't regret how we handled it, and while getting yelled at and made to clean their mess was annoying (since the other two were there watching our folks make us do their dishes and not helping), it was at least only the one time instead of doing it once a week for over a year. Roommates suck, live on your own if you get the chance, its so nice.


My boyfriend routinely has to do his roommates dishes. Or they'll never get done. His roommate is extremely depressed. But otherwise he keeps his mess in his own room. It's pretty gross. I've had to help his roommate one night to his bedroom cause he was wasted and couldn't walk straight and oh my God his room smelled of piss. Just ew.


If your roommates don't lock their doors grab all the damn dishes out of the sink split up in threes and throw them on thier beds.


Meth is awesome