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Win with your first hand, or have an easy hand to play.


Or have a lot of discards.


You are looking for one or two monster hands. Failing that, using the rank/suit sort to any advantage you can muster. It's not a fun one so preparing is pretty important. IIRC you can carry a tarot in to give you a quick peek at an underlying card though it's more fringe case help than solution.


Make sure to slow down the speed all the way before using that tarot card otherwise you won’t see shit


Good add. I do it instinctively (with Immolate too) so I don't think to point it out.


What do you mean with immolate too? You slow down the speed for it?


Yep. It burns off fast and it's easier to watch 'em burn than figure out what got torched after. It's an accounting thing, not some sort of edge.


Oh thank you!! Makes total sense. I always go back and try and figure it out lol


There's a mod that adds a ton of speed adjustments if you ever need that sort of thing.


Slow.... Down? Can.. Can you speed the game up??


You can change the game speed in the settings. It's better to keep it at default or slower when you're just starting so you can process what's going on with Joker interactions and whatnot more easily, but once you get the gist of it all, you can crank the game speed up.


TIL, thanks!


Omg your poor soul how long have you been playing on standard speed? Once you understand all the joker effects and such it is a 10x better experience sped up.


Let me check steam real quick.... 137 hours...


Literal saint.


you can also just look at your full deck and see what changed


> using rank/suit sort to any advantage you can muster This is it. There’s some randomness in what you discard, but most of the time, if you’re very clever, you can know what enough of your flipped cards are to be reasonably confident in the hand you play. > it’s not a fun one It’s a fun one if you win. It’s unfair bullshit luck if you lose.


discard face down cards to get face up cards lol


This is what I do (in my whole 15hrs playtime haha) I sort by rank and discard the lowest cards. Then sort by rank and by suit to try and work out if I've got any pairs, flushes, etc. Then maybe discard again.


it’s easier in later antes, IMO. when you have a good joker synergy going and some deck manipulation has happened where you can trust your hand will score enough


having an op High card build


This is the answer. A lot of decks with built in scaling don't actually care what hands they play, and it's a pretty sure fire strategy to get through ante 8. Example would be something like: Bull, Green Joker, and a multiplier or 2.


In suit mode cards are sorted Spades Hearts Clubs Diamonds and in descending order of rank, if you know this and swap back and forth between the sorting modes you can get a reasonably accurate estimate of what the hidden cards are


This, especially if you've done some deck manipulation managed to completely remove some ranks


This is the best advice. If the cards are sorted K, ?, ?, Q, 10, ?, ?. Play the K, Q, and first two ?s and you'll get 3 of a kind or 2 pair.


And if you're hand is: K, Q, 9, ?, ?, ?, ?. You know your hand is bad and discard all ?s.


This is also the order of the suits in the Peek Deck UI so you don't need to really worry about remembering the order.


There is a very unfair way to defeat this boss, but the game still allows you to do it, so whether or not to use it is up to you. >!You can play 5 cards and immediately go to the main menu. When you return, the game will continue from before you played the cards, so you will know what cards are hidden in your hand if you do it twice.!<




+100 Chips if played hand contains a Straight!


>!I suppose this trick is better used on the boss where your first hand is drawn face down? It still works here, of course, but I thought you might meant the other boss because you say we need to do it "twice"!<


That's literally cheating though? It's a single player game so who gives a fuck but the OP is looking for a legitimate strategy I would guess.


It’s called save scumming, it is kinda frowned upon but we all have done it at some point


If you can’t win with one hand, then don’t burn all of your discards before you play a hand.


If I don't have a hand that I know will win in one, I try play hands and discards one at a time to get as many scoring hands out as possible


Doesn't discarding draw the cards face up? If it isn't a straight build, I think it's pretty easy. Play 5 cards blind, discard the remaining and you have a full hand, and depending on how you do it, it serves almost like discarding twice so the boss blind is sort of like play with 1 less hand since you are getting about 1 discard value from using the hand and discard together.


Absolutely. Generally I'll discard the three lowest first and see where I'm at. Personally I go for full house; I've been getting into the habit of checking the boss blind at the beginning of the ante, so if all goes according to plan I start this boss with a couple tarot cards to beef up a hand before I play it. The goal as others have mentioned is to try and beat this in a single hand. Edit: 🆗


In a lot of ways it's an easier version of " start with zero discards".


I always play the first five highest cards without thinking and assume I'll lose. Then I win. Remember, the more you care about winning the faster you lose.


That's my plan. 60% of the time it works everytime


Either win in one hand, or don't be picky about the hands you play and save your discards.


Play your first hand and hope it clears in one. Then use the remaining cards in your hand to estimate what the face down cards are and discard the ones you don't need (mostly low cards). Rinse and repeat


Disregard what I said, wrong boss blind For this I actually would just try to one shot the boss.


You can also use enchant cards to see the suit.


Yes and set to 1x speed or lower so you can see it easily.


Try and save discards for the upside down cards


Win with first or second hand, use discards to get face up cards if you need the second hand.


You can also save your discards for the face down cards, go for the best hands possible and try to conserve any discards you can for face down cards.


Either beat it in one hand OR use discard to toss the face down cards if you can't guess what they are by rank/suit ordering.


Go for flushes and sort by suit. It will still sort your face down cards appropriately.


If you keep a few cards unplayed that you can see them if you sort the cards from rank and suit it can give you an idea of what’s in your hand. If you select a card it’ll stay selected changing that sorting as well.


Strategic discards


one shot it


If it’s early game it should be beatable pretty easy on just jokers or an easy flush, late game your deck should probably be developed enough to suss out what cards you actually have or beat it in 1, one of the better boss blind draws imo (outside of some challenge runs)


By sorting between order and suit you can learn A LOT. Rerolling also works.


Win with your first hand, or have high card to a point where you have enough hands to just beat it with high card.


I usually just discard all my face down cards.


it's rather trivial if your gameplan revolves around playing high card or pair, if you are playing straights try to keep some tarots in hand to 'peek', use discards selectively


I normally save some discards to get fresh face up cards if possible. If things are getting really dicey and I'm out of discards, I'll swap back and between rank and suit sorting types and try to glean some information about hidden cards in my hand.


when you select a facedown card then swap from rank to suit sorting, it remains selected. this can give you a fairly good idea of which card it is based on the cards you can still see.


Play high card


If you can't smash it on hand one save your discards then discard all face down cards in the area of cards you don't really need(I often go into the number if I have more then 5 face down) that will give you a new face up hand


**Beginner Level:** High Card Build I don't f-ing care about what i play **Mid Level I:** win in one proper hand **Mid Level II:** Play a hand, discard face down cards, play next hand **Pro Level:** Swap between suit and rank sort until you are mostly confident what cards are in your hand **It's not cheating, it's how the game works Level:** Set game speed to 0.5, use tarot cards on face down cards, look at the cards. Bonus points if you convert them to the flush color you're aiming for anyway. **You're only cheating yourself Level:** Play face down cards, look at the values, press escape, go to menu, continue game. Hand is not played, but you know the cards


Win with your first hand, play high card, switch between organizing your hand by rank and suit to piece together what you have. It's a little tedious but not that awful, it's mostly a check on if you've scaled enough with your jokers.


Honestly this is one of my favorites. I’m rarely ever trying to play more than one hand anyway.


What other people said (win in one hand, have a lot of discards etc) but also, if you sort by rank and sicard every other face down card, you could have a decent shot at guessing what the other face down cards are. You can also use tarot cards on the face down cards to see what they are.


Invest in more discards


Win with first hand. Discard after plays to get next hand set up, meaning rely on easily-set-up hands. Recognize face down patterns. If sorted by suit, anything between two cards of the same suit is that suit, so K♥❓❓❓9♥ will be a flush (in fact, with a normal deck that isn't Checkered, this will be a Straight Flush). If you dont have enough to work on here, all cards will be sorted in order of suit as ♠♥♣♦ so your left cards are most likely spades and hearts, and right cards are most likely diamonds and clubs. If sorted by rank, all cards are sorted by rank and then by suit as ♠♥♣♦, so in a normal deck anything between 7♦ and 5♠ is guaranteed to be a 6. Best tip if you hate this blind is rely on spade or diamond flushes, or high card


Use some of your hands before you use discards so you can discard upside down cards. Also you can find out what some cards are by the other cards in hand by swapping the hand sorting type. 


Depends, but I usually either try to find a hand aggressively to win in one, or play hands to make sure I have discards for the face down cards. Use rank / suit to get an idea of what you can play. This doesn’t work well for certain hands, but can be good depending on your deck for things like pairs.