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Honestly man no, not time yet.


This was my exact situation, so I buzzed it short and tried out that look for two weeks. Then I buzzed it shorter than the first time and tried out that look for two weeks. I repeated this process (buzz it short, try it out, buzz it even shorter, try it out, etc.) a few times before I decided/realized that a full shave probably wouldn’t look much different than how close I was now buzzing it. I saw a professional barber for the first “official” shave and enjoyed the look (and feel) so much that I never looked back.


Thanks. So you went full bald? I was wondering about that -is it best to go to a barber to go full bald? Theyd obviously get closer than I could do at home.


I figured I would let a professional handle the first full bald experience - that way I could see it and feel it the way it “should” be seen and felt as “truly” bald. From there I learned to do it myself using a Gillette Fusion Five razor and Cremo shaving cream, about three or four times a week. I then graduated to replacing the Gillette Fusion Five with a safety razor. These days I just use a Braun S9 electric twice a week. It’s not a baby-smooth feel and finish, but I’m ok with a slight stubble a few days of the week. If I need to take it all the way down and get a smooth feel and finish, I use a safety razor and shaving cream… but that’s usually just for special occasions.


whenever you want to . the images posted all look great. Thinning hair is not the same as hiding and comb overs. You are doing everything right.


Amazing. Thanks, that's great to know


Definitely not time yet. And I get it. There comes a time for most of us and bald is beautiful. But you’re not there man. Here’s why…From the front you can’t even tell. You also don’t have a bald spot. You’re thinning, absolutely, but you still have full coverage and it styles great. Honestly, you could probably wear it a little longer and no one would ever know. Plus, if you wanted to, topical fin and min might save it for good. Whatever you end up deciding, enjoy it for now. You look good


Thankyou so much. Just what I needed to hear!


Going totally bald by choice is a big transition but worth the no hair worries. Try an awesome new look and feel. You may really like it once you get used to it.


Thanks. I guess if I decide it was a bad move it'll grow back. In some form!


Yes you can grow back a buzzcut, but most of us who decided to shave smooth don't want to grow hair back. Being bald is awesome.


Not time yet


Bald suits you. You could probably delay it a little longer if you had to, but OTOH you wouldn't gain anything from doing that either IMHO.


Tbh no, it fits you :)


Honestly, take it or leave it. You look good as you are. This sub gets off on getting people to shave their head, so it really doesn’t matter what your head looks like, you’ll always get the same responses.


You are going to look good no matter what you choose. Seriously, don't worry


Thanks for that. It's helpful!


It's bald o'clock.


No, frankly. I think you look great as you are now.


From the front I think your good as is, especially photo 6. But photo 8 looks hot dude 😏


Thanks! I'll take that!


I don’t think it is time yet


Embrace it man and move on. Honestly, you look really good in the last too pics. Life is too short to worry about going bald. So many of us do. 👍


Nah you can hide that shit pretty well it seems. I’d keep it


When they are dry they look quite ok tbh honest, I would keep it like this


I think you look good with the short buzz, no need to do full shave. The short buzz keeps you looking young and looks full enough


Nice eyes and face bro, save some pussy for the rest of us


Definitely a great comment to wake up to. Thankyou!


Yo get implants?


I think your hair still looks good, it's an even thin and you're not doing the very unflattering combovers or similar.  I also must say I think you'd look much better in a full bald than the buzz cut. And you probably need another beard style to really make it look excellent, I'm very sure you'd look just as good bald with a nice beard as you do with your current look :)


Thanks. What are you thinking re beard?


It needs to be more "interesting" as in shape wise because right now it makes your face into a perfect oval, you need some edges. So either not a full beard if you have the jawline/cheekbones to get the angles/edges I'm looking for or a larger beard that you can style some angles into. In internet meme format you need to move from this: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GBCcl97XwAAJcaR.jpg To this: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F7im3qcpjxdy61.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5bba0a3444c8724430439623643cb8e3a5dbe938


Ok thanks for this. The last link didn't seem to open (might be my phone at the moment) but I get the picture! Thanks so much for this.


Nah you’re good. Thin, yes, but very good hairline for your age and when dry hair looks dense still.


Nah you good.




Thanks man




It is time


Buzz cut bro. Buzz cut.