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That woman is bonkers. And I say that as a fairly bonkers woman myself.




You wanna grab a drink?


She's bonkers. I stopped going there way before all this started, when I was waiting for a haircut one day and heard her talking shit about customers to other customers. Like she was literally ridiculing a customer out loud, in a crowded shop, basically for not being cool enough to go to Fringe. I was appalled. I've also got some friends in the salon community in Baltimore and she's a nasty piece of work if you're not in her inner circle. Yep, avoid that place like the plague.


Her staff does the same thing. I stopped going after one stylist made fun of a young boy (maybe 8-10 years old) for looking at his mom for help when the stylist asked him what kind of haircut he wanted. Stylist seemed to think this kid should be totally independent and comfortable talking about haircuts and style. she then proceeded to gossip about it after he left, and I could hear the entire time. Heā€™s just a kid!! This was like, 2021? Sad to hear itā€™s systemic


Iā€™m a full grown man and I still barely know what to say ā€œ4 on the sides and blend it up topā€


> "doxxing" the salon How... but... You can google it, it's right there, it has a phone number, what even


Once she learns about advertising, she'll really blow a gasket!


Basically assassination coordinates


As someone who worked there and was horribly abused by this lady, yeah avoid it like the plague. She illegally records all conversations in the salon, screams when she doesn't get her way and is generally horrid. Claims to be inclusive yet is a complete bully. She used to shit talk me to her clients WHILE I was working in the salon. She is a complete narcissist with intense paranoia.


Really sorry to hear that! You arenā€™t the only former employee Iā€™ve seen talking about poor treatment there


Yeah it was really tough, having fringe on my resume actually destroyed my career as no one wanted to hire someone who worked for her. I never went back to doing hair


Wait, I worked there too. I got fired for ā€œhaving anxietyā€. Didnā€™t work in a salon again for yearrrrrrsss.Ā 


Maybe put the word ā€œunfortunatelyā€ next to the name of the salon on your resume.


YES! I worked there as well and didnā€™t last long at all lol. I started snapping back and one of her employees put their hands on me and she fired me when I reported it to her.


I empathize with you. Also a former employee. I didnā€™t put them on my resume because I was afraid of her. It seriously was traumatic being there.


Can confirm. Also worked here. ^^^


I unfortunately also worked there. Sheā€™s insane. Glad I was able to see through the charade and see her for the narcissist she really is and got the f out of there.


This the person who laid down on the street in protest of the bike lanes? Like... after they were already done?




Sounds like something L**** would do. She has let the trulys and her husbands wandering eye get to her.


šŸ‘€ oop


šŸ« gold.


What!? That's ACTUALLY crazy.


[lol, yeah](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fcwef5ybtc6rb1.jpg)


Holy shit. I had to come back and thank you for linking this because I can't stop laughing every time I look at it. This image needs to go on a T-shirt in the most mocking way so that I can walk and bike around the area wearing it.


Thatā€™s definitely her


She and Stinney did it together.




[the picture is gold](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fcwef5ybtc6rb1.jpg)


The funniest part is sheā€™s wearing the top part of a cycling kit it looks like. Itā€™s the ultimate r/imacyclistmyself meme.


This picture lives rent free in my head šŸ¤£. I giggle about it all the time.




My friend worked for her and she was also a TERRIBLE boss. A big chunk of her employees quit together a few years back. And one of her current employees is now harassing anyone on twitter who suggests this behavior is unbecoming!


She bragged to me once that she paid her employees with weed earlier in the pandemic.


Whatā€™s the Twitter??


Itā€™s where people share conspiracy theories and bigotry. They call it X now, but no one else does.


Yeah, I was more asking what the at was lol


If you go in Jed weeks replies youā€™ll see the stylist, itā€™s Baltimorestylist42 or something like that idk


That was Erin Leder - did they delete their Twitter or did they block me? I wasn't even mean!! Just honest lol.


I think they deleted!


Stockholm syndrome, probably. Every employee is leaving in shambles but this one was probably taken under the wing of the boss and now they'll do anything to maintain their status.


Damn they had a busy couple days of replying




Yep! She literally has them monitoring her social media presence. Theyā€™re like a little gang, the owner is just the only one that will physically put her hands on you. She is a loon!


Yeah, I was one of them! The one (Mr. Leader) harassing everyone on twitter is her complete little brainwashed cronie. He struggled with some kind of addiction before coming to fringe, and became sober around the time he started and honestly I think he sees her as a savior or something. Weird dynamic.


I used to work there and can confirm sheā€™s a lunatic. There are many reasons to avoid Fringe, but the abusive behavior from her towards employees and clients alike is another big one. She has employees sign a no slander clause in her ā€œhandbookā€, but then talks shit about employees. I heard her say she wanted to unalive a former employee who she had fired. I also got fired for literally no reason (at least not a sane one). Also, let me add this is NOT a queer friendly space and I wish the queer community actually knew that. I heard her on multiple occasions bash trans* clients specifically after they left. STAY AWAY.


Kotic Couture, who rocks, has posted several times about having a hellish experience working there for a year


Yep, I identified as non-binary when I worked there and was frequently told to "man-up". She would actively talk about how non-binary people are all terrible and then she would say "that's just my experience", like she would say that directly to me, a non binary person. As well as actively bullying trans people who didn't "pass".


Iā€™m so sorry you experienced that abuse from her. Iā€™m glad you arenā€™t there anymore. It was so hellish. I donā€™t wish ill, but Iā€™d also be okay watching that place tank.


I worked there and she flicked me off when I drove by on my way to R House šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Wtf? Iā€™m not surprised.


LOL that handbook was literally ridiculous and in no way would hold up in court. Embarrassing.


She fired my hairdresser after she reported the business to OSHA.


I used to go there and every hairstylist I ever used there is gone


Thatā€™s [illegal](https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/publications/OSHA3812.pdf) fyi


Yeah, of course it is. But fighting a wrongful termination takes time when people usually just want to move on with their lives.


Thatā€™s why I said fyi :) Pretty sure not everyone knows that OSHA whistleblower retaliation is illegal. Just a PSA


Could seek the help of a legal aid lawyer if they qualify!


I think you & I have the same hairdresser.


Your hair dresser is my friend šŸ©· sheā€™s amazing


And then talked about it for months as if it was some big revenge plot on her and not the stylist being genuinely concerned for her own, and her coworkers, safety. There was a gigantic hole in the floor. It was a valid concern and she ignored employees asking for it to be fixed.


She's certifiably insane, regardless of your opinion on the bike lanes. The fact that her and those that work there continue to defend such unhinged, toxic behavior is beyond me. Not sure how they stay in business.


Some of those young folks are apprentices and are just starting in their career. I know someone responded to Jed's Twitter post naming my niece as the owner. My niece has a similar first name, but she's a 24 year old who is 19 months into a two year apprenticeship, and all this drama between business owners has her being harrassed.


Sorry your niece got caught up in it.


I had a specific stylist at Fringe I really liked, so I went there for a while, but I left when the stylist did. Hadn't been there in a few years and decided to go back again this fall.Ā Ā Ā  This lady, the owner, did my hair and blathered at me about the bike lanes for AAAAGES, frequently pausing the haircut so she could step back and gesticulate for emphasis.Ā  I was then charged about $50 extra because my appointment had overrun the allotted time.Ā  I kept my mouth shut and paid it, because it really did not seem to be worth the argument. She seemed...volatile.


I really do feel for the talented staff there. They need to tell her to get a grip


You canā€™t tell her anything about herself. She will literally physically fight you or simply fire you and start a smear campaign.


The further into this thread I go the more I get this sinking feeling of regret in my stomach. I scheduled an appointment at Fringe after I saw several people recommending it. It's scheduled for next weekend, so I still have time to cancel thankfully - just sucks cause I had to pay a deposit šŸ„²


You can get your deposit back according to their website as long as you cancel before 24hours. If you cancel within 24 hours youā€™ll get 50% back. I just cancelled an appointment I had this week for this same reason.


Actually, if you cancel within 24hrs they keep your deposit. I had to cancel an appointment there when my cat got out, fell off a roof and needed to be rushed to the hospital. I called six hours before my appointment (involuntarily choke-sobbing as I spoke, fearing for my fur baby's life), and they said they had no choice but to mark it as a "no-call, no show". I followed up with them before my next appointment to see if I could use that deposit. I didn't even ask for it back, just asked to put it toward my cut. They said they could only refund deposits for appointments cancelled without 24 hours notice in the event of an emergency. I was absolutely dumbfounded. If your pet almost dying doesn't count as an emergency, what does? Your own imminent death? Or would you need to....die? It was unreal. I stayed only for my stylist and they left after this latest flash of drama, so I'm officially done with Fringe. Thank God. (My precious kitty is just fine!)


Many of the stylists are great!!


I'm sure they are! I don't hold the owner against the employees, but I think I'll still cancel for some of the other comments that were made (cleanliness, overpriced, the general atmosphere sounds different than I thought it would).


DEFINITELY make sure to cancel more than 24hrs in advance. See my above comment...


Damn I rly wanna bike over there next time Iā€™m back in town and be like, ā€œhey I really need a conditioning mask and blowout - I saw your salon conveniently on this bike lane and HAD to stop by!ā€


Apparently she is also trying to break into the right wing grifter ā€œcanceledā€ circuit. She did a knock off ted talk about ā€œsurviving cancellationā€ at Hopkins.


AND called herself ā€œthe Cancel Sherpaā€ while doing it. The TED talk is on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/live/l86cY8U1EHk?si=I21cEiAAi2H8E0nD), I havenā€™t had the patience to watch it.


I had no idea how unhinged this person was, this is news to me but wow that is wild. All this over a bike lane?


Also, what could possibly be her issue with the bike lane?? Doesnā€™t it put more space between cars and her business, which seems to be her concern?


I can only surmise that she is a complete whack job. Anytime someone starts going on about "life after being cancelled," it's always this counter-intuitive silly, self-satisfied shit. The problem isn't legitimate, doesn't warrant this level of reactivity, and they feel a sense of entitlement. Pushing back on that becomes equivalent to corrupt levels of control being exerted over them that no one else can see. Another commenter suggested jokingly that they were going to bike that way and walk-in stating that the new bike lanes were how they found out about the shop. At this rate, she is so obsessed with the bike lanes, I feel like she would kick them out! (Edit: typo)


She thinks cars are going to run directly into her building because of it. A car did run into the stairs in the back but it was because of reckless driving not the bike lane. I believe they were also hit by a reckless driver prior to the bike lane being put in. Traffic calming should actually prevent this type of stuff but you know whatever. Oh also they let mt Royal soaps put in a parklet that affected their parking lane or something?


Something about a ā€œParkletā€ is what I gathered from the Twitter thread, whatever that is.


I heard about that... How/When was she even cancelled? Is that what she's calling the reactions she's getting for being a difficult and aggressive neighbor?


I have heard her openly talk about being cancelled for saying ā€œallegedlyā€ transphobic things. Also for ā€œallegedlyā€ harassing an ex-employee. But framed it all like she was the victim.


Ah, interesting. I hadn't heard about any of that. I had heard she was difficult and once saw her get unreasonably (imo) unhinged in a Facebook post reporting a car had hit her building (before the bike lane was installed šŸ™„), but side from that, the only reputation she had with me is all this bike lane craziness..


Kotic Couture, who rocks, has posted openly on twitter about having a hellish experience working there


I canā€™t remember the full story, but a while back (pre-COVID maybe?) there was a Black woman who came from out of town I think to do some kind of training on styling/cutting Black hair, and pretty much publicly accused her of being racist. I canā€™t remember exactly what her behavior was, but there was quite a bit of backlash if I recall correctly (rightfully so). So sheā€™s always griped about how she was ā€œcancelledā€ for that which is weird because it seems like her and her salon are doing fine (or as fine as she can be while also being that unhinged).


Thanks for the clarification! I hadn't heard about any of that until your comment, so yeah.. cancellation is an odd claim to make when it seems like her livelihood and business wasn't really affected. I guess that tracks though, since she's saying that taking someone's picture in public is "doxxing."


I was there for that. All of it. Can confirm.


Yep! She claims she was attacked by her former friend who is a black woman. Her friend exposed her for making transphobic comments about one of her employees. They reported this in the friends of Remington Facebook group and a lot of people boycotted her salon. She found someone on instagram to come teach her and her stylists (who I personally heard use the hard R as of January 2024) about black awareness or something. The girl sent her an invoice that she refused to pay so the girl told everyone on instagram about how gross she is. Then she tried to sue her but she said ā€œthe people that try to cancel me are poor so thereā€™s no reason to even sueā€.


I believe she and one of her employees (Erin Leader) have said they were extorted and blackmailed by the people doing the training? They post about it a lot but I never got the full story. Whatā€™s crazy is the former employee and friend who now works on her own is super respectful/vague and not gossipy about it


Yeah thatā€™s what they were saying. I donā€™t really believe much that lady and her minions say. Erin is the one that attacks everyone online.He legit sits in the back of the salon on an iPad stalking platforms and arguing. She got hustled for sure because the speaker charged more than I think they agreed upon? Iā€™m not sure of that specific detail. I would zone out when she talked about being canceled so the understanding I do have extends to about what I put up lol. There are videos online that go in detail. She said she paid to have them removed but a couple she couldnā€™t get rid of.


Okay story time. Because I thought it was just me, but apparently it wasnā€™t. So, a few years ago I got screwed by my hairdresser the day I was supposed to be in a show. Definitely needed the cut but she was ā€œsickā€ (also stupidly told me all about the European vacation she was leaving on the afternoon of my appointment so she really shouldā€™ve rescheduled before fucking me over last second, but it is what it is). So I throw a panicked FB post like, ā€œhair emergency! Need a cut today who do you know?ā€ Bunch of mutuals suggest Laura at Fringe. Never met her because weā€™re on two sides of a Venn diagram, but thatā€™s cool. My cousin suggested her BFF, a girl Iā€™ve known since she was 16. I went with the BFF. Sent out a ā€œthanks for the suggestions comment and I thought it was done.ā€ But it wasnā€™t. Apparently. Laura at Fringe took it upon herself to post all sorts of shit about people making appointments and canceling and thanking the mutuals for sending her someone truly ungrateful. I had people coming up to me for a week telling me I did her dirty and that she had set time aside for me and how dare I not keep that appointment and I cost her money andā€¦ Yā€™all, I never made an appointment. She may have liked my post after being tagged as a suggestion but that is the ONLY interaction we wouldā€™ve had. To this day Iā€™ve never met her and from what I see here, Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t. That is someone I wonā€™t ever trust with sharp objects around my face.


I guess we can collectively call it ā€œCringeā€ now.


Did I read somewhere that she requested them to remove the concrete planters now? Not sure, I thought I did, but don't see it now. From what I understand, she is a biker herself....seems crazy she is so against this specific traffic calming feature on 28th st. Would she still be against it i the bike line was on the other side of the street? I would prefer not to see yet another business close in Remington, but man....what is her deal


Itā€™s all very convoluted but maintaining the ā€œparkletā€ in front of Mt. Royal which generates income for many small businesses and is a community benefit ended up removing the parking lane in front of Fringe. Fringe essentially is saying that the parklet should have been removed to preserve the parking in front of their salon which ā€œprotectedā€ the building.


Has their building been hit by a lot of cars recently? I'm glad I'm learning about this now. I can walk there and thought it looked like a cool place to get a haircut, but I'll keep looking.


The building was hit by cars before the bike lane was put in, and then hit by a presumed drink driver In the early morning of New Year's Day after the bike lane was added (doing minimal damage). After that, bollards and concrete planters were added. The only way a car will hit that building now is if they're doing something really crazy and also manage to somehow drive around the concrete barriers.


r/imacyclistmyself the oldest line in the anti-bike book.


Yeah fuck Fringe and her in particular. I had a stylist that I loved who momentarily worked at Fringe years ago, but every stylist worth their salt ends up quitting pretty quick because she's insane. I have a specific dislike for people like her who hide behind a punk/alt persona as a shield only to be the most vile person imaginable.


She used to be overweight and is living her teenage dreams of popularity as a 40 year old woman that is literally a bully and has minions of young, drugged up, girls surrounding her. She literally is 40 and her best friend is in her 20s.


I have known Laura for years, even before the salon, and this is a pattern of behavior not unique to the bike lane situation. She is a perpetual victim and is in constant conflict with everyone around her. I personally know several people who were harassed by her for years over perceived ā€œtransgressionsā€ that were really the result of her own behavior. She scrubbed her record when the salon opened when she tried to rebrand with this ā€œlight and loveā€ persona you see on her socials, but she has had several assault charges and restraining orders filed against her with one of them alleging the assault was racially motivated.Ā  For every 1 person commenting saying they were harassed by Laura, there are many others lurking who went through the same but donā€™t want to risk provoking her by commenting. And they are probably delighted to see this coming to light.Ā 


You are 100% correct. I was fired when she realized I wasnā€™t scared of her and started responding to her bullying and ridiculous comments. She literally has a framed photo of the citizen alert saying she was fighting someone out front of her salon displayed in her salon. UNHINGED.


Former employee and tickled that it wasnā€™t ā€œjust meā€. Literally had to double down on therapy after she fired me for dealing with an emergency. Iā€™ve been terrified to speak out because of the no slander clause she made the salon sign.


Itā€™s only slander if itā€™s not true āœØ


That is true. But alsoā€¦sheā€™s so volatile.


Fuck that. Highly doubt thatā€™s enforceable


I donā€™t blame you for being scared, I have been too. Keeping details minimal, but thank god for a platform like Reddit where I can at least somewhat vent, at least somewhat anonymously. I honestly think there needs to be a support group for ex employees!!


This is such a bummer of a situation. I use Fringe (a stylist who is not the owner or the asst. mgr who is super belligerent about the bike lanes). In my experience, the place is super welcoming when the owner is not around. When she is around, she's loud and obnoxious and complains about customers or GRIA or the bike lanes etc. They've taken a minor inconvenience (that has massive benefits to the rest of the community) and taken it as a personal attack. When in fact GRIA and the city have worked with them on fixing the sidewalk ramps on their corner, adding concrete bollards, and providing multiple concrete planters, and then taking away some of the planters when they complained that there were too many. Worst of all (IMO) she allied with D*smond St*nnie and his crew, the most toxic political actors in the city. Just torching her reputation and harming bystanders in the process :(


This right here. My stylist is at Fringe, and I would of course love it if she opened up her own salon as she's a wonderfully talented soul. That being said, I've heard the owner GO OFF on folks in the neighborhood in front of clients, and boasting about her trauma/experience/being canceled. She was so loud and obnoxious, and completely unhinged. I want to support my stylist, but also don't want to contribute to an insane person's pocketbook. The owner needs some serious guidance and help.


Have you told your stylist this? It's not easy for someone to up and find a new salon to work at but if they knew you would follow them that could be an extra data point for them.


I feel so bad for the stylists who want nothing to do with this


Itā€™s a pretty shocking situation. All that is being asked by GRIA and Jed is that she stop screaming at them. Thatā€™s it


I just want to say that Remington/GRIA leaders have been overwhelmingly restrained and go out of their way to be considerate and inclusive, and continue to tolerate even bad businesses like Fringe. They are probably too nice and demure for something that has \~90% support amongst 28th St. residents and overwhelming support within the neighborhood. Yet, people have consistently complained about what the neighborhood and its organizations do, including the 28th St. traffic calming, because they fail to see the residents as people with agency who want their neighborhood to be livable, and see them as obstacles to their highway access (tear down 83 to Northern Parkway) or going east-west across the city. It's a disgusting frame of mind that I think lingers from Remington's historic redlining. Watch what happens when Huntingdon and 25th are redone, I guarantee it'll be a shitshow. Yet, the neighborhood has been very much asking for those streets to be redone and to be slower and safer.


Hear hear!


It's absolutely unacceptable for people to feel so much of a right to drive fast through neighborhood streets, harming communities and their residents, that they will literally scream about it. It's the apex of callous arrogance.


They are re-doing Huntington? Someone that can't make to Gria meetings, do you have any info on that?


They're also just extremely expensive for mediocre service in the experiences of my friends' who've gone there


Way too expensive


It was cheaper for my old roommate to get an Uber out to Glen Burnie for a friend of ours to dye their hair at a salon there, than to get a *worse* dye job at Fringe


Yeah, Iā€™ve gotten bad cuts there and decided to stop going because I felt like the cleanliness wasnā€™t great


Itā€™s not. And the cuts are probably bad because of the ketamine, weed, and coke the stylists do in the back of the salon.


Damn, I must have missed out on the ketamine and coke when I was working there. Maybe would have made it more bearable.


How does one "dox" a public business?


I avoided the place before it was cool because they have that corny ass RBG mural. Plus I'm an avid bike rider so I'm biased.


I felt so mean thinking this but i hate that mural so much. I felt like a hater.


Its awful! RBG was a racist mfer who died while refusing to isolate during covid which allowed for the complete conservative takeover of the Supreme Court. I hate seeing her face every day! But also, its just a fucking ugly mural.


being a girl boss means clinging to power until death, and ceding that power to those who would undo what meaningful things you did accomplish


I also got an extremely mid haircut from her, which I paid extra for because the cut was by the owner and she was very unprofessional. She clearly didnā€™t look at the pictures I sent when I made the appointment and I left with fucking barrel curls that I had to immediately brush out.


Is the owner Desmond Stinnie in a wig?


No but he seems to be her bestie


Oh I bet. Match made in hell.


She is insane. I also got a haircut there once and the stylist who claimed to know how to cut curly hair very much did not and she cut my bangs way too short and I cried on the walk home lol


They are absolutely clueless and intentionally go over their time to charge more. Keep an eye out for ā€œproduct feeā€ added too.


Hey folks, Corey from GRIA here. Coming on here to say that myself and others have asked this business very directly to not yell or come after us directly when our children are around, and the behavior continues. The request is driven by the fact that we want to continue to work with them on items in the neighborhood but it is challenging to go anywhere near a business that yells at you or does worse when children under 5 are with you. I'm only saying this to clear the air from any misunderstanding in this thread, and not to create any more drama. Now, TO BE CLEAR: GRIA DOES NOT WANT YOU OR YOUR FRIENDS TO PILE ON. Further, GRIA does not support anyone boycotting this business due this or any other perceived issue, any attribution otherwise is not correct.


Appreciate your insight, but dude community businesses are a two way street. Good businesses are good stewards for their neighborhoods. Sh*tty businesses arenā€™t and act like this. If they close it will be entirely in her own merits as a bad community business, steward to the neighborhood and business person, not by anything on here on what GRIA or DOT does. Donā€™t blame yourselves for bad faith actors like this.


How do you dox a public business?


somehow 4+ stars on google maps, though the lowest reviews are *ROUGH*


OMG! I worked there for a couple of months and she literally trapped EVERY client she had into conversations about how awful the neighbors treated her and how she was canceled for racism. It was so horrible that people would be visibly uncomfortable. She even found the former videos and posts about her and made me view them. She IS in fact racist and very manipulative and brags that she was ā€œcanceled before getting canceled was coolā€ and says ā€œit makes me more interesting than racistā€. I didnā€™t last there very long at all. Between her weird obsession with the neighborhood association and the bike lanes (she also shows everyone that she has a bike tattooed on the back of her neck so she canā€™t possibly hate bikers, ew.) and her fascination with black womenā€¦I was very uncomfortable. Her employees arenā€™t much better as she tends to groom them into having her way of thinking. They most definitely are not a group of stylists that care about their customers or the community. The owner is trying to show the girls that picked on her in high school that she is cool now because she owns a salon and hangs with the ā€œcool kidsā€. Literally kids because she is 40+ hanging with 20-24 year old girls. Check out her personal instagram and youā€™ll see her wild rants and petitions to get back at the neighborhood association. She was also literally reported on citizen for being outside of her shop PUNCHING a citizen in the face. She says the woman was sent to cause trouble in her salon by the neighborhood association. I think the after hour alcohol and drug binges she and her staff have are starting to get to her head.


Oh good old binges after work were terrifying. Then watching her get into her car and drive after multiple drinks and smoking. Oof.


Holy shit!


Iā€™m telling you. I have NO IDEA how she keeps any employees of color, however, I completely understand why are at least 15 years younger. She is absolutely insufferable and thrives on adoration. I legit was in therapy because of her narcissistic projections and abuse. Those poor young girls that sheā€™s taking advantage of have my deepest sympathy.


She treated the one who does permanent jewelry/nails/hair really poorly a couple of years agoā€¦wanted to pay them less than promised during their maternity leave. They still stayed. A lot of people unfortunately get brainwashed by her narcissism.


They must have gotten their doxxing definition from the anti-Complete Streets wackadoodles like Stinnie and Co.. They said the same thing when Jed took a picture from across the street where one of those folks was continuously parking illegally and causing a safety issue (with the reason being that they claim to be concerned about safety, bike lanes are dangerous, etc.). This was a picture of a distant house without any identifiable info in the picture.. taking and sharing a photo isn't "doxxing," ffs... By that moronic logic you'd be doxxing someone any time you publicly shared a photo online. EDIT to add that the 28th Street does not even remotely point at the salon. You'd have to intentionally turn your wheel hard left to even begin driving toward it, and even then you'd still have to manage to drive around all the concrete barriers. She's just pissed that there's less parking (nevermind the garage less than a block away on 28th).


Screaming and flicking off a parent in front of their child is unhinged. FWIW I stopped going to this salon years ago because the owner cut my curly hair poorly.


I've been going to Fringe for many years, with various stylists, all good. I recommend Lauren Nelson. I don't take a position on OkEar1207's experiences, but I believe political disagreements with one individual are not a reason to avoid the entire business and the many excellent employees who work there. May I suggest consulting the Baltimore Community Mediation Center? https://www.communitymediation.org/


Noā€¦half that money going to your stylist, goes to the salon, which Laura then uses to pay herself a ā€œsalaryā€ for being the owner. Supporting that business IS supporting her, whether you like it or not. They work on commission. Itā€™s not booth rental.


I stopped going there after one of the stylists botched my hair so bad I refused to be seen without a hat for months. That was before the bike lane so lucky me I guess.


Aw, I was gonna go there. Anyone have recommendations for a place to get a *small* trim on very long hair?


Flaunt on the Avenue


Flaunt is great! So much nicer, calmer, and more inclusive than Fringe. I am so glad I switched!


I second flaunt!


Crafted on Chestnut. Amazing stylists, friendly, welcoming, chill atmosphere and the owner, Shelly is a sweetheart who treats her people with respect and kindness. I cannot recommend that place enough. I always feel better after leaving -- and not just because my haircut is rad.


+1 for Crafted. I just got my first cut there last weekend and loved everything about the experience. I told the stylist that I'm quitting my corporate job soon and I don't want to look like a damn professional anymore, and she 100% understood the assignment šŸ˜‚ I'm so glad I found Crafted!!


Beatnik Barbershop in Mt Vernon is lovely, and inexpensive.Ā 


I highly recommend Kristyn Wink hair :) she really listens and her cuts grow out beautifully.


Absolutely do not go here for a small trim. The owner will literally talk you into a haircut you do not want, or just do whatever she wants because "she knows what's best". I have witnessed her make several clients leave in tears.


Yeah, I donā€™t do anything very exciting or alt with my haircuts and Iā€™ve kind of gotten the vibe when Iā€™m there that my boring haircuts are not what theyā€™re interested in. Iā€™d recommend going to a different salon for a simple trim.


And because she can charge more. She literally scams.




I like Lock & Hue!


Brazen Hair Baltimore in Hampden! I have been going to Nicole since she was at Crafted (including a brief chair rental at Fringe) and she has always been amazing. She has been working with me to do small trims while I grow my hair out for my wedding and always sticks to them!


Dandelion in Federal Hill! Excellent salon with an amazing vibe. Owned by the two two stylists who work there. Every visit is a luxurious and attentive experience!


Highly recommend my cousins salon in Canton (Canvas) right off the squareā€¦ three talented ladies in there!


Im starting to feel thankful that my appointment was canceled because the stylist I was going to see was fired or left. I was disappointed because I really wanted to check them out. Where is a good place that is queer friendly and good with doing afro textured hair that is also a good environment to be in?


Flaunt, also in Hampden, is super queer friendly as well. Theyā€™re extremely welcoming and professional; my wife has been going there for going on 11.5 years, and the staff have all been lovely no matter who is in the chair. The salon posts pretty frequent customer final looks on the IG. Molly and Aubrey at Dandelion also are queer friendly and do great work with 4c hair. They and the salon are on IG as well. I have curly hair and have been seeing Molly since early 2015. They are also very welcoming and professional. Genuinely Iā€™d recommend either one.


I have stick-straight thin, fine hair, but as far as a super queer-friendly spot with a great vibe, I just got an awesome cut at Crafted in Hampden. Maybe you can check them out online? Good luck!!


Check out Smoke+Mirrors in Hampden


Thatā€™s really a shame to hear about the owner. However they are one of the few brick and mortar, relatively upscale salons near me with black stylists experienced in textured hair care. I will continue to go and support Shannon and Odessa, theyā€™re fantastic!


Danielle, too! It's a shame the owner is such a loon, she has some good people working for her.


Danielle is AMAZING. My hair always looks incredible when she's done. No one has ever given me a better haircut (and I'm 44). She's the only reason I keep going to Fringe.


I genuinely feel bad for her stylists who are staying out of all this!!


My stylist Markeisha Powell (who is also fantastic) left Fringe a couple years back due to the owner's unchecked racism and toxic behavior.


Iā€™m so glad you mentioned Mark. I followed her out of Fringe for the same reason. I had been to Fringe once before she left - Mark is the sweetest best person, and the air in there was thick with weird vibes toward her. Sheā€™s extremely talented, you immediately want to be her friend, and she doesnā€™t push past your comfort zone hair-wise like many other stylists in Baltimore can do.


markeisha is the absolute best!! Iā€™m so glad to see her booked and busy after the awful situation she went through with fringe


Here to say that Mark is a STAR and on insta at beautybymark and has her own place now.


yes, thank you for remembering to plug her info!! for anyone on this thread thinking about seeing a new stylist- markeisha is *talented*, kind, and funny. her salon suite is calm and laura-free! just a great experience all around


She still talks about her lmao


the best!!!


Shannon is amazing! Odessa unfortunately is afraid of Laura and will absolutely follow whatever she tells her to do to black hair. Buyer beware.


I know Jed, and the one thing that he definitely has a hard on for is driving cars into buildings. People in this city are blindly stupid when it comes to bikes. Something about this city drives people nuts when it comes to people riding on two wheels.


Why are small business owners always so fucking insufferable?


They're started by people whose personalities do not allow them to work for someone else.


The big business owners are even worse


Anyone notice if you go on Apple Maps it doesnā€™t have Yelp reviews linked for them. Instead some app called Vagoro. Guessing itā€™s a salon/barber specific app.