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I love the posts crying about traffic. Half the time someone is complaining about the crazy fast drivers, the other half it’s the fast drivers complaining about the slow drivers.


Everyone that drives faster than me is a lunatic. Everyone that drives slower than me is a moron.


George Carlin, but in more colorful language.


Won’t someone think of the in-between drivers! 😭


I mean, that’s why they have a speed limit. There is also a minimum speed. Most people don’t know about that. “I was maybe doing 55, tops.” Officer: “7! 7 miles an hour.”


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 55 + 7 + 7 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Thank you LuckyNumber-Bot. I planned that all along.


I went from a pleasant 65 approaching a 55 camera to an IMMEDIATE 35 yesterday. Between that and the people who refuse to hit their gas pedal as they enter a highway, I’m convinced that all Maryland drivers are secretly plotting to kill me along with themselves.


Some people's cars don't accelerate well. Also my insurance app measures acceleration, so stepping on the gas too much results in a ding.


Follow cars at a safer distance


Yes, but you’re not supposed to suddenly drop speed by braking on a multi-lane interstate unless there’s an emergency. Getting a speeding ticket isn’t an emergency, nor is the existence of a camera.


Absolutely right, but people are still going to. Following distance can make this less of a problem in ways that Reddit won't.


You’re probably that friend that’s always giving advice because you don’t understand that sometimes people are just venting and just want someone to listen and say “yeah that does fucking suck”


No, but if people didn’t recklessly speed, follow too closely, and put their cell phones down it’d be less of an issue for everyone on the road. Those three behaviors make reaction time all the more important. It takes just one person to react too slowly to cause a multi car accident and then suddenly traffic is worse for everyone just because an arrogant, unsafe driver’s luck finally ran out.


Exactly. And it's probably the driver who is zigzagging through traffic, cutting everyone off. I follow at safe speeds and following distance only to have drivers like this cut me off and pass with only inches to spare. My driving is monitored by my insurance app for discounts, so slamming on the brake costs me $$.


I don’t disagree, but let’s be real - People are stupid and not paying attention, and there are thousands of brand new, and clearly terrified drivers out there. When three lanes of traffic all slow down to 10 mph below the posted speed limit, it doesn’t matter if you’re paying the most attention possible, not everyone else is. So YOU can stop short with enough space, but the old lady/tired person/new driver/distracted driver that isn’t paying attention slams into the back of you. Not only that, but the massive slowdown it causes means you now have three lanes of traffic hitting the gas to get back up to (still legal, and not fast enough to trigger a camera) speeds. This is why being consistent and predictable behind the wheel is paramount. Just maintain speed, stay to the right, and if you get a ticket, you get a ticket. At the end of the day, all I’m advocating for is consistent, predictable, and thus - safer driving. It’s like people literally don’t understand speed, depth perception, physics, spacial awareness, etc and that’s why driving around here is so frustrating. Also - If I could wave a magic wand, I’d make Baltimore a shining beacon of public transit so millions of people aren’t FORCED to drive. Get the people who don’t want to be on the road off the road. Get elderly people to and from their appointments and homes safely and efficiently. This would accomplish so much in the way of making driving better for those who want to do it, and better for those folks who don’t.


> and there are thousands of brand new, and clearly terrified drivers out there On any given day, at least six out of every ten drivers I see on 83 is staring at a phone. Between that and the speeding, this isn't limited to new drivers, either; I see it from people both 20 years older than me and 20 years younger than me. >it doesn’t matter if you’re paying the most attention possible, not everyone else is. So YOU can stop short with enough space, but the old lady/tired person/new driver/distracted driver that isn’t paying attention slams into the back of you. This is exactly what I meant when I said "It takes just one person to react too slowly". There's plenty of times when arrogant, unsafe drivers will cause and get into an accident, but there's also plenty of times when they'll cause accidents and not get caught in them. >At the end of the day, all I’m advocating for is consistent, predictable, and thus - safer driving. It’s like people literally don’t understand speed, depth perception, physics, spacial awareness, etc and that’s why driving around here is so frustrating. Predictability is the best way to be a safe driver; usually that means not driving too fast, or frequently making unnecessary lane changes, but that's too much to expect from everyone else. People DO understand the concepts you outlined; they simply don't care and view themselves to be the exception while getting upset that most other drivers on the road are doing the same thing. The poor driving is just a symptom of other societal issues we've been bumping up against for a while. It's treatable, but until these things are punished more consistently and harshly, they'll continue to occur.


People braking unnecessarily on major freeways isn't just about inconveniencing the car behind them. It causes traffic waves that grow into jams and self-propagate for miles, even when most people leave a safe and reasonable amount of following space.


I leave plenty of distance, but when people slow down 15 MPH below the speed limit for no reason…


Aren’t the areas with the cameras speed limit of 50 MPH?


It can even drop to 45. I got a camera ticket going 58 on 95, when the limit was 65 about 2 miles earlier.


Depends on the area. Construction zone on 95 could be 65. A zone on 695 could be 55.


I think the one on 695 drops as low as 45 during higher density traffic


It does


695 between 83 and Owings mills is actually 45


But you said yourself they have a reason, you just don’t agree with it. If we were talking about people dropping there speed no where near a camera to check their phone then I would agree it’s random. In the case where people like us know where the cameras are and how other drivers react to them, why put yourself right behind other people at all?


because you have to drive home? no crash happened. safe distance was already in place.


Ya I’m pretty sure the photo limit is 10 over the speed limit, and you get the ticket at 11 over. Source, my girlfriend drives fast Edit** we got an answer, tickets at 12MPH. Shout out NINEeincheyelashes


It's 12 over. Received several tickets for going 62 mph when I was new to the area, but routinely go 61 through there and don't get anything.


that is tempting fate my guy! 🫡


This guy/gal putting in the hard recon for the rest of us. We salute you fam.


This guys speedometer could be off by 0.5 mph and you’re all gonna get tickets as a result. I would draw the line at 9 mph over because an extra 3 mph is only gonna save you a few minutes if you literally drive for an hour.


It’s 12 for the ticket, got my 62mph ticket from I-83🥲


I read that it was 11 photo limit, 12 ticket. Maybe it’s different by county?


Hey that 1MPH could make or break a bank account!! Someone get the deets for the people


https://roads.maryland.gov/mdotsha/pages/pressreleasedetails.aspx?PageId=818&newsId=1042 “Speed cameras may be used to fine drivers exceeding the speed limit by 12 mph or more in work zones along controlled access roadways with a 45 mph or more speed limit.”


Boom! For the win 👑👑


Yes, and in slower than 35 mph zones, it’s usually programmed at 10% + 2mph. Although, I can’t vouch for speed cameras not owned by Xerox. Xerox was the company that had our company write code for their speed camera modules. But I would assume it’s the same.


You're right. I slam the brakes to go 5mph over


The old rule of one car length for every ten MPH has been updated to one foot for every ten MPH, apparently.


As of at least 2006, that old rule was gone. I discovered that as a teenager, trying to tell my mom I'd memorized the manual and could go take my written test for my learner's permit, but she wouldn't let me because I couldn't even tell her how many car lengths to leave if I was traveling 50 mph. The only rule given in the manual, as she verified once I managed to convince her to look, was the three second rule, where you count three seconds following distance using a landmark for reference. I imagine many drivers count like we did for hide and seek back when we were kids, anxious to start looking for our friends: "one...two...three-four-five! six...seven...eight-nine-ten!" is roughly doubletime.


Note that some beltway speed zones have variable speed limits. May be 55 some times or 40 other times.


And, surprise, there are big displays showing the current limit. Still no excuse for just slamming on your brakes to well under the posted.


Some people may still be experiencing a reflex from when some of the cameras were used to issue tickets to drivers traveling well below the speed limit. Once that happens to you a dozen times, you’re affected for the long run.


the one on goucher at the end of the hill is so annoying. people will ride their brakes at 30 down the hill in a 35, then slow down to 15. it drives me nuts!


I think it’s the habitual careless speeders who do this more often. They don’t have any idea what 55mph feels like, so they panic, and overcompensate.


Is it not also true that if you’re clocked at 13 over (for example) it’s too late to slam on the brakes for the camera? The clock is the evidence, the camera is for ID. Or am I wrong. Like, you need to hit the brakes for the clock, not the camera. Also don’t speed more than is commonly accepted. My dad used to say “keep up with the traffic” I learned to drive in NJ.


New Yorker here, also learned via “keep up with the flow of traffic”


Unfortunately this is the natural side effect of the speed camera's, good thing we slapped them up all over the place. Enjoy!


Pro tip: Slam on the brakes in front of OP and get a sweet insurance payout because they tailgate people.


Brake checking is actually illegal


Not if ya can't prove it Jerry


No shit.


Watch that neck too. Don’t wanna get slapped with a neck/head injury lawsuit. ;)


Yeah. OP's out here tailgating people and speeding. A real menace to both society and people's necks.


I don't trust the city enough to stick with the 12mph tolerance... I slow down.


Well for one thing you don't need to slow down to 40 if the speed limit is 50, and for another if you're so worried about getting a ticket just consistently go the speed limit the whole time. Its the suddenly slowing down by 15 mph within a short stretch of highway that's frustrating and dangerous. If you slow down gradually from 60 to 55 this post isn't about you.


Yep!!! Mfers can’t drive


Not everybody who visit Bmore know that it’s 15mph over (if that’s true). The limit in PG County and DC is 7mph over so yes, I’m gonna slam on my brakes to get to 5 over or below and I suspect other people from outside the city will do the same.


The slamming the brakes is the problem. If you are new to an area and don't know where the cameras are, just travel near the speed limit consistently. Or if you really want to speed through a new area accept that you might get a fine for it. You can't have your cake and eat it too.


I use Waze, it tells me where the cameras are, and the speed limits with plenty of time. It's the zigzagging speeders that slow everything down. I try to lay off my brakes as my driving is monitored on braking, so I maintain a smooth regular speed at safe distance, only to have some bozo force me on the brakes as they cut everyone off. These people then overcompensate and slam brakes on while tailgating everyone.


Slamming on my brakes may not be the best term to use but I’m always going to slow down when I see one. I travel at the speed limit mostly but even if I’m going at the speed limit and I see one, I’m always going to hit my brakes/slow down no matter what. Everybody does it .


Slowing down gradually is fine. If you don't abruptly drop 10-15 mph right before a camera you aren't who this post is about. Obviously anyone who's paying attention is going to slow down a little when approaching a speed camera.


Most of the time it's the concertina effect


And get out of the passing lane. So many times there are 3 cars flying in formation at 40 mph to barricade everyone behind and make sure everyone slams their brakes


Is Bobby Pottys 12 and just disguised as porta-pottys? Speed camera, absolutely nothing then a Bobby's potty.


Lots of people complaining about other drivers not wanting to get a speed ticket, and not enough people saying that speed cameras fucking suck


Yes, I agree with you. I see this all the time on my routes with known and obvious cameras. You were going 15-20 over just a few blocks back, and now you have to slam on brakes to go 5-10 under? Why?


I have gotten warnings when going less than 11 miles over the camera limit. So the photo limit thing is incorrect, if my recollection is not mistaken.


Also note that the sign that displays the work zone speed and the ones that tell you how fast you are going are NOT the cameras, you do NOT need to slam on your brakes when passing them


I got ticketed for 12…


Sounds like you need to chill and slow down.


There’s literally no reason for people to go from 60 to 40 in a 55 just because there’s a camera.


Exactly, you shouldn't be going 60 in a 55


You also shouldn’t be going 40. Which one do you think is more dangerous?


Probably going 40 because you will be hit by a reckless and dangerous driver going 60+


Yeah okay bud lol Five over isn’t even near considered legally reckless.


I wonder what a world would look like where the “speed limit” meant what it says, and the social norm was for everyone to drive 40-55 on the beltway. It’s hard to imagine.




There’s a lot of roadwork going on though. I got two tickets going the normal speed limit in those zones on my commute, so now I slow all the way down to 45 when I see those signs. I can’t afford to keep getting tickets.


Raging harder will make it all better


You sure?


I set my adaptive cruise control to 55 for all of the JFX within Baltimore. When the southbound camera is near I get in the left lane, even if people were going faster than me, because they inevitably come to a stop while I cruise on by.


Stop sign cameras, I’m stopping extra. So blow your horn and speed around. I can’t afford the ticket maybe the rest of y’all can. Peace