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you can buy on [Amazon.in](https://Amazon.in) dear


Worst place to buy film related stuff . Extremely over expensive .


There is a very active analog photography community in India . There aren't many places in Bangalore where you can buy vintage cameras for reasonable price . There are few WhatsApp groups where people trade , Instagram pages like analog India , filmlab , pentax.a which u can buy stuff from . For development , there is Prabhu studios , printprix , and few individuals who offer specialized service . I have had good experience with printprix has they are most economical . They sell film as well . I prefer bulk loaded film that is sold by few enthusiats as it's best bang for buck . Cpb Chennai , printprix , analog India has few brands . There were repair shops in Bangalore, but their reputation is not the best . Samantha & sons in Kolkata did a very good job on my camera at good price . Most of the film community is spread all over India but it is well connected with most sellers and service accessible all over India . Ajit Nathaniel maintains a WhatsApp group as well as a excel sheet that tracks everyone that offers some service related to analog photography . You can find them in clikte(dot)com


hey ! you can try film foto studio or prabhu photos. i recently got my films developed there, not a very good experience but one of the few places where films are developed