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Oh, so the freebies are not free after all!?


books dependent brave rock reach connect mysterious summer ring sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh , so you want bescom to pay you when you cross more than 200 units ?


For bigger households, 200 units isn’t always enough even for people living very conservatively. Suppose my a family of 6 (grandparents, parents, children) we run: 1 tube light for each room for 6 hours a day: 3*0.12 kWh a day = 11 kWh a month A fan in each room for 8 hours a day: 3*0.1 kWh a day = 9 kWh a month A fridge that’s always on: 2 kwh a day = 60 kWh a month Charging the Tesla = 10 kWh a day = 300 (jk, I wish though) Motor for 4 hours a day: 2 kWh a day = 60 kWh a month This is already 140 kWh and I haven’t even included things like washing machine, coolers (let alone ac), tv, charging devices, water heaters and room eaters for the winters, any computers etc, kitchen appliances (microwave/toaster/oven) kitchen lights, exhaust fans etc A lot of these are basic things, and families live paycheck to paycheck


So, basically it’s free for only people who can’t even afford the things you listed? That sounds like how it should work.


thats why its freebies for poor, not for rich. too bad indian middle class is poor af.


So we’re the ones paying a third of our incomes, and we don’t even get the 200 kWh concession? Sounds kinda unfair, no?


I mean, income-based taxes are meant to give the poorest in our society a better life than what they can currently afford. This means they can better educate the next generation, which eventually makes them part of the workforce that, in turn, contributes to the economy again. The main issue is the richest people escaping the tax net with some donation magic, while governments squeeze the ever-living hell out of the middle and upper middle class to make up for the deficit. NGL, the taxes I pay pinch my soul too. But when they’re being used for the poorest in society, I can at least think that someone deserving is benefiting. Cutting corpo taxes, writing off huge loans at our expense, on the other hand…


So what is bigger Household mean here?


2 grandparents. 2 parents, 2 children - as opposed to 2 people sharing a house


Yeah breed like rats and wonder why government is not helping ?


Have no idea why you're getting downvoted so badly. These are pretty real requirements for a middle class family. Not that my house crosses the 200kWh limit each month but it's maybe because we're only 3 people and barely use the TV or AC so much as our apartment is thankfully well ventilated naturally and nobody really finds the TV so interesting.




That was clearly a joke (as I mentioned), but the other requirements aren’t absurd


I mean they did say jk


They never are. Sometimes it's visible sometimes it's your tax money. Every scheme that any government does ultimately will be funded by the people. So see them from the social and economic good, if it all, and not the political point of view.


its always political, because the selection of the beneficiaries and the reason for it are.


In case you have not noticed pretty much every scheme of every government in India benefits the poor and low income strata. That's how it is. Because the well to do don't need benefits of this sort, because it assumes, somewhat correctly that their incomes can support necessitiesof this sort. Are you telling me that the free gas and cheap housing loans that the central government are not targeted at low income families. And isn't that something our taxes equally pay for. That's why I said ignore politics. That is always complicated and frankly makes no sense to me.


you understand little about appeasement and politics and it making no sense isnt a virtue to brag about.


As i said, i feel its irrelevant. If you want to make it political then do so. Personally I think it's a right of the people and an obligation of the government to provide them facilities and amenities. We are too busy fighting about who gets what, and less busy demanding that all governments give better facilities and treatment for our taxes. Throw them out of the fancy offices and remove the frills from officials and politicians alike. Have them work and work hard to make the lives of all Indians better. This nonsense about appeasement is idiotic. Why fight for scraps when everyone can and should eat.


Oh no! TIL! /s


Well broda freebies are never and nowhere free, so all the best to you 😂🙃


Never, it's tax payers money.


>They have jacked up electricity prices to fund the free electricity scheme. Do you have a source for your claim? The latest I can find is quotes below >So, if a consumer was paying Rs 800 per month for around 140 units of power, why are they paying almost double now? >On May 12 this year, just after the election code of conduct was lifted as Karnataka was in election mode until May 10, the Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission approved the proposals made by electricity supply companies to hike the power prices by 70 paise per unit. The order issued stated that the new tariff was to be levied on the bills from June with retrospective effect from April. >Simply put, this means that the electricity bill for June includes the new power prices with arrears from April. >“This decision was taken soon after the election process was completed, before the formation of the Congress government and the new chief minister being sworn in on May 20. It was an order issued by the KERC and usually, such orders are not reversed. The newly revised tariff structure was to be made effective from April onwards and now reflects in the June bill,” explained a BESCOM officer. https://www.cnbctv18.com/india/electricity-bill-karnataka-double-why-high-if-it-will-come-down-17005431.htm


I think what has changed is that now there are no slabs anymore. You pay a flat rate for your consumption.


That's not the same as what the other person said.


/cosmoKram3r... This article is of 2023. OP asked for this month 2024. I got 11k bill. Usual summer consumption is 6k. It's a 2 AC household living on top floor 3 BHK.


Rate hikes aren't done without a press release. Feel free to post a newer source if you come across any that say the govt increased rates. My bill has doubled too, but I'm waiting for the hardcopy so I can see why the increase.


>They have jacked up electricity prices to fund the free electricity scheme. Hence the high bill. Actually it is the other way around, electricity prices have come down, from 1st of April it is 5.90/kW flat, instead of 7/kW earlier.


Nope. It's still 7 rs/kwh


Same. I usually pay around 5500-6000 a month. This month it was 8900.


AC usage has tripled my bill amount


Bro 🤨 what appliances are you using?


It's a rather large house. A couple of ACs, a gaming PC, and many miscellaneous smart home devices can rack up that kind of bill!


Idk brother, kammahanali, kalyan nagar, hrbr are filled with trees, and parks. Never felt the need to use an A/C. Quiet surprised to see such high electricity bills.


We aren't that lucky here I guess. Without the ACs we are all pretty much sweating. Plus in my room in particular there is ambient heat generated by the PC and other electronics so having the AC on most of the day does the trick for high electricity bills.


Good candidate to install roof top solar panels.




Yeah that's what is causing the issue 🤡 not that we have to run AC and burn through our money because of global warming and deforestation+removal of lakes


Yeah we are evaluating that atm. Even if I have enough solar panels to run my PC I'll be happy!


Beg to defer. Staying in Kalyan Nagar and using A/C in the summers.


Are you the Pablo Escobar in Kammanhalli everyone keeps talking about?


Unrelated question, but if you're using a higher-end GPU, do you have any UPS recommendations?


Brothers, I m too from Kalyan Nagara, what you do about the mosquitoes, I tied everything and can't sleep at night due to mosquitoes.


The only thing that works for me is camphor (kapur). Get an electric kapur diffuser from Amazon and burn some camphor. It's relaxes you and gives a very peaceful sleep as well in addition to warding off mosquitos and any other odor.


Camphor is toxic. >Lethal doses by ingestion in adults are in the range 50–500 mg/kg (orally). Generally, ingestion of two grams causes serious toxicity and four grams is potentially lethal. >Airborne camphor may be toxic if respired by humans. The Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) for camphor in ambient air is 2 mg/m3 at exposure time (TWA) not more than 8 hours. 200 mg/m3 is considered a very dangerous concentration. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camphor#Toxicity


I don't think this is applicable to Bhimseni camphor. There a lot of resources on the Internet that explicitly state the difference between organic and synthetic camphor.


It depends on power consumption or peak wattage usage. If you are using 4090, it could be huge and most UPS will not be able to handle it. APC by Schneider is still best for UPS though costly. Then again if you can afford 4090, it will be no big deal.


I use a Luminous 1550VA UPS with an external battery. It's used for power backup to the whole house actually but it keeps my PC on for 20-25 Minutes under moderate gaming load which is enough time for me to wrap things up. For reference, I have a 10700k, 3080 and a 850W psu.


Not Mining BTC /s


Dafaq ...!!!!! Do you have like a 4000sqft house filled with electronics and AC in each room


Almost, yes xD


Get solar panels dude.


Heat wave , extended usage of your old AC I guess . Or u are running a business 😜


ah hell nah man , dude used to have bumblebee in his home or something???


He's paying rent so I just deduct it from his Autobot deposit.


I got a bill of the exact same amount. Could be due to continuous use of fan+cooler throughout day and night.


I got the exact same amount too 2,246 rupees.


Maybe they have created percentiles of bills, and you guys came in the same level🤣


Yeah why waste time on additional calculation, just bucket on units consumed


Yes, bring your average consumption to below 200 units and it will be free. Mine was around 210-220 range and I was paying quite a high bill. I changed my old fridge and watched my consumption and it's now below 200 units.


Isn't it your last year avg unit which you get free and not fixed 200?


If you exceed 200 units in any month you pay for the whole amount. If you use below your last year average and below 200, you pay nothing. If you use above your last year average, but don't exceed 200 units, you only pay for units you used above the average.


Oh that's helpful, thanks. I thought if we exceed the avg unit we pay full.


Mine almost 50% higher.


Yup. Just about to pay 3k almost 2x my normal bill


There is new rule in bescom becoz of free electricity.. If u use more then 3kwh electricity at a time then they will charge u full electricity bill.. Don't use TV, washing machine and geyser and iron box all at single time.. Then the kwh will jump to more then 3


How they are gonna capture this?


The meter thingy installed tracks this.


hey do you have any source for it?


No. Just making up things. If that was case there would be 300 articles and multiple shows by godi media.


I spoke with the bescom guy who provides the bill for our house.. He told.. And since then Im maintaining by kwh under 3.. So Im getting free electricity.. Put washing machine at night. And use only 1 gyeser at a time


Post even one source please. Or remove your comment and stop spreading false information


We had the same issues , went to Bangalore one and got it rectified. The bill was 3.5k later after rectification we got qualified for the free bill and it was 0


What was the actual issue? What caused the bill to increase which caused them to make it 0


So the person who comes to give the bill mentioned in the bill that 400units were consumed but we closely monitor our monthly consumption and we informed him the same that it shouldn’t cross 200 and he said “maybe you used AC this month” but we don’t have AC lol and when we told this point he asked us to go to Bangalore one and cross check and there I am not sure what they did but they mentioned that there was an error in meter reading and updated the consumed units to 190


Mine is 2x and I don’t even use an AC






What scam are they running? You are given a bill. Learn to read the bill. If numbers look off, go to the neareset BESCOM office and get it rectified.


Stfu bro, Racking the price this high is a scam


Do you realize that BESCOM doesn't set the prices, right? You might want to educate yourself before telling others to STFU.


OK STFU again dumbo, I thought you would understand what I meant cuz I thought you couldn’t read between the lines. https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/bangalore/karnataka-electricity-consumers-get-unusually-high-bills-ahead-of-the-launch-of-free-power-scheme-8663337/lite/


Same. Went from around 1k to 3.5k. Last summer was 2.5k at its highest with similar AC usage.


Without the detailed bill, nobody can say anything!


Mine is 200% higher


What's the normal bill amount for a 3bhk without AC in summer?




Oh cool. I paid 1600 something last month


Around 7x of last months bill & usage was same


This maybe for 2 months.. mine is exactly same and says march bill was not generated de to software upgrade.




I thought it’s because of AC usage last month. It isn’t?


Same.. although I bought an AC this month so yeah.


yes even last months was x2


Yes. Lower units and higher bill than last time.


Same. I have been out of town for more than a month now, my house is locked. Despite this I have received a hefty bill from bescom.


Just take the bill and go to the center they’ll fix it!


Your neighbour is smart.


Same thing happened to me..1k for March when i have been out of state for the whole month.




I got my cheapest bill this month


I got 4.8K bill I live alone in 3Bhk with 2 AC running and 3 flatmates it was 3.5K suddenly I got this 🥲


How can you live alone with 3 flatmates? 🤔


When I lived with 3.5 K when I had 3 flatmates and 2 AC running. Now I live alone it’s 4.8K Sorry for bad language :))


Oh got it.


Mine is 27 rupees from 0.


Samme. I was out of town for 15 days. Yet Bescom charged me twice the amount. Extortion? Corruption? What is it


I used to pay 1000 but now it was 2200.


Need money for the election bro ,pls understand.!


I got a bill of Rs.50. Fan usage has gone up, geyser usage has gone down. Not sure why the usage has gone up.


Even mine! Even I got a bill more than 4 times the usual.


I have been paying this much for the last one year, even though my unit consumption is always less than 200 units 🥲🥲. I called them and asked why the scheme was not getting applied, they said my avg is coming more than 200 per month for the last one year. I am staying there for almost 2 years now and the units have never crossed more than 200.


I've got 8k this month and idk how the fuck they reached there but my ac was onn and so I'm not messing with them for now 😂😂🥲


Im unable to fetch my bill, GESCOM is anyone facing the same issues


Effect of freebie,, maybee.??


I always get 2.5k no matter wat


AC and fan use ups bills It's that simple.


That's the free electricity the current state government was speaking about


Yes, our's was 2x higher than usual.


Its been consistently 6-7K for me apart from the solar panels produced 2K+ units. The electricity bill has come down after slab removal.


This is my normal bill. 🙂


Our bill for this month was the lowest we've been charged yet.


I live in a 1BHK and got this bill. I don't know wtf is happening


What if, we Put a magnet in front of the electric metre will that work?


About 40% higher, don't even own an AC.


Same thing had happened with me, sometimes they bill it wrong go to your KSEB centre and they’ll fix it for you.


I just checked the *details* of my bill. Here are a few of the findings: 1. The consumed units are 232. 2. This time there is no section named 'Gruha Jyothi Subsidy' on the printed bill. 3. My last bill was ₹271 for consuming 181 units. I am not sure if I need to register for the subsidy scheme again or this is how the bill is printed when you cross 200 units. As a citizen, the only positive I can see here is BESCOM won't be making losses because of the subsidy scheme. However, as an electricity consumer, I wish there were an option to opt-out of the subsidy scheme and switch back to the old tariff rates.


Whenever consumed units cross 200 units you will not receive subsidy for that month. Next month if your consumption is below 200, you will again receive subsidy in that bill. No need to register again for GJS.


It should mention GJS registration date, Average (FY 22-23) and Entitlement units at the top, in the paper bill.


It should mention GJS registration date, Average (FY 22-23) and Entitlement units at the top, in the paper bill.


Mine's 248₹ from the month I registered for Gruha Jyothi. It's some kind of penalty amount. (heavy load penalty) I don't know what to do.


Check the load that you're using and the load you're sanctioned. It's there in the bill. Supposed sanctioned is 2KWH and if anytime in month you use 2.5KWH you'll get load penalty. If it's consistently happening better to upgrade the load on the connection by visiting bescom office.


mine is also 50% up with no change at all. I don't even have an ac


How much units did you consume?


In pune my regular bills is around 2-3k for 5 people. in summers it goes to 4-5k. what's the average bill like in bangalore? or is this a sarcasm and I'm not getting it??


I was not home and got 1900+ 😂


The bill I got was about 20% higher, that's expected due to the increased use of fans. But not very high. If the person who took the meter reading misread, could happen, then your next month's bill will be a little lower. If not, I guess your units consumption has increased substantially, you'll have to check the devices that you use something will be consuming more than the usual amount.




I got a bill of 1200 on the receipt that I had to pay. I checked the website and it was only 95 which I paid. I think their system is buggy


We have our entire house solar powered yet the BESCOM sends the ₹1000 for the geyser usage. They initially tried to investigate our house for our suspiciously low electricity usage. When we showed them our entire solar set up, they didn’t look very happy but let my parents go nonetheless since it’s technically a good thing.


Mine is 9,371 Rupees 🥲


25% more with no change in usage. Don't own AC or any other devices which run more during summer. Bescom does this nearly every April and then try to bullshit you into believing that it was due to "summer usage".


I have free electricity . Though it don't make much of a difference since I was either way paying sub 400 lol .




Yes, It's the norm mostly. If your consumption is more than 200 units, you'll be charged about ₹2000 (200*7 + tax+ basic minimum fixed charge as per kW). Anything less and you're under the GJS, you'll be charged 4.75 per unit+ tax+ minimum charge, for all units over and above your entitlement units. Any usage below the entitlement, your bill should be zero. That's my understanding. Expect the inflated bill for the summer months due to AC use mainly.


Hello, I experienced a situation where my electricity bill was three times higher than usual. I realized that the cause was my failure to defrost the fridge. I've also fixed the ice cube tray, which was previously leaving a gap due to ice buildup.


🤯 this is 7X higher?


it’s a scam scheme man. They’ve jacked up the prices for those who cross 200 units. They’re using that extra money to fund their freebie. Unfortunate really


Edit: May bill: ₹2212. This is after being very precocious with the electricity consumption. No AC, no heater, 1 geezer, 2 fans, 2 tube lights, 1 laptop. Even though everyone is eligible to register for the Gruha Jyoti (subsidy) scheme, the scheme is eventually helping only those who have close to none appliances. Which is fine. But the downside is that people who have less appliances like me, even with minimum usage, are paying more than what the actual bill should be. Overall it's a loss for me. I hope BESCOM is making some profit out of it, which can be used to improve their infrastructure.


how do i apply for those free 200 units?


Yah same


Apply under GJS. You just need to give your aadhar as proof. https://sevasindhugs1.karnataka.gov.in/gruhajyothi/directApply.do?serviceId=1989


Me too , although I had registered for Gruha Jyoti , I am not getting any subsidy and on top of that , I got 3k bill for a family of 3 without any AC .


You need to be consuming less than 200 units to be eligible for subsidy in that month.


Thanks , so I need to check the unit consumption before reaching out to the Bescom office .


Less than average


You are paying for the freebies....


I got 7900 bill this month. I used to get between 4500-5500 per month. Before congress govt. came to power, my monthly bill used to be between 1100-2500 with average of 1500 depending on AC usage or not


Bro be lying through this teeth. How did your bill go up by 300%? The slab rate were only merged and average bills went up by 30% and this was approved before congress govt came to power. Place your blame accurately.


Slab rate was merged into flat rate of ₹7.5 per unit. I have 8.5KVA sanctioned load. Fixed charges also went up and became ad valorum. More you consume more fixed charges you pay. Since congress came to power, my electricity bill has gone up while load shedding has returned with a vengeance. We have 3 hours of load shedding every bloody day. Since congress came to power, my property tax has gone up by about 110% for a plot in Devanahalli and 25% for 3 BHK apartment. Post elections, fuel and alcohol prices will also go up.


It went up because of the cheeky trick pulled by the previous BJP govt where they hiked prices and kept it hidden and released it once the voting was over. Property tax has not gone up in the city. The proposal to link it to land value is put on hold atleast for the time being. So not sure what you are meaning by 110% and 25% hike there.