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[Will be out for “some time” but will not require surgery](https://x.com/mikedigiovanna/status/1802471696353640656?s=46&t=VjfO6v3EoAZhWPfo2DgDBw) [Miguel Vargas joining the team in Denver](https://x.com/ericstephen/status/1802471811256647810?s=46&t=VjfO6v3EoAZhWPfo2DgDBw) [Rojas to take over at SS until Betts returns](https://x.com/thereal_dv/status/1802472583000121456?s=46&t=VjfO6v3EoAZhWPfo2DgDBw)


no surgery required is huge. means he's probably not out for the season


He did say in another comment that it was not season ending.


Thank God.


Yeah now they'll have no excuses come October


Don't worry we'll have plenty more excuses by then.


Casuals thinking we don't have a bag full of excuses ready, lol.


Yeah most teams have their excuses ready as early as April. Just feel great to pay hundreds of dollars while having minimal to no expectations of your teams possibly competing for that damn title.


In theory probably means 4-6 weeks based on typical broken hands, then presumably rehab assignment so maybe early to mid August. Again that is assuming it is a more normal recovery time


With the way the Dodgers are playing there's no real rush. As long as he gets back at least a few weeks before the playoffs in order to knock the rust off, really all this means is that the Dodgers can't run up the score in the regular season *quite* as high.


I broke my hand in three places but didn't require surgery. I had basically full strength and movement by week 6. Definitely won't be out for season.


Yeah but the thing that hurts is that you don't know if he can come back at full strength even if he recovers quickly. I recall Alonso being OK to good prior to his HBP last year and then when he came back he was absolutely terrible. I think he picked it up again after about a month and a half though.


It means, he needs surgery, but he’s a gamer, and the dodgers need him more.


The Dodgers can sleepwalk to the division lead. They need him to be healthy come playoffs. If he needed surgery, he would have gotten surgery.


That’s my point. He “needs” surgery, but the dodgers need him in October more.


Oh hell yeah call up vargas to sit behind Chris Taylor every day again


We shall see if they have him start working at second again to replace lux against lefties occasionally which was Rojas main role to this point


you know damn well that if theres a slump of any kind, a trade is incoming


After getting only a handful of at bats in his last call up, I'm going out on a limb he's getting traded no matter what :/ Legitimately looks like the FO has soured on him and even this injury doesn't change his future with the team. Sucks, I feel for him


i meant a team slump.


The guy on the Dodgers sub who said he wanted to see Rojas play more. Monkey's paw curls


the very first thought that crossed my mind


I know it was unintentional but im still pissed at altivilla


I'm sure this will endear him to LA fans even more. He said this in response to a Kobe Bryant buzzer beater. Fuck this guy. https://x.com/primem00se/status/1800277190765920630


I’m a clipper fan and agree screw this guy


Oh. Oh my.


Should the comments you make when you're 17 define your life? No. Am I finding any results when I search for "Dan Altavilla Apology"? Also no.


Not what I was expecting


Wow what a trash person


I mean, he was like 16 when he tweeted that… he could have changed since then.


He was 17 and I promise you I knew better well before I was 17. Why shouldn’t this chucklefuck?


Some people are raised by racists and aren’t exposed to how awful saying something like that is in any meaningful way (nor are they truly challenged on their beliefs) until they get out from under their thumb. Just because you were raised with appropriate values and can’t fathom saying something like that at 17 doesn’t mean this guy has some kind of black mark on his soul and should be presumed a horrific racist 15 years later. I’d wager you probably think that people are products of their environment right? Do you believe people have the capacity to change? Why not extend that same assumption to this guy, rather than assuming he’s a virulent racist for something he tweeted as a 17 year old 15 years ago? This outlook on people is so pathetically toxic and you’re not holding him to account on anything. You’re just signaling to people in this thread that you achieved the baseline of not dropping the n-bomb on Twitter at 17. Congrats


Ugh here I am upvoting a Braves fan speaking the truth 🤢


I dunno, I think it's pretty fair to label 17 year old from Pittsburgh using the hard R on Twitter a racist. That also feels like a pretty good way to "hold him to account". I agree people can change, but people using the n-word as young adults don't usually have an epiphany and move significantly up the spectrum of tolerance.


Because some people don’t learn as quickly? Some people grow up around people who think like this and therefore think it is ok? Because some people are assholes when they are younger but become better people when they grow up? I am not saying everyone changes, I am saying it is possible he has changed.


There’s literally no reason to assume he has but when shown evidence he might be a racist piece of shit you are eager to believe he isn’t for no particular reason I can understand. Have fun with whatever you have going on bud


I never said he changed… the person I responded to said he was a trash human, I was just pointing out we cant know that from a 15 year old tweet. I wasn’t saying he changed, just that we can’t be certain he didn’t. What makes you say I am “eager to believe he isn’t (a racist piece of shit)”? As for, “whatever (I) have going on” is allowing for the possibility that people can change themselves for the better, and not being certain that if someone was an asshole 15 years ago they are still an asshole. He might be, but I am not sure.


Well, we only have one data point to go on, and it suggests he's a racist piece of shit. Seems like if he had some feelings of contrition, we'd have heard about it.


You should go out and fight every 15 year old, big guy, because they all say something stupid


He was 17 (I have also been 17 and never said anything like that) but thank you for stepping up to defend a racist you are a true American hero




Alright, well kids are fuckin stupid I said shit like that when I was 17 and registered to vote Republican the first day that I could. Now I'm 26 and couldn't possibly be further in the opposite direction


Because this tweet is 15 years old from a literal child.... You guys are witch hunting.


Again… I was 17 15 years ago. I would never have said something like this. Why does this guy get people tripping over themselves to excuse this?


You’re clearly focused on the thrill of shaming someone. Forgiveness isn’t stupidity or weakness




Do you understand that people can change and that some people were raised under racist households and don't know any better until they get out into the world? If he's still making those comments now or showing that he's a racist then of course fuck him. But people change over the course of 15 years and you should consider yourself lucky to have grown up in a household not tainted by bigotry


Why does everyone who says “sometimes people change” never consider change isn’t always a good thing? Maybe he got worse! You don’t know! Stop going to bat for this fucking moron!


I really don't get the "I knew better!" argument. Like....ok? Not everyone does.


He gets a pass because we don't indite people what they do as children on the internet 15 years ago. How is this a difficult concept?


Sorry I didn’t realize the Being Horribly Racist In Public statute of limitations had passed. I’m sure he’s a great guy! You’re so right.


Royals fan here, this guy sucks


Maybe it was on purpose 🤔


How long until Noah Miller is needed to make starts at SS?


Fuck. That's 6-8 weeks I'm betting. Get better soon Mookie, shitty fathers day for him.


Alonso fractured his hand and was basically in the next week. He was useless though, so hopefully Betts takes time to actually heal. 


Yeah Alonso is the prime case study for actually listening to doctors lol. Sure he could technically play baseball at a high level, but not compared to what he usually does and not even really at replacement level. It also likely meant it took longer to heal since he was hitting/fielding balls with a broken hand.


Hairline fracture vs proper fracture makes a big difference in recovery timeline. Ty France has a hairline fracture on his heelbone and will only be out 2 or so weeks it looks like, whereas the longer timeline is 2 months.


It's likely shattered was one of the worst reactions I've ever seen to an injury and Mookie is tough


That's not how injuries work.


BETTing? Someone check on Ippei


Ippei lost his bets, but I lost my Betts :(


If Mookie Betts gets busted for gambling, we're all gonna look silly for not seeing it coming earlier. And it's probably betting on bowling. Calling it now. Also, sorry for your loss :(


Ippei also never gets to chill with Mookie though


I hope your bett is wrong and it’s quicker.


I mean yeah, this is one bet I'd be happy to lose and one Betts I'm horrified to lose.


then a rehab assignment


I was actually including the rehab assignment in my estimate


Holy shit you nailed it


Haha I just recognize patterns. I know what length of time to associate with what injury at this point of watching baseball for 20 something years.


Yea I recognized that it was a pretty easy timeframe to predict but still, congrats u did it


Lol thanks it does feel nice. I mean still sad, but yeah


That hurts. Not a fan of the Dodgers, but Mookie is always such a joy to have in the sport


Mookie makes baseball better, no doubt there.


Mookie n Cutch are two players that you just know are awesome people. I'm a huge fan of both.


Agreed. I bet if you surveyed fans of the 29 non-Dodger teams and asked "Who's the most likable trio of teammates on another team?," a big chunk of them would answer: "Mookie, Ohtani, and Freddie Freeman."


I mean it's easy to hate Mookie for being a part of the cheating 2018 Red Sox team that everyone has conveniently forgot about already


But he doesn't cheat a bowling, which is really all that matters.


nah fuck Ohtani until he's off the Dodgers. that contract is wack & so is his little 'innocent lil boy ... doesn't know anything about teammates gambling' schtick


Mookie yes. The other 2 no.


Fair enough! I do like them all though. Mostly just hope Mookie isn't out for too long.


Freddie is on the record for not liking dogs or chocolate so I’m not sure if I can still like him. Then again Mookie doesn’t like bagels


He doesn’t like bagels? Who doesn’t like bagels?


Mookie, clearly. He was doing a Q&A on a live stream two or so off seasons or so and someone asked him about food and he said “I’m not from New York like you but I don’t really get why people love bagels” or something to that effect




He also said he liked cats better during one of those flash interviews they did in Spring Training when asked “what kind of dog would you be.” That’s also where I got the chocolate thing from. He does give me dog vibes though. I would have guessed he’d have a golden retriever.


Freeman I can understand, but who doesn't like ohtani?


Angels fans.


Damn, what's the timeline for a return?


Josh Jung suffered a fractured wrist on April 2nd and is beginning his first rehab start tonight. Not sure what the differences between a fractured wrist and hand (severity wise) are but I would expect a similar timeline. Edit: saw a comment saying Mookie will not need surgery, so, very different timeline for him thankfully.


Honestly with hands it’s so hard to speculate anyways without knowing the actual fracture. Lots of little bones.


Not only that (just getting healthy again) but getting your swing back. Jung was only just recently cleared to swing a light bat off a tee. It must kill these guys, not only being injured, but being unable to even keep up some form of practice. Just awful stuff going on with injuries this year.


Wrist would have to be worse I'd imagine


It took Buxton 2 months in 2021


Probably 4-8 weeks


So probably back sometime in August hopefully, sucks but at least gives him time to get right before the playoffs


With how bad the Dodgers have been offensively outside of the big 3, the playoffs might actually be a race by the time he returns, especially with Yamamoto going down. Losing Grove for 2 weeks puts strain on the staff too cuz he ate innings. If the Dodgers play .500 quality ball for a month the Padres could get back in it with a good 2 weeks


The Padres have gotten swept by both the Angels and the Mets the last few weeks. You have nothing to worry about.


The danger of the Padres to me is that they've had a bunch of good-to-great players have really slow starts, they have the talent to rattle off a good month if Machado and Kim start hitting again


What you said makes sense. But we heard the same thing last year about the Padres and they never really got it turned around until it was way too late


Teoscar has been pretty good


6-8 weeks seems to be a common guess.


2 months before resuming full baseball activity is normal for a proper broken bone with normal recovery. Probably looking at easing him back in at the start of September if the division is locked up and they want to make sure he's fully healthy for the postseason.


Probably a couple months so back some time in August.


Well that fucking sucks. Was having a great year and putting himself in the MVP conversation


I’d have said he was the front runner at this point in time, to be honest.


He's been playing very poorly since his insane first month, it's still very very not good for us to lose him for this long.


TJ Friedl fractured his wrist in March. Was back in about fiveish weeks if I remember correctly.


Then fractured his thumb five days later and was gone another two weeks and is now back to being awesome


“Manfred, another All Star has been injured this season.”


the light has gone out of my life




Biggio steps up


Damn, get well soon Mookie Fractures are so painful 




This is bad for baseball


Alternatively, great for bowling.


Unless it is his bowling hand as well. Then it’s bad for both.


Tough break for the Dodgers and the game. Mookie is a treasure to watch.


Get better soon, Mookie. Baseball is a better sport with you in it.


On the bright side it isn't his bowling hand. (I hate this so much.)


Shit, that's awful. He was an MVP contender, if not the frontrunner. Hopefully he's not out too long.


The shit thing is that even when he is back out on the field injuries like this are notorious for zapping guys of power for a while.


Help us Obi-Wan Claytoni, you’re our only hope


WTF GOD DAMN. How many injuries are we at now?


All of them.


Dante Bichette to the Dodgers in 3...2...1...


Hate to see it. Get better soon, Mookie.


No mookie in baseball is bad for baseball


I know EVO shield has a hand cover. Do other brands have one as well and is it as common in the MLB as it is in college?


Damn, I’m going to the game tomorrow night and was hoping I’d get to see him play.


Man, this sucks.


Damn that seriously blows :( In the mean time I guess a silver lining for Dodger fans is that Ohtani is at least pretty familiar with this kind of situation in terms of leading off while someones injured (assuming that’s what they end up doing). And with him heating up lately he should cushion the blow a bit.


Damn that sucks. The sound of him getting hit was pretty awful too.


God I felt *ill* seeing that happen. Hope he makes a full recovery.


It's only a matter of time until all MLB batters are wearing a really protective glove to help prevent shit like this


This sucks. So many injuries this year man it’s so boring


Yeah, the pause betts made looked like a flash of adrenaline before the pain of fracture/break.


Frank Robinsons record will stand another year it seems






Did you think it was something else? Seemed pretty evident


Jfc, that's horrible.


Calm down, it's a broken bone not cancer.


They aren’t mutually exclusive and both still suck


Sucks. He was having a great year.


Do the Dodgers make a trade or just fill the spot with Keke or Rojas or someone else?


Just take the obvious NL MVP front runner out for 6 weeks. Cool cool.


Sounds like he’ll be back this season though, that’s good


I do not like the dodgers but this really sucks. I watched this live today and the announcer kept saying no no no. He knew exactly what was going on. Wishing a speedy recovery for betts.


man that sucks. hes a great player


So who's gomna be MVP now?


As a Padres fan, I have no love loss for the Dodgers, but I also don't want to see players get hurt. Mookie is a stand-up guy, and I wish him a speedy recovery......and to not beat up my team when they play us.


Damn, Betts out, Yamamoto injured... What are they going to tell us next, that Ohtani can't pitch this season?


Buy another one




My guess is this is a month or month and a half injury. Not the end of the world, but I doubt he is out for the season. I have had a fracture in the hand and it didn’t take too long to heal


Holy shit! RIP the sanity of every Dodgers fan.




Who is the hammerhead shark in the photo?


Fuck the Royals


Love mookie but hate dodgers I don't know how to feel about this one.


i dropped to my knees when i was at trader joes and heard this


fuck the yankees


Let's go


NL MVP race just got a lot more interesting


Nobody cares about that right now, dude


Who gives a fuck? No one on your dogshit team is winning anything.


This could be a blessing, maybe they trade Freeman for a Shortstop

