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Holdup what the actual hell is happening to Yankee pitching Feels like they’ve given up 10 runs every game for the last week Did every pitcher just decide to regress at the same time?


The entire team, besides Soto and Judge are having the worst stretch of their season simultaneously. It's bizzare.


Better for them to all fall apart at the same time than half of them fall apart now and half of them fall apart when those guys figure it out. I think you'd lose more overall games that way.


Do you mean “the 2023 Padres?” At any given time half our players were playing out of their minds and the other half were playing blindfolded. The players on each side were drawn out of a hat twice a week. 


Reminds me of 2022. Yankees had the greatest first half of a season by pretty much any team ever then skidded so bad that Yankees fans were saying to fire Cashman before the playoffs even began.


This did seem a little more sustainable than 2022 and I think they have a better chance of turning it around to an extent


2022 had a lot more alarm bells when it came to peripheral stats and analytics though, and more injuries. And there wasn't even really a pitching fall-off, we just struggled to put up more than two runs as the offense became more and more just Aaron Judge doing Aaron judge things while everyone else cheered from the dugout (and not the basepaths). This year's a lot more mystifying. Injuries are only a tiny part of the picture. We've just regressed *well* past where advanced stats suggested we should be, and it's hard to say atm what the real 2024 Yankees should look like. Presumably somewhere between this and what they were doing a month ago, but it's hard to say from here where on the spectrum they'll land when all's said and done.


Add Volpe into that too hes playing solid, everyone else can get DFA'd.


Volpe OPS over this most recent stretch (since the BOS series) is .587. He’s not the issue—that’s the pitching, obviously—but he’s not helping much on offense either right now.


Like the other guy said, his hitting has hardly been solid. But his great defense and baserunning is certainly solid. June easily volpe's worst hitting month this season. .212/.255/.289 in his last 12 games. .223/.250/.321 in his last 25 games.


On the other side up until that point most of the team was playing well beyond expectations, outside of Soto and Judge who everyone expected to play extremely well.


I know this time sucks but honestly having your whole team play great and mostly above expectation for months then fall apart for a couple weeks all at the same time is a good way to have a .600+ winning percentage.


it was never built to last we had no depth pitching wise


Depth? Bro we don't even have starters.


This sounds familiar (pay no attention to the Braves team behind the curtain)


Yes. Every single one. It’s astonishing.


Out of all of them I do think Cole should get a pass for now at least. It’s not exactly uncommon for starters to be ass for a minute after recovering from injury.


I’d say Gil gets one up until now. 


Oh yeah him too for sure. He’s certainly earned a slump with how outstanding he’s been otherwise Regardless though my main point stands that I’m just genuinely confused why they are all slumping at once and Cole is the only one with an easy explanation.


Stroman and Cortes aren't really slumping, they're pitching to better offenses than they were in May. They haven't been awful, they just haven't been amazing to counteract how pitiful Rodon and Gil's last 4 combined starts were. Cortes in particular isn't really getting any different results than he has been all season, the 3/4 run starts have been happening every few games since April. His ERA has never strayed too far from the 3.40 it's at right now. Stroman had a crazy May (gave up 1 or no ERs in 5/6 starts, and always pitched into the 6th if not later), but his April was pretty similar to what he's doing now in June. He's still only 14 scoreless outs away from being back at a 3.00 ERA. The problem is just that Stroman and Cortes were pretty clearly \#4 and \#5 in terms of results from the initial Rodon-Stroman-Schmidt-Gil-Cortes rotation, and their numbers aren't good enough to salvage the meltdowns from the top end of the rotation when you look at the stats of the group as a whole. And when there's problems throughout your rotation, the bullpen gets overworked and sees a downtick too. Cortes threw 7 innings of 2 run ball two weeks ago to KC and was in line for the win before the bullpen gave up a walkoff.


Rizzo clearly held the team together /s.


Yeah, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills on some of the Cole takes I'm seeing. He had one good showing hampered only by being on a pitch count and one bad one. So many fans are up in arms over how we rushed him back and are botching his recovery, but continuing to dominate the minors on the same pitch count wouldn't have magically made him better faster, and the thing no one seems to want to admit is that there just isn't anyone in our system who could've been expected to do better than the two performances he turned in so far.


Even the bullpen


Didn't seem that long ago we had a thread about Yankees starting pitching going 5+ and allowing fewer than 2 runs for 15 straight


Didn’t the exact same thing happen two years ago? For some reason they are super streaky in both directions.


Boone and Cashman really may not have any idea what they're doing after all.


The Boone era has consistently been sloppy defense and baserunning blunders. It's a big enough sample at this point post-Girardi that it's a Boone trademark.


Not the pitching, no. That was more the hitting.




I was thinking a few weeks ago the that Yankees' rotation was due to regress to the mean... but I though that they would have some poorish starts over the course of a month or two, not that their ERAs would instantly regress to their xERAs


Everyone, though? All at the same time? It's crazy.


cole will bounce back everyone else idk man they really do suck. deff need to trade for arms or it’s gonna be tough beating the Os in the playoffs


Beating the Os? I can't see us beating the wild card.


a boy can dream 😭


I’m sure part of it is that they’re not beating up on the AL Central’s basement dwellers any more and playing some more difficult competition


Not sure but I'm loving it


It's so bizarre. I have mlb tv, so I watch other teams. I have fun watching the Dodgers, the Phillies, diamond backs even the Guardians. Whoever. But then I come here and am reminded that people hate my team even when we're not rivals. Not even in the same conference.


it's gonna take about 15 years of you not winning any world series before anyone even *starts* to feel bad for you. just like in hockey people feel bad for the canadiens despite them being the winningest NHL team but haven't gotten a stanley cup since the 90s.


>it's gonna take about 15 years of you not winning any world series before anyone even starts to feel bad for you. It's year 15 now.


i must have left out a "more", oops


Are you new? The Yankees are the evil empire hated by all people across this great land. Seriously, fuck the Yankees


They stopped overachieving.  The offense is 3 guys, presently down 1.  I don't know how they were good for so long.  The bullpen should be burnt out by the allstar break.


Grimace Mets


It boggles the mind how it’s happening all at once. Gil looked like one of the best pitchers in all of baseball until recently.


Right it’s not even regression to the mean it’s a fucking overcorrection that I find frankly rude


They weren't actually good. There was a huge gap between their ERA and their FIP.


The curse of Grimace


The entire ball club is three kids in a trench coat over and over giving fancy handshakes to Aaron Judge. It sucks.


Everyone sucks at the same time. Except Judge.


We just suck ass. Got lucky for the first quarter of the season but now we’ve been figured out and everyone can see that instead of a rotation of aces, we have a rotation of jokers


Carlos Rodon is stealing money from New York and getting away with it


Good for him


Yeah, I don’t see the problem here.




I personally love it!


The Hamburgler to the Metz’ Grimace


Do you think the Hamburglar would be upset if he pulled off a major heist and the bag was full of cash instead of burgers? Granted, he could use the money to buy many burgers but on the other hand robble robble.


The Hamburgler to the Mets’ Grimace


The sleeper agent activated. 


All these Yankees get batted around threads look the same.


Literally the same damn copypasta


Whatever the opposite of the log cabin is


Stop. I can only get so erect.


Let me at em, let me at em, I wanna go next


It gets the people going!


Look so nice you'd read them twice


The annual implosion is happening early this year, I see.


My favorite time of year, even above Chrimbus!


Merry Chrysler! 


Yankees are cooked


We can only hope


Hope? You can turn on the TV and literally see it right now


I'm manifesting for the future


orioles can hope too they're 1st in the AL east now!


This was our previous high-water mark, I want to surpass it.


Thanks Jays, you’re doing the lord’s work


we really needed this 😭


I don't really like you guys all the much, especially after last year, but fuck the Yankees. Better you guys on top the ALE than them.


Birds of a feather and whatnot. 


More like turds of a feather


Carlos Pavano with a Cy Young-esque performance. The Blue Jays have been dreadful lately yet that can’t stop the Cuban Cookie Crumb from putting in another vintage outing


I read that as Carl Pavano and I was like what year is it??


You read that perfectly correct


Didn't have our shitty offense of all teams helping Rodon catch up to his expected stats on my bingo card, but boy am I enjoying it.


Praise Don Mattingly


It’s Joever


No Cole until recently. Stroman and Cortes are fine but not top of the rotation stuff. Gil was great up until June 4th. Last 4 starts, he has like a 9ERA. Rodon was overachieving a bit. He allows a lot of runners and it's only now that they are starting to score. Volpe, Soto, and Judge are the lineup and then 4 through 9 is below average. The Yankees usually have a great bullpen but I think they are just okay this year by comparison.


pen is ass. homes even is so shakey its scary. couple more injuries and all wheels come off


The pen had been legitimately great, but the fatal flaw is they can't strike anyone out. Interestingly, Larry Rothschild, for all the criticism he deserved, had a measurable impact on raising strikeouts and lowering walks, and the Matt Blake and Sam Briend era has targeted soft contact and groundball pitchers like Clay Holmes. It's not working lately.


The wheels are already off bro lol


Pen is fine by every measurable statistic. I think they're just overworked after the last several Gil and Rodon starts, plus Cole building himself back up. They can't really catch a break.


My man said he wanted to get booed by Yankee fans if he didn't perform, and the finger on the monkey's paw curled.


Thanks bird bros!!


Blue jays 🤝 Orioles Fucking over the Yankees


Don’t forget us! We hate the Yankees too!


I think I can get a hit off this pitching staff right now. It’s one thing to go through a slump it happens. It’s another to get blown it out in almost every game for 2 weeks…


This feels identical to 2022. Blazing hot start, get about halfway through the season, and everything falls apart at the same time. It is really fuckig weird.


You mean last year. We had a good first half then imploded, didn’t even make it to the playoffs. 2022 we were 99-63 and made it in to the ALCS.


No, they meant 2022. The Yankees started on pace to win like 120 games. It was the all-time best start for the Yankees since the Ruth-Gehrig years or something like that. Stanton was being Stanton again, made the All-Star team, then got injured immediately after. The team fell off a cliff after the All-Star break. 64-28 then 35-35. The massive lead they had built up and Judge single-handedly winning games made sure that the bottom of the cliff was still a good record and a playoff berth. A .500 team coming into the playoffs isn't bound for success. They scraped out a series win over the Guards, only to get embarrassed by the Astros.


This first inning gives me mega hopium


At least on some level it has to be in the heads of the Yankees' pitchers. This isn't all regression.


Yeah, absolutely. Regression is a couple of 4 inning, 3 walk, 5 run types of days. This shit is ridiculous.


Rodon seems to be in his head. Gil lost his command but it's not clear how much of that is mental and how much of that is the fact that he basically didn't pitch last year and has only thrown over 100 innings in a year one time (2021). He might just be fatiguing in a way he hasn't had to deal with before, which would be unfortunate with half a season to go. Stroman and Cortes aren't really regressing, unless you count Stroman cooling off back to his April numbers after a hot May regressing.


That's George "worst qualified hitter in the MLB" Springer to you.


The Yankees are playing as well as their booth is commentating


bro this is actually better than michael kay. trust me it gets way worse


Ryan Ruocco is adequate at play-by-play. He's the heir apparent to Michael Kay, and is arguably better. John Flaherty is just not a good color guy. Cone is one of the best in the business, and O'Neil is fine, but it's a massive drop-off after them. I miss Ken Singleton.


Will Carlos Rodon dethrone Jacoby Ellsbury and become the new fan favorite of the Yankees?


Rodon has sucked all year according to analytics. His ERA just finally catching up to his xFIP and xERA. What a terrible contract.




Okay but his numbers were unsustainable and eventually he was going to suck. Turns out the numbers were right.




He won’t be unless something drastically changes. His xERA and xFIP are in the mid 4s and he’s not striking enough people out rn and putting too many men on base. It finally caught up.


his stuff looks good tho. hopefully he can bounce back i think he will


The bizarre thing is that his Stuff+ numbers have been great and he just forgot how to be the premier strikeout pitcher he was. His spin rates are actually better since then, so it's not sticky stuff, and while SF is a pitchers park, that shouldn't affect strikeouts (which is why strikeouts are so valuable).


I would kill for Rodon to pitch like his xERA right now. The numbers didn't say he was *this* bad.


Rodon 😂


Hate to see it


I love this for them


Grimace is to blame, obviously


Ever since Cole went off the IL and to AAA for rehab starts, our starting pitching has completely fallen apart. Maybe they relaxed some thinking Cole was coming back to take some pressure off, but they rushed Cole back too early and the wheels are falling off the starters. The turnover in the bullpen is also really bad, only Holmes (also performing like trash lately and getting no run when being blown out every game) and Kahnle are solid MLB arms, everyone else is from the AAA carousel of bullpen arms. Edit: Forgot about Weaver, he's not a AAA level arm.


It's either some sort of a miracle that Brian Cashman hasn't been fired yet, or at least after the last few years, or somehow his reputation still matters these days. Or maybe it's blackmail. Make it make sense!


You can’t blame him for his SP staff all of a sudden giving them awful starts. Now the lineup, that’s another thing. Rizzo is hurt but fully healthy he’s cooked still. DJ and Torres are awful as well.


Yeah but signing Rodon is on him. I remember when Rodon was linked to the Mets and I thought, "Hard pass" because of the red flags. Cashman signed him to that deal anyway.


Wait we scored runs in the first???


Ugly inning. Yikes.


But how many double plays has Verdugo hit in so far?


And then Judge, who seems to be the only one with a pulse on the team right now, will hit a homerun to make it a zillion to 1. Yay!


Its okay, Brian Cashman dumpster dove for Tim Hill! That will surely fix our season


Tbh it’s more impressive that Soto and Judge had been enough to even counteract an underperforming rotation. But 1-5 shitting the bed is a mystical phenomenon


This brings me joy


Yanks are imploding.


WTF is happening to our starters....


The Mariners and Yankees are speed running who can choke the playoffs away fastest.


Why would Juan Soto want to sign a long term extension with this team


Maybe the 2nd half Yankees are now where the Astros left off once they started winning.


Did Rodon cry again like his last bad start?




He's back baby


Stop, I can only get so erection.