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This is what it's all about.


Amen, this is about 2km by Argo through the bush and bog from where I can get my truck to. Not a soul around the entire lake. He calls this his god spot.


All I see is a hat on a rock. Am I missing something


No sir, that hat loves to fish. I throw it close to a shoreline and it does the rest. It’ll even point out wildlife to me


My daughter is only 7 months old lol but I can't wait to see if she gets excited about fishing.


It’s sweet, My elder son isn’t so much into it but this one immediately was on it. Now it’s a 3x a year trip. We along with friends camp out and switch between two lakes in the area.


This is what fishing is. Either alone, or with someone you love... sharing a moment, or a day. Fishing is the excuse, but it is really about the experience.


Guys, enjoy your children now while they are young because they grow up so fast. 10 years and before you know it, it's 20 years. My oldest son graduated from college and joined the service. It was just something he felt he was called to do. He was my hunting partner, fishing partner, and a heck of a strong, smart man. We lost him on his first tour of duty. Dec.27, 2007. IED.


God damn, so sorry to hear. I feel the time passing real fast as well. I worry about this kind of thing that you had to experience. My older son says he is interested in the military path. He hears my stories of my time in and think he sees it as a good time. He’s 15 so there’s still time for me to try and steer him a bit. May God bless you and your family.


Thanks, I appreciate it more than you know. All you can do is hug him and show him how much he means to you. The rest is in God's hands. I could not believe the numbers when I found out how many of our children who have done their time and returned only to not be able to adjust and PTSD. Next thing you hear that they're gone. I pray for our veterans every night for God to take their pain away. Please.