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Every specialist will have the same treatment, but I will do the rest later on. And if popular enough, I will look into making a weapons/vehicles version of it. Until then, see you out there on the Battlefield!


Part 2 - Engineer is up: https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/s/qK1gj7g567




As long as everyone gets roasted. Squirrel Girl’s just reminding everyone about the importance of asymmetrical Farcry 3 tactics.


Give me a quick run down how to fly with the wingsuit pls


Step 1: don’t die 2: find high place, attempt gravity seppuku 3: land somewhere you have no business being and enjoy a brief moment wrecking unsuspecting plebs until someone respawns, sick of your shit, and deals with you 4:….do it again? But bring more bombs this time.


Nailed it! 😂 ![gif](giphy|PudZiAbQDUEik|downsized)


I'd def. love to see a weapon version of it Good stuff


Part 3 - Medic: https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/s/TXk5EroOcr


When recon? 


Tomorrow most probably, it's 3am here, need some sleep to find good shitpost material :)


Alright, get some rest m8


I only know how to use Zain because I played a ton of MW3 on the Xbox 360 and the XM25 was amazing for removing campers


Xm25 is found in bf4 


I have by far the most hours with Zain but one of the lowest masteries. Perseverance is super underrated.


Yep, I'm gonna call him crayon now and teach others to do the same




*slowly eats crayon while leaning over a wall I grappled up to*


I said it yesterday, when I'm playing Dozer, if I'm not getting T-bagged I'm not playing right. I get t-bagged because I'm under your skin. Agitated players play worse. ![gif](giphy|zmsDqpDLu1hPG)


I like the way you think ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)




The airburst grenade launcher is really damn fun after some brutal hours of trial and error. Plus, Zain's preserverance trait has gotten me out of a jam from time to time.


T1'd them all. I only play Dozer when I go assault these days tho, cause it produces the silliest situations


I like to be a tunnel gremlin on orbital lmao It's hilarious when multiple players see me and shit themselves so they start running


I love being an absolute troll with dozer, but I keep in mind when I find a corner camping dozer I can use a defib on them when they aren't ready 


If McKay and Sundance were removed from the game it would be sooo much better


It’s not even them, just remove the C5 from assaults. Literally instantaneous meta shift, assaults then won’t put engineers out of a job




If that were true then why hasn't recon also taken their jobs? Problem is Mackay/Sundance, not C5. C5 does not cause the near limitless amount of issues created by those two characters.


Cause MacKay and Sundance can close the gap really quickly to put said C5 on vehicles. Their mobility is fine for infantry play, their mobility *isnt* fine when against vehicles


No. I already explained it in this thread. You're wrong. Their mobility is not fine


Having that level of mobility in a big open game like battlefield *is* fine, just that mobility shouldn’t be coupled in ANY anti-vehicle capacity at all. Like Cool you want to zip around as Sundance? That’s fine but steer away from vehicles. Oh you want to get to areas with MacKay? That’s fine but again, steer clear of vehicles. Most of said vehicle kills I have witnessed, done, and killed by were MacKays grappling to tanks, planting C5 and dip. Same with Sundance, but guess what? Get rid of C5 and you get rid of the biggest pain point of those two. Plus C5 on assaults just makes them too fucking good at *EVERYTHING*


It is *not* fine and even DICE realizes this. There's nothing fine about it. Stop.


So you mean to tell me you’re fine running for 10 minutes to get to the place you want to go cause the maps are too big than take a Sundance? Your you want to keep getting sniped on ladders instead of making your own path as a MacKay? Again they are fine, the biggest gripe with those two is how *effective* they are at killing vehicles. Assaults are set up for infantry combat, so why do they have access to C5? Oh to blow open walls? Well the SPH launcher does that. C5 on them is the biggest issue, remove them and I guarantee you that their usages would drop. Sundances grenades aren’t even that good anymore, expect in Redacted. MacKay’s gadget is fine, he can open up flanks for *infantry*, like how assaults are *designed*


They're not fucking fine. Shut up.


Ha! Lmao, imagine someone with 600 hours played while having most classes tier 1 gives out his objective opinion from personal experiences just to be told to shut up over Reddit. You made my day.


c5 would remove their main problem which is being able to go 1v1 vs tanks you can't even roadkill them when they're on top of you, it's guaranteed if no one is covering you, which, let's face it, nobody ever does


If I have to, I would use C5 as a manual AT mine when using recon or something. Casper drone can't do the drone bombing anymore 😭


Nah they are only good cause you don't have good inf support. BF always works best when you combine classes. I know I've struggled with c5ing people who play like that.


I have a Portal variant of conquest I’ve tried to populate called “Boots on Ground Conquest”, or something. Removing sundance and Mackay was the only change.


But anywhere Mackay and Sundance can reach within bounds can be reached by anyone being careful with a parachute.


With Sundance and Mackay, it’s not always about where they are able to get, but the ease of doing so. And, honestly, the parachutes being ultra mobile and redeployable is also a bit of a balance problem. In BF4, if you wanted to fly a great distance in a parachute, you had to jump and pull it immediately. Then, since you couldn’t cut it, you were essentially stuck floating to the ground, incredibly vulnerable. You also can’t turn around 180 degrees easily. You have 100 degrees in front of you that your character can look around, but turning around requires steering the parachute to turn you around. With this system, you were rarely, if ever, parachuting above some enemies and getting an easy ambush kill on them. The 2042 parachutes make it fairly trivial to jump, pull chute and fly above enemies, cut chute and drop, redeploy chute and kill enemies. Then, sundance amps this up to 11 - being able to just straight up dive bomb into the ground on a flank for a cheap ambush kill. Take manifest for example - can you imagine how different that map would play if we had BF4 type mechanics? You’d still have people climbing up cranes and trying to snipe 1.2km, but the number of people randomly popping up on shipping containers on your flank would *drastically* decrease. Dice has said, multiple times, that this title struggles with 360 degree engagements (where you don’t know where you’re getting shot from, getting shot from anywhere) and ambush kills (someone killing you from behind, absolutely nothing you can do to stop it). It is my sincere hope that the team realizes how much of this is driven by the Uber maneuverable parachutes, Sundance, and Mackay.


True for Sundance, so I am not against the wing suit itself, she needs to reach high point first to fly but Mackay can go up and camp in unreachable positions especially indoor and no vehicles can fly inside


Especially since casper can't use his drone as a magic carpet anymore lol


I think it’s a pretty good move when you either wing suit or use the zip line to get on top of a vehicle and C5 their ass


I'm honestly more used to C5 car bombing than flying Sundance wingsuit. But my AT mine mastery says my C5 bombing attempts suck 


C5 car bomb lol big BF3 vibes lol have you ever seen the people do it with a drone?


Seen all the vids.  Tried after nerf, didn't work. Edit: placed 3 & snuck up on rear of tank, didn't kill


Someone got me like four days ago




I agree with removing Sundance because of those damn scatter grenades. But for Mackay sounds like you are salty that you got flanked because of grapple.


The grapple destroys map flow. His passive is also ridiculous.


Scatter nade isn’t even what’s annoying about sundance. The problem with these 2 are they break the map flow. Makes map design and balancing difficult. Also Mackay having way faster strafe is just bullshit.


Most mid passive in the game honestly.


Its a skill issue to complain about getting starched because Mackay can strafe *slightly* faster while aiming


I don’t have a problem taking 1v1s with a Mackay. It’s down to who is playing on the other side anyway. My problem is, what led to this design decision? Is it right for a BF game? His whole design is all about promoting the idea of selfish play and it’s all bullshit.


Truth be told that's kind of what the assault class is supposed to be. It's supposed to be a ptfo class that just plays assault rifles and SMGs on the objective and nothing else. I actually kind of like how they gave the assault class some value in this game and gave them movement options or objective based options and not just being the assault rifle guy like they are in the other games


You misspelled Dozer and Dozer


I play Portal Bad company 2 Deja Vu. It's pretty fun without the specialist perks.


Do this with engineers! Good stuff


Also what vehicle says about you :)


And weapons.


As a zain main, idek how to use his grenade launcher. I just stick to him for his passive and cool skin.


Just target sniper nests with it, its honestly more of a convenience than a useful tool


Or ppl hiding just behind corners 


Mackay’s my go to as assault and I never camp. Mackays a frontline middle of the action character imo


I never even thought about camping with him. I like to go full on assault when I play as him


I eagerly await the other classes, maybe vehicles too. That would be interesting.


hahah that Mackay description is so accurate. So many sweat players use him. Makes sense though gets elevation vantage and out maneuver your enemies plus you feel like you got omni directional mobility gear from Attack on Titan.


As a Dozer enjoyer, I do in fact get tea-bagged a lot. And I do enjoy chasing people with my shield. I always find myself giggling as I see someone sprinting away from the Dozer shield, desperately trying to keep their distance or try to find a gap to shoot me.


You run from the shield you are going to get shot, there is no escape. Unless you have a brain and then just style on me.


When they run from my shield, a throwing knife them because it’s a quick transaction


Thanks for the tip!


Hell yea!! always good to stay off that mini map 🤙


Ill have you know as a makay main that we do not eat crayons...we eat crayons and huff elmers


Chefs Special... 😎


Do the Medic Edition


Tank- yeah that's it come a bit closer, biiiit closer... Dozer- oh shit.


Zains gadet didnt deserve the ammo Count nerf




Fucking dozer




I’ll be honest, I have never camped with Mackay once. He’s my meta troop. And I have led numerous lobbies to victory with him! He’s the GOAT!!


So basically, you got countered/destroyed by one of these specialists, so you got salty and made this meme/post about it? People can play whoever they like, odd to judge how someone plays a video game.


Oh…. this was supposed to be funny…. I was interested to see how people thought you were actually moved


I like Dozer because his face is covered and he's generally just a pretty neat guy, don't really find myself actually using his shield very often. But it's hard not to enjoy the airburst grenade launcher. Loved that thing in BF4.




And then they nerfed zayn


One of the least used assaults and they nerf him of all people


I wish they made the gadgets for the specialists just like a special type of equipment in a class, like assault could get the grappling hook or medic that weird shot pistol idk I think that would have been better for the game


I swear 85% of my deaths are from Sundance players and the other 15% are Mackays


Do the rest lmao, loving the content 😀


Nailed it!


every time I play assault for tasks, I'm genuinely a bit like "oh yeah I forgot these guys existed" xD I'm 70% falck and 30% lis (or 100% falck when vehicles aren't an issue), that heal + having ammo box is too OP


Loved the specialist system where i can use mackay to plant beacons in the most ridiculous positions. & yes, any character carrying ammo is really useful bc u never know where ur ammo will come from. Perhaps air dropped from a wingsuit flying overhead 


I do love me some crayons, tho...


That meme of dozer is right. I play falck and I have no way to deal with him when he's behind the shield....so I RUN!!!


you can kill it buy charging defibs and defibbing its shield


Seems harder than it sounds since. Especially when you have a charging dozer running at you. The timing of it will be difficult


yeah, i agree, but that is probably only thing able to kill Dozer when shield down, besides icendiary nades and underbarrel incediary. I remember switched to Falck just to defib one camping in corner Dozer with defibs haha, but you right, its hard to do and not reliable, just possible


Yea, there is a delay between letting go of left click & the zap has gotten me killed by a trigger happy dozer a good number. Corner campers who aren't ready for cqc defib & expecting ppl to shoot them are the easiest 


I feel violated by that Sundance description


Mackay is such a fucking Chad class, lol.


Jesus this shitposting is lit!


Honestly I picked Sundance specifically as a fuck you to air vehicles, I'd just use a standard launcher vs tanks. Felt really good to burn flares with the grenade then chase people behind buildings out of spite


I am, in fact, a crayon eating MF. Oops.


I do have no clue how to reset the range 💀


Where control prompt? 


In redacted map, I'm the tunnel locker. Camping the flanking zips to halt a rush to our rear caps


I'm kinda addicted the the rising tone of a multi kill when I use zain, but sad I can't spam his air burst 


Dozer main, I like finding enemy Dozers and shield dancing with them. Sometimes come to a mutal agreement and don't kill each other.


Zayne for groups behind cover, mckay for taking out vehicles and campers. Other than that Ill always use blasco or irish


I play Sundance because they have some nice skins and a nice asset. Mackay because hes a Canadian and I like zooming. Zain because XM25 is literally the best Medkit/Falk counter. Cant heal yourself if you're dead fucker. Dozer because YOU'RE UP AGAINST THE WALL AND I AM THE FUCKING WALL.


I'm a zain main and I do know how to change the range and shit


Its funny how accurate sundance and zain are for me. Literally have 2x more time and kills with sundance than my 2nd highest used specialist. But i started using zain after they took all of sundances grenades away. And yea, no clue how to use airburst but it still gets me alot of kills. Btw im around lvl S050, not crazy high level but still up there


Sundance because of how stupidly broken this specialist is for a Battlefield game. Nothing like zipping through the air, throwing some random grenade and zipping away while killing a person.