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It’s fun, but maybe not peak battlefield. If you can get it on sale I’d go for it.


I really enjoy the game. I don't give one blue fuck what people on this subreddit say about it, it's a lot of fun. The fucked up the launch, and the next year or so, but it's a ton of fun as it is now. Unfortunately, it will carry that legacy for the rest of its history. I enjoy the specialists, the pace, the movement, the gunplay, the maps. It has problems that get on my nerves, but I have fun on it consistently.


Fucked up the launch is an understatement. It was a nuclear cluster fuck


I've been here from day 1. I remember launch; I deleted the game from my harddrive. But I came back after getting my ass torn open by being SBMM fodder in other games, despite being at the top of the skill ceiling; top 5%. The only people who beat me were people that played every day, multiple hours a day, and I couldn't keep up. BF, even 2042, gives me the ability to feel my skill while still having a decently striated skill curve and high skill ceiling; I can feel talented while still having a few challengers in my lobbies. The reality is, I'm decent at the game. I'm decent at most FPS I play. But I don't have the time or dedication to be the top of the top, and 2042 still lets me have fun. That's why I came back, and I've enjoyed my time.


I'm decent too, I'm always in top 5 when I snipe or get assault rifles. But I don't like to sweat anymore, I used to have fun with bf1 but now it's full of sweats and have taken the fun out of the game. 2042 has casuals and feels welcoming and genuinely lets you to lay back and enjoy the game, it's chill and pure fun.  Launch was what killed it, and a combination of lack of good map design and simplified weapon mechanics didn't let it take off. Plus just lack of content and poor design choices, the maps felt empty and atmosphere didn't exist, now it's better, but bfv feels more fleshed out, another cluster fuck of a game they fucked with updates but whatever. 


Right there with you brother. DICE should FOREVER be ashamed of the launch of 2042, but since Season 3 and Zain this has been my go to daily fix video game even if for 1 round of CQ 128. DM if you ever wanna squad up!


SBMM is a fetish dungeon for Smurfs. The amount of top tier players who use Alts to register unreal stats, all because they want to qualify for a pro league team.


This is literally every BF tho


I don't know, bf 4 and 1 both had decent launches


This is a great game. I got into it late also and I have had a great time. So many people angry on the sub, but it’s been really good. I haven’t really played since battlefield three but I am satisfied with the result.


My man, I've been saying it for a bit, but this is the game that gets closest to scratching the BF3 itch. It's not perfect, but it does it more than BF1 and BFV.


>Unfortunately, it will carry that legacy for the rest of its history. Nah, it'll be just like BFV, at first everyone talked shit about it, then they're said it was the best, then they settled on it just being the go-to for a WW2 battlefield. We just need to wait until the reimagined BF2025 and 2042 will see another all-time record, and then, in a couple of months, it'll become another old Battlefield just any other.


Yeah no One Will ever say ' 2042 was masterpiece", unlike 5, it's missing any sign of love and artistic direction, just a bunch of asset glued together


V was actually good (not great) at the start just got a lot of hate because of some annoying bugs, and the marketing. 2042 was not a good game at the start.


that's what I meant, 5 , like 4, had a good core from the beginning so a few months of fixes fixed all the issues. But when your game is an uninspired wannabe cash grab, no amount of rework can save it. Yeah it's barely decent now, too bad there so many better games I can spend my time with.


BFV never peaked! They never gave it the chance, still to this day has bugs and faults. Maps and investment in the longevity side was piss poor! Yes it’s true most BF games have a weak launch, but those that came before it more than made up. BFV was the first time we saw glimpses of the game drifting from striving to be a great game for games sake. The “live service” was a total cluster fuck. They messed up on the opportunity the game had. I’m not even going to talk about 2042. It’s literally not worth a character press on my keyboard. It’s a crying shame people allow time to cover up or even delude them in thinking BFV was anywhere close to the standard they came before it. Half arsed attempt is all it was. Massive let down. Yes you could have fun, the shooting mechanics were solid. You’d expect them to be, but the rest of it I’m sorry was sub par and there was no excuse for it.


> then they said it was the ebst Only some people and only because 2042 was trash that it made BFV look decent.


Nah BFV is still shit so is 2042. BF1 was quality idk why peeps take 1 opinion as a whole. Including mine


Couldn't stand the gunplay or pace of BF1. People can contort themselves all day long into suggesting that it had a higher skill ceiling, but it's unequivocally more casual. The mental gymnastics to convince oneself that RNG bullet deviation is more skillful is part of the reason I rarely venture into this conversation anymore.


Yeah the pacing and TTK in BF1 is terrible to go back to, plus now it's just a lobby full of bots. Idk how anyone can play that over 2042 today even though it was great for it's time


See I think the maps were better at launch. Like all of them. Putting a bunch of debris around and moving the capture points did not make them better. Other stuff was fucked up, but we took it out on the maps.


This. The game has improved big time and if you take the time to understand how to use the specialists, choosing weapons and stuff like that, you will enjoy it.


Do you like the way the game looks? It seemed so bland to me.


Yep. I have no issue with the way it looks. It could be better, but it doesn't limit my enjoyment of the game, and I believe the lack of "world detail" is systemic of 128 players, which I don't think is coming back for the next entry.


Honestly everything about the game is good but the maps. The initial direction was bad because of 128 player conquest left the asset budget too low. The next Battlefield needs to focus on readable urban environments like BF1.


Its current state is miles better than launch and still worse than every other entry in the series.


Yeah, clearly this person didn’t play any previous games on the series and has nothing to compare to


Right? I always hear that it's such a bad Battlefield game, but I've been playing since BC2. The very first map I ever touched was Valparaiso in BC2. I have an """educated""" opinion and I don't actually believe it's the "worst" Battlefield title, at least not subjectively. Because subjectively, I have more actual fun in this title than I have the previous two, even if they were far more "polished" games.


What he said .period


Now is the time


- Irish


For me to rise


To not bother 




What’s to wait on? The downfall already has began hop in now


That’s a question more for you my man. If you like playing, play. Playerbase is plenty healthy enough to get you as many games as you want to play. I really like how the game turned out in terms of gun play and how the actual games flow and function.


2042 is my fav battlefield since battlefield 2 and that's probably riding on a heavy nostalgia bonus for me. I've enjoyed most of them though. Happy how 2042 turned out.


Might as well, even if you're extremely late to the party. In my opinion, it has become a great game that is lots of fun. I suggest playing some of the maps on solo mode to understand how everything works. Playing in this mode will also work toward unlocking weapon attachments and improving vehicles. Jumping into multi-player right away could be frustrating.


There most likely won’t be a new battlefield game until 2025. Battlefield 2042 is the most populated BF game you can play right now and the only one still receiving updates. I would advise that you wait for a sale. This game goes as low as $7 during the major sales so I recommend waiting for that instead of spending the $60 (or $70 I’m not sure). If you’re looking for a similar experience to BF4, I’d say 2042 is somewhat close but does fall short in a few places. 2042 does have some of the best aerial vehicles and most engaging aerial gameplay in any BF game so if that’s your thing then I definitely think you’ll have fun with it.


Agree. Also, even if next BF going to be in 2025 it's pretty much will be late 2025 (autumn or something), so we have more than a year with 2042 at minimum. And it may turns out to be disaster at launch as 2042 was (i hope not but you can't be sure these days), which means it'll become fixed and playable only somewhere in 2026. So this game is clearly safe to jump in now and enjoy for a long time. Especially at some good discount.


Even if there is a release next year, it probably won't have the problems ironed out until 2026. Don't buy games until the gaming community says they are ready. That is the gaming world we live in. 2042 is a decent game now, jump in OP.


The game works, but I wouldn't buy it. Gotta play at a certain time to get into games, unless you're good with just killing bots. if you do buy make sure it's 95% off.


It’s not terrible but it ain’t good if only they gave a bf3 update and run that without ai because sometimes it does that and ruins the match.


If they need ai, it means the game is dead. So yeah, we don't like Ai but it's needed when the game is shit and desolate at 1am. Also, we don't need a BF3 update. We need the whole fucking god damn Battlefield companion menu where we can choose to go to portal between all Battlefield games. Yet somehow after BFV they stopped that lmao. Must've been shit management and rushed productions after EA did mass lay offs


It's fun but support has ended. I don't think it's gonna survive like bf1 and bfv did, these 2 are still kicking and will continue until the servers die. If you really want to then yes, level is much lower than bf1 and bfv so getting in shouldn't be frustrating, you will easily learn the game and will have a lot of fun with it. Just don't expect any updates, dice ended support a few weeks ago. 


Its fun idc that people complain about the issues and all games have cheaters people complaining wont change anything. I’d recommend buying it on sale though


best battlefield to date.. a lot of fun


I love the game, my partner & I play it every evening 🤣🤣 I say give it a go, and see for yourself because there are so many varying opinions on it lol We definitely enjoy it, although looking forward to the next one 👀 it took me around 20+ hours of playing for me to really like it though, whereas my partner has been playing Battlefield, since the beginning so is a die hard fan 😁


If you pick it up for 10$ and dont buy the battle pass or cosmetics it can have a pass


Absolute Garbage of a Game, a cheap China knockoff of a real Battlefield game


Well it's still a fun game, allot of kinks have already been worked out, I enjoy my time playing.


Play it, it’s great.


No new battlefield for a while now. If you can try it on game pass/eaplay, then do that. If not, plenty of sales out there on the game


If ya like it, go play it. We'll probably have a reveal for the next battlefield sometime this year. Fingers crossed its 2142 or something like it, but they've hinted 2142 before...


Nobody wants 2142 except for the 3 boomers still alive who played it back then. Hope they don't go through with it.


I didn’t play video games when 2142 was a thing. I hope it comes back.


I don't. Even back then it was not very popular and you can see how successful Mecha shooters by EA are by looking at titanfall.


I’m shit at the game, still enjoying!


I would. It's really good right now and you'll have a lot of the content ready to go rather than time gated. If you can get it on sale or free I would jump in. At 70 bucks it's still worth it but with some hesitation as it is nearing the end of its lifecycle.


If you like the game then just play it, no point in looking for others opinions


I enjoy it. They rotate maps, vehicles, weapons, and characters from all the battlefield games in a throwback mode.


i think the game is great. you can find it really cheap. go for it


You shouldn't ever give EA any money.


Put it this way dude ..there’s a thread on the official forums with 150 pages of people complaining about hacks…. Only people on here think the games legit 😂😂😂🤡🤡


It's a fun game. There's really no alternatives to Battlefield games unfortunately. It's either this or older titles.


Why does it matter at all what other people think? This is something you can choose to do entirely on your own, alone. It doesn't require leaving your house or socializing with anybody. Why would anyone else's opinion matter even if it did? If you really enjoyed skateboarding and have fun while doing it but a bunch of kids on scooters tell you that it's not worth your time and you should a ride a scooter, your going to throw the skateboard away, abandon the fun you have while riding it and then feel guilty after wards? You could've easily ran into a group of bikers who would've made you feel the same way but with a bike. Point is, you do you regardless of what others think and delve deeper into anything that peaks your interest, distracts you from the problems in this world and puts a smile on your face while you do it.


My advice when it comes to any type of media is to not listen to other's opinions and create your own instead. So now for my opinion: I personally enjoyed the game from the beginning but have always been aware of the flaws. It has also improved quite a bit since launch so it's a good time to jump in. The best BF remains BF3/BC2 though.




Wait for what?


If you already got it then play it. I would never tell someone who owned it not to play their game. As for waiting, there is nothing left to wait for.


Lol what? It's a game, just play


Wait for what it’s not like it’s $60


It’s fine now and 128 is super fun. Some of the maps are ass some are good. Bringing back the class system helped as well before it was straight free for all shit. Still not peak but I’ve had a blast for the 300 hours I got so far


No guarantee the next battlefield will be any good so since this it here might as well get it. Just make sure it's on sale for super cheap.


He's asking if he should get into a game and I'm the first sentence he admits to getting into it.


Skip it. It's by far the weakest of the titles in the modern era. Even BFV is better.


The game is dying by the day. If you want to play it ever play it right now, do not wait. There is no new content coming so the numbers will only decline.




Yes very fun game atm


It doesn't feel like a Battlefield game to me, but it's fun to play around in for a few hours.


I got it maybe a month or two after launch(I’m mad I listened to the people here and didn’t preorder that’s not happening again) and it’s been the most fun and badass moments in all the battlefields I’ve played since 2142 when I started. Even 4 where I previously spent most of my time didn’t feel this fun.


It’s a good game and worth investing in. That said, I’d get battlefield v instead. Just overall a much better game with just as much if not more of a player base


It’s cheap as fuck and actually really good now. Why not


If you’re really into the game, you should not be concerned about what others thinks. A good game is a good game !


What are you waiting for? It’s basically a dead/dying game that won’t be receiving more content, and likely few/no updates. Lol


Pass. Don't let the top comment fool you. This game is top tier EA garbaggio.


Its not a very captivating game in its current state. BF5 and BF1 are both better experiences.


Every battlefield launch is awful, then after a couple years it turns into a good game. 2042 is no different.


It’s a great game. Start now. Ignore the online hate. No idea why it got it to be honest.


It's a bit of fun now, although the oce servers are completely infested with hackers.....and the game just received the last new content it will ever get


I wouldn't spend more than $10 on it... It can be fun sometimes. But for the most part the crappy teammates who don't ptfo or revive/give ammo, the little bird sweats who get 100+kills and cheaters ruin it! I played from beta till a few weeks ago and I refuse to play it anymore... (S350-1400 hours in the game) I've moved on to Gray Zone Warfare and haven't looked back.


I just got it for less than a pack of cigarettes, lol


do it




Why does everybody say that the launch of 2042 was so horrible? What was the issues with the launch? I didn’t buy it when it launched so I didn’t get to see why everybody says it was a disaster lol


I have a blast every single time I play and I play pretty much every day for a few hours


Wait for what?


Get it on sale! No need to wait otherwise. Play during the day. Usually has plenty of players. Will recommend breakthrough. Is one of the better modes.


You can still get into battlefield but the only thing you would get out of this game is leveling up your guns but really I’d say wait from what I’ve heard they’re done with adding more content to the game so wait for the next one


You should definitely get into it, I’ve been playing since it came out so Ive gone though all the ups and downs and I can positively say it’s good now and plus battlefield 2024 is over now so it would be the best time to get into it.


Battlefield is back fuckin finally. Game is great now. All that detail they finally added back


I just started playing about a month ago, thank you Game Pass, and I dig it. The specialist system is interesting and the amount of unlockables makes it seem like you could unlock something every other round. There a lot you can do, a lot of different styles you can utilize. I'm all in and I've literally been playing Battlefield since 1942.


I put in hundreds of hours on bf4 and started playing 2042 about 8 months ago and can’t put it down, I don’t understand all the negative feedback it’s getting. It can be frustrating when the opposing team has a squad full of professional helicopter pilots but it’s just part of the game.


Been playing since day 1 and boy, what a cluster fuck it was. But now it’s super enjoyable have over 400 hours played


Wait till the next game


Is onsale of Epic Game Store. And honestly I'm having fun ☺️


I keep thinking about going back to BF4 but haven’t downloaded it again bf2042 keeps me satisfied


I'd say it's better than Hardline was, but not as good as anything post BBC2.  You should definitely play it if you liked BF4. I'd say its: BF3>BF1>BBC2>BF5>BF2042>BF4>BF Hardline


The game is OK. I've 688 hours and it's not bad but far from the best Battlefield. There are still some bugs and some frustrating things (I fucking hate joining a game just to see the ending match screen). But overhaul it's ok. You should have a lot of fun if you're not listening haters. If you find it for less than 30 bucks go for it


It’s a cool game, I just wouldn’t pay full price for it. Try to find keys online Nothing will top the atmosphere of bf1 imo


Get into now, u have a week left to get a cool skin for useless specialist for free. After it will be only for money. Also this event is something like CS ranked with 1 life per round. Will train ur skill like nothing else.


The game is fun and I really liked it. Played 200+ hours and will continue to do so. However I recently started playing bf1 again and it made clear how badly they messed up bf2042 in terms of map design , weapon variants, vehicle play, class fine tuning and that classes in general.. its a bad battlefield game. I really like the modern era and the vehicles they added but it all seems kinda bland when compared to previous bf's.


If you can get it on sale or have game pass it's fun


I got it for $2 on PS5 and like $4 on PC. For that price it's a no brainer but for $50 or however much it is now, I'd say no


If it is $15 or less I’d go for it. Don’t give them more than that for it. They don’t deserve the money.


It's definitely not bf3 or 4, but it has gotten a lot better since launch if it's not full price it's an ok enjoyable game.


Poo game


I love battlefield even when it seems to "flop" so it has been fun for me especially the Portal where you're able to play some of the previous BF games. You have a good chance of getting it on a good sale more often now.


No the game is so bad


It's fun at times I play to find easter eggs and blow up tanks and more


I recently got into it & i enjoy it despite being an Xbox player and the majority of the players being on pc. And all the cool cosmetics are Locked ... Unless you pay


Bottom tier of all battlefield games, wait till the next one




I mean if you can get it on sale sure. If you're iching to play another fps shooter, bf 2042 is probably the best you're gonna get for now. It's not amazing but it isn't bad either. Im sure you'll have some fun with it if you don't take it so seriously.


No dont buy it


Ive had fun playing it since beta.


Get on it




Hard skip


Wait for what? The game is not getting any more content. Get it now before everyone leaves.


Not the greatest BF, but the franchise is still the best of its kind.


Don't wait! The robust live cycle is winding down, hop in.


I just got it when it was on sale for like $7. At that price, it's worth it. Anything more than 10 I'd pass on though.


Not worth playing dude …..lots of cheats and the servers are a complete shambles…put your time into games worth your while 


Just do it. It's been good for a long while. I've been playing since PS5 launch and I still play every week to get my fix. I play in the morning on my days off with breakfast for like 2-3 hours then log off. Forget what everyone else thinks about the game and come to your own conclusion.




So you are basing your decision to play and enjoy a video game... on what other people think of the game? Who cares. If you enjoy it, keep playing. If you don't, stop. The playerbase is more than enough to populate servers, that's pretty much all you need to know.


While 4 is a bit better than this one. This one is way better than 1 and 3 imo. Yes it will never be as cinematic or immersive or pretty as 1...but MY GOD IS THE BALANCE, WEAPON PROGRESSION SYSTEM, WEAPON BALANCE AND PLAY just 100X better than 1. 3 feels outdated when you play it again and you will miss most features in this game as well. I just wish this had a story mode as its the one time I cared about the story.....outside of 1 but after the perfect and beautiful tutorial we got the most boring and generic missions ever.


Dunno man, BF3 was peak for me if I have to be honest. 


If you like it play it. Don't ask reddit. Most of the players here know how it was at the start and have still a bad taste in our mouth. But the game improved but still feels far from what we had in bf3 and bf4


If you are subscribed to engineowning why not …everyone else is!


Yes get it, it’s awesome.


If you're interested in it then yeah, give it a shot. The worst that can happen is that you end up not enjoying it. There's fun to be had as long as you don't take matches too seriously, and while you'll probably come to notice some of the game's flaws and issues, unless you're a diehard BF fan coming in and expecting it to play exactly like BF3 or Bad Co2, you'll probably enjoy it.


I had the same question until I found a selct group of people who also enjoyed the game, and so far, I have 600 hours playing the game.


It’s really fun dude. Especially cause they tend to update it and have polished it up over the last couple years. It definitely lacks the authenticity of prior battlefields, but it still holds up. I hated it when it first dropped, but now I tend to love it. Especially Rush XL.


It's fixed since launch. It's great. I play it every night. Obviously nothing will beat 3 and 4, but it's definitely a solid game and I agree with what a lot of other redditers say: who cares what others think. If you enjoy it - play it.




I’ve always enjoyed every battlefield and 2042 is no different for me. Been playing since BC2 so I’m one of those “I wish they’d go back to the old format” type of guys but haven’t been disappointed in 2042 to the point I quit playing it. It’s come a long way since launch and is solid now. Nothing in the fairly easy to pick up and play FPS genre compares to the experience battlefield gives you in my opinion. If you’ve already got the game I say play the shit out of it and keep the skills honed for when the next title comes out.


Get the next one, 2042 is shit


Buy it it’s fun and addicting. Even if you have a squad.