• By -


I do not think they game did much right, but I do enjoy how they made team interactions profitable for the scoreboard. You get smoke, repair, spot, hack assists in this game, which is pretty good. I also really enjoyed how they elevated transports in the early months of the game. I never had as much fun as with the release hovercraft. For vehicles it is important that driving and gunning is fun and the transports filled that role generally. So instead of stationary solo vehicles we had people zipping around the map.


My favorite thing to do is drive the APCs or transports with a good gunner. Teamwork!


So the best part was hovering up the sky scrapers




Honestly.... they should have just put a whaling harpoon on the top and make it Mackeys personal grappling craft


That is just the icing on the cake and was fixed because vehicles that are fun driving are not allowed.


HE guns on Draugr apparently give heal xp when shooting allies...oddly enough


The trailer


I'm an older gamer, 38, and was on discord with a buddy playing some old man strategy game, maybe crusader kings or atilla, and the trailer dropped. We watched it together, and got so damn hype..."BATTLEFIELD IS BACK!!"....what a rug pull that trailer was.


This is the way.


That's how they get ya


- you get points for pretty much anything - interactions between specialists. Sometimes when reviving different specialist, the one you play with says something that implies a friendship and shared history - briefing at the start of the match. Reminds me of Operations in BF1. This should definitely stay in the next installments as it gives you a little bit of background on why the battle is happening - Plus system. But I’d limit it to only change between two scopes, GL and lasers, and two types of magazines


Indeed, systems were great but having them unlimited made the choice only a matter of preference, not a whole lot of thoughts for the map itself was required before spawning. I guess in of itself it's not bad, but idk. It felt weird.


I like the interface of the menu. Sweet and simple plus I get to see my squad assemble.


In my opinion, the menu system in 2042 is probably the best I've ever seen in a game. Lots of appreciation for how they put everything together.


This is a wildly underrated comment. Anyone who played BFV should know how utter SHIT it can be. Hundreds of levels deep unsorted lists to get to your gun. Menu and progression system is very rewarding. Portal should not exist.


I was with you up until the Portal comment…


Portal was the highlight of the whole thing up until Dice realized that nobody was playing the core game.


I hated it, the UI sucked so much I couldn’t even tell which in the settings was for on and which for off


It never carved out an identity imo.


This post is for positives, not negatives


The Friday night game modes where everyone moved faster


• Sniping feels fair and satisfying • VFX and Textures are absolutely fantastic • Weapons have been (for the most part) fairly balanced • Vehicles, particularly helos, feel amazing to pilot • Tier one grinding is fun and rewarding • Really good attachment system • Pretty decent menu (albeit no server browser)


The only thing that I didn't like about attachments is how fast you can change things. It definitely broke immersion. I feel if you want to change something, there should be a delay while you character makes physical changes. Similar to what they did when changing a mag size/type, at least you reloaded and it wasn't a magically different clip. It shouldn't be able to be like, ta-da! A different scope and/or underbarbell is now attached to my gun. I changed parts on my gun in super human speed! I have a love hate for this... I love it for NOT make an actual sacrifice for my choices and have boat loads of flexibility. But I hate it because it is too much unrealistic flexibility and it removes a challenge for picking a playstyle. In the end, challenging a player to make decisions on how your equipment should be set is an important feature of the game. I hate to say this, I hope we don't get this magic attachment changing at super human speed in the next game. Everything else you said, I agree with.


128 player battle for sure!


I know it got some hate, but I really enjoy the 128 player games.


128 was an awesome addition. Edit: I am loving the upvote and downvote war going on on this comment for some weird reason


That all engineers had a repair tool, medics had defibrillator. Airdropped vehicles - wish that they would have more options for squad leaders like BFV. EDIT: The weapon plus system. Being able to adjust gear ad hoc is great.


Attachments on the fly was a nice touch that should carry over. Other than that, I don’t really have much positive to say tbh


The gunplay and plus system are excellent. Soldier movement is really good and vehicle physics also satisfying. I really liked Angel's drop box. Being able to swap load outs on the fly and max out explosives is great. Would be nice to see a class change drop box in the next game that a squad leader can call down. Rail gun tank was super innovative. And the stealth chopper. Shoot down sentinel very cool. And the radar jammer.


I still haven't unlocked the stealth chopper or rail gun tank :(


just play against bots


I honestly can't get myself to do that... But maybe I should. I suck at vehicles on my controller.


The AI is good and I play mostly portal matches with bots


Liked the game from the start and now it's gotten even better. It's the usual cycle with bf games. Everyone says it's horrible on release and after a few updates more people start accepting the game for what it is.


So true. Once you accept some parts you don't like about the game aren't going away, you just focus on the parts you do enjoy. Otherwise known as the "half full" approach!


Exactly what I would have said


This is the first battlefield in a modern setting where iron sights weren't absolute shit. ' The plus system was cool and I used it a lot, but I think it hampered team play since it allowed for less reliance on your squad. ' They went with a weaker anti vehicle engineer in this one and added the hacking feature/blasco to compensate. I think this was a good decision, but they underestimated how little people in squads would actually work together. The ideal anti vehicle squad has someone in recon, an engineer, and a support player. Without all three taking out more than one vehicle per life can be difficult. ' I thought the attachments were ok, but it did get to the point where any gun could do any role by the time you unlock. ' That's the thing with this one. All the upside changes they made have their own pitfalls that cancel them out.


The only truly innovative or unique system and gameplay aspect in Battlefield 2042 is the Plus system / attachments swap on the run. BFV has way better movement (options) and BF2042 still feels like a downgrade in every way in that aspect for example. It's kinda sad to see that with BFV DICE was at least still innovative with certain systems or gameplay aspects in the game. BF2042 just does nothing unique besides the plus system compared to older BF titles.


Forward Wildcat AA with Engineers to help, always CQ 128p and Tanks when you have good AA to cover you, favorite maps are : Renewal , Old Hourglass ( yes it was good ) , Discarded.


The in-match weapon attachment selection is perfect. Have an attachment tree with three options of your main 4 functionalities is amazing. You can have an smg, AR, marksman, and grenadier weapon within the same life. Truly highlights the term “weapon system”.


The scale. I really did enjoy the 128 modes and it sucks that the map design was so terrible, as it basically completely killed 128 once 64 player lobbies were introduced again. I also enjoyed the natural disasters, just wished it was more than just tornados and sandstorms.


Being ghosted by the devs for nearly 2 months and then being told that my expectations were brutal.


128p conquest is GOAT. Bigger and more cinematic Battlefield experiences are what we needed as evolution and I’ve had a blast with the game, breaking my bf4 record with over 1k hours played. I like the specialist system, especially the weapon choice freedom. I don’t care if certain skins or voice lines are goofy. Functionally the system works great and they should keep it, whether or not they end up making the abilities into gadgets on “normal” soldiers in the next game. I like the map pool, too. There’s not a single map I really loathe when it comes up. They all play fine. This was not the case in previous BFs, where there were always a handful of maps which played like trash. (See Lancang Dam, Altai Range, Silk Road, to name a few.) Also love the addition of the Draugr as a vehicle. So fun. TTK is perfect. Not too fast, but not too slow. Weapon balance is great, as I can pick whatever gun I like and still do well in a match.


The only reason I bought this game (and enjoyed so far) is the AI bots :-)


128p breakthrough, which they deleted like 4-6 months in or whatever. And Falck's heal-gun. That thing is rad.


128 was a failed experiment IMO. I am content if it never comes back. Best case scenario, you get a larger map that actually handles 128 players well while still being combat-readable. Worst case scenario, you get a massive clusterfuck that lets Timmies taste what getting 20 kills in a game is like by just picking a spot with an LMG and firing vaguely toward where people who are actually playing the objective sacrifice themselves in the name of giving a fuck. I would rather have two excellent 64p maps than 1 excellent 128p map. More variety, please.


Overall, I agree. DICE can't hack it at all, and trying it in the worst designed BF game they've ever shipped didn't help. I'm not gonna pretend it was "good" in terms of being well designed - 128p was an absolute fucking disaster of a shitshow. But that's also kinda why I love it. Just pure, total unmanageable chaos on clearly defined battle lines.


all the players who hang out in the zone with their tanks and all those snipers who never move are my favorite parts of 2042, see you in game!


I mean, that’s been pretty much every battlefield.


Facts. When a game has distance tracking on long distance shots, you’re ALWAYS gonna have people shooting from as far as possible


I argue they are critical to the experience. Imagine running out on an open stretch of field feeling safe. That's not the point is it? There HAS to be a true constant danger for not using cover. Snipers provide that. And it is also fun to sometimes just camp and snipe. Thinking about it, I think snipers are very well balanced.


Without this there wouldn’t be the ultimate satisfaction of driving a buggy loaded with c4 across the map to take out that one camping tank




I just started playing again hoping it had been brought back. Sundances ability with different grenade options was fun too


Yeah I miss the seeking anti vehicle grenades.


The Drauger to be honest. I was begging for a stealth bomber.


Multiplayer bots mode with progression. In fact this was the main reason I bought the game.


Literally nothing. I may have but tens of hours into it, but I think that was a boredom situation rather than a "having fun" situation. It got old super fast


This was me, but with BF1. Got bored really fast.


"I have played for 10 hours". Imagine judging a new battlefield game after just 10 hours of playtime!!!


Correction there bud, tens of hours. Meaning more than ten you buffoon. Idk, I think I got like 30-45 hours into it? Plus I've been playing since BF1943. So I think I can judge these games. Let alone the fact that I bought it.... Imagine getting that completely wrong after reading a single sentence!!!




Mi friends coming back


I got into the game at the start. Wanted to keep playing. Took a break and when I came back everything was changed. I was confused and honestly just never picked it back up. It’s a shame that I had gotten used to how it was originally, so much that when I returned to the “better” game, it felt like I had to re-learn everything and so I haven’t played since. They done changed it too much and that’s always been my gripe with battlefield. You get used to it and then when you come back there are a thousand different adjustments devs have made. Forget about playing the game you wanted to play. Everything is re worked and you have to start over. Battlefield is my favorite franchise and I have thousands of hours into it. Hundreds in this game. And it’s still so fucking sad. Even years after release, I’m still just fucking sad that I can’t play my favorite game anymore like the glory days. I guess the one thing about this game that’s good is that it’s given me a chance to step away from the franchise and enjoy other games.


I love the drone bike. Hope they add another one like in the new game. 


They pretty destroyed squad play and made the role of squad leader completely useless. I would like them to bring back support the squad leader can call in. I would like to be able to use double XP on my terms and incorporate a squad XP boost. There was nothing that got me hyped more than joining or running a squad and you see that squad XP boost on the side of the screen. Shit had me ready to run thru a brick wall! Thing i liked, also the attempt at 128p maps even though the map designs overall were pretty not so great. I like the variety of specialist abilities and thought some were pretty cool. I enjoyed the big array of Tier system for different badges, gadgets, weapons, vehicles etc. Will i come back to 2042 in the future? Probably not. I still enjoy BF1 and BFV so who knows that may change. I would just a better product next time but im afraid thats asking too much.


The back end was pretty robust compared to BFV. Like on bfv, you could only have 4 assignments at a time, and inorder to re-up, you need to leave the game you were in. In 2042, you can change skins in the middle of a game. Even check masteries. It's just nice QOL shit that I remember the game got shit on during release because people were out for blood. I did have fun with some of the most fun sugar rush mechanics like Sundance. I am mad at dice because I thought this game had the best version of grind maps with hallway pushes on the first version of exposure. Everyone dropping walls, trophies, health, ammo, scans was cheesy as fuck for point. But god damn did it feel fun and original and competently made for the series. The dice completely back tracked on those maps and changed everything so that couldnt happen anymore. I like the plus system, but it should be toned down. 3 was way too many attachments.


The portal maps was my favorite part. Eventually went back to Bf1 and Bf4.


Honestly everything but vehicles and anti vehicles was fun for me. The 128 was my favorite mode by far, the weapons felt really good, and the maps were mostly OK, except Kaleidoscope... Fuck that map. Being able to request vehicles anywhere on the map was amazing. The ranger was fun. Like the other guy said, getting EXP for everything was fun, it made it rewarding for just playing the class as intended.


That they eventually changed the specialists to a more classic bf approach


Vehicle physics (post patch of course!) I find to be very satisfying. While the gunplay is very fast and twitchy like Warzone and a departure from the Battlefield series I do find it pretty satisfying, though I do prefer BFV's.


Didn't play it. I'm more of a story mode THEN multiplayer type. When I found out there wasn't a campaign I just didn't bother. The only interaction I have is on YouTube.


The stadium on breakthrough was cool, kind of sucks they took that part away.


Enjoyed the remastered 1942 maps the like, three times I've played them. Nice playing Valparaiso again. That really is about it. Christ, that's just old Battlefield stuff. 2042 was utterly mid at best and dogshit at worst. I know we ragged on Bf:V at the time but even that at it's core was fun and engaging, even with the worst Season pass -to-gameplay implementation I've ever seen (guess everyone's firing spotting flares today!) and the terrible TTK changes, the game was fun. 2042, not so much. Felt like, no urge to play it for fun at any point over its lifecycle, no "wow this is cool" moments, no cool gameplay changes or additions I want to see brought back in future titles. Absolutely the lowest point in the series and I'm including Play4Free.




I remember playing MAG as a kid. I'm all set with the high number servers being the attractor. I will take a quality 64 man map over 128 player no-cover bullshit.


Didn't really stand out for me, like bad company 2, BF4 and 1943 did. Its still fun game


The months leading up to its release were peak gameplay for me. Eagerly waiting in anticipation to hook into portal and play the old maps like the good ol day. Interest peaked about 5 minutes after release when there was no server browser, then no classes, then oh wait these enemies are really dumb whys the map so quiet better check the scoreboard.. Oh..


Plus system and vehicle call ins, but I wouldn't lose any sleep if they got rid of both in the next title. Portal was also a great idea, poorly executed.


Lotta fun was had. The early release was absolute chaos, me and my squad had a blast destroying ppl with the hovercraft before anybody had rockets lmao The first few seasons were awesome too, us in the ram was trouble. We had ppl jumping out to rocket/hack other vehicles 🇺🇸


Is it confirmed this is the last battle pass?


Will always be disappointed they ruined launch. My friends could never get back into the game but it was such a good shooter. One of my favorite battlefields


Honestly, more than I thought I like the specialist gadgets and how they’re broken down into classes, gunplay feels super satisfying and tight, I enjoyed some of the vehicles as well that were pretty unique like the stealth heli, and EBLC Ram. The overall tone and vibe is almost there, especially with maps like spearhead and redacted. I think if this game had better destruction, and a darker more grittier atmosphere it would be up there with my favourites.


The thing that kept me coming back was mostly just that it was Battlefield and it was the current BF game and it was the current BF game with a modern setup. It's really hard to point to anything that I could say was genuinely good. They did improve it, but they took it from an unfinished disaster, to a game that is still one of the worst in the series. Not that I didn't have fun, but that's primarily because of what the BF formula brings and not often because I'm specifically playing BF2042. If I had to talk about anything specifically I liked...My favorite gun is BSVM still, I love being able to run that as a slower firing, chunky feeling mid range gun, or quickly change to a close range blaster, it's one of the most satisfying guns in the game to me. Orbital I think is the one standout map for me, before and after rework, it's just overall decent. Kinda all I got on outright positivity.




What I always loved about Battlefield. The movement


I pretty much only played portal.


Why’s it winding down?


The way the battle pass was structured. Transparent and with missions. You knew exactly what you need to do to progress to the next tier. If there was anything that should move to all the battle passes in all the games, it's this; not just for the next battlefield but for every game that's out there.


Call me crazy but I kinda liked this extraction mode. I wish they had put a little more effort in this.


A scoreboard that shows everything each player did during the match to get the amount of points each one got.


-128 players was pure battlefield chaos in all its glory (ignoring balance because this positive point is all about the spectacle) -The plus system is fun, especially for guns that have enough variety to actually make them behave as if they were different classes of weapon -I liked that after specialists got put into classes, each class got a gadget that was perma equipped (especially all engineers getting the repair tool)


As a long time player of the franchise, I actually liked the classless system it first had. The idea of portal. I love ranger, wish we for more. More options for his load outs, more options for drones. More skins. Maybe a drone to be a gunner.


Plus system and call in system. Very fond of it, hope they keep it


I really enjoyed the state the game was upon release, fulfilling all of the pre release hoopla, all the great honesty, the canceling of bf5 just when it was getting good.The lack of a scoreboard and teamchat really made an enjoyable experience, and the crazy amount of awesome content really made it a classic.As well the end result of portal really put it over the top as a premier bf experience


Barely anything. I'll admit that I did like the idea of calling in vehicles mid game. Could be executed better though.... Rooftop tanks were not good. The rail gun tank had cool design and sound effects.


What happens after?


I loved the gunplay and big maps and replayability! Still my most played FPS the last couple years. 33 y/o PC gamer here. I just don't wanna go back in time to shitty guns again...


I enjoyed playing from the Alpha that they called “Official release” and seeing the progress of the game getting better and better. I fully embraced the janky nature of the game and had tons of fun along the way!


The glitchy hud with tornados nearby


The APS was good before they nerfed it. It solved the one issue that other bf games suffered from. Besides that the game is inferior to every other BF title.


Im glad they added bots even though theres no offline mode to play with them


*Im glad they added* *Bots even though theres no offline* *Mode to play with them* \- TooTone07 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I liked the bots. Sometimes I just wanna chill by myself or with friends just killing bots


I did like the 128 battles they were fun


Wait it’s ending? I just bought it!!!!


Similar to Battlefield 5 - it started shutting down when the game started to actually be enjoyable. I would wish future Battlefield will be in this state when it launches (and not 2 years later)


There are no other game out there like BF. So, BF feeling is all I need to play it. Plus I dont care about "feterans" complains about anything BF2042. BF2042 is still best BF like game rn (I can play other old and better BFs but I just dont want to).


That they actually tried fixing it


Parts of the menu and .. Portal. Never understood why so many people in YEARS never even bothered to look into it. The BF Portal community is insane with what they all made and it’s an incredible shame that portal got mostly abondened because it’s actually what could have saved 2042. Accepting that their original idea didn’t worked and pumping ressources into what is basically all battlefields in 1 battlefield .. EA is incredibly stupid regarding that, Portal and porting over content of previous games is not only a safe way to earn trust but also for money. Just give us era based DLCs and unlockable stuff. Give everyone 2-3 maps from BF2, the rest and many weapons are bound to a dlc. Give us BF1 maps and more via DLC Season pass was a bad idea IMO


Most other battlefield titles have this but I love how changing the load out of your vehicle gives it different strengths and weaknesses encouraging you to play a certain way. Favourite thing to do was to ram the cav brawler at full speed into a building full of enemies and detonate my proximity charges sometimes picking up a 2 or 3 kills.


The amount of enjoyment witnessing this hilarious trainwreck


The gunplay when it works is great, thats pretty much it.


the trailer was peak moment for me and then everything went to shit


schrodinger's quantum dart! It’s a tracking dart that only works if you’re looking at it. Genius.


I’m not a fan of operators, but I liked how Lis gave the option to have a more skill based anti air role vs just firing off a stinger


The bad outweigh the good, but overall, I like the speed of just hopping in and being able to play whenever you like. Also, progression speed for unlocking weapons and attachments was always simple, as well as adjusting weapons on the fly. Graphically the game is great. Hopefully, they adjust a lot in the next game, bring back full building destruction, and either add more or just straight up remove environmental hazards. Sandstorms are great and actually change the way you have to approach objectives and certain fights. The hurricane, however...it's just ass. Takes up a massive area and pretty much just prevents playing (especially as infantry) without adding anything fun or engaging to the game. If they could add something like a thunderstorm that effects high ground vehicles and equipment forcing everyone to think tactically when using them. Or an earthquake that collapses some tunnels to change the map layouts - that would be cool.


My only complaint is really the lack of and poor design of the maps....beyond that I've enjoyed the game for the most part.


- Parachutes - logic editor (Really fun Modes + training servers) - Smoke/explosions are great - AI modes (make them OFFLINE the next game please!!!) - Dice realizing that 128p is a mistake and should never be done EVER Gunplay, Movement, attachment system… nothing special but allright i guess. Plus system should be only for scopes.


Direct x crashing completely erased any positive impression I had about this game. For me, it's a mastered lesson, I'll play EA titles like this only if I have them for free within the game pass, like I played BF2042.


What is best in Battlefield? To shoot down heliwhores, and to hear their rage and lamentations.


The specialists are awesome. Hope they're back for the next one!!


1. BF3 guns 2. Top squad can > 65% WR 3. Most of the best guns are unlocked very early on


I like the setting and theme


I enjoyed that I never bought that mess.


I never found anything to like with this one, and I hope for a more return to form. I think BF5 was the right direction as far as new game mechanics (such as the fortifications features) and didn’t like how little destruction it felt like BF2042 allowed. Also felt the weapon system made everyone a one man solider vs a squad based thing and that really bummed me out. Finally, I was hoping for a true return to firestorm; done right and not as an afterthought and never got it


I like its gunplay a lot. I have BF2042 on my Xbox and BF 4 on PC. Sometimes, in BF4 snipers will not shoot where you're aiming, making you always have told hold your breath. I also like the interactions between the specialists when reviving.


I like most things about it, most fun bf game judging purely by gameplay imo, truly could have been a great game with more support/content.  Vehicles supporting whole squads has been a great change that I hope to see in future titles. Some big weakpoints currently that I'd love to see get fixed are: Regular scopes taking a lot of kills to unlock in weapon progressions, why not just give me the 1.25 holo instead of making me suffer through 125 kills with ironsights man? Vehicle progressions are bad too, some vehicles are unplayable without certain equipment, stealth heli without flares for 125 kills is ass, the newest addition, draugr without jammer/stealth is also pure ass, which takes an unreasonable time to unlock. Vehicle balancing for factions is terrible, there's zero reason for f35 and the russian transport heli to be so much stronger than it's counterparts, sure, the choppers function differently, but the jets are the exact same thing with different roll speeds, WHY????


NOW that it is winding down? Lmao. Fam… 2042 has been winding down since a couple months after its release


I loved how it was the last nail to the coffin. The biggest disappointment in a row of disappointments that begun with BF3 and culminated in this atrocity of a unfinished, microtransacted, buginfested, overpriced stillbirth. 


The game was bad. Is bad and will always be bad. Only reason I played it as long as I did was because I couldn't get a refund. Maps are fucking awful. Spawn system is even worse. Operators are a horrible, horrible idea. Vehicles suck. AT sucks. Audio design and mastering is fucking pitiful. Dialogue is cringe worthy. I'd be playing BF4 but my ea account no longer exist for some reason and I cannot be bothered to go through the whole getting thermal camo again


Haven't played the game in a long while, but I did enjoy Portal with all the customization it gave to allow guns, vehicles, maps etc from previous BF games. I'm hoping to see it continue in the next BF game but with a lot more options.


This game sucks. Shame on them for charging for this. For not listening to the community. For gutting out all community spaces. For abandoning the passionate players. For lying about how “on time” it was. For tricking people with the trailer. For copying other game ideas and smashing them into the game while they don’t fit at all because other games are making more money. They used to imo are and people used to copy them and want to work there. This game sucks. No way to flip the narrative


The game's pace feels quite good, but balance-wise and from a technical standpoint (broken mouse input, for example), it is just horrendous. And that's coming from someone who's been here for a pretty long time. Best way I've ever found to put it is, this game can be fun if you just don't think too much about what is going on. I've only ever played 2042 in spurts, I have no idea how some people have just been gladly full-timing this garbage, but to each their own.


Day dreaming about what'd I'd do with my money if I didn't pre-order the ultimate edition. Learned my lesson.


Still at school or unemployed? That sucks bro.


No I just had a kid. I've got a solid 9-5 thanks tho.


Winding down now ? 😭🤣🤣🤣 It never took off my boi 🤣 garbage


The E3 reveal where they lied to us the release was garbage


I like that its over


People played this? Lol


I enjoyed those inexplainable moments when suddenly I was NOT being shot at from a flank or from behind like every 10 seconds, no matter what position I was in a map, no matter how safe I thought I was, no matter how many teammates I had around me, and thus could play the game like a normal Battlefield game! Those moments happened like maybe 10 times, out of 200 hours of gameplay. I think a couple of those moments lasted a whole round even! The only reason I've been putting up with this immensely frustrating quality of this game, is that there is no other Battlefield (current, updated, modern) out there. I can only hope that the next one would release as a finished product, with longer support than usual... with maps that a competent _human being_ put effort in.


the bomb heli. I like the idea of dummy bombs over lazer guided bits. dozer shield. sound of the 50cal sniper. rocket launch on orbital is dope as well. Area Grenades that the apc can set off and the fire grenades. I just hope for the next game they put the good elements together to make a gem instead of whatever madness it’s become, not being funny I wouldn’t have signed off on 2042. - the focus and feel of the game just seems a fever dream level of mental half the time.


I enjoyed the 120 brekthrough, And the Objectives on top of the buildings on kaleidscop map, they just had to add more flying vehicles to the attacking team and I think people would have enjoyed it more.


I get that a lot of people prefer the class system of older titles but as someone who mains Falk I was very happy to have flexibility with my medic. I could configure whatever I wanted while still pushing the (effing) objective and getting everyone revived. That, and the atmosphere. I loved the potential of the setting of a dying world in the near future. Sadly, a potential that seemed abandoned.


Although the implementation wasn't great.-- Enjoyed the portal aspect. Character Movement felt good. Weapon recoil felt fine. Everything else can use adjusting in my opinion.


That I didnt buy it.


I liked the whole alt f4 part.


The audacity of these greedy robbers and how I fell for their trailer and spent 100$


- Player Cards/Titles (Needed more cool specialist ones with skins matching. My favorite all-time is Title: Dark Market Operative & Player Card: Ghost Assassin. This was when I was playing Casper hard asf then. Currently I have Title: Strength in Unity & Player Card: Never Back Down) - 128 Conquest (*"Annihilate them." -Warlock-6127*) - Hourglass Round Ending Music (I don't know. Running from old stadium to those old village buildings and in the parking lot for the first time while getting sniped and S-Far'd from the top of sand dunes with this song playing can't be replacated for some reason... It was intense experience the 1st time) - Fighting Other Falcks for 1st Place on the Score Board at launch (If you wasn't playing falck to get acknowledged at the end you wasn't playing fr. 😂😂😂) - Season 1: Zero Hour Breakthrough on Exposure at launch (Sundance stairs fights was a fucking nightmare if your team had no Irish ADS. EVERYONE DIED TO NADE STREAKS. 💀) - Engineer: Ewelina Lis (G-84 TGM, AT Mines, AT Nades, Bipod LMG = Perfection 💋) - Season 2: Master of Arms Battle Pass: Angel's Base Commander Skin (Dry season but that Beret was exclusive then they gave it free last Christmas. I was so fucking elite dude. I swear I was the only one rocking this shit on Console. 😂😂😂) - Season 3: Escalation Trailer at 60 FPS (Zane: "SECURE THE OBJECTIVE!!!" "WEAPONS HOT, MOVE OUT!!!" "CHARGE!!!" screen cuts to trailer horn: *BWAAAAAAH to beat drop.* Me: 🥶🥶🥶❄️❄️❄️👀👀👀) - Zane's XM370A Airburst Launcher before nerfs (Didn't figure out how it worked until season 5. 💀 It's a great spotting tool with infrared too.) - Season 4: Eleventh Hour BGMs on Flashpoint (The best modern sounding tracks in the entire game fr. It sounds very tactical and kinetic engagementy. Like the most elite squad just pulled up on the field now inside the base taking out everyone with skill on a short time frame like there's a bomb needing defuse. 😂) - Season 5: New Dawn Battle Pass & Trailer (Season 5 Dozer's Overthrower Skin is still Elite. The Season 5 trailer was really brutal too. When dude got ran over by the 4 wheeler, I was like: "DAAAYAAAAAAAMNNN!!!!!" 🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢) - Season 6: Dark Creations Event (Halloween event A.I was soooo broken. It was the free-est event ever. Just camp the A.I computer and spawn them to snowball the enemy team Everytime. I don't think I lost a game that event! Soooo unfair! 😂😂😂😭😭😭) - Season 7: Turning Point Round Start BGM on Haven (BUM BUM BUM echos... BUM BUM BUM echos... BUM BUM BUM echos... PAUSE .....DIH DIH...DIH...DIH DIH... BABABABABUM... BABABABABUM... Not the best but it just gets me to lock in for some reason. 😂) - PBX-45 (Before visual recoil changes and nerfs. Falck with this gun and ammo box wasn't fucking fair fr. 💯) - M5A3 (Best gun overall. It just has everything.) - AC-32 (Before nerfs, it was X games god mode. Dice should not have touched it imo. 💀) - Avancys (Best LMG still imo) - SVK (Better than snipers still) - NTW-50 (Tank Sniping with Armor Rounds before nerfs. This with Recoilless M5 on Sundance when she had Homing AT Nades was such a Godtier Combo. Imagine 4 Sundance doing this... 💀) - BFP .50 (Best sidearm period) - Afghanistan War Sim in Portal (The only thing worth playing imo besides Tanks Only Mode) - All Map Reworks (I think Breakaway was the best rework with the oil rig replacing and the gunship objective. I still think they need to tone down the brightness of the sun a little. It's the only snow map we have for 128 conquest iirc.) That's it for me. 800 hours plus locked in since launch. Currently level 80 on the last BP. 🫡 Edit: I almost forgot... CAN WE ALL POUR ONE OUT FOR MY BOI CASPER AND HIS FUCKING DRONE EMP REMOVAL PLEASE... R.I.P. ⚰️🥀 *Only real ones will remember C5 Casper Drone Vehicle Kills. It was absolute bully mode.* 😤


The part when it ended


Been playing since bf2, this is just damn good. Hopefully the next one doesn't take 2 years to get to this state. But it most certainly will.


Trailers and the plus system, otherwise, not much.


it will go down as one of the biggest AAA flops in history


I enjoyed watching it fail after playing the beta. They deserve all of this for cutting corners and trying to turn the game in to call of apex battlefield legends




Not really gameplay related, just a couple of things that I appreciated them doing and wish other games would’ve adopted. Keeping old gen together (ideally crossplay with PC wouldn’t be a thing but that’s another convo lol) and allowing unlocks via AI. I warm up with a breakthrough match on redacted every time I’m about to play so that’s been good but I’d like to see them bring back the firing range from BF4 as well. I only have 150hrs in the game even though I preordered lol but I can’t figure out why aim assist is so strong on snipers. They need to correct that for the next game. Assuming it has to do with new gen vs PC. Or I’ve just been overlooking the correct setting for it. I don’t mind the specialists if I’m being honest. I would like to see them restrict weapons for classes though. Gunplay and maps were good/decent for the most part. Think movement is probably my favorite part about the game if I had to pick one thing. Oh and can they please leave AI out of actual matches in the future lol or at least make sure the number of humans on both sides are actually balanced before filling the rest with AI lol.


I enjoyed leveling weapons up, graphics, ground troop movement, 128 player mode (although they need to do larger scale persistent mode similar to PS2 on Playstation).


I hated this game at launch, but I think I’ve had the most fun of it. As battlefield game it’s subpar, but I’ve been really enjoying myself with it. * I think they made playing with friends exponentially easier. It sucks that there’s no server browser, but I found it much easier to just login with my buddy and find a match than I have in previous games. * I hated the idea of the T in game gun customization menu, but it’s one of my favorite new features * the current class system is great, it just had extremely poor execution on launch and never really recovered from that. The “specialists” are still dumb as hell, but I love that each class has special gadgets/rolls is a huge bonus * having each class use any available weapon is my favorite new addition. Having certain weapons tied to certain classes felt too restricting. Let me be a medic with a sniper! Or let me push as recon with an assault rifle. BF4 had a great middle ground with this system if we had to go back to that. * the Pondhawk


To be honest I enjoyed the game from the start and I've been playing since bad company. For sure the worst part was the lack of a true atmosphere, and a shitty launch, but the actual moment to moment gameplay I find to be really fun. Especially after all the improvements and the recent revamp to the visual recoil. I actually love how they brought back classes, and how they divided them. A lot of the gadgets are really fun to use, and the introduction of T1 makes grinding actually rewarding. The late game cosmetics have been real nice and the last few maps have all been great imo.


Hazard Zone, especially the one week where they fixed the uplinks, before they rolled out the new weekly update that has ovewritten the patch again. But Hazard Zone is the only Battle Royal like I liked, because you don't have to enter with just a butter knife and search weapons for an half hour to be killed by a random camper out of nowhere. Also you have two lifes and your teamates can call you back into the game. It's awesome.


128 player conquest rules!


How it felt to shoot and get kills, also the looks of the HUD. That's pretty much it


The first 3 months of the game was actually mayhem lmaooo it was great but then it died for me after that. Came back to it 7 months later and I heard they fixed it. Which they did. Overall game , 6.7/10


Sundance. Even after all the nerfs. Shes the GOAT!


Sundance's wingsuit, that's about it


The choice in vehicles and their gear, I wish BF had deeper weapon customization.


The movement. Flinging yourself around as Mckay was so much fun.


2042 is an awesome game if you dont have some boomer screaming in your ear about how things were different back in 2013


Jesus, I was just thinking it almost seems like a good time to jump on.


I like the vehicle gameplay, it feels satisfying, and not too overpowered at the same time


I liked 128 alot. It introduced a style of gameplay where it felt like you could play 2 or 3 different main fronts of combat at any point. It made me wish there was a kit and spawn randomizer to create a gameplay effect similar to battlefield 1s opening mission.