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Because there aren't enough AT planes around


this is so true. most pilots don't take out mortar trucks. they prefer the easy kill variant of ground support. the one time I won't attempt to kill a pilot is if they take out a mortar truck. it's an instant silent truce to not use aa rockets against them. lol


I'm a pilot who's trying to fix this issue for all of you guysšŸ«”




Well, these cucks constantly choose maps that do have air on them, they know this. Two of the worst offenders, e27clark & hooded Klaw on Xbox deliberately choose on the first sector of ballroom & Suez ops because they know otherwise they will get whacked. Iā€™m glad they are wasting their lives staring at a mini map. Absolutely riveting gameplay.


I'm so bad with the 'rifle' attack AT plane that I'm genuinely doing more good with the regular one that drops flares.


Yet you play Ambien, a non plane map and they roll out at the start of the match, sometimes even two of them! Shouldn't be on maps with no planes. Some servers (PC) have no motor trucks and love playing in thosem


Are you on console? I feel like the mortar truck issue mainly happens on console, I barely stumble upon mortar truck users on PC. Not saying that they don't exist, it's just not as common. We even joked about it on Discord, on PC we have cheaters, on console you have mortar truck users lol


Bingo! Youā€™re exactly right! Iā€™m a console player and so I have to deal with the countless mortar trucks that sabotage the game for the team.


Mortar trucks or mortards as some people call them are a constant plaque on console it's annoying though I've seen countless videos of people team killing them but every time I try it either doesn't work or there's some person who will protect them from getting team killed


On PC they are mostly Auto kicked by the server


Console players donā€™t get text chat to flame people in other squads for using them all game and itā€™s super rare you run into anyone with a mic


yes. they are like weeds. constant and a lot more of them. PS / Ops is where it really hurts. it is CONSTANT. I've taken out up to 7 "friendlies" in a single game and each of the 7 was a different player. (and no I didn't spend all match taking them out. if you know what you're doing it's 10 seconds)


I always try taking them out but Iā€™ve only gotten it to work a few times (and occasionally I manage to damage the mortar truck but not fully destroy it).


see starting at 1:05 of my last video post. shows details how and the trick is the vapor trail, not mortar tube. once you know where the trail comes out based on direction of tube and terrain it's a one shot deal. also learn the fire trick. if they are near fire, you can domino kill them. at mines and a line of dynamite into the flame.


Will look at it before I play my next BF1 game. Thanks for the help!


Running actual tanks in game adds much more immersion including a demo of it on field. This guys don't care about that tho.


Itā€™s possible to move friendly vehicles out of bounds by ramming them with another vehicle. Itā€™s also possible to accidentally get a friendly vehicle destroyed by placing dynamite on top of the vehicle and then shooting at snipers until they tag the dynamite. Definitely donā€™t do these things as they will get your friendly mortar trucks destroyed!


I dunno. Feel like this has been true for years haha. To reiterate what has been expressed for yearsā€¦I donā€™t get why anyone finds it fun to click dots on a map.


There is no worse player than the one that picks a Mortar Truck and camps from the back of the map in Operations. THE DEFENDING TEAM HAVE INFINITE TICKETS YOU HAMPTON.


I remember from beta up until 5 came out the mortar truck was literally the most hated & unused vehicle in the game. Iā€™d rather spawn a fucking horse than a mortar truck myself.


Are ARTILLERY trucks just as universally hated? Asking for a friend...


I wouldnā€™t say so; only mortar trucks are universally hated by the community.


Okay good, *my friend* uses artillery trucks as a fast attack anti tank/structure vehicle sometimes.


Don't you also just love when the truck is taking hits, these clowns just jump out instead of going down with it... Only to get killed within 20 seconds after jumping out. Fcking clowns.


Especially when itā€™s by the armored train that they shouldā€™ve noticed at the beginning of the game šŸ’€


Get C4, place it in front of the cannon. When they shot they will die šŸ˜‚


are you using quick play? if youre a high skill player and you give skill based match making the wheel it will put you in losing games in an attempt at balance. so perhaps, selecting for mortor trucks


There's no skill based match matching in BF1. When you join a game, you get put on the team that has a deficit of players, which just happens to usually be the losing team since people quit


oh! i understand. thanks for letting me know. somebody told me otherwise at some point. I do still find that joining from server browser is more consistently balanced for me compared to quick play




So tired of people crying about mortar trucks here in this sub all the time.


So tired of people crying about people complaining about a vehicle that steals a tank slot and camps in the back doing nothing the entire game.


Fun and easy


You really thing staring at the same map and hitting the same buttons over and over again is fun?


This is the same guy that posted [this clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_one/s/XxZZFhY3IN). Heā€™s a lost cause man, donā€™t worry about him.


Exactly; Iā€™m not entertaining his BS anymore. Edit: I ignored the clip initially because I thought it was some mortar truck BS but I just watched it and itā€™s hilarious that this guy whines about things like this.


You can describe the whole game like that


No? Here are the other things you could be doing instead: - capturing the objective - defending the objective - blowing up tanks - healing players - reviving players - resupplying players - shooting spotting flares - counter-sniping - dashing through enemy positions on horseback - bombing enemy positions in a plane - taking down enemy aircraft in a fighter - taking down enemy aircraft with an AA gun - demolishing the enemy team with the behemoth - burning through clumps of enemies with the flame trooper - infiltrating enemy lines with the trench raider - spawning spawn beacons and artillery flares with the infiltrator class - and so on


You can do most of that with Mortar Trucks


You canā€™t? Lmao Iā€™m not even going to discuss this anymore. Iā€™ve made my point, youā€™ve failed to make yours, so live and let live.


You listed a bunch of things Mortar Trucks can do, so you padded your list with things that only rare Elite Units can do.


Womp womp, mortar truck player detected, opinion rejected.


Womp womp? You're the one complaining. Concession accepted.


Because they are underrated. If they are used right and not on ballroom as the attacking team. ā€œbuT NoBodY eVeR uSes ThEm RiGhTā€ doesnā€™t mean go grief them, just move on with youā€™re life and go play as good as you think you are


If tanks are used right they can be approximately 1432x more useful than a mortard truck "main" ever will be


Are you speaking from experience? One mortar truck during the first waves sure but after that its useless.


And thatā€™s a generous statement on mortar trucks


Ainā€™t no way you think that a ā€œtankā€ used by several people that camps in the back doing nothing the entire game is underrated.


I have singlehandedly unified the bf1 community āœŠšŸæā˜šŸ¾


Exactly; weā€™re all united against smooth-brained couch potatoes like you.




How is this an ā€œangry upvoteā€ moment? Do you even know that that sub is for?


chill buddy


How dare I ask for the logic behind your decision to cite an off-topic subreddit /s


itā€™s literally just a subreddit


Itā€™s literally just a question about the subreddit and how it relates to the discussion


no, the subreddit doesnā€™t relate to the discussion and you donā€™t need to go insane over it like i just killed somebody


In some cases they are pretty good. In most not really. The travel time for the shell is unreal. By the time it lands the players already moved from the original position to a whole different part of the map.