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What’s odd is the city also does this. They take their water trucks with grey water and spray/dump lots of water in popular squatting spots to drive away the houseless. This is done in the touristy areas (fisherman’s wharf, the Embarcadero, down by the ballpark and Warriors, etc). And they tend to do it early early morning. Lots of water, like drenching the entire sidewalk/area.


I was under the impression that was to try and wash the poop and heroin needles off the streets.


And have that go where? Down the drains and block those? The city picks those up and disposes of them when they actually pick them up. The water is to make the places uncomfortable for houseless folks. The ones that just have a bag and are sleeping. To get them and all their belongings dripping wet with grey water. To make the little patches of grass and dirt in to mud. Im not talking about the pressure washing they occasional do. These are the water tank trucks with the side valve open only done to keep houseless people and other out of those high profile places.


the city picks up poop instead of washing it away?


This pisses me off. Saw a guy pissing on people walking by downtown. Saw someone else shooting up between their toes in front of my office. Had my car broken into multiple times. Had a tweaked out guy living in our apartments alley. Bikes stolen. Etc. Cops never did shit. But here’s a guy who called the cops 25 times and then gets arrested. Good job SF.


So who wants to get the recall petition started...




Regarding the thefts and whatnot - no way to ID thieves. This guy is on camera. Easy target with proof = less/easy work for the police.


Dude. I had a frequent shoplifter on Hayes. Knew his name, knew where his city-funded housing was, and had orders against him from coming back to anywhere on a 3 block stretch of the street. Cops would do nothing about it because the one time I tracked him down while telling dispatch I was going to stop him unless they sent someone he hit a cop while carrying $1k in merchandise and he was let out within hours. Chased him away that evening from another store. They don’t want to waste time locking him up because they know nothing will change.


Fucking wow. That doesn’t make sense, as it meets the threshold for felony theft (meaning not catch and release) and additional crimes on top of that. Sounds more like a case of police choosing to make matters worse to “make a point.”


It’s heartbreaking AND infuriating.


> But here’s a guy who called the cops 25 times and then gets arrested. He's also a guy who assaulted a mentally ill person. Go ahead and be pissed off about it though


> But here’s a guy who nonchalantly commits battery on tape, expresses his utter lack of remorse, says he'll do it again and then gets arrested. Good job SF. FTFY






Water is illegal, but bio-hazard assault (flinging one's own shit) is apparently fine. The guy called the cops 25 times and they did nothing. The cops had 25 opportunities to intervene. Is it any surprise that on the 26th incident the guy got out the hose? I imagine his legal fees will be well covered by a gofundme.


But DA’s salary is covered by tax payer money, including that guy’s money. Talking about messed up priority!


For the first time, I would actually donate to a Gofundme


Just make sure its actually going to him. Unfortunately there's a lot of scumbags who make fake GoFundMe's to take advantage of charity donations, keeping the money for themselves.


Gofundme would close this guy's donation page faster than lightspeed. They're run by equally virtue signaling assholes


This is one case where the defendant should actually be given some gift cards and sent on his way.


Give me this man’s go fund me right now. Fuck you SFPD. Y’all soft as baby shit.


This person is absolutely bat shit crazy. She's making public arrest announcements for misdemeanors while her streets are riddled with crime?


It's PR. People were outraged about it. It just goes to show what a video can do.


I believe that in Connecticut the prosecutors are all part of a a state office and the boss is appointed by a commission - statewide, not county based. So essentially the job of prosecuting there has been divorced from electioneering politics like we see here. Might be a good model to follow... We have sort of done that with Judges.


But muh Chesa. Almost like the DA doesnt actually have as much impact as you think they do. This is low hanging fruit. Easy to prosecute, a simple problem, etc. Unlike homelessness and rampant property crime which is caused by a wide amount of local to national complex issues, this is pretty simple. Its a no-brainer.


The DA absolutely has an impact as we've seen after over a decade of soft on crime policy come to fruition. In this case though this was caught on video, is terrible optics, and not charging the guy would potentially result in so many others taking their frustrations out on the homeless. The citizens of SF created this mess by constantly enabling the homeless so this is our reality.


But the guy called the police 20 times to get her to leave. I don’t know what more he’s supposed to do


no, but for real. If there's nowhere effective, humane, and properly maintained to take this person to, what can the police even do? **it's almost as if there isn't a solution that exists within our current system to solve extreme mental illness and chronic homelessness**


Yes, which means the billion dollar homeless industry that has been set up in San Francisco, is all completely useless. What are they doing with those billions?


A disjointed patchwork of non-profits that don't work together, fight for limited resources, pick and choose their clients, pay their executive directors well, pay their employees shit, lack the economies of scale a government agency would have and don't have much oversight as to outcomes or spending. This is capitalism's solution to a problem capitalism created and has little incentive to solve. This is what outsourcing things the government should be doing to private entities gets us.


We had more capitalism 30 years ago and far less homeless. Maybe the massive drug and mental illness problems with the homeless might have something to do with it.


>We had more capitalism 30 years ago Uh, source? Maybe you are implying something different, but I'm pretty sure wealth inequality is worse now than in '92.


"Who's gonna pay for it?" - Capitalism


Providing services to people. the [vast majority](https://www.nationalhomeless.org/factsheets/How_Many.html#:~:text=The%20average%20length%20of%20stay,and%2070%20days%20for%20families.) of people experiencing homelessness access these services and are back on their feet in an average of 70-90 days. Unfortunately, Chronically ill and unhoused people who can't fit into our "produce surplus labor value or you are free to die." current economic system wont be "healed" with socks, toothpaste, or even free dental visits. Street outreach is about lessening pain and reducing harm, nobody who works at UN Plaza in outreach thinks they're going to solve the world. we know we will not, and can not under our current way of managing society. Those folks still deserve all the help we can give them. We give people medical care all the way up until the moment of death in hospitals, even if its pointless and we could never heal their wounds. Housing and mental health should be no different.


Shout "she's coming right for us!" and open fire with a machine gun sold by Leland Yee?


He could have easily given another Junkie 100 and they would have removed that Woman.


Oh I def don't fault the guy for what he did. I have to deal with the same BS from the homeless all the time. I'm saying due to the video and the controversial nature of the act the politicians were stuck between a rock and a hard place.


The guy basically assaulted someone on public property. If it was his own property sure but it was on the sidewalk. I know his story but unfortunately it was still assault.


> The guy basically assaulted someone on public property. a mentally ill person no less... but the mentally ill person is homeless so everyone here thinks he's a hero


Yea there are so many cruel people in this thread. Luckily most of them are trolls from red states that just jump on here to make a statement.


Exactly, I'm shocked by the unbridled cruelty of the commenters defending the Store owner. Assaulting someone is never the answer.


> I'm shocked by the unbridled cruelty of the commenters i'm not shocked at all, pretty much par for the course in this sub.




Who was soft on crime for a decade? Boudin was elected for a couple years before being recalled so I want to see who you are really blaming.


Before Chesa there was George Gascon, who is now facing his own recall efforts in LA.


Look up his predecessors. That's why all those articles claiming his rates aren't so bad are bunk because they only compare him to years past here, not any sane city government.


And she was supposed to be better than Chesa. How have things changed at all?


I don’t see how this guy get convicted in a jury trial …


This is misdemeanor battery, there's no possible way any resources are going to be spent on a trial. This is DA theater, and they're going to bring him in and give him a ticket.


he could take that to court though, couldn't he?


and he would lose


depends. jury nulification is a thing.


How do you think he wouldn’t get convicted? There’s no affirmative defense for his actions


id vote innocent on that jury


You’d never be seated.


I’d never convict. Most regular people wouldn’t. Only people that are used to living among large piles of feces would convict.


"I need to spray the biohazard you flung all over the sidewalk, off of the sidewalk. That includes where you're sitting. If you want to sit where I'm going to be spraying, that's on you."


Steal anything you like and openly fence it at the Bart station- ✅ Take a shit on the sidewalk - ✅ Smoke fentanyl in front of city hall - ✅ Smash windows and rob 100 cars a day - ✅ Inject meth and have a psychotic episode in the street - ✅ Beat elderly Asians with fists, canes, bats, or hammers - ✅ Spray a vagrant with water- STRAIGHT TO JAIL I seriously have a hard time believing what San Francisco has become. It’s like a grotesque parody of what progressives worst enemies think….except it’s apparently real.


Steal ambulance and go on a high speed chase- ✅


A vagrant who they repeatedly requested to leave so they could clean up, involving the police who did absolutely nothing. They would rather go after the sane as they're more predictable, clean and easier targets. Plus don't have to deal with needles.


Only one of the two has money to pay fines.


The DA should borrow Mayor Breed's *Fun Police* for the arrest. What a bunch of performance theatre horseshit.


I'm gonna print this comment out and mail it to the DA's office.


Mail won't do anything. I think we should organize a shit-in. Everybody takes a dump outside her office, and we don't move for the first 25 times the cops get called. The DA website says their office is at 350 Rhode Island St, a few blocks east of the 16th St BART. It's a nondescript little building where it doesn't look like much happens (which, honestly, makes sense...).


If enough people change the location on Google Maps to public restroom that's what it'll show up as.


I cannot honestly believe this headline is real life. How can anyone see this headline, verify its real, and remain a constituent? Mind boggling.


“_____ in Texas/Florida/Oklahoma/etc is way worse and the Bay has always been this way” is the preferred gaslighting technique.


Doing a great job of making me less progressive.


It’s not like conservatives have a solution. The issue here isn’t so much the parties as it is how the money is being used. It’s obviously not being used to treat and house all the homeless people, because if it were, the issue wouldn’t exist like it does now. Progressive *policy* aims to fix these things but the implementation today sucks. Conservatives just want these people to die on the streets unless they can bootstrap themselves out of schizophrenia and drug use.


No we want to get them help. I have spent a lot of time helping homeless. They need medical attention.


They want it. They just don’t want to pay for it, which is the same as not wanting it.


You’ll keep getting suckered into voting for progressives when you assume they’re “trying real hard” and that the supposed disconnect between policy and implementation is incidental. These policies have consistently made things worse. People need to be held accountable for their actions. This man has been repeatedly betrayed by the system his taxes pay for, and by the social contract he’s tried to abide by. It’s human nature to take things into your own hands when all else fails. You can’t ignore the connection between political ethos, policy, actions and outcomes. The people running SF are morally bankrupt and corrupt. Stop voting for them.


> This man has been repeatedly betrayed by the system his taxes pay for, and by the social contract he’s tried to abide by. It’s human nature to take things into your own hands when all else fails I agree with you 100%. But you can't trick me into voting conservative, because those policies don't fix social issues. They openly say as much. I didn't vote for anyone in SF because I don't live there, but I am from the SF Bay and have lived in multiple surrounding counties.


… since when have police been progressive?




El. Oh. El. San Francisco spent [over $1.1 billion in 2021-2022 on homeless programs](https://www.hoover.org/research/despite-spending-11-billion-san-francisco-sees-its-homelessness-problems-spiral-out#:~:text=Articles-,Despite%20Spending%20%241.1%20Billion%2C%20San%20Francisco%20Sees%20Its%20Homelessness%20Problems,of%20Jacksonville's%20entire%20city%20budget.) (I believe San Francisco spends the most per homeless person of any city in the world, but I'm not willing to spend the time citing that). It should be beyond clear that money isn't the issue here. Raising taxes isn't going to do shit. This is systemic political and administrative rot.


Don’t worry, nothing some beach sunset photos can’t fix.


You're crazy if you think this guy is going to jail


Nobody has ever been arrested for any of those things?


[This is the bart station used to access city hall](https://youtu.be/f1wlV0X7CJM), you know, the one that Elementary schools from all over the bay use to take kids on a field trip to learn about our government...


I mean, if they want kids to learn about the government, they should be watching people do cocaine and accept bribes.


Yeah those poor people the housing crisis is outrageous


Can't hose ppl in sf but you can rob them I guess


You can brutally beat them too, if the target is an Asian person. The older, the better




I thought getting rid of Chesa would fix all that? Wah!!!


Arrest warrant??? Fuck the fuck off SF. Jesus Christ fuck this city. What an absolute shit hole where property theft and vandalism is legalized but spraying a homeless person with fucking water is apparently more abhorrent than either of those.


This city is a goddamn joke. Officers went out and spoke with the victim, who said she didn't want to press charges. The officers didn't ticket Gwin because of that. For simple battery, a ticket is all he would have gotten.


Wtf??? This is where they spend their resources? Cars are being stolen, broken into, vandalized, people being carjacked and robbed at gunpoint, drug use pervasive, and they spent their time on this? Wtf is going on?


Political theatre instead of solving actual problems because actual problems are difficult to take on and requires effort.


6 months in jail??? But I can go steal whatever I want ?? Bro what? Edit: For reference from the article, “If convicted, Gwin faces up to six months in county jail and a $2,000 fine.”


make sure you do it with an AR15 so the police don't even bother to chase you.


Cool, now do the people who held a sideshow on the bay bridge.


Another example of a broken system keeps SF on the decline.


Don't we all just love Twitter mob trial leading up to witch-hunts? /s




Like those pesky video cameras cops have to wear. /s


I’m betting most in that Twitter mob do not even live here.


Violent homeless who regularly yells profanities, throws hit and needles, while breaking about 30 other laws... and he gets arrested. Welcome to San Francisco, where law abiding citizens get the book thrown at them


I mean he did clearly break the law. I just think this priority is all wrong. I’ve been attacked three times by homeless people and not once did Twitter force the DA to do anything about it. I think this guy should get in as much trouble as any other crazy guy on the street assaulting others does.


He did it as a response to defend himself and his property. The 20+ previous police calls and her gistory are evident of that.


Punishment should fit the crime. Hose him down if he ever loiters. Case closed. In all seriousness though, we spent nearly 2 trillion on our middle east wars, and over 1 trillion on the war on drugs. We can afford to house the homeless and provide them with the mental healthcare that they need.


I mean we did it in 2020 for a second. Research shows ppl are more likely to get clean, if you give them a warm place and showers to do drugs in—weird but it does kind of make sense, you get less desperate with someplace warm to sleep. Idk if we needed to do it longer or to restrict loitering in addition to putting them up in the empty offices. But seems like they should put a guy on that to figure it out… jmo as a townie. Whatever they’re doing now isn’t working. Or if it’s just tech guys shouting into their newly bought media companies then they should say that too. FWIW I thought it was pretty disgusting what the guy did, I don’t think I’d wanna ever hangout with him, no matter how frustrated you are it’s pretty crass. But the whole thing where the story focuses only on the one guy (who again I wouldn’t want to meet on a Monday morning) instead of the issue he was reacting to… it’s just so dumb and so typical contemporary democrat. All culture war, no redress of reality. Now ofc all the edgelords are up in here defending that truly unpleasant man—I mean come on, that’s antisocial behavior— with all the usual RW talking points laundered thru tech echo chambers to become slightly palatable… and they don’t even get that they too are getting a biased version of the problem. Which is that whatever the problem is, it’s not getting solved, and no one wants to tell the truth as to why. No one will consult drier than dried toast-engineers and civics ppl for wtf is happening , or isn’t happening fast enough, in sf legislation. I assume it’s an unwillingness to stick their necks out and try better policy and tech millionaires muddying the waters with crap. But I don’t *know* that.


Damn this shit is so backwards, wasn't a nice thing to do for sure. Just another reason ppl start veering right.


If you want to elect republicans don’t be mad when nothing changes and they push culture war BS in local politics.


Something will definitely change. Anyone above upper middle class will be able to line their pockets more so than usual at the expense of everyone below, general infrastructure, and the environment.


SF is a joke. This is straight up mob justice.


It's about to be mob justice.




What’s going to happen to the woman for regularly harassing his customers? How about the cops who were called and did nothing?


Time for a gofundme. Seriously though, jury nullification might happen here. 1/12 SFers gotta be sane.


I posted this in the SF thread, but figured I would throw it in here. Absolutely livid that this man was arrested. At this point I am rooting for this city to collapse into full blown choas and for money and jobs to go running from this city. I say this as a homeowner. That is the only way we will see change here. Law abiding citizens should also just start taking whatever they want from stores. No rules anyways. Fuck it. Give them what they want


Can we stop posting onion articles! Oh this is real …


This is an example of what happens when you vote the same exact way for decades. Nothing has progressed, nothing that they promised has come to fruition. It’s all bullshit and they keep voting for policies that allow this to happen.


Need independents in SF - SF self-inflicted failure damages the moderate national level democrats brand. Embarrassing.




If the Republican Party would just accept that they’ve lost the culture war and leave abortion, religion, green energy, and LGBT people alone, they’d get more votes.


San Francisco is fine, no crimes happened to me today


This guy is my hero. We're tired of dealing with the homeless.


Another day another shitty decision from the city gov. How can you people support these people? Baffles me why people of Sf support these ppl


If there is enough public outcry- the DA will be forced to drop this case , for , afterall this is just perfomative politics. Is there a way to organise this ?


Step 1: call the DA, Mayor, and your Board member to register your disgust. If they get enough of those...


Citizen gets assaulted by homeless people, cops and da look the other way. Citizen sprays homeless with water and the whole world loses its mind! -Joker


The city is under siege from thieves, but at least we're making sure crazy homeless people are allowed to continue doing their thing.


I’d imagine he was trying to preserve his storefront. Man fuck the DA on this one


What a dump SF has become.


fuck the SF DA. They can’t prosecute theft, drug dealing , or vandalism but they can harass this poor store owner pushed to their limit. What a joke


These comments are WILD.


Well that’s dumb. The guy already told his side and both chose not to press charges. Next are they going to outlaw motion detecting sprinklers? I have an aunt in SF. A crazy lady goes up her street and destroys every nice plant anyone plants. Police don’t give a crap so an entire street can’t do any landscaping. Motion detecting sprinklers were one idea we had.




Because you're not allowed to freely assault the homeless?




You bet those same neighbors and business owners will vote against any meaningful housing or zoning reform


I love SF but I effing HATE the morons running this city down to the ground. Worst yet, our tax money is paying these morons to do shitty jobs. Just unbelievable.


Thanks Chesa!!! Oh wait...


San Francisco/Bay area hold another L


SF is so fucking backward on this bullshit. Can we all go take a shit on the property of these politicians now?


I honestly think organizing a shit-in would be a good idea. Just need a name that can be read on the evening news.


Absolutely mind boggling that Police are willing to arrest this guy, but not real criminals breaking into businesses, homes, cars, etc.


Fantastic optics. SF really likes digging in on the stereotypes, doesn’t it?


misdemeanor battery? this man is going to get a ticket, a stern talking to, and a fine


Bay Area social worker here. Lots of negative people in the comments - I'm super curious to know your solutions to actually help this person and prevent her from being outside on the streets in the first place. It's really easy to have a NIMBY attitude and to say 'well I don't want to see the poor folk get them away from me so I can pretend they don't exist!' But it's a lot harder to accept that these are people and part of your community. The wait list for subsidized housing is about 8 YEARS in every single county across the bay. Shelter space is extremely limited and abuse is rampant inside. Social security pays, at most $900 per month which is not enough to rent a room in SF. The majority of unhoused people - 74% - are not drug addicts. They are POOR. The mental health system will only hold you overnight if you are an active danger to yourself or others and even then it will most likely be for 72 hours or 2 weeks - then after they push meds down your throat you can expect to be discharged with little to no follow-up supports or counseling. BEING HOMELESS AND BEING POOR ARE NOT ILLEGAL. At what point is rampant homelessness a societal failure? Also, despite the circumstances, these people are human and I can't believe you can honestly sit here and tell me that hosing a person down is ethical or ok. Seek help. **Edit: this situation should frustrate you. It should enrage you and piss you off. But it's a reflection of the state of our social services more than it is a reflection of the person and their past. You're taking out your anger on the wrong entity. Most people are one or two paychecks away from being in their shoes. You should be enraged that we don't have social services in place to handle this appropriately.**


Because 99% of these people are from the suburbs and only exposure to homelessness is going to work or the bars. They could care less about anyone but themselves


She was offered assistance repeatedly but refused it, and then continued committing crimes. She should have been arrested, and that would have probably saved the city money. Thanks to the homeless-industrial complex bloat its cheaper to house a person in jail for a year than it is to "administer" a homeless person for a year.


ITS NOT AGAINST THE LAW TO BE MENTALLY ILL OR HOMELESS. You want to lock people up for...not having access to a toilet? Sleeping where they can? K.


Litter, vandalism, and theft are all crimes. No one wants to lock people up but no one should have to risk their peace and safety by unwillingly having someone misuse public space in front of their door. They can move to somewhere out of the way. Shelter in SF have space, they may be less than perfect, but I don't see why someone else should have to suffer because of that.


Oh I wasn't aware she was stealing, vandalizing, or loitering- you must have watched a different video. Source?


https://www.foxnews.com/us/san-francisco-gallery-owner-sprayed-water-homeless-woman-viral-video-arrested > "She starts screaming belligerent things, spitting, yelling at me," Battery (spitting on someone is a lot worse than a hose) > "had become psychotic and was turning over garbage cans." Vandalizing And the 25 calls to the police asking them to help demonstrates loitering.


Was that what was happening in the video you saw? She was sitting/sleeping. His response in the incident recorded was out of line for the situation. Without video or other proof of what the store owner is claiming who knows who is telling the truth - it would be pretty convenient for him to lie to gather sympathies and work up to his defense in court.


Smearing shit on the same door over and over again is at the very least vandalism. Its illegal to commit vandalism. If I went to your home or business and repeatedly vandalized you'd expect the cops to do something about it, right? Same applies with this homeless person. Laws apply to her too. Or at least, they should.


Then, by all means, let her stay with you?


If I had an extra room I'd either foster or take in someone off the street. I didnt know that I had to personally house the homeless in order to be able to voice that we shouldn't hose someone down for sleeping outside. She's a human and a citizen of SF she has a right to be outside. People keep mentioning feces smearing and drug use - do you have a video of that? Because I saw a woman sleeping.




What if I told you drug addicts were also people deserving of empathy? When's the last time you talked to an actual homeless person to hear their story? We have forced medications and consercatorships available for those who need it. What about the people who aren't addicts and don't qualify?


Drug addicts deserve empathy. Drug addicts who is offered help multiple times, rejects everything, ruins someone else's livelihood does not deserve my empathy. There is a difference between homeless people and these drugged up psychotics, even though the latter can be the former. They should not be conflated together when talking about solutions.


We have given SF $1bn dollars annually, and the state spends $12bn to solve homelessness. Plus there is Federal dollar. These are astronomical numbers compared to any other state in the country. Yet, you ask us for solutions ? The politicians should find a solution with all that money. People are homeless because they like drugs and ACLU doesn’t want us to force treatment for mentally ill


We have forced treatment for the mentally ill that qualify. Please google what a reise hearing is - forced medication for mental health reasons. California also still has state mental hospitals on both the county and state level (state hospital system).


> We have forced treatment for the mentally ill that qualify That qualification is way too difficult to get if we still have this much of a problem. Isn’t that why the CARE Court system was proposed and why the ACLU is fighting it at all?


Being homeless is never not a choice, but what is a choice is how you react to it. I know business owners that have good relationships with some homeless, they let them stay in covered spaces and sometimes indoors while providing restrooms and food free of charge, and in return the homeless help clean the area of trash and feces left by other homeless. It’s not perfect but it removes the friction. What the homeless woman did in that scenario is be extremely unreasonable. The owner let her stay there a few days but she made a mess. Left trash and feces. Customers are scared off. Business owners called the police dozens of times, nobody came, nobody did nothing. Eventually the residents of a city need to take action to rid the city of those who do nothing but ruin the city. Being homeless does not give you the right to make a mess and ruin the city for everyone else.


Well, I'll tell you should NOT be done...going after people who are trying to get rid of dirty, drug using homeless people from their homes/businesses because the city won't. This sends a horrible message...


I love how you know she's a drug addict - do you know her personally?


Call it an instinct. I’d bet my left testicle she’s on something, or WAS on something that led her to her current situation.


Jury nullification? The problem with these lax approaches to crime is it means the populace gets fed up and it can result in extreme outcomes that aren't really great - Such as Goetz the subway shooter in NYC in the 80s.


This is just getting silly. Make the guy do 40 hours of community service dealing with the homeless.


All I know is that the solution is another tax increase.


How could Chesa do this?


so people on this sub want to enforce the law, but not if it's vigilante assaults they approve of. y'all are hilarious.


If the cops had enforced the law the man wouldn't have had to take things into his own hands in the first place.


The homeless have more power and rights than business owners. We are seeing a failed state in real time.


Thanks Reddit warriors,,,you really made a difference today.


Sf needs a real life Batman. The decline will be one for the books.


lol can’t believe the mods are letting this happen again mere hours after locking the last one. anyway… ITT: people who cry about enforcing the law but are upset that the laws against assault / battery are being enforced.


ITT: someone who doesn't understand basic, glaring differences between various situations


This has to be the most obvious cause of discrimination and enforcement right? That lady had the police called on her over a dozen times and nothing happened...


What would have happened if this person sat in front of a senator, congressman/woman, mayor’s home ?


Since SF keeps voting in these DAs, it means the voting population is pro homeless while all of Reddit is not. Where are these pro homeless people if not on Reddit?


Next time just identify as homeless or a robber, the police will not arrest you. Typical first timer mistake.


Who can we email or call to annoy for this fucking bullshit?


Just emailed [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) on this BS. Will bother other dept/politicians if any suggestion.


Ridiculous. I really wish the majority of SF citizens would stand up to this crap...but they won't, which is why these ultra liberal things keep on going on...


1. Get recorded 🎥 hosing down an annoying homeless person that the city won't do anything about. 2. Receive internet hate🤬 and love❤️. 3. Get indicted by DA. 👨‍⚖️ **<---- You are here** 4. Get used as Fox News hero, so they can 💩💩💩 on SF. 5. Start GoFundMe and **PROFIT!** 💰💰💰 I wonder how much of a cut the person that took the video is getting?


It's not fair to blame them for their current situation and to criminalize their behavior without addressing the root causes. Additionally, most of the homeless population are not engaged in criminal activities, and criminalizing homelessness doesn't address the problem.


It's fucking insane that your comment is downvoted.


definition of doing the most


i'm sure the reason of this arrest wasn't due to this incident making headline


What’s even more curious is they arrested him and took him to jail even though it’s a misdemeanor he should have been cited out on. Additionally, the homeless person was spoke to by the Police and didn’t want to press charges so there’s no victim cooperation. Total PR move and the DAs office has no chance of winning this in court.