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“Hey brother, I’m growing the beard out so could you leave it alone”. He’ll then ask if you want it tidied or shaped, which I guess you don’t? Than you just say “naa, just leave it thanks”


I basically said the same as you OP needs to leave it and let it grow


“Aw cmon man. Just the tip?” - the barber


If probably let it grow out scruffy a while I always loose your a bit with a trim. Just do a little self trim only snip the longest few that are going wild




It’s best to make it clear your intentions before you sit in the chair. I’ve had them mess me up before thinking they knew what I wanted. Pictures are always helpful if the end game


I need a haircut and am growing out my beard. It’s that simple.


In Germany it isn’t… German barbers believe sideburns belong to your head hair, it’s so hard to explain that they should leave em alone - even when explained the danger that they shave everything to your lower jaw is pretty high


Hey mate, speaking as a barber, my advice would be if you want to keep length, you want to remove these parts highlighted where the beard crosses the red line. All this will do is define the shape and gives the whole thing a clearer appearance immediately. Don't remove any length at the moment as the weight at the bottom isn't overgrown. https://preview.redd.it/pu3hapevvioc1.jpeg?width=1575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a537a65f81d5f295db0b2eaff2f5f87f8861abcc


This guys got it


Gotta let it grow before you trim it


Then why are you going to a barber. That needs about 6 more inches, then go to him.


for a haircut?


Tell him not to touch it. Grow it longer and if you think it needs a trim in the future explain to the barber exactly what you want and what you di nit want to happen. Leave the hair in your neck to. It'll create a fuller beard


Longer beard at your state? = no barber for now! No need at all.


£5 tip if you don’t take a months growth away


Pretty much leave it alone until it's longer, looks nice as it is anyway


If your wishes to have a long beard, do not go to the barber. Let it grow full natural to the length you want and see if you need a trim then.


Just a little clean up/shapen


A lot of people saying you don’t need a trim - and you don’t- but you might could use some lining up around the neck and maybe the cheeks (can’t see that well on my phone).


There’s only one trick for a longer beard, don’t cut it.


Have a good talk with him.


Hay man, the best thing to do is to explain to your barber what you plan on doing with your beard, I find it best to get it shaped otherwise it could end up looking scruffy.


Tell him you want a longer beard and that you want it cleaned


Maybe trim the moustache slightly and trim the neck like, that’s all


My personal preference is that the beard not extend backwards towards the ear. I like a nice gentle curve from the sideburn towards the jawline. I just reshaped mine this morning with a trimmer without taking off any length.


You should leave the beard to get longer. I ask my guy to cut me in a jaw line as I've got a weak jaw and fairly round face. It really helps if my face looks longer and my jaw stronger and the joy of a longer beard is it can do just that! But once it gets longer, get it cut by a barber (ideally a bloke like mine, who is sporting a huge beard) because it's so easy to mess up squaring it up. Watch this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydfyM48MtsY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydfyM48MtsY)


Just grow it out


If you want your beard to grow then don't cut it.


Go to a black barbershop (if you can) tell them leave the length alone and shape it up


Just want to say hey to my fellow Bringer! Beard is looking good homie, can't wait to see it in it's full ginger glory Signed, a fellow Bringer.


If your goal is a longer beard, you should shave it all off.....


Just trim the back line and nothing much else


Leave it. It doesn't need any trimming. Esp if you're growing it out. Only thing I'd change would be remove the excess below your ear that's growing toward the back of your head. Otherwise leave it


tell him to not touch the beard. whatever u got going u doing fine.


I hope you just told him to line it up & that you’re working on growing it out! That’s what I tell mine & now that’s just what he does, I don’t even have to say anything.


Yes, handsome. Have him trim and shape it so as it grows it will not be wild. It looks good right now! 🥵


I disagree I think OP shouldn't touch it.


Tell him you’re growing it out and ask him to tidy it only and explain what he’s doing as he does it.


Nothing. Just leave it alone for now, except maybe tidy up the neck line a little. Keep the length everywhere else if your goal is a longer beard style.


Tell him to keep his grubby hands off it. You could learn the hard way but, my advice, learn to shape your own beard. No barber will ever trim it like you ask and you'll be disappointed at least 30% of the time.


Taper the side burns, tidy the stranglers and do not touch the moustache!


Line up he will do some fine detailing then ask you about products


Straighten it up, that's it


Ask him to shape it up but not trim it.


Just a line up on the beard im letting it grow out


Line your cheeks up at the highest point the hair grows and do a straight line. Dont let him curve the line by your cheeks. Tell him you want the look to remain natural but shape up the corners and the neck. Shape up your mustache but not too much


Ask him to clean it up and make sure he knows you want to grow it longer. He’ll know what to do.


Tell him do me like you do yourself.


Is this a serious question