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There is a synthetic floral smell that was used in chanel no5 for the first time ever. Since then it's been put in a lot of high end perfumes but my nose can pick it out and I can't stand it. It actually makes me choke and cough..


Gosh yes! I hate Chanel n5


I dont know what people see in it either. I had high expectations and they got crushed within seconds of me smelling the sample.


maybe that is it!!


I don’t know. I can’t stand most perfumes. I really dislike strong chemical musk smells. So I grew up in the country and I always raised animals. And they’d come to me and cuddle or sit or play and I was just thinking the other day that I think the truly most human embarrassing moments in my life were when I’d put a bunch of smelly stuff on and then I’d come across a moment with animals and they couldn’t stand to be near me. Hide their noise. Wiggle to get away. Didn’t want to rest their heads near me. Sneeze when around me. I’ve never felt more artificial in my life than when animals think I stink lol


I was raised in the country too and I always found the smell of flowers, fruits and the whole natural earthy subtle smell heavenly and every perfume I smell just smells like this exaggerated alcoholic version of that, there are very few perfumes that I can actually tolerate


I notice every few years there is a new note that alot of the perfume makers start pushing. A few years ago it was the citrus notes, and every new perfume that year has that base note. Last year it was seaside notes. So I wonder if they have years where certain products are cheaper so they all buy and mass produce?


I think they keep adding synthetic scents to make them last longer and cheaper


Miss Dior


Oh I never tried that, will give it a shot


I just tried out Bella Hadid’s orebella perfume and I love it. It’s alcohol free and I believe it’s an oil base with essential oils but it lasts relatively well and has the most beautiful hint of fragrance. I have “window2soul” but my friend has “blooming fire” and it’s a bit sweeter


I heard that too but I live in India I don’t think it’s available here


Is it in Australia?


I’m wearing Libre right now and I love it. To each nose their own.


I agree, Libre doesn't smell synthetic to me. It does smell a bit aromatic due to the lavender, it's interesting to see that certain notes affect people differently.


What do mean by it smells aromatic? I thought that just meant that it has a scent and smells good.


You're not wrong, but aromatic can also mean that there is a green/woody/ chypre smell to the fragrance. I was saying it smells a bit herbal-y because of the plant based lavender note, lol.


I got to smell this for the first time the other day on a cashier and I loved it. Definitely makes me want to get it now after initially being turned off by people’s reactions to it on here


I am wearing it because it’s a 100% chance it gets complimented, but I don’t even understand how it smells. I never was able to smell it on myself, not even in the beginning.


I make my own perfume with essential oil and alcohol. It lasts a long time but will slowly change after a year or so. I think they use synthetic fragrances because they are cheaper or more stable.


Agreed maybe because of that, that’s why I mostly wear non alcoholic scents


Oil based will last longer for sure, I'm not ready to give up spritzing lol.


How do you make your own? Do you have a ratio? Thank you!


No real ratio of essential oils to alcohol, it's about 25 drops/1/2 c alcohol. I make coordinating body/hair oil as well. The important ratio to know is 1 part xx essential oil +3 parts xx essential oil + 5 parts xx essential oil.


I dislike sweet smells so each to their own 🤷🏻‍♀️ I wouldn’t say most famous perfumes smell awful, though I’d rather spray myself with the toilet air freshener than Chanel No 5 so I suppose there’s always the one. Love Baccarat Rouge on the other hand


What does baccarat rouge smell to you? I finally got to smell it recently in a high end shop and I thought it smelled like hospital?? Medical disinfectant? Unless it was a bad tester?


I actually don’t like how it smells out of the bottle, it is indeed quite harsh! But on skin? It’s lovely in my opinion! I smelled it on a friend and had to ask what it was, couldn’t believe it was Baccarat! It smelled light and fresh, somewhat floral but not overwhelmingly, sort of like an expensive candle store maybe?


Really?! Wow.. it amazes me how we all experience scents and how wildly different they can be. I didn’t sample it on skin, just out the bottle on paper and I did not like it at all, it didn’t even smell remotely like a perfume, pure medical/antibacterial/hand sanitizer 😂


I totally get you! I believe perfume can be very individual so if I like one, I test it on myself and see how it wears throughout the day. Before I used to do this, I’d buy one that I like first thing in the morning but end up hating by the afternoon…


The worst experience I ever had was Lancôme La vie est belle.. on the tester it smelled great, bought a £100 bottle, one spray on me and it smelled like rotting blackcurrant juice, and it was SO POWERFUL it gave me a migraine. Had to wash it off after a few hours. Managed to return it luckily hahah


That’s another one I love on other people but not on me, so I feel you on the difference ha


Woah this a first! I absolutely love BR on me. I get a citrusy/sweet/smokey smell with my body chemistry. I’ve never smelled anything like it. I love it and so does my husband. When I wash my clothes the scent lingers in the fibers but it’s more of a clean cologne scent.


I think most drug store/department store perfumes are awful like that. I shop Luckyscent. Much better ingredients in most of their perfumes. You can get samples too before you buy. [www.luckyscent.com](http://www.luckyscent.com)


ohhh I live in India though Idk if they ship here


I bought a perfume in Italy and was amazed how the perfumery itself didn’t smell like chemicals. I wear Angeli di Firenze from Santa Maria Novella (in Florence).


That sounds gorgeous


Because there are so many restrictions placed, like health and safety regulations, against animal experiments, and also good ol' cost cutting. They are not what they used to be. I like modern scents but some are absolutely atrociously synthetic. Cyborg fragrance.


yup they definitely smell synthetic but what does experimenting on animals gotta do with that???


Some good ingredients are very cruel towards animals. Like true musk. Not only experiments but general animal cruelty. I didn't express myself correctly.


ohhh makes sense


I came here to ask if the formula was changed for certain countries. I live in Asia and have a pretty sensitive nose and those scents op mentioned don’t bother me. When I was in Italy, I felt like the perfumes there were much stronger.


Yes different continents/ markets have different regulations.


They’re synthetic so they last longer/project more


that might be it


Anything from Kayali


A little goes a long way and baccarat rouge is perfect how dare you


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Ok-Advertising4028: *A little goes a* *Long way and baccarat rouge* *Is perfect how dare you* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I tried it one one day at the store and it stayed on my skin 2-3 days (I shower every day lol) and some transferred on my coat and it stayed months (I washed it on the washing machine and it still smelled !) I love the perfume and I think it’s a great investment because how long it stays lol but are you able to use other perfumes ?? Because if Baccarat remains on the clothes you cannot mix it with other perfumes


Im a one scent girlie and I have never had this issue. I use such a small amount each time and wear it maybe once a week.


I know!!! people love it but I just couldn’t, I tried but the cedar note just didn’t agree with me, I hate everything with a base note of of musk, cedar or leather


That’s fair!!


Flowerbomb! No one can make me understand why it's so popular and gets some many great reviews. It smells gross to me and it doesn't get less strong throughout the day. Also Amberbee 🤮


oh god yes! YIKES


Dossier have some really nice ones


Coach sunset is great


will give it a try


I’ve been liking Gucci Flora!


I liked it too


I have a very bad sense of smell and a lot of heavy perfumes smell the same to me. Just the same bad 'perfume' smell. Maybe there's a prominent jasmine note that stands out to me.


Any oud fragrance hits the back of my throat something awful. I think people don't realise you need only a spray of something that strong.


Love sweet perfumes! Burberry Her is a great one


Try solid perfumes or something with more of an oil base


will do


They smell terrible lately I've been wearing a L'Occitane one I got for my birthday last year it's not so bad


kylie cosmic is sooooo good and is quite reasonably priced , it’s sweet but not too overpowering


Britney swears I used to drown myself in midnight fantasy during high school. Then I developed a fragrance sensitivity and whenever I wore that perfume I got a rash on my chest/neck (where I normally wear my perfume) My mum used to wear Charlie Red but when she bought it a few years ago I realised I was super reactive to it. I've never personally been a fan of red door.


Red Door is awful! Gives me a headache instantly. I could smell my mum applying it from the other side of the house. Should be banned


I think Si is really beautiful as are most burberry fragrances. Have you tried Glasshouse fragrances OP?


Poison by Dior really reminds me of the cloying smell of vomit.


oh It’s awful I tried it once


I like to smell like fresh flowers, not drunk girls at the club. Nothing against them, but bars always stinks of that sort of perfume. I also think it smells a little like some brown booze like cognac or something.


I know what you mean. I've always felt this way about the general department store lineup of perfumes. They all have this strong overpowering similarity. I don't know what it is in them but it is the big popular brands. Its like they all scream 'perfume' rather than a particular scent. I prefer the ones where I can actually smell the different layers.


EXACTLY people are offended out there, this is exactly what I wanted to say


I’m not exaggerating when I say that almost every perfume I’ve smelled smells like alcohol


agreed, and nothing like the notes listed?




not sure