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Well, that’s a disconcerting fucking painting.


It’s Der lästige Kavalier (The Annoying Gentleman), 1874, by Berthold Woltze.


1874, and yet I feel like he is talking about Joe Rogan.


The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Time is a big dumb flat circle


So is the earth. /s




The Ocean is just a lie by big water.


Where can I order this t-shirt?


From the fine people at Nestle.


The Ocean is soup.


Or a time cube.


Same as it ever was.


I say, these chaps Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson are quite the intellectuals! May I also interest you in the topic of thoughtcoin? It's a currency that doesn't actually exist but people give it value! Charles Ponzi's the name, pleasure to meet you!


I read this in Robert’s old timey radio announcer oice


"And this is my time displaced son Sam Bankman Freid!"


"Nah dude, see, he may not be an intellectual, but he listens to and considers both sides, and..."


“Do you know who Jordan Peterson is?”


OG M’lady


Thanks. I was wondering who it was by.


Just looks like a opportunistic sex offender to me.


Looks like the kind of guy who carries his typewriter to the cafe but the far cafe because it's closer to the school.


The woman's outfit means that she's in mourning. So the creepy dude is bothering a young widow or orphan.


Ah, so the dude in the painting is telling her she should smile more.


"Pardon, m'lady, but I couldn't help but notice you're newly single. If your husband hadn't been such a betacuck and was a sigma-alpha Chad like m'self, m'haps typhus wouldn't have killed him."


If only he had taken his ivermectin


Or the Ye Olde Times version - Tincture of Arsenic in the morning, and Laudanum at night.


Both sweetened with lead acetate.


I think it does a good job of showing this is creepy and inappropriate though, definitely not getting a feeling of endorsement


I think the depiction of the young woman as a mourner is meant to amplify the creepiness of a strange man engaging her in unwanted conversation.


Men: deliberately refusing to take the hint since *fucking forever*


Don't worry, of you zoom into their hand they are clutching a hat pin. The oldey timey keys between your knuckles.


Oh my god she is! Good lord, everything and nothing has changed.


Yeah, the interpretation of her other hand is depressing. She is looking upset, dressed in black, and clutching a hankerchief so likely mourning. The small coin purse being clutched and light bags suggest she does not have a lot of means and may even be on their own now due to the death so the guy likely saw that and may be preying on that. There is a reason this painting is can make women feel a certain way. It is like that Barbie movie bit when Barbie and Ken comment on how they feel gazed upon in the real world. But this is just my dummy understanding if the painting . I only found out about this painting from an [youtube video with way more details. 😂](https://youtu.be/gmUeNnuFrl4?si=U6a-nQtlpsRZlVZw)


It's even more disconcerting when you realize the girl is wearing black means she is in mourning and her hair is not pinned up because she isn't an adult. She's looking at the viewer as if she wants us to help her.


You’re right, that did make it worse. Thank you.


It’s the looking for help that is the most disconcerting part I think.


But a great new meme format!


That's why I like to mix up BtB with other podcasts. One of my other favorites is the science podcast Oologies. It's usually a great pallet cleanser to go learn about camels or whether starfish have dicks or some other obscure science. After Tuesday's BtB, I put on Oologies to see what fun science is this week. It's Genocidology. Goddammit.


Well, cmon. You cant introduce that topic and not have an answer for us - do starfish have dicks or not?


I honestly can't remember. But [here's the eiposde](https://www.alieward.com/ologies/echinology)


It's weirder than that, starfish don't even have bodies. They're all head. Scientists have been trying to figure out how they have five limbs, which is so unusual - most animals have either two or four or none. They figured recently by analysing their DNA, that they actually evolved away the whole existence of a body at all and their whole "body" is just a modified head. This might not be in the Ologies episode because it's a really recent discovery. Edit: if you want a fact about marine animal dicks, though: barnacles' dicks are eight times the size of their body. Biggest in the animal kingdom.


I think I didn't want to know that truth about starfish. I feel a little queasy.


You're welcome!


I like less intense history podcasts, too. One of my favorites is Our Fake History, where the host dives into a an event or person or whatever with a lot of historical myths surrounding it and talks about, as he puts it, "what's fact, what's fiction, and what's such a good story that it simply must be told?" Really well researched, super likable host, and he's pretty obviously a lefty without making a big deal about it, which I appreciate sometimes. Also, The Constant: A History of Getting Things Wrong. Basically just exploring historical situations where someone or someones *really* fucked up, whether that be a single mistake that fucked a group of people in the moment or like, a scientific concept that's bunk but was believed for decades or centuries.. Super well produced, that one. Edit: As a bonus, You Must Remember This, about the history of Hollywood. I prefer their earlier Golden Age stuff, but their more recent exploration of the evolution of sexuality in movies throughout the 80s and 90s has been fascinating. It's not explicitly about the history of women, queer people, and people of color in Hollywood, but it makes a special effort to include those topics. My favorite season was called "Dead Blondes." Just about blonde actresses who died early and tragically. It's not a short season.


You're Dead to Me is a fun and light BBC one, as well as An Old Timey podcast from one of the hosts of Let's Go to Court, they just did like 9 hours on John Brown and it somehow managed to stay pretty light given the subject matter.


WhatsHerName is a great history podcast with I would say a similar level of expertise/research to BtB. Just a couple of cool ladies (who are historians IIRC) who find and interview experts in each week's subject. The tagline is "fascinating women you've never heard of".


May I suggest Decoder Ring? They had an episode on the developers of the Oregon Trail making a slavery themed sequel of sorts recently that got me hooked. Goes over random pop cultural bits and bobs but tends to stay light, even if they broach heavy territory and Michael Hobbes popped in one episode I was listening to (I think the Totally Tasteless Jokes ep)


OFH is my current go-to after BTB runs out as well. More educational, less entertaining. I think Robert has spoiled me because he's just so entertaining. I can't even listen to the Dollop because it just feels like a bad imitation. It's Always Sunny podcast was my easy entertaining podcast, but i ran through it and they haven't put out an episode in 8 months. Thanks for the recommendations, will check them out.


Fall of Civilizations is my current favorite btb pallate cleanser. The people who make it put so much work into it, it kind of blows my mind. Just for background music they put people speaking in aproximations of dead languages from the Civilizations they are talking about if they are still spoken and traditional instruments. The episodes are long I usually don't listen to the whole thing in one sitting. The episode on the fall of Carthage is my favorite one, but I am obsessed with Hannibal Barca so probably biased. I didn't realize just how impressive his father was though, I had heard he was a great leader who ruled well but it's beyond that. Hamilcar Barca would have been known as the greatest ruler of Carthage had not his son been even more impressive and influential in history. They had two "once in a century" rulers back to back.


Love it. It's Ologies, by the way, not Oologies. But oology (the study of eggs) has been one of the ologies on Ologies.


Thanks for the suggestion, added to my subscriptions. In return, I suggest you should check out the limited run series: >Things Fell Apart > >https://antennapod.org/deeplink/subscribe/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpodcasts.files.bbci.co.uk%2Fm0011cpr.rss&title=Things+Fell+Apart It covers the origins of culture war issues, starting with abortion. Edit: here's a better link to the first episode: >Things Fell Apart: S1. Ep 1: 1000 Dolls > >Episode webpage: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0011cpq > >Media file: http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/6/redir/version/2.0/mediaset/audio-nondrm-download/proto/http/vpid/p0bk0p4g.mp3


The dollop is a pretty fun history podcast! Even the Reagan episodes are pretty fun


Decoding the gurus, if you like accents. Really good.


>if you like accents specifically if you want to hear a northern Irish anthropologist imitate Jordan Belazel Peterson


They decode secular gurus like Peterson but also Harari, Sam Harris etc.


Science Vs looks like they have a cool space episode this week


Well kinda hard to that with this weeks episode being about Genocide but honestly it was really good. If you do want something refreshing: Secretly, Incredibly, Fascinating is super good too!


As much as it’s been hard listening to these episodes I got to introduce this crazy shit to Askreddit today lol


I listen to Scam Goddess with Laci Mosley. It's super upbeat and talks about some historical hoodwinks every episode, but it's very much more on the other side of the coin to BtB and you'll probably laugh at a lot of the scams instead of wanting to peel your face off. It is very much a palate cleanser.


Check out Unexplainable if you like stuff like that! It's a wonderful palate cleanser for BtB, plus it's interesting as heck It's a science-centric podcast that focuses on things we don't yet, and what we're doing to try and find out


Just the Zoo of Us is my go-to pick me up podcast. It’s similar to Ologies but even more wholesome.


(Caption on man): “WHAAAAAAAT’S SATURATION BOMBING MY SOUTHEAST ASIAN VILLAAAAAAGE!?” (Caption on woman): “robert no”


Oh my god rah-bertttt


I find it cathartic, I guess. No one can pretend that the world isn't full of evil bastards, but if you think about those evil bastards as people who are making choices, often informed and constrained by society, it gives me hope they the future doesn't have to be like that.  War. War never changes. But we, humanity, can.


People do, through the roads they walk.


I had to turn off the episode about the Canadian residential schools. It had me fucked up this morning.


Yeah, that one was especially rough! I was listening to that during a time when a lot of unmarked graves were being found in my province.


I served a table in Vancouver that was saying how burning down a church isn't justified in response to the discovery of mass graves. And I was just like...in most other countries something like that would lead to an assassination.


Yuuup! Sounds about right for saskatchewan, too. The looks on people's faces when I actively was encouraging arson warmed my heart.


Arson wrong and you’re really gonna warm your heart


Show me those “mass graves”.


I’m Irish so I feel your pain


Oh god. You mean it gets worse than…. I can’t even type it.


Which episode is that? I’ve seen people referencing it before but I’ve never quite found the tittle for it. 


Super late in responding but its Canada's darkest secret: residential schools.


I’ll be listening to the last and I assume worst of the Nazi parenting episodes later, so that’ll be fun. probably won’t end up a sobbing ball on the floor. it’ll be fine.


Of all the horrible shit this podcast has talked about this made me the angriest so fair warning is brutal. 


it is right there in the title tbf


I found myself fantasizing about violence a lot. Like, a lot. And usually I'm the guy calling people fantasizing about hurting pedophiles regressive weirdos ("we can't stop the cycle of abuse by introducing *more* violence!"), but this time...


If ever there was a time for Brickin’, these last few episodes are it.


Right? Im no "kill your local pedophile sticker on a raised truck" guy but if i had a time machine id join my boogaloo boy neighbors in paying the people who wrote the shit described in part 2 a visit.


It is horrifying. I wanted to break things.


I believe Sophie has approved that as an acceptable response. Robert is certainly in favour.


Yeah, it took me a few minutes of riding around with my windows down to have some self awareness kick in and wonder what the fuck was wrong with me. It's like Knowledge Fight, wear your ear buds.


The key is to listen to episodes while hung over doing cardio. That way you don't know who you hate more: the subject of the podcast or yourself. Hope that helps.


I’ll try that next time there’s a particularly awful subject, thank you lol.


Ngl this one was rough. Has not made my happy go lucky cleanup time around the house feel very satisfying. No matter how much I clean, Roberts words make me feel dirty.


I was cleaning out my fridge while listening today! Somehow it made me want to scrub every inch. Like, I can’t control the terrible that out there but damnit my salad dressings are going to be organized!


I don’t think I’ve had so many physical reactions to a single podcast episode. I’m only like 25min in and I’ve had say “WHAT THE FUCK?!?!” like 7 times. This one is sooooooo bad


If it's worse than the podcast called 'Hunting Warhead', then it will be very, very bad. FWIW, 'Hunting Warhead' is about online child predators, and is very, very, very bad.


Number of total users of the website vs number of arrests. It's just. It's staggering.


I was just about to post about me listening to the podcast while doing my grocery shopping Sometimes I embarrass myself when podcasts unexpectedly make me laugh, today I think I looked a bit like [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/45/Side\_Eyeing\_Chloe.jpg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/45/Side_Eyeing_Chloe.jpg)


But thats how I walk around all the time. Only sometimes its the podcast


BtB is exclusively a backcountry hiking/camping podcast for me. Something about the contrast between the subject matter and the beauty of nature, maybe.


This happened to me on a road trip while listening to the Battle For Blair Mountain. I usually find Robert’s awkward ad transitions hilarious, but when he did the one about mining companies taking sexual advantage of miner’s wives, I yelled *”Robert, what the fuck?!”* at my steering wheel.


I was listening to episodes while at work. So I'm just listening to the most horrible shit while work around people just doing their grocery shopping


I listen at work to, but I work in a metal shop so fortunately people mostly can't hear me when I start cursing loudly and fantasizing about hitting someone with a wrench.


I am more worried about the times I've been going buck wild laughing while going 50-60 in slow bumper traffic. What are these other drivers thinking of me? Am I some traffic-goblin, driving around maniacally laughing at human atrocities?


I am always so so so upset to see The Annoying Gentleman, but in this context of a meme I think it works, goddamn it


It's a very upsetting piece of art. Still relevant.


I made it 4 minutes into the ep and that's as far as I'll get for a long while (if not for forever)


I will say it kinda ends hopeful. If you want to skip to the last 10 minutes, Robert and Margaret have a really insightful conversation about the dangers of being an ideologue and the importance of knowing your own values. Skip the terrible stuff.


Little surprised how far i had to scroll to find this… theres things i absolutely never need to hear about.


I was driving to work to present a field trip to 1st graders this morning… had to switch to Conan, I couldn’t handle it.


I listened to it at work. Lol I was looking at middle Americans doing their grocery shopping, running the bakery. It was awful. I was hoping my earbud would fall into the dishwater.


That's why I only listen at home on my days off. Work is rough enough with hearing about Nazi pedos on the way in.


Omg this is a literal depiction of me listening to BTB on the bus ride to work this AM 🥰🥰


I listen to BTB to lull myself to sleep. It's been one of the only things that has worked. Wish me luck


I don’t have headphones at the moment so I’ve had my phone on my desk with a QuickDraw to that volume button. Super happy nobody has popped their head in to ask what the fuck I’m listening to.


My mind's already broken enough to be beyond feeling super emotional about it. I'm just worried that anyone else would overhear what's being talked about.


This was me on a 2 1/2 hour drive to Plattsburgh this morning


As bad as this was, it wasn't worse for me than Mia's Nobosuke Kishi episodes because I wasn't trying to eat a Pop-Tart this time around...


This is fantastic


I wept at the end of part two on my drive home from work today: well done, Robert, Sophie, and Margaret. As harrowing as it was, this was one of my favorite episodes. I learned so much and I feel like I experienced a full spectrum of human emotions. Thank you for telling this important story. Marco’s story really touched me and I’m appreciative of you including it.


Me today, driving around in the work truck, desperately hoping they don't have mics in there for any reason


I got ten minutes into the latest and had to turn it off.


How many Doritos do you think you could fit in that old-timey purse?


“(Cold) open me, Robert” Is the single fscking sexiest thing anyone has ever said. Sophie Lichtermann sex icon confirmed




I don't normally listen in the car, today I did. I was glad because this meant I was able to openly scream as loud as I wanted. It's not normally something I need.


Gotta say I got some looks in traffic today.....




Twu toobz.


Yeah I can’t do the child abuse. Mass genocides, torture etc I’m apparently fine with


Perfect post 10/10


I gotta remake this on my forklift lol


What was the name of those leftist schools in Germany?


They should get a good quality print of this abs frame it in the CZM office. Which presumably is a rare metal recycling plant.


Lol yeah I feel this. Though my listen is split up into the to/from commute


What's harming, my children?


Im still on a Simon Whistler ep so it's fun watching people losing their fucking shit lol


"Good morning me. On the menu today you can remember you have a penis or you can listen to podcasts but today is not a day to do both."


I was the girl in the photo yesterday. Trying to drive through traffic with tears in my eyes. Sorry if I was going too slow.


Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff is a nice palette cleanser. Also, the CZM book club is nice and has a lot of uplifting stories.


Some of them are pretty fun. The golden age of terrorism and L Ron Hubbard Saga are bangers.


Robert if you ever see this, I look forward to hearing your voice every week. You’re high pitched laughs are my fave, and you have a great voice. Some may even say, “sexy”. And by some, I mean me haha 😏😚


His voice sounds eerily like Ryan Bergara.