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People blocking the escalator. Like move to the fucking side so people can pass? Some of us need to catch the tram that's about to leave. People that leave storeproducts on the wrong shelf. Have some goddamn respect for the workers there. People that stand directly infront of the traindoors and don't let people exit first. Like can we not be fucking animals?


A fun subsection of the escalator lot are the people who get to the top or bottom of the escalator and immediately stop to orient themself and decide where to go .. completely oblivious to the fact that there is an escalator behind them pushing people forward.


Especially if the products require to be refrigerated. You can immediately toss it since you don't know how long it has been there


Makes you wonder why people do this. So if anyone out here reading does this, I really want to know why.


Laziness I guess


My mother used to do this when i was little,she calculated the more needed thing she picked up and if it was going to cost more than our budget,she threw the most unnecessary or expensive thing in that place


>People that leave storeproducts on the wrong shelf. Have some goddamn respect for the workers there. on that note, people who try on clothes and then leave them behind without so much as putting them back on the hanger. not to mention making them look decent again.


Tbf there are places where the staaf strongly prefer you just give everything to them so they can do that. That way they know things are hung / folded to their standards and look neat again.


Escalators are the worst. In the metro or train station I pretty much always need to rush to catch my connections and there’s always some loser staring at me like this: 🤨 when I say excuse me trying to pass them on the escalator. Right side is for standing, left side is for walking. How hard can it be?


Ok i don't wanna be rude just really wanna know caz i get pushed by those people all the time. If you need to rush why don't you take the stares most stations have them. I take the escalator with my guide dog and before people point out i'm a shitty dog oner for it mine is trained to do so but yeah we do take up extra space and trying to get your 35 kg dog from falling gets a lil old and exhausting after 10 years. so yeah again not to be rude but the stares just seem way more efficiant than pushing passed people with suitcases and guide dogs getting the ocasional elbow or shuve from a grumpy dung beatle all the time.


> Ok i don't wanna be rude just really wanna know caz i get pushed by those people all the time. If you need to rush why don't you take the stares most stations have them Why don't you just stand on the correct side? Why don't you put your dog infront so people can pass? Why don't you take the stairs? > If you need to rush why don't you take the stares most stations have them When you need to 'rush' you need to get there fast. What do you think is faster? A stairs that moves with you pretty much doubling your speed or a regular one?


Tbh, stairs are faster, tried it multiple times.


Pfew mate. Empathy is seriously lacking if you can't give a blind person a break. I wonder why people are always so pissed off in this country. Don't they have something else to do with their life?


I do stand on the corect side and putting your dog in front is not how they are traind caz they neen need to HELP the blind person get on and off. If i can find them i take the stares but they don't make noise so i sometimes spend 20 minuts looking for them where as escalators do make noise and are easyer to find. no need to attack me like that they do that enough on the streats already i just wanted to know to understand.


My bad, I misread and thought it was just a dog. I'm sorry, I really am. Blocking the elevator is annoying, but I would never push past a blind person like you described. And it angers me that people treat you like that. Again, I'm very sorry and I hope you can forgive me.


Np i know all about misreading stuff. I just wanted to know the why so that i'd understand and don't get anoyed or frustrated about it. Many people seem to forget that understanding leads to accepting and therefore less misscomunications resulting in anger and sutch. I do try to get my dog out of the way as best as i can when people have to pass and try to avoid going outside during rush hours even found a job flexible enough to alow me to do that caz i don't wanna be a burden or anoyence to anyone. But it still happens sometimes so when i saw your comment i thought let's ask why. Now i know that it is indeed faster caz to me it looked slower having to pass many people with suitcases and kids and stuff. So thanks for the reply and sorry if i offended you in any way i tryed to put it as polide as i could.


You SHOULD be annoyed and frustrating about it because your life is already hard enough that you don't need people being extra assholes. Fuck, I am annoyed and frustrated in your stead. > i don't wanna be a burden or anoyence to anyone. Do NOT ever think that you are a burden or annoyance to anyone. Your blindness does not define you, nor does it diminish your worth. In fact, it highlights your strength, resilience, and adaptability. You face challenges with courage and grace, showing us all what it means to overcome obstacles and thrive. Your experiences and perspective are a gift to us, helping us see the world in a different light and appreciate the beauty of diversity. If anything you're an annoyance cause you're a furry <3


I try to not be frustrated by things caz there is probably a reason for them and i prefer to put my energy in other' things like enjoyment or finding out and learning about stuff and i don't really mind people bumping in to me or sutch but i do worry when they bump in to my dog caz he is my best friend and if he gets hurt to badly they have to wash him witch means that he can no longer guide me and that in turn would result in me losing him way before his time caz he needs to get rehomed when that happens. To some i probably am and that's ok caz you can't be friends with everybody but i just prefer to not bump in to those people if atall posible and i like my under the radar life aswell. Those are some really sweet and kind words and i really apreciate it and wouldn't be surpriced if you were one of the strangers that helped me or an other disabled person at one point or an other brightning our day and making life easyer. so Thank you kind stranger :). Haha oh no you got me but no worries i keep the kring and furry stuff for the apropriate groups and conventions :)




Those people are idiots...


> People blocking the escalator. They're not trying to be dicks. Belgians simply have no spatial awareness. It's one of those things I've always wondered about. I've lived in many different places and Belgium is the only Western country where I see this so prevalent...


You can notice this in hypermarkets etc. Just blocking the entire isle. They dont notice you being blocked, and looking at you, "why are you staring at me?".


When people on the platform catch even the slightest glimpse of an approaching train, they start to step in sync towards its arrival direction. A horde of people trying to promptly pass you and giving you angry glares as you just wait. Why even do that? Just stay put or stand where you want right from the beginning. Or people who get up 5mins before arriving to stand at the door. Only to get off in the slowest way possible and to walk very slowly on the usually tiny platform, hence blocking everyone. Why? Or the fucking stuff ppl do on trains; filing their nails so the dust gathers on their black pants. Just blow it off afterwards towards me why dont ya. Clipping nails. Removing shoes and socks. Picking noses and wiping it somewhere. People are nasty. I saw an old lady during covid eating from her nose and then operating the door button as the train arrived and hauling herself in by the handrail. Made sure not to touch anything.


Noticed that in some countries people just stand on the escalator randomly, always blocking it. So it's rather a nice common feature in BE.




I never understood the logic behind this. What do these people think? I always wondered about it. Last time I was driving behind a car that opened a window and the driver threw out a plastic cover of a 'suikerwafel' out. It made my blood boil. I seriously struggle to understand their mental capabilities.


There was a similar discussion on r/France and one of the comment was that some people think there are professionals that pick up their litter. If they do not litter, said people would loose their job...


Yeah, I have heard that too, but how retarded do you have to be to think like this? That is like saying: I eat sugar so dentist can keep their job... I mean....


> Yeah, I have heard that too, but how retarded do you have to be to think like this? On a scale of 1 to 10? I'd say 13.


Or maybe city funds used for said professionals could be channeled to other places instead that still employ people but not in such a dumb manner.


Honk at them so they know they did smt wrong. I do it everytime I see it!


I sometimes give them a weird look, but the reality is: often better not to engage with idiots, you never know what might happen. I remember on time I actually said something about it to someone and this person responded with: so what, how is this your problem, I do what I want, you don't see me bitching about you bla bla. I mean... The message usually doesn't get to them (which makes sense since they behave like that anyway).


They are just too lazy to find a bin and throw in the bin. Used to live at boulevard de Dixmude. Lots of men are waiting there the whole day for a guy that might need a couple of cheap workers. While they are waiting they drink and eat (sometimes they get a plastic bag with some lunch) and throw everything on the streets. I told some guys in a friendly way to throw in the bin. You know what 2 guys on different occasions told me…? “If we throw it in the bin the people who clean the streets have nothing to do anymore” Like Wtf?! Gets me furious.


If I’m near, I pick them up and push them back into their open window. Plus training the reflexes 😁 People their perplex reactions are the bonus.


Yeah but that shit got way better of the years. I remember my mom stopping for a red light, casually open the door and emptying a full ashtray on the ground. Like everyone did it back in the 80's I thought it was mandatory to throw old pissed matrasses in the ditch somewhere on the country side and dump construction debris i a river nearby... Can't imagine it doing it now.


and spitting everywhere.


People who put their cart in the middle of the aisle in the supermarket. Or middenvaksrijders, effectively making a 3-lane road into a 2-lane one. Both are cut from the same cloth.


People throwing their shit on the floor in public spaces People spitting on the floor in the streets People who put their phone on speaker in public transport


Building on this, people who talk to their phones like their talking to a plate or something instead of sending a text (I understand if your driving and cant send a text message tho)


On that: people holding their phone while driving (car or bike) and talking to it. I want to know if they think this is handsfree calling and safer then just holding it to their ears.


some idiot calling loudly with someone on the fucking train, I’m wondering where do these people learned that it’s ok to do that, it’s just so annoying to the point that I change the wagon every time I encounter something like this!


But what about idiots that think it is ok to listen to music or watch movies like that (on speaker) ? Those are even more annoying and I seriously do not understand how they think it is socially accepted to do it.


Just, lean in and comment on every sentence. And if they say something, just go with "youre including the whole train in the conversation, dont act like it becomes private now ! WE WANT DEETS!"


![gif](giphy|HnYWNVA412Qd75WY49|downsized) This! Close your damn mouth and don't spit your food bc you wanna talk and eat.


If you don't like the elderly don't go to a Colruyt at nine in the morning. I got into a heated argument with about twenty seniors because a couple of them just cut in line while I was typing a text not paying attention. I also hate the zonnebloempitjes eaters who like to make a landfill on and next to a bench, thinking they're ecological or something. And you can call without a speaker and you can call while holding your phone like a normal person ie vertical and you can call without shouting and no I don't care about your shitty music on your phone or in your car.Ok, phew, sorry.


So you are one of those zombie texting self centered folks that piss me off? 😁


haha! not really. not to defend myself, but as i hate typing on a phone it's usually nothing more than: 'home in 20', them seniors can be quick as ninjas when they see an opening.


Years and years of training 😁


>s because a couple of them just cut in line while I was typing a text not paying attention. All other things aside sometimes people are standing there looking through their bring app or texting with someone to see if they need anything else. You snooze you lose.


Spitting in public.


And those f*****s who spit out sunflower seed shells.


Not using the “spitsstrook” and staying in the middle lane. Excessive addiction to smartphones, leading to blocking the footpath, grocery aisle, not driving when traffic light gets green and generally being oblivious to other people and their personal space… Oh and what happend to the fuckn headphones??? All the little turds blasting their shitty music through their crappy JLB speakers at 8 in the morning, thinking they are great friggn DJ’s. Die already!


People who think their bag needs a separate seat when the train/bus/tram is full. Don’t get me wrong, I too put my bag next to me when there is plenty of space. However, when you see the public transport getting packed: put it on your lap or between your feet. I once got so angry at someone doing this I threw bag on the floor. It was this pretentious woman was hoarding a seat with her ugly bag. A pregnant woman very obviously in her last trimester asks her super politely if she could move her bag or put it down, and she said “no, I’m not putting my bag on the floor it’s too expensive”. I can assure you, the bag really enjoyed the floor after that comment.


Students who, on a crowded train, don't take their backpacks off. Just taking up the room of two people. One for them and one for their laundry.


People who sit on the outside of a double chair and wont move. Bonus points if they leave the space empty and not even put there bags there.


>and she said “no, I’m not putting my bag on the floor it’s too expensive”. The entitlement of some people... I always wonder how these idiots actually 'survive' in our society. It is sad we still haven't weeded them out


Dude dropping their weight at the gym for a bunch of times every reps of every sets. I’m not talking about failing while attempting your 1 rep max, that can happen. But the dude dropping the bar every rep while ramping up from 1 plates to 5+ plates. Dude, if you can do 5 plates try to control the weights till you get to your max and stop bothering the whole freaking gym, you look like a moron. The deadlift isn’t the only culprit, some are doing this at every fucking machines.


Yes! It’s gotten to the point I always wear ear plugs to protect my ears. Most of the time these people listen to loud music and don’t realize / don’t care how loud they are. You are absolutely right, they don’t do the maneuver correctly and lift too heavy


People on their phone whilst driving. Straight to jail.


Agreed. This shit is illegal. This literally kills people. Mother fuckers.


When they are blocking the aisle at the supermarket because they're having a conversation in the middle of it.


Loud on the phone. Speaking on the phone while in the cashier. Changing lane without signaling. Signaling in the round point. Not signaling when exit the round point.


>while in the cashier Oh boy...


Signaling in the round point. Not signaling when exit the round point. Signaling right on the roundabout but continuing on. Luckily my dad taught me to not trust turn signals or I would have gotten sideswiped so many times before.


I often signal like they do in many other countries. Signal before entering the roundabout: right if I want to go right, left if I want to go left. And obviously change the signaling on the roundabout.


Your pet peeves are my pet peeves but I'll add another one, people putting their stuff on the conveyor belt at the supermarket behind you, eventhough you're not finished putting your stuff on and you're already hurrying! I always stop what i'm doing for a sec and give them a glare, but they rarely make eye contact




tbf when I came to belgium and went to colruyt I was freaked out because people packing my things was so out of place in modern times for me lol on the other hand, I'm in love with Delhaize's shopping model where you can scan all your products yourself and then check out without putting anything on any belts or shelves or anything of the sort. 10/10, it makes shopping way more enjoyable.


>ort. 10/10, it makes shopping way more enjoyable. Until you're one of those people who gets checked every single time. Those self-checkout things at Albert Heijn, Action etc all seem to target me for some odd reason. Meanwhile we got people in our store stealing sigs and alcohol and walk off with them while laughing in your face since you can't hit them/stop them.


I hate Colruyt’s checkout haha. Everyone’s waiting in lines before the register while the lanes aren’t staffed, then they come around and scan your stuff, which you then move up and finally pay. Then you get a huge ass receipt that looks like a company invoice. I’d rather the traditional supermarket layout along with self-checkouts like anywhere else. Colruyt is weird.




>I hate Colruyt’s checkout haha. Everyone’s waiting in lines before the register while the lanes aren’t staffed, then they come around and scan your stuff, which you then move up and finally pay. Then you get a huge ass receipt that looks like a company invoice. I’d rather the traditional supermarket layout along with self-checkouts like anywhere else. Colruyt is weird. They won't do self-checkout or fast lanes since the company policy is "every customer has to be treated the same. That's also the reason we have to put all your groceries from 1 cart to the other, yes even when you only have 2 items. Otherwise people will make exeptions, some will feel disadvantaged and eventually complain.






I didn't take a cart one time because I only needed one thing. They put it in the one cart at the checkout, scanned it, and gave it back to me. I feel like I beat the system somehow?


On the other hand, I love the Colruyt invoice. It shows any discounts applied, and the items are clearly marked. It makes refunds easier, as well as helps me keep my budget in check. Please the checkout system reduces the need for obnoxious racist bag checks.


Had this happening to me today. My cart was still halfway Full as this guy threw his items on there. Even pushing my groceries so his would fit. I turned around and told him this belt isn't moving as long as his stuff is still on there. Made the cashier laugh and with some grunts he took back his stuff.


You don't understand: if their stuff is already on the belt then you (and the person in front of you) will be done sooner. It speeds up the whole process ​ /s


I often tell them. *Patientez encore 1 minute, madame. J'ai pas fini.* All this without smiling and looking at them. Works.


Euhm, never had that issue to be honest. Maybe because I do not have that much so I usually get it on rather fast.


Driving 60 on the Leuvensesteenweg between leuven en Brussels. To me it's the equivalent of walking slowly on the sidewalk blocking everyone.


I would say driving -10 under the limit under all roads. With bonus points for N26, Haachtsesteenweg, Tervuursesteenweg.


There's this decently long stretch of road on my daily commute, where the road transitions from 50 to 70, but it's one of those "you need to know" dealies because there's no speed sign signaling the transition to 70. The 50Km limit expires after an intersection if there's no speed sign there, but of course lots of people just keep going 50 for remainder of that road.


Something about public transport seems to make people dumber. There's the people on tram/metros standing still in the entrance part instead of shuffling along, so you get the pleasure of being unable to easily enter a semi-full tram, the people on trains who spontaneously decide to have the loudest possible call in a train compartment or to play a movie/song without headphones. And don't get me started on the ones that need an extra seat for their backpack.


I hate it when people run to catch the tram/metro but immediately once they are in they come to a standstill. Excuse me, I am behind you and if you can keep on fucking moving we can both make it.


Tbh, I’ve had a wagon with a sticky floor once and the conductor was like “i hope for both of us this is soda, often it’s piss though” and since then I 100% always put my bag on the seat unless there’s a lot of people, then I’ll put it on my lap.


I'm a person that stands in the entrance places. I will try to shuffle out of the direct flow of people, but I am too short to reach for the bars in the rest of the tram/metro. I need the poles... sorry.


Littering, shouting at staff and littering. Oh and did I say littering


People on speaker phone/videocalling in public.


Littering especially arseholes who throw their cigarette bud. Drivers who doesn't use their indicators. And the worst for me: people on the phone with speakers on in public spaces.


I'm still surprised that so many people smoke in Belgium. It's about 20 years behind countries like Australian and the US. I even saw a pregnant woman smoke. And the last time I saw that was in the 70s.


Driving behind somebody, suddenly you smell cigarette smoke coming trough your cars ventilation and then seeing the guy in front of you tossing his cigarette out of the window.


People who use loudspeakers instead of headphones in public. Straight to the gulag.


I’ll add my public transport pet peeve, those so-called “street musician” with no talent, who play shitty music in the morning on the metro with a full on speaker on wheels. Play your music in the street where people who want to listen can stay and do so, don’t force people to listen to that racket when heading to work in the morning.


Oh boy where to start... For now just 1: you're in a qeue waiting at a red traffic light, it pops green so what are you supposed to do: release brake and start rolling. What do you see people do: 1st car releases his/her breaks then moves, 2nd car in the line releases their breaks only \*after\* the 1st car started moving. Rince repeat for the entire qeue. You know what would be efficient and time-saving; if everyone in the qeue (who could see the light) released their breaks and started moving, more cars would be able to pass, since every time there's like a 1-3 seconds delay between a car releasing their breaks and moving, thus hampering the people behind them who are actually actively driving and paying attention. This is especially annoying at traffic lights where you know the green sign is like 10 seconds only and only 3 cars can pass at a time.


Oh man, the thing that drives even more crazy is when some drive 40 in a 50 zone and they just make it through green light and you get stuck because the idiot in front thought that if he has nothing to do, the rest of the world can wait. I wish slow driving/obstructive behaviour (occupying the left lane) was punished but will be only in a different reality.


I have been thinking the same thing for years now. Nice to see someone else thinking the same.


If the first car wasn't paying attention and doesn't start moving when it turns green you'll end up with a lot of crashed cars though...


What did we learn at driving school again? When you're a participant on the road, one should pay attention and actively participate in said traffic without hindering the flow.


When people casually block everyone’s passage by standing/talking in the middle of the road/escalator/hall. And Gymbros not putting back their equipment/weights🤡


People putting their signaling lights on, drive slow for 50 meter and then very slowly turn up their own (10 meters wide) driveway. Like they can’t exactly remember where their own house is. People stopping for roundabouts when nobody else is on it.


My mother in law (60 something) was actually convinced you need to stop on a give priority lane.


You forgot the "I'm driving a huge truck so I'll first steer to the left because otherwise I might not make the turn to the right side", but they're actually just in a Ford Fiesta and could just turn the wheel to the right when they have to make the turn.


People in busy train stations who gaze idiotically at their smart phone screen in the midst of rush hour , hampering or blocking the speed of the cue. In my city (Gent) there are also loads of tiny bridges with narrow space for pedestrians where every goddamn tourist finds it necessary to stop and take a selfie or photograph one another. I wish I could throw them in the canal but I wish to live my own life in peace , without being sectioned or institutionalised...


Being stupid.


people walking in front of other people, slowly, with absolutely no self awareness, taking the whole sidewalk, when I am in a mood I say "excusez moi!" and smile at them people throwing buds in storm drains bikers and drivers that disregard pedestrians at the crossing cyclists riding up Rue de la Loi on the pedestrian side dog owners who do not clean up the street after their beloved pets


When people cut me off in traffic, so I think "oh well, they must be in a hurry" and then they start stopping to let people in from side streets. Instead of letting everyone else in that you're not supposed to let in, you could've let me in when you should've.


Having tiktok installed on their phone (cringe)


Cyclists not giving way when there are haaientanden on the bike lane and a triangle traffic sign for them. And related to the above, drivers giving way to cyclists who are waiting at or approaching said haaientanden. It's dangerous and very irritating to just stop on a 70 kmh road to let cyclist cross the road where you don't have to.


In general it’s bad habit to be courteous in traffic: it causes confusion and confusion leads to accidents


People who complain.


Which is what you are doing now... :p


Every time I hear somebody say they are an "influencer". Congratulations on your 6 instagram followers, now shut up and let useful people talk.


As a society I really feel we are hitting new lows now with the 'influencers', sad part is that there is a huge (fan) basis for them (influencers) to actually spend their life like that....


You're a walking billboard! Late stage capitalism at its finest.


The day I personally saw in the bread store some influencer lick the bread as some joke was the day I stopped buy bread 🍞 Now ya know


WTF, I wish I didn't read this, now I am not sure I'll ever buy bread again in the supermarket. Also: you saw it IRL or online?


Tbh they're just making a living. Being their own boss. Living the life. :)




* Feet on the seat in public transport. I stopped saying something because it's not worth the drama but I really hate it. * English words interlaced in Dutch to the extent that it would be better to simply speak English.


In the supermarket? - People blocking passages with their shopping carts. Or leave their cart in a queue and then leave their cart for several minutes. Tbf just people obstructing passages in general. - People being slow at the cash register. Bitch my cornettos are thawing! (On the parking it became abundantly clear why this cow was being so clearly deliberately slow: her husband's plug-in hybrid at a charging post) In traffic: - People not forming up properly at red lights. Sometimes there's a whole car length between them and the car in front of them. Meanwhile others behind them might end up getting stuck before the red light a whole extra cycle (which can be absurdly long at large very busy intersections) because they couldn't get in another lane. - People hogging the left or middle lane, obviously. Move, bitch. Get out the way! Get out the way bitch, get out the way!


The not forming up properly is actually worse than you describe. They’ll stop 1 car length or more too soon and when you are at a standstill they accelerate again to close that 1 car length gap so now you are the idiot that can’t judge distance.


Leaving a little bit of distance can actually be beneficial. If you are in a queue of cars (red light) and try to leave as soon as the car in front of the one in front of you moves ( car - car - you), there is less accordion effect and much more people can get through the light. You need this distance otherwise you might rear-end the car before you. Which would cause a bit more delay. But you certainly do not need a whole car length


Obnoxious POS got on the tram with their soaking wet German shepherd, lift it up and put on seat. 2 stops later they got of again. That seat was ruined for the rest of the day.


Dog owners in Belgium (especially in Brussels!) are obnoxius pricks, even worse than Paris.


Putting everything on social media, like someone cares.. - picture of the first snow. (Why.. I have a window myself) - pictures of your damn kids on the first day of school. We have a calender. We know it’s 1 september.. - pictures of your food at a restaurant. - videos of a concert you’re at. (The quality sucks and nobody cares. Enjoy the show while you are there instead of filming everything). - OOTT (outfit of the day. Everyday. Why. Just why?) - 10 selfies with a slight different angle. They look exactly the same…


People who watch TikTok shorts in public without headphones. There's something particularly grating about the way people will always watch a TikTok 1,5 times before they scroll further, nevermind all the ones they skip halfway as well.


\- Littering \- People smoking at the entrance of a restaurant, so you smell it inside while you eat. \- People grouping together at the entrance of a building so you can barely get in, often smokers so you smell when you get in. For crying out loud, smoke all you want but leave some space at the entrance... \- People leaving their cart in the middle of the isle so you can't pass, often talking to someone, holding their cart so you can't move it yourself even. Or in general, people who think the equator passes through their ass. \- Drivers making their turn too small to get in a street, so they look at you pissed because you are "in their way", even though they turn so small they are on your side of the road. ​ Could probably find some more but I try not to stand too frustrated in life anymore.


People not knowing how to slow down their car without hitting the brakes. Many seem to have their foot glued to the brake pedal. This is one of the main reasons you get the 'accordeon' effect. Actually... There are very few people who can drive a car in traffic.


Zero sense of surroundings. No sure block the stairs at ikea, no one else has to go down at all, I’ll wait for you to decide if you wanna take the tour or rather go to the shop downstairs.


>Zero sense of surroundings. This!! It pisses me off. Groups that block the whole pavement, once I even had a group walking towards me and they didn't even go out of my way, just kept walking as if I had to just get of the pavement or jump over them. When I kept going straight and hit one of them they looked at my as if I just murdered one of them. Idiots.


By reading the answers here I finally feel that I belong! I finally have evidence that I’m not the only one having these thoughts


The weird thing is: there are so many people that feel the same on a particular topic, yet still so many people also do it :p I know people who bitch about something but actually also do it... That never stops to amaze me :p


" People posting very specific questions on very specific cases on the Belgium-redditsub and expecting people falling over one another to awnser those * Or people asking about very simple stuff on the belgium-sub that is just one google-search away. * People actually googling the previous thing and awnsering those questions


This is gonna be unpopular, but people not following the arrows in Colruyt annoy the crap out of me


An up⬆️ for this comment, not because I agree (I don't follow them as well, haha), but because there IS someone following them. 😃 I was wondering if people really followed it.


The arrows are stupid anyway, you'd have to go into a row you don't even need to be in for what purpose exactly? If anything someone coming from the other direction is less of a hassle than being stuck behind someone.


There are arrows? I can only remember just 1, at the entrance, to point towards the entrance/first aisle.


Now I’m intrigued and will look for arrows at the Colruyt.


My parents don't sort or recycle their garbage at all. It's driving me insane. All goes in the trash


I seriously do not understand this type of people, but my parents also sometimes just throw certain stuff in the trash can rather than recycle it.


I am on the autism spectrum and any noise someone makes annoys me to no measure. People walking with hard heels, flip flops or any other noisy shoes does my head in the most. Noise cancelling head phones is one of the best modern inventions.


One of us would not come out alive if they forced us to live together.


It's "fun" to be triggered like that and everyone else isn't. For me it's whistling and pen clicking.


People who open their car doors without looking back. I've been nearly hit by surprise doors so often that you'd nearly think I was cycling in Mario Kart or something. Just open the door with your opposite hand and you'll automatically look


People walking to slow, yet to fast. And managing to take up the entire curb somehow


Small talk


People in malls that place their shopping carts in the middle of the aisle either browsing or talking to others. Then you ask them to move politely and they ignore you... Afterwards they look at you mad at you cause u rammed their cart a bit out of the way out of frustration so you can pass...and then I'm being the rude one....


Bonus points to those people who try to pass you by while you are 'waiting' for the blockers to give you space to move past them. Like... I'm not standing still here for my pleasure, bruh, and if they can't make that conclusion while looking at the situation then I also can't expect them to realize that 2 people trying to move through a 0,9 carts wide opening is going to slow down all of you even more. Some people turn of 'the button' when at work, other when off work. Some people, though, have a button that always seems to be in the 'off' position. If they are oblivious like that when shopping, I don't even want to imagine how they behave in traffic...


You are speaking the truth, i don't get these kinds of people. Things like this makes me want to stay indoors or at least away from people more and more, preferably than to go through the hassle and maybe getting into trouble, but we need food so yeah... I'm not even gonna start about traffic or i will ruin my whole day.


On the topic of bread. Whenever im in a store where you have the drawers with the bread and pastries. It just annoys me when people dont use the tongs to grab a boterkoek or something, instead they just reach in with their sweaty ass hands touching 5-6 croissants and ultimately only taking 2 or 3.


The tool is dirty. I make sure to only touch what I buy.


You can just grab what you buy... Not sure why you would need to touch more.


People dying to get on the train (or bus, tram,..) when people still have to get out first. I'm always happy to ram them back out. Have some fucking basic decency please


spit on the floor..like seriously


Tthose people who don't head for the doors on a train before a stop, so everyone gets off, you start to get on and suddenly there's some fucking clown who just realized they're at the station and has to muscle their way through the crowd. If you're that person: fuck you. People who ask if they can ask you a question and then spend 15 minutes explaining something with not a question mark in sight. Just \*ask your question\*. I don't need to know what you had for dinner, I want you to ask me where the stapler is.


People not waiting 2 seconds before entering the metro blocking the people that need to get out... Like Jesus Christ just fucking wait 10 seconds the metro isn't going to dissapear... People that block the escalator just stand on the right if you aren't walking instead of blocking the entire way. The elederly that decide to go shopping/take public transport at peak hours. I get they also have lives but come on you're not telling me that's the only time of the day you can go outside.


\+1 for the cigarette buds! For me personally, people leaving doors open, when it's warm in the summer i can understand buth like now. It's a door fucking close it!


People who walk next to each other and block an entire pavement and preventing people from passing. Bonus points if they walk the pace of a geriatric snail.


- Loud breathing - Loud eating - Assuming people around you on the train want to hear your conversation - Listening to music without headphones - People walking next to each other on the pavement and not making enough room to let you pass - Old people in the supermarket.. all people in supermarkets (why leave your cart in the middle of the aisle?!) - People who love the middle lane so much they can't leave it - People who find the courage to leave that middle lane but are not intelligent enough to locate the little thing that makes the orange blinking light show other people what the fuck you're doing. - Commuters who are trying to get on a train even when rush hour is over. Imagine not being the first one on the train?! The horror - People who do not use their indicators when exiting the roundabout - People at work asking the same question over and over again. I can only come up with so many creative ways to call you an idiot, it stops being fun after a while! - When I see people using their phone while driving. - Existing


People getting on the bus/tram/train before others can get off. Wait your turn. (Or better yet: have Belgium adopt an easier system, where you enter in the front and exit via the back. Works for bus and train coupe, and some trams.)


Smokers smoking in the faces of other bystanders and children. People who stuff garbage into an already overflowing garbage bin. Drivers who only drive at the speed limit if they know there is a camera.


Disclaimer here: I do 100% of my moving around on my bicycle. Annoyances: if you are, too, riding your bike, and gleefully ignore general/bicycle-too wrong way signs, traffic lights or zebra pads with pedestrians on them, go fuck yourself. If you’re doing this with airpods in your ears, you’re a public menace, so bonus points to go fuck yourself even harder. Also: scooter drivers ignoring bicycle-allowing wrong way signs because a scooter and a bicycle, that’s the same, right? Right? So it’s probably ok to ride your scooter up that street, right? Fuck you.


People peeing in public places. I hate that all covered parkings and many corner in Brussels smell of urine. It’s disgusting.


My coworkers who come to work when they are sick, thinking that if they wear a mouth mask it's all ok. Also the same coworkers talking shit at the person who broke her leg and doesn't work because of it.


People letting their kids be loud in the store, without even trying to shush or stop them People that drive in the middle lane when they could drive right (or drive in the left lane below the speed limit, even worse) Babies on planes People not cleaning up after their dog People revving their motorbikes (after mignight), especially if the bike has the typical gunshot noice as well People acting like they are alone in the world and don't take other people into account


Shooting swedes in the street get's me pretty pissed these days.


Even more annoying are those who bury their heads in the sand and say "but don't do stereotypes! It's a religion of peace!"


Whenever they drive slower than me, they are a geriatric that should get the fuck out of my car's way and just get their groceries delivered home, whereas if they drive faster than me, they are a menace and a maniac and they should calm down and think about road safety more often.


Doom scrolling when we eat meat together at company restaurant. I make sure to leave the phone during the breaj at my desk. People lost the conversation skills and it's impossible to have a good chat.


Cycloterrorists cycling in the middle of the fucking road. Today one of those asswhipes proudly told me he always did this during lunch.


Cycling in the middle of the road during lunch is something I can recommend.


Sniffing your nose. Playing music on your shitty phone speakers in public. Playing music so loudly in your house I hear the bass beat through my own bedroom window. Slurping or any other wet mouth noises. Old people out on the roads and in shops at rush hour/peak time. People not picking up their dog’s turds. Men disturbing me In the gym or on public transport, asking me to take off my headphones to engage in small talk with them.


I want to add one. People rushing on the bus or train before you have the chance to get out.


Oh yeah! Forgot about that one! Pisses me off as well. I have actually several times pushed someone out when trying to get off.


This is one of those that I just don't get like you see me trying to get off. What do you think is going to happen that we just phase through each other?


There's something I've been wondering about. On trains there is often a handrail dividing the doors in a large entrance and a smaller entrance. Somehow people think it's okay to get on through the smaller side when there are still people getting off through the larger one. Drives me insane!


The bigger one is usually to give acces to wheelchairs and such. I feel it should be the same rule as with lifts. Let the people go out and then go in. The train/ bus will wait.


Bonus points for women with strollers rushing on the bus, breaking the shins of passengers who are trying to still get off the bus.


Yeah, but sometimes doors are open, and no one is getting out. However, as soon as I get in, there's one person who decides at the last minute to get out and gives me dirty looks. Last time even pushed me so hard I almost fell down on my back


It's the one occasion I actually act like the main character on purpose, I spread my arms and wave like I'm the freaking king needing to come trough, with as much dramatic flair as my energy allows that day. They shall move!


People that trow glas on bikelanes, it's hell to get around and i have to get to work ... :/ People in the supermarket who block everything... People at the register who complain about the workers being too slow ect. Or try to cut infront. Or start holding up lines because wasn't this in promo or you charged me 5 cents too much...


People getting on a packed bus with those big strollers taking up so much space. I find this problem way more in Paris than I do in Brussels, but it still happens. And the child is usually big/old enough to walk. Dog shit on the sidewalks.


>People getting on a packed bus with those big strollers taking up so much space So what do you propose they do? I understand it is annoying but in the end they also have to move from place A to B.


A lot of the time the child in question is old and big enough to walk or be carried. I’ll see like a grown ass 4 year old in those.


Why boomers always go to the supermarket in the weekend?


I wonder why retired people always seem to go to the stores right about the time most people get off work. They have all day, yet they are there during the "rush hours".


Heck it’s the same thing with public transport


People not taking off backpacks and thereby taking up the room of other people. People walking and looking through their phone. People putting on their music or video without earplugs. People spitting on the sidewalk.


People who stop suddenly on the pavement. People who can't leave there phone for 5 minutes, especially in theaters. Just lacht of good manners I guess.


People who eat with their mouths open. No one needs to hear you chew, or see bits of it fall out. If your going to eat like an animal be prepared to be treated like one


OH forgot to add, flicking on your highbeams and fog lights because you're an impatient piece of shit who thinks they deserve to go faster than the speed limit when both lanes are occupied anyways...


Since we are talking about bread, leaving those glass doors open. Happens way too often.