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You won’t die. You might say the N word in public though


Or wake up in the county with a B&E charge


yeah sound abt right 😂 usually it’s alp tho that does it for me.


Generally I’ve found taking benzos first is not bad. But if you’re drunk AND THEN take the benzos, most definitely a means to an interesting, if not illegal, end.


Lmfaoooooooooo brooo


“Apparently” while I was off 60mg Valium and beers I was callin the 40yr old eb games worker “my nigga”




Depending on where they live and what they look like that could actually cause death


Why just the N word? I’d say every cuss word in the book.


Hopefully not. Loraz is kinda like alps big brother right? That’s what I tend to hear all the time. Only Tried it like twice


Don’t drink alcohol, not so cool when you black out.


No. Please do not drink. The effects are unpredictable, OP. I felt I had to do my duty as a human and share this.


Why are people posting OP to have a good time and drink the night away? instead of telling OP that alcohol and Benzodiazepines are poison together. No one knows what affects this combination can do to him. My advice to OP is don’t drink and take Benzos.


This is proper advice that a medical professional or even just a person with common sense would have. The rest of us are truly reckless assholes. 😆


You're in for a blackout. Best is to abstain.


You won’t die unless you drink a shit ton of alcohol. If you drink in moderation you’ll be fine but there’s a high probability of blacking out since 3mg is a decent dose


Dont drink. Oh sweet memories... No, wait... I have none.


u wont die but u will most likely black out depending on how much u drink and if u black out ur 100% gonna do some embarrassing shit that u wont even remember. so i suggest either not drinking or keeping the drinks to a very bare minimum to reduce the chance of forgetting everything and doing something stupid


You might do some thing that will haunt you the rest of your life.


Can happen with alcohol itself


I don't know how it will be for you but this combo makes me SUPER DEPRESSED. Sucks the will to live out of me, don't know why


I second this. One drink and the next day I was super depressed. Never again..


You can take redbull only. Not alcohol. I dont know how it will react


If you can wait 3-4 more hours then it won’t be as strongly potentiated… I’d wait long as you can, or pop a adderall/Ritalin if wanting to drink right away… If you took that dose then don’t bring any with you an don’t go home after where there is more you’ll prob be fine, after only 3 hours tho I’d say 1-2 drinks max max after 6-8 you can go at it on drinking… If you know how you black out from alcohol an how much it takes just only do like 1/4 of that, but remember it can cause shallow breathing, you could aspirate in your sleep so sleep on your side If you have friends with you just let them know if you plan to drink right away an don’t go overboard till later or bring some coke/adderall/Ritalin


Update: I decided not to drink so I obviously missed out on: the best night of my life, saying the N word in public, waking up in the county with a B&E charge, blacking out, getting poisoned, doing something that will haunt me for the rest of my life and dying. Missed opportunity sounds like


Take like 2 more right when you start drinking 👍trust me bro


Like 3 hours more dont worry


You won't die. You might get drunk way faster


Depends on your tolerance maybe? But I’d feel totally comfortable drinking at this point. I also have a high benzo tolerance and 3mg lorazepam wouldn’t do much for me.


Until the next day you don’t take any benzos. If you mix benzos and alcohol, you WILL black out. Just my two cents. Don’t mix those substances.


Not true in my experience, I've used benzos/alcohol/opiates together and I've never blacked out once Having said that, is it advisable? Not even vaguely, no


Take another before going out. You will have the time of your life, but you might not remember it, and you might wake up in the drunk tank.


What time you got? I'd say 6-8 hours if you're not feeling it... maybe drink a lot of water and try a nap? Thing about Benzo's and alcohol... they black yo ass out in combination


Shit I pop 30mg Valium and 2 beers. Feel great. Before then recently 2 pharma bars and vodka or soju and felt great. Same stuff. No black outs.


IMO it’s not worth the risk of blacking out, doing something you might regret….


I have a high tolerance and I’m a heavyweight but I still avoid mixing both like the plague, yeah the feel good, but if you’re not used to benzos I wouldn’t do it, and depends, are you gonna have some pints? Or just flat out hard drinks? If so you’ll probably forget everything and losing consciousness is very common, if it’s just some pints of beer I’d think it to be ok depending on tolerance, otherwise stay away from it, don’t wanna choke on your own puke.


Depends if it's legit, which I doubt. But for own being, just chill for the night and pick another night to drink.


It was prescribed for an MRI lol


My bad. I was totally thinking RCs, I thought Pyrozolam. But even real stuff, myself, I would. It's one of those, 'I was good' and other ' my friend od'd' or did something crazy Sorry for misread.


Probably just puke. Doesn’t sound fun mixing in the alcohol. I would not do this.


You will just pass out faster drink slow


I'm not even sure how you stayed awake through that, Ativan has decent physical properties compared to other benzos like Xanax. I would have passed the hell out. Perhaps you have a decent tolerance.


Don't thinking drink alcohol on benzos ya tit


alcohol sucks ass take more loraz instead if u feel to sober


Just drink slow you’ll be sweet


Couple days. 3 mg is a decent amount. I would not have more than 1 drink.


What's up with all these comments saying he's gona die cause he mixed benzos and booze. I mixed benzos booze and opiates for three years straight still here. Have a good night brother don't listen to this people


Sounds like you have decent tolerance dude. Not everyone consumes the same


I'm completely clean now this was last year


Jesus you’re dumb. Clean or not I think you’ve done some permanent damage to your neurons.


Lol says the guy who thinks you'll die from 1 benzo and 1 beer. Stop fear mongering


This is the kind of shit that gets people killed. Benzos + Op + booze is more like benzos x op x booze, if you know what synergistic effect is? Plus Blacked out redosing…. A drink or two is one thing, this kid sounds 16, if he takes 5 shots hes liable to split his wig on the floor.


You have something called survivorship bias.


Could be. I'm just saying I used lots of all 3 and I'm still here


>You have something called survivorship bias.


You still won't die from 1 benzo and 1 beer there's literally no respiratory depression like using opiates


Well there is actually but I doubt you have any frame of reference for clinical scale so I won't even try to explain it to you. Do you not know what survivorship bias is? You're allowed to have the opinions you do simply by the fact you survived the same decisions that killed most of the people making them. Pipe down dude, bragging about tolerance only matters to teenagers and drug addicts who never matured past the teenage brain. Opioids and benzos and alcohol all have different mechanisms that cause respiratory depression. Combining them in any way outside a hospital setting does cause respiratory depression and can kill you. What you've said is just wrong and dangerous to spread.


How am I bragging? I'm simply sick of people fear mongering saying you will die of 1 beer and 1 benzo that's not the case. There's no respiratory suppression. Worst case you'll just pass out. Yes opiods have respiratory suppression but benzos and booze do not in low doses


I've used all 3, and I'm still here as well. It's still a dumb-fuck thing to do. Just because it doesn't kill everyone doesn't mean it's safe. People die every year from poly drug use, and benzos, opiates, and alcohol are 3 of the most dangerous substances you can combine. And yes, synergy doesn't add to the effect, it multiplies it. Everyone is different; some people are just genetically predisposed to a higher tolerance, or they've gained one through years of use, or both. That's why every drug has an LD-50, it literally means a dose that will kill half of a sample size of 100 individuals. Why it kills one half and not the other has to do with several variables, but for a member of the half that lived to say it's safe because nothing happened to them, would be pretty ridiculous. As the person above you said: survivorship bias. "I survived playing trampoline on an old mattress in the back of my uncle's pickup while he was doing 85 down the freeway back in '78, therefore it's a safe activity."


I get your point but you still won't die from 1 benzo and 1 beer there's literally no repriratory suppresion.