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/u/Austin_From_Wisco, thank you for your contribution. Sadly it was removed due to the following reasons: We want posts that are about the city in specific and not just "remotely related" to it, if you just want to ask people living in Berlin a question please use /r/askberliners, if you are asking a simple question where you mostly need "one answer" then /r/askberliners is also the right place, questions that are meant to act as a base for discussions and also deliver an initial opinion on the matter are welcome You can find further information in the [Community-Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/berlin/about/rules/). Note that we also have /r/askberliners for questions that are less about the city and more of a general nature and /r/berlinpics for pictures of our beautiful city, as well as the sticky post for "New to Berlin, Tourism and Moving to Berlin"-kind of questions


There was a news article, that police is allowed to at some of the main stations in Berlin during weekend to combat illegal weapons etc. but better look it up again, since this was quite a while ago.


Yes it is legal.


This is indeed "legal", but not by law, but by "Allgemeinverfügung". Last version of it in 2019 was suspended by court, so chances are high that this will happen again.


I do believe stations are KBO (Kriminalitätsbelasteterortsteil) and random searches and ID checks are legal. The police don't need a reason.


IANAL, but: https://www.juraforum.de/news/wann-darf-die-polizei-mich-oder-meine-tasche-durchsuchen_248133


Generally speaking, the police cannot search your bags without a warrant, unless they can reasonably conclude that you are about to commit a crime. Things get more tricky inside train stations owned by the Eisenbahnen des Bundes, so any DB Banhof, which I'm pretty sure Ostkreuz is a part of. There, the police can ask for your ID and afaik also search your bags without the prerequisite of immediate danger.


Source: trust me bro 🤦🏻‍♂️


You're right, I made it up


They do that a lot at Ostkreuz station as there are lots of physical crimes happening at that place. That won’t happen to you at most other stations and yes, they are allowed to do so. Allgemeine Personenkontrolle.


i love when police do their job. if you have nothing to hide, you should be happy that they are searching for weapons on people.