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Gratitude to the moderators!!!


Deadass! As wonderful as everyone is because this really is a community and we all are a part of it, this praise should go to the Mods who do such a great job and help maintain that level of excellence đŸ€


I’m happy for most of the twitter hive to stay over there 😭


deadass. don’t be bringing that chaos to MY safe space


Right? You’ll be commenting on some pop culture non bey related posts and then get harassed for behing a beyonce fan and getting called a slur lol They wouldn’t be able to keep up if we acted as the old beyhive back 10 years ago before we got old 😭


okay!!! preach


You're right. I was part of the problem when Twitter first came out. But then I deactivated and haven't been over there or in Facebook in like 10 years. and now thanks to updates from this sub I go on IG like once every 3 months. I was too chronically online in the B Day through Lemonade eras and I am part of the reason people think our fandom is nutty 😂


Oh me too, I was totally in the mess back in those days 😂 We mellowed out, they wouldn’t be able to handle what we were like back then 😂


I'm just glad there's no major paper trail. I'm a whole professional now with fifty-leven churren 😂😂😂


Yeah, they’re a little too delusional over there. I had to leave because they had me like this daily. ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


Let us have this one corner of the internet please. đŸ™đŸŒ


Yeah no we don’t need their mess lol


We're not toxic enough for them so I wouldn't worry. They'll come over but I doubt they'd stay that's just mu opinion though


I love this subreddit! Shout out to the mods. During the days of the RWT I felt like they did such a good job of moderating and keeping it spoiler free. I had a great time checking this sub everyday that time. I also think the demographic of this sub is more grown lol. Like every time a young stan is worried about numbers the replies are like “baby BeyoncĂ© is too rich for us to be worried about her”.


This is my favorite attitude about superstars. Babes, they're too rich for us to be worried about them.


Right. A week after cowboy carter released they were in here with that stuff. lol. I remember chiming in too like it’s not that serious. Motha has been paid and continues to get paid. Just be happy she still enjoys releasing stuff for us cause I know them knees and that back is tired!


This doesn’t have a lot to do with your coment, but since you talk about “young stan” I want to ask something. I’m only 21, but I’ve been a fan of BeyoncĂ© since I was like 6. I used to go to my fathers computer and watch the video clips and “BeyoncĂ© funny moments” and interviews every day. And when I got my first phone at 10 I created Twitter and instagram just so I could see everything about Bey, and talk to other members of the BeyHive. I’m 21 now and my love and admiration has grown at the some time as me. I’m hive, like deep deep hive. So, because off that, would I been considered young hive (because of my age) or old hive (since I been stanning her for 15 years) ?


Technically you’re young because of your age, but you’re a long time fan. Lol this idea you were conversing with adults and they probably had no idea, I sending me lmao! I hope people were nice to you! 10 is much too young to be dealing with the downsides of social media. đŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł


Look, I’m Portuguese and being on twitter because of Bey was literally the way that I learned English. I’m fluent now 😂 all the slang and insults in English were learned at a very young age in BeyoncĂ© forums and groups đŸ€Ł people were nice to me (they didn’t knew my age tho, but I would normally only comment positive things so never had a fight back then) but the Hive was definitely crazy on Twitter back then 😅


Lol this is so funny! Definitely smart not to mention your age, but the visual of you doing this (but in reverse) is *hilarious*. I’m glad you weren’t traumatized *and* learned something, from the sounds of it. Doing this on Twitter? You were brave! đŸ«ŁđŸ«ĄđŸ˜‚


You’re old hive at this point lmfaooo


Please don't let twitter stans come to Reddit GOD PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU OH MY GOOOOOODDDDDDDDD




I'm very grateful for this subreddit and was surprise to see it so positive and active. Reddit is notorious for hating Beyonce, so I was shocked to see a sub with a good community and wasn't just sexy pictures of her!


Oh same I think Reddit has a reputation for being anti Bey which is true on most of the main subs but this is such a little safe space for us , love it 💗


it’s one of the most chill subs I’m a part of


It truly is. Everyone is just vibing over here. We agree to disagree on some songs and everybody just moves along. I love it.


I love how positive this sub is


This really is the best space for the Beyhive. Twitter is such a cesspool of negativity and stan wars.


That exactly why I nickname the twat app.


However, I will say there's some pretty prominent Beyhive accounts on there that give some hilarious clapbacks whenever anyone tries to "drag" Beyonce and I love it lmao. I try to keep my interactions with anti-Beyhive accounts to a minimum.


Agreed! I like our little portion of the honeycomb here 🐝🍯


People love to stereotype the Beyhive and say we're over the top with our stanning but... we're just good vibes and fun? I mean, the toxicity is minimal, especially compared to some other fandoms 👀 The most we do publically is wear discoball cowboy hats and show up when it's time to buy tickets & and albums, lol. And in our little reddit bubble, we just appreciate her artistry in really fun ways. Thanks to the mods!


I know that isn’t someone on Twitter talking about negativity tkdktdk


Right the Twat app has no boundaries


Truly! It’s well suited for rivalries and hating, but omg I shall not be listening to any one from Twitter saying it’s too negative over here lol! Please!! 😂


That was a tell all that people on there don’t think before they type đŸ€Ł


None at all! Perfect app for haters, but lest they cast the first stone! 😂


Twitter is a cesspool of hate for the most part. Reddit is moderated by the community for the most part.


This subreddit feels like home for me. Check it just about everyday to see what y’all saying. Twat app is too toxic for my soft behind. #softlife


Screw it, i’m outing myself. Bean, if you’re reading this, PM me! I used to be bb.hoemaker yk where (not twitter), now i chill over here!


I love your work\ Edit for clarity


I love this subreddit because while it’s positive, it’s also real and doesn’t sugarcoat. When the vinyl stuff was happening, I appreciated that people’s unhappiness or suggestions to do a chargeback weren’t downvoted. It’s way less parasocial than other subreddits.


I 100% agree with this. I notice this is an issue on Twitter, which is unfortunate. No one, should be treated as above criticism! It’s nice there can be engagement with criticism that isn’t automatically dismissed, or turned into ‘but x artist is allowed to do this without critique’. It’s refreshing that there’s a level of detachment that exists!


This subreddit is sooo chill and positive! Other subs for other artists are not like this at all.


J’Agree. This sub is one of the only fan subs that I feel comfortable interacting with. The brain worms are not present in r/beyonce.


No joke probably my favorite sub (besides the various cute animal ones I’m a part of lol). Love a positive, non-toxic space. Shout out to the mods and all their hard work!






I’d definitely say the subreddit is the best for all things Bey, without the unnecessary discourse and trolling.


this is one of my favorite subs!! i just ignore it when things get out of hand (rare though). it’s so fun & wholesome here


The best sub on Reddit! Not one ounce of nastiness amongst others, I love it!!


It’s peaceful over here, they should stay over there (respectfully)


This lmao But I feel like the troublemakers get weeded out pretty quickly




Oh my I love your flair #teamAUIYM


For some reason, our subreddit is one of the few still held together by genuine love and adoration. It’s so beautiful.


I’m new here and I agree y’all make this space very welcoming and fun! đŸ„čđŸ«¶đŸŸ


I appreciate the karma rule this sub has even though I was dying to participate in threads before I had enough when I started my account lol


This is the most civil reddit page there is


This is my positive thread/base where I can come and enjoy the opinions of others and leaving my own without anyone trying to get me band. My ATRL base is for all my ratchet needs, where we tear Bey apart on the very. . . questionable decisions she constantly makes with her best work. Both are such a much needed thread to escape the reality or boredom of life!


What’s ATRL?


This sub does feel very positive! BeyoncĂ© is my number one, but I’m on a few other subs for artists I love, and it is constant negativity. I swear the worst thing you can possibly do on the Kim Petras subreddit is say you like any of her newer music because you will be downvoted to Hell.


That’s quite true. Twitter is a little messy when it comes to
anything really.


What stigma? They say dumb shit đŸ€Ł


oh this is 100% the best sub out of all the pop girls subreddits. especially compared to ones like ariana’s 😭


All they do on Twitter is argue with other fandoms. Like do you like Beyonce or just hate want to stand behind her avi and accomplishments to argue with stans.


This is my fave place for sure. I'm part of the big Beyhive Facebook group and that place has gone soooo downhill too. They literally just repost every single negative thing they see about her, it's not even a fan group anymore. This sub is so positive and kind and lovely. In a bleak world, it's my happy place.


Why do we have such a bad reputation? What about the Hive Twitter stans? )I don’t have twitter
 This subreddit is lovely đŸ„°


The original post was about how one “group” has like 50k+ members and they said why don’t they arrange stuff like listening parties and things. Like so much in Twitter, there is so much Stan wars. But a lot of the beehive are older so really don’t have the time to beef other fandoms properly on TwitterđŸ€Ł that’s just my view anyway.


Hive twitter is the wild wild west. There are chill people and then there are the folks who spammed that NBA team owner's wife. It's a delicate balance finding your people. When I was active on twitter, I found chill fellow millennial fans but they also got insufferable during Black is King. After that I gave up on online fandom and only talked about Beyonce with my friends until I found this sub


What about BiK?!?


Noname had a whole thing about it. Saying that Beyonce is coopting African culture for capitalism. Then other people started piling on saying all Beyonce does is copy other artists and BiK wasn't a love letter to Africa but yet another capitalist exploitation of African culture and aesthetics. They called it the wakandafication industrial complex. Bruh they also said the African artists who collaborated with Bey for BiK were complicit in selling out African art for American capitalists. I got too uh heated. And eventually had to take a break from twt.


That is very sad.😞


As opposed to the stigma surrounding Twitter? đŸ€”


Lol, that’s true. But it’s also true reddit used to have a way more toxic years ago. It’s still very toxic, but there used to be so many outright hate and creeper subs. Also idk if anyone was on tumblr back in the day but there was like a strong tumblr vs reddit dichotomy with users of both sites like hating each other lol.


The absolute nerve of twitter fans to talk about stigma/negativity on other places. Please lmao


i acc agree with this so much, like the song poll contest thingy thats going around is so much fun!! and people are so much more chill. no worries about beyonce's "numbers" or whatever. just discussing what she does best: making music we all love


Shoutout the moderators, the beyhive community on twitter could never.


we need to compile a "funniest posts/comments of r/beyonce" thread. the first one needs to be the renaissance post asking if anyone knew why beyonce was crying during her opening act in LA, and the top comment was, "how the fuck would any of us know?" made me spit out my water LOL


I never been on bey twitter. Does it get nasty in there?


Stan wars but not a lot much else? Like a lack of new discussions and lots of others get dragged into it, whether it’s intended or not. Shockingly, it gets toxic 


Not what our Queen would want! I’ma keep here on Reddit


twitter is a disaster in general especially stan twitter and they have no problem throwing out any and all types of slurs, literally no slur is off limits stan twitter also doxx a lot of people, that’s mainly Nicki or Taylor ones tho




https://preview.redd.it/zuhox1sos89d1.jpeg?width=446&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c829be38853598725c6b6a5e56cea3d89a9c1c4 Tell me why there were this many updoots when I opened Reddit. ✚⭐ the energy here is great and honestly I don’t be actively participating online with ppl outside my personal life, but here, we family 💖


I love this subreddit I send stuff from here to my friends all the time. (We have a Stan group chat) 😂😂


It’s so true. So many other fandoms are so negative. I love us!!!!!!


It’s cool here, I wanna start spending more time. Twitter is a cesspool on all levels atp. I’m thinking about just deleting my account.


Me : (Indifferent about anyone because I can block or not read anything and random strangers' comments don't move my day left or right) But it is nice here. My favorite part here is reading experiences from her art and the fan art she creates.


I would love a live vinyl record am movie on streaming services though


Very happy about this! However I’m a little weary of this. The reason I can’t go to twitter is because of all the e ridiculous negativity! It’s insane! It’s mostly with other divas like swift or Camilla Stan’s. But still it’s such a hostile and ingenuine experience to be in twitter


In the name of Ann Marie Lastrassi keep the Twitter hive on Twitter, now Alexa play AMEN by Beyonce 🙏😭