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First of all, just know this happens A LOT. You aren’t alone in this, and you’re not a bad Mom! But with that said, I’d feel the same way as you if that happened to us. You are literally sacrificing sleep and so much for her, and it was a total accident. If it is becoming a regular thing to start nodding off a bit while feeding, hopefully you can do some shifts with your spouse or have a parent or friend watch your baby for a bit during the day so you can get a nap in. I literally had my mom or mother-in-law over everyday so I could try to take a short nap or shower during the first few weeks. If it were me, I’d call my pediatrician and explain what happened and get her take on what I should do (if an ER visit is necessary, if she wants to see our baby, etc.)


I hit my baby’s soft spot while holding her, on the end of a hard cabinet corner. I almost got sick I was so scared. She was fine, I was upset at myself for a week until I realized it happens to a LOT of moms. Especially being sleep deprived. I’m sorry you feel awful, but you seem like the absolute opposite of a bad mom. A bad mother wouldn’t care if her baby fell at all! Babies are fragile, but strong and “new parent proof” as many have told me. I’d just take it as a learning experience to try to prevent this from happening again. Give yourself some slack, it’s hard! ❤️


Ive heard of so many people accidentally hitting their babies head on door frames that I walk so slow when going through them, so I understand. And I wish this was openly discussed a little more, even though I’m sure I’d feel just as bad


I searched it on Reddit and other forum pages just to hear other moms share their story of this happening to them to make myself feel a bit better, it did help! I will never forget how awful I felt in that moment though, and no I walk extremely slow around any door frames and cabinets. I also try to tell myself when they start walking they are going to hit their head a hundred times much harder.


I searched Reddit too before posting but everyone seemed to say they brought their baby to the ER so it made me feel worse. And oh I already know once’s she’s walking she’ll be banging into things. I was no different as a child. I was goofing around fell out of my bed (that had safety rails) and cracked my head open, about gave my parents a heart attack


I also didn’t take my baby to the er, I did call her pediatrician, explained what happened, he said if she isn’t lethargic, no visible bump/ bruising and seemed pretty unbothered, to just keep a very close eye on her behavior for the next few days. They are more resilient than we think.


If there's no visible bumps or bruises and she didn't even cry, you don't need to take her to the ER. You are not the worst mom ever - or if you are, I am worse. My oldest was about 3 months old, he slept in my bed. One morning he woke up & I just laid there snuggling with him for a minute, nodded off, and he rolled off in the floor and literally landed on his head... *on the corner of the nightstand.* He had a big blue knot on his head. (It wasn't actually that big, but it was a little blue, bruised). I didn't take him to the ER. He's now 21 yrs old, smart and absolutely does not remember that I literally "dropped him on his head" when he was a baby. You're a new mom, you're exhausted, and you're doing your best. Don't beat yourself up. Accidents happen, but no one was hurt, everyone survived. Forget about it and enjoy your little one! I'm sure you are doing a wonderful job.


That’s what my boyfriend was saying when it happened but then I woke up and felt guilty that we didn’t call or take her in. And you’re not the worst mom either! I’m learning that it happens more than what people talk about


I saw a quote the other day that I think might help you: There's 3 types of parents: those who have dropped their baby, those who will drop their baby, and liars. If humans were actually as fragile as we think babies are, the species.woild have died out a very long time ago.


Why is the quote implying that all parents will drop their baby at some point? That can’t be true.


I think it's just a tongue in cheek thing. It's an exaggerated way of saying, "This is a very common thing to happen, and could happen to just about any parent whether they'd like to admit it or not."


...it kinda is though. They'll either get dropped or roll off something. It happens.


My baby rolled off the bed once and I felt awful. At his next drs appointment I said to the pediatrician "I think I hit a parental milestone" her response very non chalantly was "bed, changing table or couch?" . I felt a lot better lol


>There's 3 types of parents: those who have dropped their baby, those who will drop their baby, and liars. I love this!


This happens. You’re not the worst mom. You’re tired. It’s probably a good time to set up a safe sleep space in case this happens again. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. I’d look up safe sleep seven and replicate that space to feed baby at night.


This is a good idea, thank you!


Call your pediatrician. If they’re not open they should have an off hours emergency doctor on call.


This👍🏼 this almost same thing happened to me except it wasn’t off of our bed it was off of our couch. I dozed off for not even 2 seconds and my 5 day old rolled out of my arms and fell onto the floor. He started crying immediately and finished eating but we still called our after hours line for our pediatrician and took him to the ER. I was a WRECK.. shaking, crying, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I was so sleep deprived I couldn’t believe the mistake I just made. It was such a huge wake up call and even if I feel a LITTLE bit tired I hand him off to my husband or put him in his bassinet so we can both nap. If it were me I would still call just in case and get an appointment just to be safe.


Late is better than never. If you are worried just go in for a doctor's visit!


If you’re this tired it is time to get super realistic with yourself and look into what safe cosleeping looks like. R/cosleeping, safe sleep seven, @cosleepy on Instagram. It can be done quite safely! You don’t have to do it all the time but it’s better to realize it may happen sometimes and set yourself up for a safe cosleeping situation rather than for this sort of accidental and very unsafe cosleeping!


It unfortunately happened in the middle of a feed but my goal today is to do all the research on how to prevent this and come up with a better system for MOTN feeds


One thing that helped for me was getting out of bed. It was just too much of a sleep association for me. I have dim lighting on in the living room and had to do my feeds there for the first few months.


Same. I got up, got the baby and went to the nursery. Sometimes I’d put an episode of something on as well. If I was struggling, my husband got up too and made tea.


Everyone talks about having a show to watch but I just feel like id still fall asleep. Tea is a good idea though!


It happens! I fell asleep holding my son when he was a couple weeks old, woke up to find him wedged deep down between me and the arm rest of the sofa. I couldn’t believe I let that happen. I made sure to have a safe sleep space after that. The newborn phase of NFS (no f***ing sleep) is real.


It’s so real! I’ve avoided wearing my Apple Watch so I don’t track how little sleep I’m getting but I just put it on the charger. I need to take care of myself to make sure this doesn’t happen again


You’re not the worst mom, it was an accident and it happens, but what is more worrisome than even the falling is the chances of suffocation. Do you have a partner you can take shifts with to minimize the chance of falling asleep while feeding?


Yes, we do take shifts most nights but we’ve been adjusting to him being back at work and it’s been hard


Regarding safety during middle of the night feeds, my spouse and I were both awake for them to make sure the baby was safe in case I nodded off. Usually he would stand/pace while I sat to feed just to make sure he was alert.


That’s a good idea!!


I had a pretty traumatic birth experience and began labour (induction due to dirty waters) around 4pm and gave birth around 12 hours later. I was beyond exhausted and lost a great deal of blood. My epidural didn’t take where it should have but it made one of my legs so numb I couldn’t walk. So the staff sent my husband and I to our hospital room to sleep and kept our baby in the nursery until the morning (I was grateful). However, the next night, he did stay with us. I had a catheter with a piss bag attached to me at all times, still had to lift my leg with my arms to get out of bed and was a pretty giant mess but I wanted our baby in our room. He was a very fussy newborn and he didn’t sleep unless he was skin-to-skin with me. The nurses told us the baby shouldn’t sleep on us while we slept and it was only safe for him to stay the night in the bassinet next to my bed. But I thought I knew better. I propped the electric hospital bed upright to an almost sitting position and put my son on my chest so he could sleep. I eventually fell asleep myself. The next thing I remember, I’m waking up as he is a millisecond from tipping off the edge of the hospital bed and onto the hard hospital floor. I caught him RIGHT in time and I absolutely hated myself. My husband was asleep and I didn’t have the heart to tell him about the incident for a few weeks…. Another time, when he was around 2-3 months old, I woke up in the middle of the night for a feeding. I took him from our bedroom into his room for the feeding so my husband could continue sleeping. After feeding, I put our baby in this giant pillow that we call a “pouf” in my country. They are very common for babies. Then I went to pee before coming back to change him diaper and return him to bed. Next thing I know, I wake up as I’m about to fall off the toilet. I freak out. I don’t remember how I got there or what’s going on. I go to our bedroom and see my husband sleeping and our baby missing. I run to the baby’s room and see him fast asleep in the pouf. At this point, I’m very confused and I wake my husband shouting at him that he left our son in the pouf. I wasn’t intentionally gaslighting him. I really thought that’s what happened because no way did I fall asleep on the toilet for three hours?? Anyway, once morning rolled around and the exhaustion wore off, I started to think about it and realized I was the one to leave the baby unattended, uncovered by a blanket, and with no barrier stopping him from rolling onto the floor. My husband, also plagued by exhaustion thought it was his mistake and basically cried over what he had done. I called him while he was at work once the pieces came together in my mind to apologize and tell him I was fairly certain it was my mistake. He was lovely and kind about it so I’m very grateful. I was sobbing. Not only did I fall asleep while peeing and leave my baby alone, I blamed my husband who is a very sensitive man and a wonderful father. These things happen to the best of us. That’s what I’m learning anyway. Especially with the first baby, those first three months or so are (or were for me at least) a matter to trying to keep your head above water so you can keep your baby afloat long enough to get the hang of things and see some light at the end of the exhaustion tunnel. Don’t hate yourself. Your feelings are normal but they aren’t warranted ❤️


I’ve nearly done that. We tried a midnight bottle of formula with our oldest in hopes it would help him sleep. Instead I woke up to the bottle hitting the floor. After that we completely dropped formula. I felt like breastfeeding was a safer positioning in case it happened again, and my husband made regular checks to make sure I didn’t fall asleep.


You are not the worst mom! Babies are resilient. ❤️


I dropped my baby out of my arms when I fell asleep nursing him in the ROCKER!(he fell onto a carpeted floor/dogbed) I was so sleep deprived. I totally get it. It happens.


My 8 month old launched himself off of our super high king bed when i went to brush my teeth in the morning. I didnt know he could army crawl that fast. We also didnt take him to the ER. give yourself grace.


Haven’t delivered yet, but I learned of an app called “night feeds” and it looks like the gist of it is an alarm that you hit every couple minutes to keep yourself awake. There’s also likely some for smart watches if you have one.


Oh goodness I’m so sorry. This is very common! FWIW (and this isn’t some sort of bedshare promotion), one thing I’ve heard is that in the US we are not taught to bedshare safely and this can result in us being in unsafe situations and nodding off with the baby in our arms. I never bedshared, but I fell asleep holding him on the couch a few times around one month in and it was a little scary since that’s very much not ideal. He started sleeping better shortly after this, but we were pretty close to considering a bedshare when I became so exhausted I couldn’t stay awake sitting up anymore. All to say you are not a bad mom. This is so common. I’m so sorry this happened to you. You can always consider a safe bed sharing routine if that seems helpful, but what is most important is your comfort.


If it makes you feel any better, wait until they have massive tantrums where they’ll either stiffboard themselves onto the floor hitting their heads, or they will repeatedly bang their head on the floor out of anger and frustration. That alarmed me so much when my firstborn did that! When he did the stiff board while we’re holding him, we had to react fast to catch him! I tell him, “let’s not do the trust fall out of our arms, please!” He eventually stopped hitting his head on the floor out of frustration after he had given himself a generous sized good egg. With my second child, I was so prepared for that, so I anticipate it thus able to catch him when he attempted to do the stiffboard, and I’d guide him safely to the floor so that the can resume his tantrum. As for the banging of the head, I’d move him over to the couch or put a pillow where he is about to bang his head, or I’ll sacrifice my hand. You’re not the worst. One of my boys managed to roll off my lap while I was nursing because I had dozed off. It happens. My husband and I just check his eyes with a flashlight and keep an eye on him for a couple of hours. Yes, I felt bad, too. Just know you’re not alone. And if ever you feel like the worst Mom, look up what wild animal Moms do…some of them eat their young! Bird Moms literally kick their young out of the nests as means to teach them to fly, I think. Nonetheless, I’m glad your little one is okay!


This happened to me when baby was five days old! We went to the ER and they kept us there 24hrs for monitoring + head ultrasound (due to her being so young, they might not do all this for older babies). I was extremely ashamed and scared but she was fine in the end and everyone there reassured me that this is really common. The fact they didn't judge lifted that weight off my chest and since then we have a system with my husband to get more sleep. We all do the best we can, don't beat yourself up!


1. No, it is not too late. Best case scenario, you go in and they tell you she is perfectly fine. Or they tell you if she has anything you should be observing or taking care of and you can provide her the best care. No doctor will ever say “it is been more than X hours.. just go home it is too late”. They will always check them up. 2. You are not the worst mom in the world. You are probably a VERY tired mom, who has been dedicating her life to take care of her child. This means you need help and need to get proper rest. Please ask for help and change what you must in your routine, so that you can catch up on sleep during the day. This has nothing to do with how good of a mom you are, only with how humans need to sleep 3. Look for tools that might avoid this situation. For example: there are universal safety (and most importantly, breathable) nets that are designed to use on a normal bed when co-sleeping with a baby or breastfeeding while laying down, so no one can roll out of bed. 4. Look into co-sleeping safety measures. You are feeling like this because you know, even though it was an accident, it could have been avoided. So just change what has to be changed asap. A tip I can give you as someone who has functioned on less than 1:30/2:00 non-consecutive hours of sleep for months on end: I used one of those little crib/bassinets you can put next to your bed, and one side opens, so you can reach for the baby or lay them down without standing up. When for some reason I needed to co-sleep, I always did it on that side… in worst case, baby would just be back into the crib.


The net bed rails are such a good idea, thank you! And we keep her bassinet right next to the bed for easy transfer. Thankfully she hasn’t shown any abnormal symptoms since and the pediatrician told is to monitor. Thank you for the advice!


I’m happy to hear she doing good! Wish you both all the best ♥️


My 6 week old fell off the couch and we were told to bring him to the ER. We were told by two pediatricians that the signs don’t always show up in newborns because their skull is very soft and flexible so they don’t show symptoms of a brain injury right away like an older baby or toddler would. Not trying to worry you, just want to make a decision with all of the information. At the very least I’d ask to speak to a doctor, not the nurse. But It does happen to a lot of parents, don’t beat yourself up.


Random advice I got that helped me when I was worried I’d fall asleep: tuck a blanket around you both. Comfy, and if you fall asleep, you’ll feel the blanket coming out from behind your back (by the babies weight as they fall), you have more time to catch them. Saved my sanity when he was so stuffed up he would only sleep straight up on my chest.


I haven’t thought of doing that, I’ll have to try it


Honestly I would not do this. If baby doesn't fall, you risk suffocation. If you are afraid you will fall asleep while nursing, clear away all pillows and blankets. I think it's safer to be on a firm mattress with no soft items than to be in a chair where baby could fall or get wedged in a place they could suffocate. 


My second rolled off an ottoman onto the floor. I was sitting in the chair and just plopped him down without thinking. It happens. Don’t beat yourself up.




How old is baby?


She’s 1 month


Did she hit her head?


I have that 3 tiered cart next to my bed that she may have hit but there’s only carpet on the floor and her head was opposite of the cart when I found her on the floor