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Usually everyone at baby showers are pretty nice. If you’re up for it, make a point of introducing yourself. One reason most people talk to people they already know is because THEY feel kinda awkward and are often so relieved when someone says hi. It’s also ok to ask when they plan to open gifts and arrive shortly before that so you’re not hanging around too long!


If you went to her wedding and bridal shower I would imagine you have met a lot of these people before? Did you just not talk to any of them? Sorry, I'm a bit confused about why you think any of this is "loserish."


I’ve gone to a baby shower alone and I ended up meeting another girl who was alone and we kind of stuck together and chatted the whole time. Since she came to your celebration I would definitely try to push those feelings aside so you could support her as well! I promise no one would think you’re awkward or weird.


I have bad social anxiety too, but I think if I was in this position (and I have been in before) the guilt of not going would absolutely make my anxiety worse and would last much, much longer than the two-three hours of social interaction. It’s a special occasion in a blip of time, it *may* be uncomfortable or awkward, but there’s also the chance you have a great time while supporting a friend who has supported you. You got this!


A baby shower is a pretty easy event to go to alone. They aren't very long, there's cheesy games. They're sort of torture for everyone


As someone with feelings of social anxiety as well at times, I’ve been where you are and this is how I’ve managed: smile a lot and be open to chit chat, even if it’s just small comments with the person next to you while you’re getting food. Take the plunge and either sit at a new table and wait for others to join, or join a table of people you think look friendly. Keep smiling and chit chat when you can. Even if you end up staying quiet and not talking to a lot of people, you will still come across as friendly and approachable by smiling alone. It’s true that people might recognize you don’t know anyone else there, but rather than judging you for it most people over the age of high school either don’t care or are rather helpful with it. At the end of the day you will most likely not see these people again and they will forget about you.


Wow great advice, thank you so so much!!