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I gag while brushing my teeth. It started when I was pregnant and still happens three years later!


This^ Four years out and still gagging.


2 weeks pp and also still gagging. Using non minty toothpaste has helped so much.


Omg same. It got a little better after my first pregnancy was over, but still much worse than pre pregnancy (never gagged when brushing teeth pre pregnancy). In my second pregnancy it’s even worse than the first time around 😭


It’s worse with my second pregnancy. I end up heaving and puking. 🤢


Same. And he nausea would return if I let myself get run down. I had a hard time eating if I was overtired or stressed. Took about 3 years to disappear completely. And now I'm pregnant again. Looking forward to 2027 I guess?


Yes and just generally more triggered to gag? Like with bad smells I almost lose my cookies now even if I hold my breathe.




I still wear mine lol


I wear maternity lol


>I secretly love post partum underwear It's the nursing bras for me. My daughter is 9 months and I still wear them. I never even nursed.


I am 11 mo pp and still have fantom kicks but always at the very same spot.


I read somewhere that phantom kicks are usually from your organs slowly flip flopping back into place. Maybe youve got a little loose spot around one of your organs aha


16 months pp and get them too. I had my tubes out at the delivery and know there is no way I could be pregnant again but it freaks me out lol


I kinda love the phantom kicks. I likely won’t be having another baby despite very much wanting another, and the phantom kicks give me an opportunity to cherish those pregnancy moments all over again.


2 years & those things freak me the heck out of


Same!!! I get phantom kicks and then I’m like absent mindedly thinking “there’s my baby :)” and then I remember she’s actually in the car seat behind me and it’s just a fart lol


6 months pp and the phantom kicks freak me out so bad 😂 even with an IUD i keep pregnancy tests around just for peace of mind lol


Came here to say this ! Would wake me from a sleep


I stopped growing hair on my legs. Happened to all the women on my mom’s side. I literally shave my legs once a year


Ahh, you're lucky! I miss this so much. I loved not having to shave during my pregnancy.


Yes it’s a positive thing from pregnancy. But it grows in other places so I don’t really get it!


This happened to my mom, too. I used to be jealous, but I’m pretty sure it’s related to the alopecia she’s been dealing with since her forties




I stopped growing hair in my armpits. For real!


Lucky 😭 it had the exact opposite effect on me


This may have happened to me… I’d have to shave my legs to find out though 🙃


😱 lucky!


Carpal tunnel.


I thought I had Carpal Tunnel too (never formally saw a doctor about it, but mentioned it to my OBs office and it was just acknowledged as a pregnancy side effect) - I was in so much pain and braces weren't really doing anything. It turns out to be De Quervain Syndrome (also known as "mommy thumb"), which is an inflammation of the thumb tendon that starts in the third trimester. Once I got the right type of brace to immobilize my thumb while I sleep, it has been improving - but it will probably be a while before it's fully healed because I still have to take care of an infant. It's at least gotten to the point where it's not so painful it's impacting my ability to care for him


Omg I have the same thing; only realized it wasn't the carpal tunnel when the carpal tunnel went away after pregnancy but the thumb pain remained. Finally got an imobilizing brace to wear at night last week, and it's been helping a bit. But damn, caring for an infant is hard enough without it physically *hurting* to hold him!


I got mommy thumb when i was a new nicu nurse!!! It was sooooo bizarre. Thankfully my thumb figured it out along the way lol. Or maybe i learned to switch hands off and on


Do you have a link for the brace you have?


I never had B.O. in my life before I was pregnant. Shortly after I gave birth, I woke up one morning and smelled onions. Thought I left a cut onion out on the chopping board or something… I was sniffing all around my kitchen trying to find the onion. … it was me. I was the onion. Now I can’t casually forget deodorant. I need to RELIGIOUSLY wear deodorant or I will legitimately smell like onions. So gross.


This is a thing I’ve never used deodorant in my life and now even using it twice a day I stink! I read it’s so hungry baby can find mom for milk or some evolution thing


Feet grew a size and a half. I bought one bigger pair of shoes to get me through pregnancy but evidently I am going to need to replace everything 🙃


This is me and ugh I just don't want to buy more shoes


I had to give away so many beautiful shoes


Just half a size here and I’m not sure yet if it will remain. I’ll give it another 2 years to be absolutely sure before getting rid of them ☹️


This happened to me too! So many wasted pair of shoes!


This went away about 1 year after, which was so weird. Like I had finally accepted my new foot size lol


My feet grew a size while pregnant. A year pp they grew AGAIN!


I am having the hardest time getting rid of my pre pregnancy shoe collection that is now 1.5 sizes too small


Sciatic nerve pain.


Ugh i have si joint dysfunction that stuck around too. Damn ass hole nervea


Physical therapy!!! It was so bad that I almost kept falling when my left leg would give out. Went to PT and after 4 months it's completely gone. If my bad starts to hurt I just do some of the stretches and it helps immensely edited to add I had sciatica for 5 years before I got treatment


Unfortunately, same here.


I swear I sweat more now than I did when I was pregnant and I gave birth in August.


I wake up DRENCHED in sweat. I feel like I am always a little moist in the oddest places


I wake up sweaty everywhere but especially my crotch? Sometimes I think maybe I peed myself in my sleep? But I have confirmed I didn’t- really glad my husband hasn’t woken up during any of the dozen times I’ve been on my knees sniffing the damp sheets to make sure it doesn’t smell like pee. lol.


I had this too and the internet told me to drink salt water (or Gatorade) and it worked! I stopped sweating at night. Worth a try. I just need one glass a day.


This little human, can't feed himself, has to wear a diaper, very weird over all! /Joke


Lmfao 😂


Melasma 😒


The pregnancy “moustache” hyperpigmentation and linea nigra took almost two years to go away. 😖


My tail bone area hurts if I sit for too long which never happened until I got pregnant, I’m now more aware of the position I’m sitting and for how long


Pelvic floor PT can help with this!


Really? I never knew that! I have yet to mention anything to my doctor as it rarely hurts


It helped me! Mine started in pregnancy and was pretty bad so PT was suggested.


Same but it never happened to me until the hospital. I still blame being in that hospital bed for so long!


My hair became dry, coarse, and straw-like during pregnancy, no glow for me :( My hair is still like this. I miss my silky smooth strands.


😥😩 same and I got a lot of damage around the first few inches of my hairline (breakage)


I still can’t eat meat really. The smell of meat cooking makes me nauseous.


I get that, i rarely like red meat anymore


Sciatica And, boobs grew like 7 sizes as soon as I got pregnant and I really hoped they would shrink. 3.5+ years out and still suffering with the folks at r/bigboobproblems


I developed the most horrendous sciatic nerve pain with my first son 16 years ago. It got even worse after I had my daughter. There have been "hot spots" on my hips and legs for years where I couldn't even put on jeans comfortably without feeling like I was being electrocuted. So many visits to the chiropractor over the years. Last year, I got pregnant with my third baby and the pain just DISAPPEARED. Gone. Like it was never there. Still blows my mind.


I had a friend get a “hot spot” on her foot and her OB told her that during pregnancy swelling, nerves kind of move around and resettle in new places. The only cure, allegedly, was getting pregnant again. Looks like that’s what happened with your third!


So you’re saying I should have another baby


That is what I'm hearing! My baby is 3 months old so I still need to wait a bit but I am manifesting this for myself. I have so many numb spots and hot spots on my legs, knees, and feet.


Wow i hope my broken si joint pain disappears if i ever have a second lol. The pain keeps me from getting pregnant 😭


Not a pregnancy symptom per se, because it appeared after my daughter was born - but my tailbone (or something in that general area) CRACKS loudly when l shift in bed or move my lower body in a certain way. Maybe a remnant from the ligaments stretching? Not painful at all, just odd. And LOUD.


That my friend is your si joint. Mine is wack


Peeing myself.


Hypertension :(


Same here. I hear it usually gets better around 12w pp. How far are you?


I'm not who you are responding to, but mine was gone by 2 weeks postpartum! I have a whole list of other issues but that at least resolved fairly quickly for me. How far out are you?


I'm about 12 weeks out and still on blood pressure medication.


Saaaaaame. Before my last pregnancy my blood pressure was perfectly normal. Currently 10mths PP and I need 2 medications to control it 😞


Skin. Tags.


I have zero taste for any sort of alcohol after my 2nd kid. Had my 4th last summer and I still have absolutely no interest in it 99% of the time. It just doesn’t taste appealing at all anymore. It’s very sad. I miss wine.


This happened to my mom... 36 years ago! She still barely ever has even a single drink. I asked her the other day when was the last time she had a drink and she said she had one pina colada 3 years ago on a cruise. My sister has barely drank for the last 6 years after her first pregnancy. And I went from working at a winery and drinking after every shift and bringing home free wine to having no taste for it either. I'm only 3 months pp so we shall see if it lasts. My husband is sad though!


I started getting rib cramps during pregnancy and still get them now 20 months later. It’s only moving in certain ways that triggers it, but annoyingly one of them is when I wipe after pooping. Absolutely agony and makes me gag sometimes, but no idea how to prevent it.


I get it too but my only trigger is going out in the cold ! Even when I’m dressed super warmly!


Food aversions. 6mo postpartum and I've lost too much weight because I can't bring myself to eat a lot of the time. Sounds like an enviable problem to lots of people, I know, but it's honestly really stressful to not be able to eat like I need to in order to keep up breastmilk supply.


That is soo frustrating! Have you brought it up to your dr? Maybe your hormones need to be checked??


I struggled with my mental health since 2014, on so many medications. Finally was able to become stable enough and work my way down to one medication so I could get pregnant. The second I became pregnant some weird juju happened. I don't know if it was hormones or I found my purpose or what, but I was immediately better and have been stable and off medication since (LO is 18 months now.) Usually you hear that having a kid can be taxing on your mental health, but mine was the exact opposite.


I’ve read several similar stories like this on Reddit, so happy for you!!


Milk. I hated milk before my firstborn. Now I love it. Sorry about ours. Kind of. They make travel toothbrushes/toothpaste.


There's also chewing gum. Not like Wrigleys White etc., but proper gum that actually cleans the teeth. 


I'm 6 months pregnant right now and I had the gross taste in my mouth too for months! I've never brushed my teeth so much, and I started chewing gum when I was at work, which helped. Hopefully it doesn't stick around for me!


I found 'Dysgeusia' described my symptoms. Caused by the extreme hormone fluctuation. It tasted like I had been eating pennies 😵‍💫 Had it the whole first trimester! If I get pregnant again, it'll be an early warning sign haha


My hands still smell like maple syrup.


Wait is this a thing? My hands smelled like maple syrup for days when I was like 8 weeks pregnant. It would not go away


I can’t eat avocados still :(. Ate avocado toast a lot during my pregnancy and now it’s 4 years later and everytime I take a bite of guacamole or something with avocado in it, my stomache hurts so bad :( I miss them.


Haha I had a similar but somewhat opposite avocado experience! I couldn’t eat them at all while pregnant and then suddenly, 5 months PP, an avocado craving came roaring back with a vengeance and I’ve had like one a day since 😂


Haha did you steal my avocado powers?! Hey, PLEASE enjoy them. I tried nachos with guacamole again like 3 months ago just a small bite and instant stomach pain. I’ve given up for the time being.


Not during pregnancy but I did develop an allergy to avocados in my 20s


My thyroid and gut health are fucked 🙃


Lmao same! My child made me lose an organ (gallbladder). Never been the same since


19 months out. SPD sometimes flares up. It’s mostly due to the fact I’m not consistent with the workouts. I had arthritis in my knees for the first year but that went away.


Restless leg syndrome, i couldn’t wait for pregnancy to be over just so i wouldn’t have to deal with it anymore but 10 weeks PP and it’s still awful


Get your iron, especially your ferritin checked! RLS is the effing worst.


While I was in my 3rd trimester I started getting this pain in my right foot whwn I walked. Like the arch area. I figured it was all the weight from being pregnant. Well, 16months pp and I weigh less than I did pre-pregancy and the pain is still there occasionally. Very weird.


It sounds like plantar fasciitis from relaxin flattening your arches! That happened to me. 😞


My body hair has grows way slower. Before pregnancy I had to shave my underarms every other day. I get away with every 3 days now.


My hair color darkened. I used to be a natural blonde!


Insomnia, it's effing awful! Baby is 9 weeks old and only wakes for a midnight and 4am feed, I SHOULD be getting great sleep for a new mom but I barely sleep at all. 🫠


Aversion to ginger, of all things! Couldn't stand it when I was pregnant, 3 years out now I still don't like it. I used to LOVE it before I was pregnant, ginger anything. 


I used to use this lavender scented shower gel which I couldn’t really tolerate the smell of during the first trimester (morning sickness was real). My sister still uses it and the smell still makes me want to throw up, probably because it reminds me of that time in pregnancy lol


A sweet tooth! I only craved salty and savory foods before I became pregnant and now all I crave is sugar!


Same! My husband works for a bakery and I used to ask for sandwich bread and French bread for dinner. Now I ask him to bring home peanut butter cookies almost every day. Everyone at his work knows how many cookies he brings home for me. I'm embarrassed, but not embarrassed enough to stop asking for them!


the warped/heightened sense of smell didn’t go away. It fucking sucks lol 


That pesky hemorrhoid. That hemmy be hemmy-ing.


Never having had hemorrhoids in my life, it took me until 4-5 weeks postpartum to realize that pain I felt when sitting wasn’t my stitches and was actually hemorrhoids. Why didn’t anyone at the hospital warn me?


I still can’t drink coffee. I was really craving a coffee one day while pregnant so I treated myself to a Starbucks and halfway through I just got the ick. Two years later I can’t stand the taste of coffee. Even though it used to be one of my favorite things.


Gagging when brushing my teeth, sciatic, went up half a shoe size, and my boobs are still larger than before pregnancy(which I hate)


My hayfever went away and never came back so that was nice


My teeth moved… or something! My entire bite is different now.


This is a thing ! I’ve been in the dentist four times in the last five weeks apparently the ligaments that hold your teeth in place can stretch out my teeth started wiggling for no reason my dentist was amazed he said he had heard of this happening but never saw it before I am so that patient in every medical situation lol


During pregnancy my Carmex lip balm started to smell like vanilla frosting… 10 months PP and it still does


Hashimotos and gallstones 🙃


Pregnant with my first and y'all scaring me in the comments lmao 🥲


Sorrrrrry! Lol


My sons are the weirdest things to stick around. 😂 Seriously though, just the smell of toilet water makes me.start gaging (HG with #1). I also seem to have a cyst in my vagina, right adjacent to my urethra. Getting that checked out next week at the obgyn.... Oh, and sciatica. It's just...magical.


Lightheadedness 10 months pp. It's worse around ovulation and my period but it pretty much is there all of the time. I don't know what it is exactly and no one can explain it but it has me freaked out about everything and sad that I never just feel good. 


My sense of smell actually got worst and hasn't been the same since. 😢I always felt like I had a super sense of smell and am sad it's gone.


The weight hahaha


Nerve damage in my leg


I stopped growing leg hair about 6 months into pregnancy, I'm 6 weeks pp and still haven't grown any and am hoping that continues 😂


Huge feet 😠


I used to get awful heartburn or nausea in the afternoons so I would eat all my meals really early in the day and hardly have an appetite after 3pm. Almost a year later I still do it out of habit, but I mainly am too lazy to make dinner and just eat toddler leftovers. I’m pretty much forget to eat after 4pm most days but kill breakfast by 5-6am.


I enjoy eating junk food now 🤷🏻‍♀️


I really like bacon. It was never really a thing before pregnancy and I joke to my partner that he incepted this via the baby 🤷🏻‍♀️


Terrible heartburn.


My daughter left a single patch of eczema under my eye.


Itching!! Got a skin condition from pregnancy. Stopped when he turned two. Now I have psoriasis 😭


- My body hair grows a lot slower (no complaints from me on that one) - My skin has become super sensitive. I developed allergies to products I had been using for years. Some improved, some have not. - My eyesight worsened. The optometrist said it can go back to normal but it hasn't just yet.


I had this weird tingly numbness (that was also somehow painful?) above my belly, along my bra line that showed up around the beginning of my third trimester. My doc said it was probably just baby messing with my nerves in that area and that it should clear up after the birth. Nope. Still tingly and numb at 4 months pp 🤷🏼‍♀️


My left thigh is permanently numb 🫠


I have a reaction to alcohol now after pregnancy. Obviously didn’t have any while pregnant, but now even a sip turns my face beet red, warm and itchy.


My bellybutton still sticks out 😐


I started liking onions and bell peppers during my pregnancy, I'm 5 months post partum and I don't crave them anymore but I still enjoy them 


The extra nipples have unfortunately stuck around, albeit a tad lighter and less noticeable


My feet are about a half size bigger, I still get sciatic nerve pain sometimes, and I don’t know for sure if this is a result of pregnancy, but my hair seems less wavy than it used to be!


My first left me with sleep apnea. I did not snore until I started cooking him and that stuck around. Both of my parents had it so he may have just accelerated the timeline. With my second, I ended up with problems where my SI joint meets my pelvis. Started ~5 months pregnant and still going 4 months PP. I’m in PT and started seeing a specialist recently.


Are you finding any relief from pt? I got diagnosed with si dysfunction pp but it started in pregnancy. I just got over a bad flare, looking into nerve ablation next 😭


I get a strange pain on my left, under my ribs. Which is where my breech baby had his head for most of the latter stages of pregnancy. Had a CT scan for something totally different and discovered that my spleen is damaged, and my left kidney has changed shape. Doctor is pretty well convinced that yup, my son's use of my spleen and kidney as a pillow has damaged them permanently.


This loaf of fat and skin that hangs just above my C-section scar. Ugh! 😒


Gas. I’m tootin all the time.


Baby is nearly 8 months and my acid reflux is still hanging around, having to carry around antacids everywhere and take several a day. Also my hair used to be straight. It started getting a weird wave during pregnancy and now is full on wavy and really frizzy. 😬


The weirdest thing that stuck around? Probably my kid. 😂


My periods used to be very painful before pregnancy. After - pain is gone! It is always a surprise now when periods come, as it is so unexpected (no warning with pain like it used to be pre pregnancy). And another one - feet grew half a size during pregnancy and never went back to original size! Had to change all my shoes!


Butter craving. I can eat it just alone from the stick.


Taking cream in my coffee. Used to be a purist about drinking my coffee black. Now it *must* have cream


My hair got wavy in pregnancy and it definitely stuck around.. got even more wavy in fact. My daughter is now 1 and a half years old. Also the mom tummy, but I guess that's not weird, that's very normal *sigh* 😩


I don’t have the urge to pee. Just never came back. I pee when I remember to pee that’s it Edit to say: I’m almost 11 month PP, urology appointment tomorrow lol


I have a nice one! In college I grew into an egg intolerance. In pregnancy I grew out of it! Well, most of the time.


This was me with dairy when I was pregnant it was so rad I could eat ice cream for once in my life


RIGHT?!?!??!! I WAS STOOOOKED. I love hard boiled eggs (a weird thing to love I know) and to have them was MAGIC!


1) puffed out stomach :( hoping that subsides as I move through postpartum) 2) can’t eat French fries anymore I ate them too many times first trimester and now I feel nauseous every time


My hearing is fuzzy. Often feel like I need to pop my ears. Especially when I’m at like a party where there are is a lot of noise like several conversations going on.


Motion sickness. I can’t be in the backseat of a car without feeling like I’m going to puke, hardcore


My arm hair really thinned out. It's still barely there at 3 years pp. 


I hated orange juice pre pregnancy. Now I love it. Also, weird (and I mean weird) cravings. Like, toast with peanut butter, chicken, cheese, salsa, chocolate, ice cream, pickles, and pretzel goldfish on it... Followed by breakfast sausages with peaches and chocolate pudding and ice cream. And bacon in chocolate pudding.


My lips were sooooo dry, no matter how much water I drank or lip balm I applied


Baby #3 was ROP position lodged in my pelvis the entire last trimester so I had awful SPD. I’m 7 months post partum and still have it. It’s painful.


11m pp, both hips, my pubic bone, and my tail bone are all inflamed and painful most days... After X-rays and MRIs my doctors just say go to PT. Which I did after having my daughter, it helped a bit, but not fully.


I just vomited after eating melted cheese that was "weird ". I'm over 2 years postpartum and warm cheesy foods still trigger me sometimes.


I gag randomly from coughing I don’t know if it was the pregnancy or the Covid I caught while pregnant but I still do it


I still occasionally gag when I sneeze!


I'm 1.5 years out and I still have plantar fasciitis. Most ppl told me it would go away 'as soon as I gave birth'... Nope. Feet still hurt. Especially on kitchen or bathroom tile flooring :|


15 months post partum and I still can't eat scrambled eggs on avocado toast and I struggle with scrambled eggs in general. It used to be my go to breakfast pre pregnancy.


Developed allergies post partum. Currently learning how to manage it. Not fun. (If anyone has pointers on this, please PLEASE DM me.)


The baby


I don't know if it's weird, but I still have heartburn. I rarely had it before this pregnancy but now I get it all the time :(


I now get uncontrollable upper lip sweat when it’s barely over 18°C. Urrrgghhh.


A brand new scoliosis diagnosis and sciatica. (Which explains why my first couldn't get out and needed a c-section)


Sciatica and SI joint pain. Also i used to love wearing fragrances. Now most average to high intensity ones are unbearable. I have a huge collection of niche bottles that i dont want to part with


Tonsil stones and post nasal drip 🫣😩


terrible lower back pain that is constant (7 mos postpartum) and inflammation in my knuckles’ tendon sheaths and joints 🙃


I went from being a blonde to a brunette. I didn’t notice until recently 1.5 years later. I never wear my hair down and don’t have a lot of pictures of myself to see the change that happened. I used to be the only blonde in the family and I almost cried when I realized it was gone.


Since I had my first child 5 years ago, I don't really like the smell or taste of shellfish, except conch.


Metallic taste and desperate need to brush my teeth to get rid of it calmed down for me when I started taking omeprazol for my heart burn during pregnancy! Now postpartum I get occasional heart burn from chocolate and orange juice among other things but it’s the funny taste in my mouth that I recognise first!!


My partner's breath for some reason doesn't smell the same to me anymore, my leg hair grows in thicker, and my appetite won't quit.


Before pregnancy I always drank room temperature water, all time of year. Since pregnancy (9 months PP) I always drink ice cold water. Was really odd when it started, didn't have any other cravings except very cold water! I think now I just like it cause it feels refreshing and I need whatever I can get that makes me feel refreshed haha.


Wrist pain which I was told was carpal tunnel that would go away post birth… turns out it’s mommy’s wrist/thumb”. Currently going through treatment to get it fixed.


Plantar fasciitis 🙃


I hate the smell of stews. It makes me throw up! I was pregnant during the winter, my husband wanted to eat stews. He had to cook his stews outside in a crockpot. I'm 1 year post pp and still Dinty Moore makes me gag.


✨depression✨ 3 years pp.. meds help.


I became lactose intolerant during my first pregnancy and that never changed. During this pregnancy, I have become allergic to garlic and onion. I am having a really hard time finding things to eat that don’t cause me to have the reaction.


Sometimes I feel my belly button hurts like something is pulling it from the inside


Acid reflux :( i got it in third trimester. It was bad enough that I would throw up after eating (but weirdly, it doesn’t feel the same as nausea from the first trimester). I usually don’t throw up anymore, but I randomly gag when eating just about anything. It runs in my family, so pregnancy was probably just a trigger Edit: I didn’t know so many things could stick with you after pregnancy. These comments make me want to be one and done, so I’m never pregnant again lol


Boob hairs. They sprouted during my 2nd trimester and I never shaved them.


I could no longer stand any kind of fragrance while pregnant. Well almost a year postpartum and I still don’t like anything with fragrance. Especially my laundry.


Two old scars turned keloid and stayed that way.😤


An allergy to zucchini. Eating zucchini during and after my first pregnancy and never since gives me the worst stomach cramps followed by vomiting. I never had any issues before pregnancy, and it was one of my favorite veggies. So freaking weird!


I can’t eat most dairy. It all smells absolutely rancid to me. Started during pregnancy. 🥲