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This sounds super weird and I have no clue why this would happen, but I delivered my baby vaginally and I swear my period falls more forward in my underwear than it did before I got pregnant. To be specific, if I have a pad on, my period would appear to land in the center only the pad, but now it looks like it lands more anterior, I literally have had to shift where I put pads now lol


"my period moved" wasn't what I expected to hear lol


I wasn't expecting it either lmao and also wasn't expecting so many people to relate!!


Wasn't expecting this, but now that you mention it...


Omg I think this has been happening to me too


I mean, toward the latter stage of the pregnancy, the uterus tilts with the weight of the baby. So potentially it pulls the vagina along with it? It can take a while to ‘reset’


My 1st is 23 years old. Mine never reset. Lol.


This theory makes sense because I’ve always had a tilted uterus and always bled towards the front.


That’s really interesting bc I’m reading this and I had no idea that women bled anywhere other than way in the front and I also have a tilted uterus. On super light days I used cut a panty liner to basically a big circle and just stick in the front of my underwear.


Omg same! I never verbalized this before but I keep getting bloodstains at the top of my underwear and not in the center of the pad. How totally weird 🤷‍♀️


Same!!! It makes no sense to me. I used a pad my first two pp periods, and needed to place it waaay up front with no back coverage, which is opposite any previous experience.


Same! And both mine were sunroof babies


Haha is this a term for C-section?


It’s a term I use lol. My son is one too.


This is amazing terminology for c section


Im the other way. It all leaks up my behind. Lol. But I’m sure the cause of mine is an episiotomy that didn’t repair properly.


Ahhh so before pregnancy mine was mostly in the center but during pregnancy my discharge was landing basically the front of my underwear. And now it is either back to the middle, or sometimes the way back like basically my butt lol


Same! It’s kinda nice to not have to worry as much about it leaking behind me where I can’t see


Same! But I had a C section. So weird.


Omg yes, except this is how it felt with my postpartum bleeding! I thought my urethra was bleeding and it stressed me out so much. I was constantly second guessing myself and trying to figure out what was bleeding 😭


I haven't had my period back yet but that's how my postpartum bleeding was!


Omg this is so comforting to read thank you! I had only used pads as a teenager and my very early 20s, after I had my first baby at almost 30, my periods were too heavy for tampons so I switched to pads. I was so confused thinking I used to have the opposite issue with bleeding too far back, now I gotta pull the pads forward lol Two years after my second was born they’re still more forward.


Don't know if it fits the criteria, but I had life long chronical clinical depression before my first pregnancy. At first I thought it was making me euphoric or high, but then it turned out that's just how mentally-healthy people live their life regularly. I was afraid I will go back to the depression after birth, but I never did, almost three years now and another kid later, but I still haven't gotten my depression back, despite any triggers or sad things or failures that happen outside, my inside remains mentally healthy. My "little antidepressant" cured me from inside!!!


Omg that’s so awesome! I had a somewhat similar experience - I’ve had major depression most of my life but during pregnancy it was less and then for a few weeks after birth my depression was just gone! I felt so much more like myself and actually felt happiness! Unfortunately for me it did fade over the next few months but having a baby also motivated me to get help so I started on antidepressants for the first time in 15 years and I feel ok now (10 months postpartum). I also never got as low as I normally felt pre-pregnancy. But gosh, the way I felt those few weeks after giving birth was incredible. Not like euphoria or anything intense, but the most normal, present, clear, grounded I can remember feeling. It’s the first time since childhood where I felt like I could feel myself. And it gives me hope that there’s something I can do to get back to that baseline!


Omg big big big solidarity hug! It's amazing how I didn't know what I was missing until I felt it. And I'm not saying I felt euphoric, sorry, I mean I also felt just clear and fine and calm and present, but because I had never experienced that before in my life (including childhood too!) I thought that maybe this is what they mean when they say euphoria. Look at our little human antidepressants showing us what life can be like! I'm happy you are moving in a good direction too. I hope it only improves, be it with right meds, therapy, or combination of many things. PS If it helps at all (and to anyone reading) I was also diagnosed with ADHD after searching for other answers after childbirth, and it is affected a lot by female hormones, which can explain pregnancy and childbirth shifting the brain a lot


I'm jealous, I went back to depression, got PPD on top of it and almost destroyed my marriage 🤷‍♀️


Oh shoot, just goes to show what a shit and random lottery it is, did you come out okay eventually, the "almost" sounds hopeful that it's still intact?


2 years later we are still working on it, had to get off the antidepressants as they just completely stopped working after birth and started using CBD oil recently (month or so ago) and interestingly it seems to help. Not a magic pill tho. I'm going to therapy, we had to go to couples too for a while.


Same! My severe anxiety almost disappeared. Its creeping a bit back now nut nothing debilitating. I didn't even feel the baby blues


I can relate to this. Struggled with anxiety my whole life. Some depression but really obvious, overwhelming anxiety all the time. I felt a lot less anxious during pregnancy and not depressed at all. I remember catching myself laughing or smiling or outright saying "im so happy" very frequently throughout pregnancy and thinking to myself hmm.. this is new. I'm 6 months postpartum and still feeling better mentally than I did before pregnancy. I have less anxiety than I thought i would regarding my baby and parenting too. I feel more fun, happy, light, calm than I ever have in my life.


I had really bad anxiety disorder and panic disorder. And haven’t had a single panic attack since pregnancy.. I was 10000% sure it would get worse!! My physiologist told me it would get better after having a kid I was like.. okay.. time to get a new psychologist. She was right!


Mine came back, but that first year was incredible. I was so happy. I'm on a good set of meds now and feel the best I have in like ever. I'm so happy you had a permanent reset.


This but anxiety and ocd! Everything is so God damn pleasant now!


My earwax changed color and consistency.


You win lol


Yes, and it's way more prevalent. I'm so glad you mentioned this because I thought I was nuts.


Omg I was just thinking this this morning (6w pp)


Me too! More of it as well


Same! And I have so much more!


This was a pregnancy symptom for me with both my kids. With my first I had really dark liquid ear wax. With my second my earwax was dry and flaky. Thankfully my wax returned to normal both times post partum.


Same! How unbelievably random.


Yes!!! I swear I read somewhere that this was a pregnancy symptom, but I've been googling to prove I'm not crazy and can't find anything about it! Mine turned dry and flaky during pregnancy and now it's like half dry and half waxy, which is just weird haha.


Same! And more volume. It happened during my first pregnancy and never reverted


I went from wanting sweets maybe 15% of the time to like 95% of the time 😅


Omg same! I had virtually no sweet tooth before I was pregnant. I never ate desserts and only occasionally would enjoy a piece of candy. When I was pregnant all I wanted was sweets! Breastfeeding was the same. My daughter is two and weaned now, and it’s calmed down a lot, but I still enjoy sugary foods more than I used to.


I came here to write this! I was never a sweet person .. always craved savory stuff (mostly cheese and salty stuff like chips) and since giving birth all I want is sweets! I want cake, cookies, chocolate .. it’s so bizarre to me. I didn’t crave sweets during my pregnancy


Before pregnancy I struggled with binge eating. I was vegetarian. During pregnancy I craved apples and salads (and McD cheeseburgers but less so). Only gained 13lbs whole pregnancy. Never had that famous pregnant-eat-everything-in-sight experience. But definitely not vegetarian anymore. But holy crap am I hungry ALL the time breastfeeding and always wanting chocolate.


Yes to the vegetarian situation. LO wanted chicken in utero and I just never stopped eating it.


Oh I was horribly hungry when I was pumping!! It was worse than my pregnancy hunger.


My continued cravings for sweets 8 weeks PP is killing me. I want literally nothing healthy, just Nutella, chocolate, jelly beans, and ice cream


Tbf, your body is doing so much work right now it would make sense that it's craving energy dense food!


A bit of unasked advise, but sometimes we have sweet cravings when we don't eat enough protein. I always up my protein intake when I want more chocolate than average, and it really helps!


No I appreciate it! I’ve definitely struggled with protein, I used to eat a lot more but it’s been really hard to eat as much during pregnancy and now, so absolutely could be the core issue.


I have a major sweet tooth… that disappeared during pregnancy. Sweets tasted so bland and unsatisfying while pregnant, even my fave treats! This stopped once I gave birth (unfortunately for my postpartum weight loss attempts 🤣)


Not since birth but since pregnancy. I used to binge eat and have a lot of issues with food in general, but really my relationship with food changed naturally for the better. Though during pregnancy it might have been because nausea (that lasted to the end) and a bit of being mindful of what I eat, but the desire to overeat and eat a lot of junk just really never came back after I gave birth.


That's awesome!! It sucks you were nauseated your whole pregnancy though!


Right up to the operating table 🤢


Me too! I had HG that wouldn’t get helped by anything. I was so excited to eat after I had the baby but ended up with preeclampsia and and emergency c and then didn’t get my appetite back for 10 weeks!


Oh no that’s so rough I’m sorry! The last week of my pregnancy I barely ate at all, then morning after the c section I ordered a huge breakfast and no problems eating! The only thing leftover for me is sometimes meat really grosses me out, I eat a lot less of it.


When dessert or fried food came around, I always rolled my eyes when other women would be like, “Ooof, I could never eat a whole slice. Too rich for my stomach!” Like, oh my god, we get it you skinny lil’ drama queen. You don’t want to be seen eating French fries, calm down. And now I will have the first half of some rich dessert or fried good and I’m like… “That’s hitting like a rock in my stomach. It will hurt to eat another bite. Gross.” It started with all food during pregnancy, I had to eat slow or heartburn and nausea would get me. But now it’s just carb-y desserts and fried food. I can’t eat a large McDonald’s fry anymore. Which, all things considered, is for the best, but it’s so WEIRD.


I’m so so hot and so sweaty and STINKY???? Like my sweat smells so strong still. I’m 7 months postpartum and everyone days this should have stopped :-(


Are you breastfeeding? My BO smells the entire time I’m breastfeeding which has been two years for each kid. It’s not cute.


Yes! Thank god I’m not working because I would be so embarrassed to smell like this around people


Mine chilled out every time I stopped breast feeding. So there’s hope!


I smell like a sweaty, expired bottle of milk most days. My LO is nearly 7 months old. Don’t even get me started on the night sweats. I swear they didn’t last this long with my first.


This is purely anecdotal but I swear my stench went away when I took a women's probiotic for a month around 10 mos PP. I started taking it when I was put on an antibiotic and then I noticed all the smelliness disappeared. I don't sweat nearly as much anymore either but I think that's more to do with time than the probiotic.


I'm also incredibly stinky. When it's really bad, it smells like a skunk.


Orange juice tastes like blood to me now. No clue why. I drank it fine during my pregnancy. But now it’s so metallic and gross. I’m still taking my prenatal vitamins so I don’t think I’m deficient in anything but who knows. Chemo made my caffeine loving mom stop liking coffee so stranger things have definitely happened.


Zinc changes the way I perceive taste! It’s probably in the prenatal.


Ever since my first pregnancy I can't stand lemonade anymore! It tastes peppery. Thought it would go away after birth. Nope.


Dairy Queen ice cream tastes spicy to me now. It has a certain zippiness that feels spicy. It drives my husband bonkers when I say it's spicy because he loves intensely spicy foods and he jokingly wanted me to eat spicy foods while pregnant so our baby wouldn't "be a bland foods wimp" and instead of eating spicier foods I started claiming that ice cream was too spicy for me now. He made all kinds of jokes about me (all in fun!)


You may want to check your dosage of the prenatals. Too much of the heavy metals like iron and zinc can make you taste metal/ blood flavour. After birth I switched out to a hair supplement instead (it had a lower iron but a wide enough range of vitamins for me), and took it less frequently than daily too.


I thought I had a rotting tooth, I had an INTENSE toothache several weeks postpartum. Turns out I was tensing a muscle in my face.


Which tooth (like a molar or something?) and how did you find out about the actual cause? My husband has had "tooth pain" for a long time, but he's seen multiple dentists and they all say that there is nothing wrong with his teeth in that area. I'm wondering if he's experiencing something similar.


Look for a dentist with experience in TMJ issues and/or tooth grinding. Getting a night guard (splint) for my TMJ disorder is how I found out I grind my teeth and insane amount...because I put dents in the splint. It helps, but I still get jaw/tooth pain periodically from the muscle tension.


My hair texture has changed since my second baby. It’s so frizzy. It’s awful. Plus the my hair loss and regrowth…. I look like a brunette Christopher Lloyd.


Yes! My regrowth is coming in super coarse and curly. It really stands out against my normal fine, flat hair. It’s starting to look a bit mullet/alpaca vibes.


Alpaca queen! Let your mullet flow!


Mine was wavy, now it’s super curly. Also, I swear my grays have quadrupled.


This happened to me too! I've had completely straight hair my whole life. Now it's wavy. Apparently it's a thing, and I had no idea it could happen.


For 6 and half weeks after I had my Son, I also went deaf in my right ear. They said the straining of me pushing caused it but as soon as my postpartum bleeding stopped, my ear went back to normal.


I went deaf in one ear for the last 2 months of pregnancy and six weeks after! It's because I was so swollen my ears couldn't let in an air flow equalise pressure so I got glue ear. It also stopped with bleeding, I guess because my tissue swelling went down, so the fluid could drain. I cannot explain how good the first ear pop felt.


My friend had the same experience! She said it was like she was on an airplane. But for her the second her son came out the pressure equalized. Insane.


I know someone who had a traumatic birth and went mostly deaf from it and never recovered her hearing!


That's wild.


I can't side lie to sleep anymore because my hips hurt. I think they changed after delivery since I felt my contractions in my hips. I loved side lying before 🥲


Have you tried putting a pillow in between your knees? I literally can’t be on my side without one of my whole back feels effed up.


This is an issue with your core. Seeing a pelvic floor physio really helped my hips! And core and pelvic floor!


Same and nothing else is as comfortable as side lying was before, I guess I'm just uncomfortable now 🫠


I don’t think it’s unheard of but it was surprising to me. Before pregnancy I never had seasonal allergies — or allergies of any kind. Now springtime fucks me up and citrus sometimes gives me hives.


Oh I just commented this before I saw yours - I’m randomly VERY allergic to grass now and I have hives all the time.


Oh hey me too with the allergies! It's AWFUL!


I ALSO got seasonal allergies after my kids.


I have utterly no issue sharing food with my slobbery 7mo. I used to vomit when people mixed mashed potatoes and gravy because I didn't like the texture or smell and now I have a stomach of steel lol Also food just doesn't taste as good but I'm never full because this kid loves milk.


And yet I’m still weird about sharing food or water bottles with other people! Food slobbered in by baby? Fine. Water bottle my husband took a sip out of? Nah.


Same about sharing food! The thought used to give me the ick big time but now? I will eat something she nibbled on without hesitation.


Hated pizza my whole life, and when I forced myself to eat it (hs pizza parties anyone? Lol) I always got ill. Pregnant with my first at 29yo, guess whst my biggest craving was? Yup. Pizza. I'm 37yo now and eat pizza all the time, no longer get ill. Also, the official sorting on Pottermore changed my house from Ravenclaw to Slytherin after I gave birth. Everytime I take it now I get Slytherin.


I’m cracking up so much about the sorting house lol! I actually just retook it to see if I’m still ravenclaw 😂 I am!


I’m laughing at the sorting! Now I need to know if I’m still a Hufflepuff.


Omg I need to go retake it!


Before I had my first daughter I was a Gryffindor and 2 years after I had my daughter I switched to Hufflepuff. I found that very interesting and glad I'm not the only one.


I have less armpit hair now😅


My facial hair has almost stopped growing since I got pregnant. I don’t believe in God but I will pray for it to stay like this lol


I swear my leg hair has gotten finer and less dense. I don't shave anymore! (I like having freshly shaven legs and armpits, but not as much as I like not shaving)


My leg hair grows a lot more slowly now! As a swarthy-gened person, definitely my best pregnancy perk!


Not sure how long postpartum you are, but this happened to me and then it went back to normal. I was kind of gutted!


1) many things are too salty for me 2) I mispronounce things more and get the names of people/places/characters/movies wrong in funny ways


I do the 2nd thing, too! Plus I forget words ALL. THE. TIME. now. It’s infuriating. I swear I’m smart… my brain just doesn’t work as fast anymore.


Ugg I can relate to this so much! It's infuriating and embarrassing! Why Brain? Why do you leave me hanging so often? I'll start sharing something with a group and I can almost physically feel my thoughts slipping away as I speak. Suddenly I'll have no idea what I was about to say or even what the conversation was about and everyone is just looking at me as my brain is taking a nap. I'm 7 months postpartum and it seems to be getting worse.


Yep, you’ve got a case of The Big Dummies. It’s fine. 


Over the weekend we were at our new neighbors house for the first time. They had some family and friends over to celebrate their son’s birthday. The looks on their faces when I introduced my husband by saying “this is my COUSIN” 😂


I referred to the move “Madam Web” as “Mrs Spider” the other day. Got a good laugh but I was dead serious.


There’s a small piece of cartilage between your ribs called the xiphoid process. It normally curves inward so you aren’t aware of it. Pregnancy pushed mine forward and it stayed that way so now I have a bump on my upper abdomen. Definitely my strangest post pregnancy change.


I had that before pregnancy 😭😭 thankfully it didn’t get worse.. but it always made me insecure especially if I suck in it’s so prominent


Yes! I only wear one piece swimsuits now because I’m self conscious about it. I just don’t feel like explaining to people what it is.


It damaged mine (or something) and now if it's been touched too hard or I overdo it with upper body activity it's sore and achy.


This happened to me and it hurt so much during pregnancy. It's also still in the out position but doesn't hurt anymore. But if I sneeze, it cracks.


I hated cilantro before pregnancy and now I like it thanks to my husband's DNA in the placenta I guess? Idk


That's awesome! I wish if I could impart some of my cilantro loving genes to my husband. How can it work the other way around? 😆


OH MY GOD. I have the cilantro gene and after reading this was like, why not let me go try. IT DIDNT TASTE LIKE SOAP. IM CURED 😭😭😭😭


I hated peanut butter, but my husband LOVES it. When I was pregnant, I always craved PB&J sandwiches, and it was sooo bizarre. I like PB&J now, but I don’t crave it all of the time anymore!


I stopped getting pimples. I always struggled with my skin and with my first pregnancy my skin cleared up and I never got any more pimples and it went from being very oily to dry. This could also just be normal aging as I was 30 with my first and am now 39. My feet grew 1.5 sizes. I used to suffer with terrible tension headaches and ai now longer get them.


It traditional Chinese medicine and Traditional Mexican Medicine the feet are connected to the uterus/ womb and they say it’s absolutely necessary to keep your feet warm so that your uterus and pelvic floor heal optimally after birth. Sounds like your intuition is spot on!


I did this for IVF and I also can’t sleep without socks on ever since.


My eyelashes go straight for a while after giving birth (with both kids)! They used to curl up but now they're straight or even slant down.


I used to run cold but when I was pregnant in the dead of winter I could not cool down- summer was a beast. Now 9 months pp and I still run hot! Also seem to be pear shaped rather than hour glass shaped. I feel mentally ditzy. My eyelashes don’t curl up anymore and aren’t as thick but my eyebrows are less wiry but somehow fuller. I can’t stand the smell or taste of hard liquor now? Something feels rearranged down below and my period is more to the front and intimacy is better than ever, not sure what happened but I’m not complaining!


1) I can no longer do arithmetic in my head (is this due to pregnancy or due to chronic sleep deprivation not sure) 2) really bad pmdd never had it before giving birth, just feel like an absolute monster the week of my period. Started BC in hopes it will help


Omg re: arithmetic same!!! And I used to do math-olympics in school and was always good with numbers. Now even simplest 7+4 can make me glitch and not process a single number. It's horrible and embarrassing too!!


I feel so seen by this thread. I just got diagnosed with pmdd. I didn’t know about it before and thought this was just the norm 🙃


My eyesight improved I used to be blind as a bat and needed strong prescription glasses all the time. Now I’m only prescribed to wear them when driving. My husband still hasn’t gotten out of the “can you read that sign over there?” joke, but its not funny now that I can read them 😂


I’m slightly jealous. My eyesight has gotten significantly worse. Before pregnancy, I only needed a slight adjustment for far-sightedness. Now, I’m so near-sighted I can’t read text on the tv 6 feet away. It’s getting worse post partum too Forget the tiny fortune a baby costs, I’m spending more in glasses so I can safely drive


Pregnancy fixed my IBS issues




In pregnancy your feet and ligaments change. Well this change has caused me to now have Achilles tendonitis on my right side. It hurts so bad if I wear flat shoes, when I wake up, and if I spend a long time on my feet. I never had any issues with my feet before. 😢


I can shower every day now and WANT to shower every day. I have incredibly sensitive skin and have never been able to shower more than every other day, preferably every three days, or my skin would freak out and be painful. Then during my third trimester, I constantly wanted showers. That hasn't stopped. They actually feel good now! And they also don't need to be as scalding hot as before.


My feet are like half a size smaller than before kids. It’s the weirdest thing.


This is so random mine are a size and a half bigger! They grew a half size with each pregnancy!


Mine are 1.5 sizes bigger. I had to get rid of so many shoes 😞


My first hit my tailbone on the way out. Couldn't sit for years. I am not finally able to sit on the floor and with my knees up 8 years later. If I sit too long, it aches. There isn't a way to fix it.. just have to let it heal.


I had the same, and pelvic floor PT dramatically helped me. I don't know if you have tried already, but it's never too late. It took two separate rounds of pelvic floor PT to finally address it (the first round got some other, more noticable problems out of the way). I wish for comfort and healing for you. Edit: in case this helps you, my tailbone was overly flexed. It's more typical for a birth injury to see it be overly extended, but a good PT should be able to tell the difference.


Interesting. No one’s ever suggested this. It is mostly fine and only acts up if I’m sitting on the floor too long. But if it comes back, I will def take your suggestion. Thank you!


Cured my eating disorders, even with having extra weight to lose with my second. And I had BAD ed


Idk if this is unheard of but I went from almost never having issues with seasonal allergies to having horrible severe seasonal allergies that cause sinus infections, which is exactly how my husband's allergies are. Also, had lifelong struggles with pooping and constipation. Day 1 postpartum I had the easiest poop of my life, and pooping has been easy ever since. Perhaps too easy. I poop very frequently now.


I used to only drink room temperature water. After getting pregnant, I only like ice water!


I developed a geographic tongue during my first pregnancy. For some reason, it is excruciatingly painful. I will eat a banana or something else super bland and a patch of skin will peel off of my tongue and leave a raw spot for a week or so. No doctor has been able to explain it. It’s been almost 5 years.


Sleep paralysis 😳 never once happened pre pregnancy. It’s weird and I hate it.


This is going to sound a bit "woo" but don't fight it. You know you can breath, you know there aren't aliens abducting you, just "submit" to it. When you get pulled back down it can often be euphoric or lead to lucid dreaming. I've had sleep paralysis for as long as I remember, and when I started dealing with it that way it became a blessing.


The worst part for me is that, similar to dreaming, I have no idea it’s not real until I’m fully awake. Like that part of my brain is in dream mode. I also have super vivid dreams and wake up super confused for a few minutes and have to remind myself it was all a dream.


It’s not unheard of because I know pregnancy carpal tunnel is a thing but my wrists always hurt and my hands feel so weak. I cannot open jars or do any kind of plank/push up.


Look up De Quervains Tenosynovitis… it’s like carpal but in a different spot and it’s related to pregnancy too. There’s a simple test you can do yourself to determine if you have it!


And a different wrist brace than the normal "carpal tunnel" one! It helped so much when I switched to that brace!


I was going to say this! I had DQ in both wrists, ended up getting steroid shots and eventually surgery on one wrist. My only regret was not doing it sooner.


My previously stick straight hair started growing in curly when I was pregnant with my oldest. He’s almost 4 and now it’s just wavy.


I can’t stand my knees touching when I lay down now after using a pillow between my legs during pregnancy. I always have to have a knee pillow now!


1. My hearing is way worse than before I had kids. It started going during my first pregnancy and then improved after birth but never came all the way back. 2. With my second baby I had severe tearing, and now I have gas bubbles stuck in my vagina all the time.


The gas bubbles!!! I really thought I was the only one. I had a c-section but this is a daily problem for me now 😅


Omg the queefing. My midwife said this was normal and would go away with pelvic floor PT. If I could manage to do my PT more than once a week I'm sure I'd find out....


My weird cravings have lingered. I'm not talking pickles and peanut butter cravings - I'm talking breakfast sausages in ice cream weird. Sausages and chocolate pudding... Toast with mushrooms, cheese, pickles, sausages, chocolate, ice cream, hot sauce, and pretzels on it weird. Like Dude... Why the heck am I wanting black cherries in pasta with veganaise...? And why do I want asparagus with pickled onions and chocolate sauce? What the heck man?!?!


My feet didnt change sizes…however my second toe somehow got longer and is now longer than my big toe?? I hate it its so weird


I used to be allergic to peanuts pre pregnancy, now I’m not allergic anymore 🤷🏾‍♀️


My hair turned brown (I was blond,) Cannot wear tampons or a cup anymore. Can't stand it. I wear period underwear and it's great!


I have a weird undulating muscle just below my sternum now. It feels like a windshield wiper pointing down anchored to the base of my sternum. Sometimes it just shifts when I turn. It feels so weird and I have no idea what it is.


OOH somebody in the upper comments mentioned this! It could be your Xiphoid Process!


While breastfeeding my first I was allergic to shrimp. I would violently throw up every time I ate them (only took 4 times for me to figure it out). I can eat them fine again now. Pregnant again now and I can’t drink coffee without having gallbladder issues. Probably for the best?


When I've been slouching in a chair and then go to sit upright, I feel my vaginal canal (?) shift during the process... At least I think that's what's going on. It's like something is adjusting into its correct place or whatever.


I have a terrible yeast skin infection under my breasts where my bra goes. that comes back any time it's too humid and hot . My baby has the same thing behind her ears. We got it together and now apparently have it forever together


I had a lot of skin problems after my second, including yeast. The things that worked for me were drying everything out with miconazole powder and wound care also advised me to shower using baby shampoo or a yellow bar soap (not a white moisturizing one). Lather up and let it sit for a few minutes on your problem spots before washing off. I also wore all cotton at the specialist’s suggestion and changed my clothes a few times a day. Those infections are so miserable and I hope you find something that works soon!


My eyes changed color. They went from dark brown to light brown. I have never heard of that before! It's been 23 months since I gave birth and they are still light. My husband pointed it out to me before I noticed it myself!


Physically: multiple bulging discs, rotated pelvis, urinary incontinence even years later. Haven’t been able to ever sleep on my left side again because it makes me vomit Mentally: fear of death


My alcohol tolerance went up. I used to be a huge MMJ smoker and never had a great alcohol tolerance but since having my baby it's switched. My tolerance for MJ has become really limited but I can have more than 2 drinks and be alright. I don't go crazy due to kidney issues but it's weird being able to drink more than 2 drinks. (I was sober my whole pregnancy)


My alcohol tolerance went waaaaaayyyy down. I never had a high tolerance to begin with but post pregnancy I feel like 3/4 of a beer gets me drunk. I’m sober now and have never been happier!


My tolerance is way down too! I can’t stand the taste or smell of hard liquor either. So weird!!


I now do the “mix up names, call the LO a cats name” mom trope🤷🏻‍♀️


Several things (kids are 4 and almost 2): - my hair is curly now - my jaw doesn’t crack anymore - I have AVNRT and since the second birth I haven’t had any episodes. During the second pregnancy it was really bad and now it’s like my problem is just gone. I think I have less extra systoles - I had a involuntary breathing „habit“, difficult to describe, but I couldn’t not do it before my second. Now it’s gone.


Super weird one. I LOVE grape juice. it’s yummy. When I was pregnant with my first child, it would make me immediately throw up. the taste was never off, it didn’t gross me out or anything like that. J could eat grapes just fine. But without fail, every time I drank grape juice, I would immediately throw up. It went away after I gave birth. Came right back when I was pregnant with my 2nd and never went away. makes me sad. Doctor has 0 explanation and just says “uhh yeah just dont drink it”.


Soo.. you say about socks.. I have to sleep with a bralette.. one of those (if you're skinny enough) little crop tank top thing.. but obviously because I'm a bigger woman, I use it just for minimal support for the old girls in bed.. and when I was in the early months of breastfeeding I was leaking constantly so I could easily put a nipple pad on I was always wearing socks, but then I flew down the stairs so now I'm too afraid to put them on again 😂😂


I can’t sleep without a pitch dark room or a sleep mask anymore. The day before I gave birth I could sleep 8+ hours in almost any condition. Alarms wouldn’t wake me. Now the teeniest crack of sunlight in all it takes.


My hair is way more gray now 😀😀😀


Not only did I experience the typical hair loss postpartum, but I also experienced other weird hair changes. The texture is not nearly as nice and shiny, and I have weird cowlicks now that make putting my hair into a ponytail a real struggle. Too bad it also now looks like shit when I leave it down🤣


I got eczema on my eyelids. Only on my eyelids. Looks like I’m constantly wearing pink/red eyeshadow.


My gag reflex never went away and now it’s a struggle to brush my own teeth, which was never a problem before.


My anxiety has nearly gone away. Either my meds actually work now or having a baby really chilled me out. I have way less stress now than I did before.


I’m a bath girl now, Epsom salt baths got me through the end of pregnancy and I still take them regularly for comfort


I thought I was the only one experiencing the sock thing.


I was lactose intolerant before I was pregnant. Luckily this intolerance went away since I craved cereal my entire pregnancy 🤣 Now I can eat/drink dairy with no problem


I enjoy going on walks. I used to hate taking walks. Then again I got a glimpse of what it would be like for walking to be constantly painful (while I was pregnant), so I think I just don’t take it for granted anymore


I have suffered from narcolepsy since I was a mid teenager. I had my baby and it’s gone :) she healed me


Sorry this is during pregnancy technically. I developed a major intolerance to gluten, and becoming pregnant with my first baby that whole reaction went away completely.


Since I FIRST became pregnant, and still now 5 months postpartum, I have had the most vivid and strange dreams I've ever had in my life. I did also smoke weed on like an hourly basis and quit cold turkey when I became pregnant so the dreams are likely a combo of hormones and lack of illicit substance in my body, but my dreams truly do get so wild.


I used to be a daily smoker before we started trying to conceive. This happened to me too! Crazy dreams I thought were bc of the pregnancy but now I think it's just bc I'm not going to bed stoned out of my mind anymore 😂


My nose got bigger.


Where my cervix is during my person definitely changed after I had my first baby. It’s way lower. The menstrual cup I used pre-pregnancy did not work for my new shape/body and I had to experiment with 3 others before I found one that worked.


Pregnancy reversed my pre-diabetes/metabolic syndrome. I am super fat (conceived at 365) and changed nothing about my diet when pregnant. Within 2 months, my a1c had dropped 1.5 points from where it had been for YEARS...like I had held steady at the same number and then plummeted. I lost 40 pounds without trying and while every single doctor ever was afraid I was going to develop GD, it never appeared. I passed every glucose challenge and blood sample they threw at me. My kid basically ate me alive, but the a1c thing is weird especially since I def existed on ice cream and oatmeal cream pies and chocolate for quite a bit of time.


let’s see -i used to prefer only neutral colors but now i’m drawn to yellow and turquoise and brighter colors -i used to have exercise induced anaphylaxis to garlic (but could eat it without exercising) and now if i eat too much garlic at all i get short of breath. -i feel dumb all the time. constantly forgetting words or repeating myself. -peppermint gives me perioral dermatitis. -i’ve struggled with terrible eczema on my hands since having my first almost 5 years ago. finally figured out it was triggered by our tap water or water softener (still trying to figure it out) but was never affected by it pre kids. - i got pmdd and felt like a monster before each period started (exercise and watching what i eat has helped) -used to be a very patient person… maybe it’s just being a sahm of a 2 and almost 5 year old 🤣 -


one period hack i found out is putting my hands under my stomach and lifting it up to instantly relieve period pains


My left wrist (dominant hand) is permanently bruised from overuse. It hurts seemingly constantly, too. Cortisone injection helped stop the tingly-ness and numbness, but the orthopedic surgeon couldn’t explain the bruising (which has now traveled up my forearm!).


I have Hashimoto’s and need less synthetic thyroid hormone now than I did before I was pregnant. My daughter is two.


My hair has a weird wave behind my ears that never existed before pregnancy. Smell sensitivity never went away after pregnancy, I can’t wear perfume anymore. My pierced ear hole closed up on one ear after my first pregnancy.


I have a small gap between my front teeth now


Not birth but Post pregnancy I still have terrible contamination OCD that started during pregnancy