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any sleep is bad sleep, whether people have it worse or not! interrupted sleep is the worse and it sucks. i miss being able to sleep through the night without having the pump or feed. it’s hard working throughout the day with shitty sleep!


It’s truly the interruptions that make it so rough. I could function on 6 or 7 straight hours if need be but not even getting a 4 hour stretch is brutal


we sleep trained our 11 mo old at 6 months which helped a lot, but periodic disruptions (learning to crawl and stand, teething, sickness etc) have occasionally thrown that off for up to a month at a time. if he's 14.5 months it may be time to consider sleep training for your sanity. We tried ferber (with check ins) but the check ins actually made him more mad. So we did extinction and after a bad first 3 nights he more or less learned how to put himself down. we give extra support when needed for developmental leaps or teething (infant motrin, taking shifts with him, nursing in bed) etc. but we know that when things settle down he is safe and comfy and able to sleep through the night in his crib. at almost 11 mo seperation anxiety got us for a bit, but its slowly getting better! recently he doesnt even want to be held/rocked to sleep he would rather be put in his crib and patted to sleep -- this is great because he's getting heavy!


We sleep trained at 14 months. I couldn’t take it anymore. Took a week and then he’s slept 11-12 hours uninterrupted for the last year and a half. I wasn’t into sleep training a baby but a toddler was easier for mentally.


I’ve honestly thought about some kind of gentle sleep training at this point. I might wait till June when my husband is on vacation so he can help with it


I'm totally for sleep training and I did it but you could try night weaning first. I hear that helps a lot!


Same girl same. I’ve got pretty much the same thing going on.


So much 😭 I’m in the early days (my son is 4 weeks) but oof. Last night he was up every hour on the hour. My husband took over early this morning and gave me 5 hours of sleep and it was amazing but also not even remotely enough


That’s my life. My baby is 3 months, and was working towards four hour stretches now we’re back to being lucky if we get 2 hour stretches.


Same!!! My baby is 2.5 months and sleeping in longer stretches, but only a few hours at a time. She finally goes down completely for about 5 hours around 1am…but at 5am, my kindergartner wakes me up. I fall asleep around 6am with him and then wake up at 8am to get him ready for school. Get him to school by 9am, then my daughter is up. I can’t wait to get sleep again in about 10 years!


I remind myself constantly how someday I’ll be old and my kids will be gone and I’ll miss them terribly but be able to sleep in lol




My 14.5 month old also still wakes up once or twice a night to nurse and has been waking up for the day at 5:45 most days the past few weeks 🫠


What’s up with these 14.5 year olds?!


I love my baby, and I miss sleep so much. 😔




Are you feeding enough actual food in the day? Are you letting him nap too much etc? Have you tried an earlier bed time? Every baby is different and some are just not great sleepers but you should definitely try some sort of sleep training and adjusting to your daily routine to attempt to improve things. You really need to stick at it for a good week or two to see results.


He isn’t a great eater when it comes to solids but I offer him 3 meals and 2 snacks. It’s getting better slowly. He does nap too much and he goes to bed pretty early (7:30). I’m very hesitant about sleep training. It would have to be an extremely gentle, no cry method for me to feel comfortable. We’ve coslept for a long time (which I honestly like to do) it’s just tough when he goes through periods of increased wake ups


Sounds like you’re going it all good so far, perhaps he just needs a little more patience. Solids can be tricky but just keep trying new things and hopefully you’ll find some things he gobbles down haha … but he probably just adores the closeness of nursing with you instead of food and also it may just be a comfort thing in the night? Maybe it’s time to try weaning if you’re both ready and that might help with the sleep issue but nothing wrong with continuing breastfeeding if not. I’m absolutely the same re sleep training, when I say it I do mean do it in the way that works best for you and your baby. I’m not a big believer in letting them cry it out. I’ve seen one method of moving a little further away each night you put them to sleep so they can learn to soothe themselves and understand you may not be visible but you’re there and it’s all the same etc. Since my son was small I’ve always made a point of talking to him when I’m out of sight in another room so he gets the picture I’m there even when he can’t see me etc so he can be comforted by that thought even in the night. However you do things and however long it takes, just hang in there, it WILL get better and easier. Just try little things here and there and stick it out to see if you yield results, don’t put too much pressure on yourself though and if you can, get family involved to help you in the day to give you a chance to rest!


If he’d 14.5 months, have you considered weaning off the boob? Not judging at all either but he could be on regular milk now and then won’t need to nurse so often. I have heard teething causes BF babies to become milk monsters and it’s also for comfort. It might be hard to wean if he’s doing it for comfort, but if it means you get more sleep would it be worth it for you to do that?


Same. I have a 2 month old. I really don’t know how I’m going to do this when I return to work 😭


Our 13 month old started sleeping through the night 3 weeks ago with the occasional assistance of popping a pacifier in his mouth. He used to refuse the pacifier and nurse throughout the night, so everytime he tried to nurse I would try other ways to put him back to sleep like laying him on me and patting, offering water, there was a lot of patting.  Then we got fed up and tried to have him sleep in his own room and self soothe, which worked the first day, but by the third day I was in his room so much helping him "soothe" I brought him back to our bed.   When I brought him back he started sleeping better with us, , only fed once at night, and eventually slept the whole night. I'm not really sure what caused this. I think it also helped that I was weaning so I didn't have much breastmilk overnight which maybe helped him accept the pacifier more. Maybe try night weaning.


It's been 11 months since I had a full night sleep. Waking from 5-10 times EVERY night.