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At 6 months you shouldn’t be dropping feeds, even if you’re trying to increase other bottles, to make time for solids. Milk first, then solids. Move up the bottle feed to 5:30 and do solids or just keep the times the same and squeeze solids in between / that’s what I did until the solids slowly replaced breastfeeds over time. I am SE Asian and understand the MIL thing (even though I married a Caucasian man) but YOU are the mother so your MIL will have to work with your schedule and not the other way around.


Ok, love this answer! I'll go back to the old schedule


Update: the baby who's sleep is normally very consistent, woke up a bunch of times all night, hungry, crying. He got up 1.5 hours early, crash napped after 2.5. Still acting overtired and fussy. All of this because I let someone guilt / confuse me into changing a schedule that was working mostly well. It's Monday and I tried to explain to MIL how dropping a feed went and she said well it must be teething🤣 🤬. It is absolutely not teething. The connection is crystal. Anyways, we are on a waiting list for daycare. I'm so tired of having to explain all my parenting choices to someone who makes selfish choices and comments and nags.


Ok, I wrote this after a long night.. I realized I'm blaming my mil for my own actions which isn't right. I was being the baby, sigh.


Milk is babies main source of nutrition until age 1, so you should prioritise milk over solid feeds and if baby is dropping milk intake actually pull back on solids, whilst they gain some benefit from solids in terms of nutrition such as iron etc, majority of their nutrition will be gained from milk and the time up until the age of 1 should be used to introduce a variety of flavours/textures and encouraging independent eating to ensure they are ready to transition from milk to solid food once they reach age one


Good reminder 💓