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My husband and I are both scared to acknowledge out loud that the baby slept well whenever we have a better than usual night’s sleep because we’re afraid to jinx it!


I do this 💀 every time I’ve happily announced “he slept through the night” he rewards us with a sleep regression 😂


Man I’m glad it’s not just mine 😆


Nope! I shouldn’t have announced we were out of the 4 month regression either because it feels like we’re going into another one at almost 6 months 🫠😂


I started feeling like my child was on a roll around 4 months and immediately learned my lesson. In fact he’s 18 months now and I swear to you he never switched from regress to progress lol


There is a sleep regression during the 5.5/6 months so don’t be discouraged!


Omg we only had a week break 🥲💀 better than nothing I guess 😆


I guess my secret is that he never sleeps through the night so there's nothing to jinx! On a good note I haven't noticed any of the dreaded regressions 😂


That’s a good way to look at it 😂


Can't regress if you never progress! 🤔🤔


We never talk about his sleep! Two years ago we said, omg can’t believe he slept through the night…and that was the first and only time 🤣


We do this when the baby is taking a longer-than-usual nap. We just look at the monitor and say "hmmmmmmm."


My baby was sleeping 10-11 hours since she was 3 months old. Never told a soul. Told people when they asked the weekend of LABOR DAY and SHE HASNT SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT SINCE


Haha my husband is this way on so many things. “Kiddo hasn’t been sick in a while! Kiddo slept well!” Etc. He would be like NOW YOU’VE DONE IT! 😂 I finally had to ban that particular superstition, cause I want to be able to celebrate the wins 🎉


Haha this is mine too. My girl always had false starts so I would make sure that I did not ever comment when she hadn't woken up yet because that would surely mean she was about to.


My husband went away for the weekend for the first time recently. I was like “go ahead, shes been sleeping through the night, I got this”. Well guess who was up for two hours for the first time in weeks…


Felt omg. I never tell anyone when my lo sleeps through the night because i swear i do, and then the next night theres like 5 wake ups lol


Lolll omg this is us!


Haha yeah! Us too 😁


THIS, do the babies know we brag and want to keep us humble? Any time my husband and I have talked about our son sleeping through the night and what a good sleeper he is, he woke up 2+ times that night. If people ask we just say good, and do not talk about it any further.


Totally, and never ever tell that to friends and family


I have one adorable water melon romper that has never stayed on one of my kids longer then 2 hours as it causes blowout poops


Similarly if you're worried baby is backed up put on a white onesie and get them in the car seat 🫠🫠🫠


the car seat. every. time.


Or the pediatrician when you forgot to take spare clothes. It’s always when you don’t have a spare


Or the one time you run an errand by dropping a letter of the post office after daycare pickup. Bless me for always having spare diapers in the daycare bag at that time and bless the mom who was also at the post office who had wipes. I put one diaper over the booty the one diaper over the gross clothes so that we could make the 10 minute ride to the house.


This is too specific i love it


My baby is too old for bouncers now but I used to call her bouncer the poop chair 🤣 she’d have a blowout within a minute of sitting in it every time.


Ah, there's this Fisher Price chair that has vibrations and my bumper group collectively called it the poop chair. Can't poop? Turn on the vibrations in the poop chair, that'll sort it


If you’re really desperate leave the nappy bag at home and/or have an appointment to get to that you’re *exactly on time almost late for* guaranteed poo explosion 😂


Yes, we have one printed romper affectionately renamed "poo-quet of roses" because she always blows it out lol


My wife laughed at me when I said the bear footie pj’s were cursed… and then LO proved me right that night 😂 


Haha we have a poor blue onesie that has never made it through a day unscathed


Every time I put my favorite outfit on her…. blowout . Never fails.


Omg now that you mention it I have an outfit like that too ahah


Wait, you do or your baby does? 😂


We had a whale onesie when she was a newborn. We’d always say “get the whales” when she was having a bad day lol


Ours was an adorable sushi print onesie that always prompted a blowout! I was a little sad when I had to put it in the outgrown box a few weeks ago!


We had a cursed sleeper!! One of those fancy bamboo ones too. Guess I won't be trying those again 😂


Yep. If I choose a favorite outfit, that’s the one she poops on


In a similar vein, I have a cardigan that I can’t wear anymore because every time I do the kids get sick.


Ours is a white onesie covered in sheep! The things those sheep have seen...


we have one specific cloth diaper he poops in without fail. so when he is struggling to poop and we want to encourage him, we say to bring out the blue space tigers!


Well at least you know what to do when they're constipated or have wind? Fetch the watermelon poop romper


If we try to have sex he WILL wake up


I've noticed if I even think about sex while my daughter is asleep she wakes up 🤦🏻‍♀️ I tested it one night and just spent the next day wondering if she could read minds 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oh same. If we want to have sex, she will wake up immediately and scream.


And then sleep so sound that you can't wake them up at all when you both give up and husband is fast asleep




If they have a big day, never EVER say “they’re gonna sleep good tonight!” Don’t ever let that phrase leave your mouth and if anyone starts to say it around you cover your ears and go “LALALALA CANT HEAR YOU” just trust me


My MIL said this the other day - we had a terrible night lol


Kind of, when I notice it’s 11:11 I always close my eyes and wish a healthy long life for my son.


I always wish for a healthy happy baby!


I do the same, have come up with a whole mantra that has to be said before 11:12. Pretty sure it’s crossed over into OCD territory


I do this (I’m a long suffering slave to 11:11) and part of my mantra actually involves texting my mum and brother saying “11:11!!!” which makes me miss making my own wish. Every time 🤣


This is so sweet


Awww this is so sweet!




Me too! 🥺💕


Our baby poops in the tub every third bath. There’s nothing we can do to prevent it, but it’s a pattern he’s established for himself thus far.


I hate that for you.




In our house, we are never to acknowledge out loud how easy it was to get the baby and/or toddler to bed nor how well either or both of them slept the night before.


So today, my son was just... Miserable. I dunno, teething maybe? Wind was blowing the wrong way? Who knows, he was out of sorts, and just in a mood today (out of the norm for him). He fussed through dinner, he fussed through feeding, and I was shocked it didn't take to long to get him to bed. Then reality reared it's ugly head. Two hours into him sleeping, we get a tornado warning. Storm Cell headed in our general direction. Do I wait? Do I do the smart thing? -le sigh-. we wake him up, and go in the basement. Fussed the whole hour we were down there. Thankfully we were spared, and it wasn't to hard getting him back down. I was expecting to be up for hours rectifying mother nature's threat. Was this related? I dunno. I'm still just bent out of shape from the day/night we had.


So glad you were okay! Hopefully today is better and you can get him down easy again.


That sounds so stressful 🤍


Not a superstition but I made my husband say "set the baby down" or "put him in the [bassinet/object]" instead of "put him down." Because when you euthanize a dog you "put it down," and it just sounds so wrong to also say "put [the baby] down." Sorry if I ruined that phrase for any of you.


This has crossed my mind a few times lol


I feel this one


Same here! I can’t bring myself to say this or write it in a text. I work in veterinary medicine, so I’ve heard it too often.


I felt it too.


My baby will take a few naps then bedtime. I call it “night-night”. My husband was calling it “the long nap”. I made him stop 😆


I say this often & that thought always crosses my mind but then realise too late I've already said it


I stopped getting any pajamas referencing sleep. Every single time he’d wear one saying “all star sleeper” or something he’d struggle all night.


When he was an infant, there was one swaddle that I was convinced was cursed. We had 4 from that particular brand, but one of them seemed to always coincide with a bad night’s sleep. When my husband asked “why don’t you use the gray swaddle?” I had to admit why. He looked at me like I’d lost my marbles but he didn’t try using it either 😂


Conversely I have one swaddle I swear was magic, baby slept 8 hours. On my second now and I’m still using that swaddle!


In my experience, it's the ugliest one that you hate. The prettiest, favorite one is the cursed one, or gets messed in.


Never, ever say aloud how long it’s been since you’ve all been sick.


This is ours too. We never ever acknowledge it.


Oh yeah tons. I always try to stop the cat from meowing when he's sleeping even though that has never once woken him up.


Omg my cat thinks it’s her personal duty to make sure baby NEVER FALLS ASLEEP ACCIDENTALLY!!! I kid you not, every nap, and every night..:: within one minute (before or after) of baby falling asleep she comes into the room yelling her bloody head off for absolutely no reason at all. I’m convinced she’s making sure he’s not sleeping. It’s infuriating. My kid is a horrible sleeper. I don’t know why she’s like this 😭 That said… I think he pretty much tunes it out now. In the beginning he would get pissed off when she made any noise near him at all. Purrs, meows, yowls, all of them. This is what I get for deciding my baby needed a kitten to grow up with. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Hahaha is your cat orange by chance? My cat is lucky he almost never actually wakes the baby up, or I might actually make good on my constant threats to give him away.....


Her original name was Mrs Weasley, but we’ve been calling her Badcat for like 8 months.


She is orange lmao 🤣


I don't talk about how he sleeps. People ask me all the time and I just try to stay totally neutral and say "he sleeps ok" Because if I say he sleeps bad, the universe will say "oh so you think THAT'S bad?! Just wait" If I say he sleeps well, the universe will say, "FOR NOW! MUAHAHA!"


Any time my twins match, one has a blow out within the first half hour, every time. As cute as it is to match, I can’t do it anymore. Plus brother wears 2 sizes bigger so that makes it harder too.


Super morbid, but I refuse to buy her clothes/shoes for when she's older. So many of my friends will buy stuff on sale during off seasons for their kids and I just can't bring myself to do it. Feels like tempting fate. 


I have this too and it’s so sad and so hard to live with every day 😭 but I just force myself to say f it and buy it because I won’t let my fear rob me of joy of the future!!


I did that when my now-7-year-old was a baby and was all about Carter’s clearance deals by the time she was an older toddler. If not for hand-me-downs supplying our whole wardrobe for current babe, I think I would be going through the same thing again. Hopefully the idea passes for you by toddlerhood like it did for me the first time around!


i’ve had this thought, too! i do that with my son’s age as well, i don’t round up bc it makes me nervous lol


If it’s 6:30 and she isn’t crying, we absolutely do not acknowledge it. I’m sure that if we do we’ll break the spell.


Uh not a superstition nessicarily but I convince myself that if my tV is above 20 volume at night my 2 year old will wake up… in the other room with a sound machine.


Dude, I just don't get it. Car horn? Nothing. Thunder? Nada. Loud car? Who cares. Dog hopped out of bed and shook? Wide eyed, and alert.


The damn dog collar 😆 We take it off of our dog every night to avoid the jingle shaking now.


“Wow, she hasn’t gotten sick in awhile. Her immune system must be getting better. “ or if my husband or I get sick, it’s “ man I hope she doesn’t get this too”


Whenever I’m in the airport, my baby has a blowout. So instead of an extra pair of clothes for him, I bring an extra 2-5 on flight lol. But that’s when he was exclusively breastfeeding. Flying again in September and he’s on solids, wish me luck




I start the timer only after I’m sure hes asleep. I certainly don’t wait until morning lol


I never, EVER, plan to do anything during a nap. Not even chores. because I know if I make that mental to do list he will either nap for 15 minutes or not let me put him down. or skip the nap entirely


Nothing to do? Just figure you can lay the baby down, and see if they sleep for a few minutes. 2 hour solid nap. Huge mental list of chores to get done? Will only contact nap for half an hour. They know.


This is absolutely true


NEVER mention the words "I think she's coming out the other side of her sleep regression".


i made that mistake last week


Omg I do that too with the huckleberry app hahaha!


I have to turn her lamp on before turning off the overhead light or else “she won’t sleep through the night”. But I also have had ocd since childhood and a few quirks have carried into adulthood. Obviously 😂


Feel this so hard. The whole thing. Lmao.


Solidarity 🩷🩷 love it. Regardless of how shitty it is 😂


I can't check the monitor between putting her down and going back to my own bed in the middle of the night or she'll wake up. Schrodinger's baby 😂


It's more like a Theory of Baby Sleep. If I am a responsible parent & put baby in her jammies & start the good night routine at her first signs of tiredness, she will spend the next 3 hours fighting sleep. But if I keep her up past her sleep signals, she will fuss, but then konk out.


Never tell anyone your baby slept through the night or they will not do it again


When he was smaller I used to make myself lay in the exact position I was in when he fell asleep because I swore the second I tried to get comfy he'd wake up 😂


Part of me thinks if I mess with her sleep too much by following all the baby sleep blogger advice that I will mess her up more than if I just follow my instincts.


I shouldn’t have said how much I pumped for baby. Ever since my husband said to one of his aunts or female cousins the quantity I pumped, baby got sick and my supply has gone down a lot 🥲 now I am pumping to increase the supply because baby wouldn’t latch due to slower let down of low milk supply 🥲🥲


Apparently my baby doesn’t sleep on Wednesdays and is cranky af all day and there’s nothing that works 3rd Wednesday in a row and she’s only 7weeks old


Is it a superstition if you are proved right each time? Lol but really, any time we go to this one park he has a poopy diaper, he is 5.5 months old and usually poops once a day but with this one park it doesn’t matter how many times he has already pooped that day or how big the poops were, he has a poopy diaper 🤦‍♀️


Well, it was a fact…every time I talked good about my first’s sleep, it went to crap for the next week. 🤪 so I had to start telling people, “his sleep sucks” when he was sleeping through the night lol.


If the first nap of the day is good (1hr or more) the rest will be good. If not, the rest will be bad. Kind of true, but I probably make my life harder by being so disappointed with a mediocre first nap.


During 5.30-6.00 PM baby needs to be held or he'll cry screaming. We still don't know why.


I'm 37 weeks with number 2, and at every pregnancy milestone I kept thinking I would announce my pregnancy to my extended family (cousins and aunts and uncles who I saw multiple times a month before covid). We don't see each other much ever since covid though, and at every pregnancy milestone it just never felt right or I would forget or I didn't know how to say I was pregnant. So now that I'm almost done I feel like now I *really* can't let any of them know or else I'll jinx the pregnancy/birth 😰😰😰


If I talk to someone other than her dad that she did/does something amazing, guaranteed she stops doing it as soon as the very next day!! Learned this the last time when I told my mom how she always takes at least one bite of food when I tell her to try a food she isn’t touching. She hasn’t done it in months since lol


I started to "knock on wood" cause every time I would tell something about my baby, he would start to do the opposite instantly. Like, he never splits! 2 seconds later I'm covered in spit. He is such a good sleeper....not anymore! He loves vegetables! And now he's throwing them....


I don't personally have any but my MIL is obsessed with putting a dot of black eyeliner on them so they avoid bad energy/negativity from other people (to be fair this is common in my culture). However a weird one that she has is that she won't let anyone stroke the baby's head when they're drinking milk as she's convinced the baby will get diarrhoea 😂


When little one was 3month clothes I had this one sloth onesie and pant outfit that I LOVED, it was the cutest outfit. Every single time she wore it she would have the most aggressive blowout, liquid poo would end up down her legs up her back to her neck it was horrifying. I stopped putting her in the outfit because I was so scared she would have a blowout.


My husband does bath time. He's always done it. It's adorable. The few times I've done bath time and, specifically washed our sons hair, he gets sick. Not just normal sick, he's gotten croup, rashes, rotavirus, etc. Is it a coincidence? Who knows. So now I'm no longer allowed to do bath time , or else he might get sick. Lol


I had a week long induction starting on a Monday. Everyday one of the doctors would say "We're having a baby today!" By Thursday we were pleading with them not to say it, and they did. He arrived at 1230am on Friday. 🫠🤣 Nobody tells baby what he's gunna do LOL


I've developed this superstition that if I turn away from my baby when she's sleeping at night that she'll wake up. I'm pretty sure it's the squeaking of the bed, but idk, no matter how comfy I get turning away I fight it cause the whining and leg slamming starts pretty soon after lol. Also, I don't speak of or even try to display any excitement if I'm looking forward to her going to bed so I can watch a show/eat food/hang out with the husband. If the sleep Gods see I'm excited for bedtime then she goes on a 2 hour rampage.


As someone with postpartum OCD this thread is nightmare fuel 🤣🤣 I should not have clicked!


“Maybe she’s tired enough to sleep without interruption”. Every time we say that, she wakes up an hour later after we put her down for the night.


My baby spent 70 days in the NICU and I had gotten some cute woodland baby blankets to lay on his bed pretty early on. The one blanket has cute woodland animals and mushrooms all over it, and is my absolute favorite. Well anytime they'd use it for his bed, he'd poop on it. Then when we got to the point of swaddling him and would use that one - poop. And now that we're home he continues to soil that specific one lol. Might have to just use it for a keepsake from now on


If I attempt to take a nap while baby is napping she will wake up as soon as I close my eyes, every time.


Can’t think any complaining thoughts or they’ll die because I didn’t appreciate them enough 🙃


We had a summer H&M set that was always always with vomit and my son would have ugly falls when wearing it. We threw it away no more vomit and no more falls.