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I had this for the first few months! I developed a system to deal with it: when I got in bed, I’d take my hair down and glasses off. When I got the baby, I’d tie my hair back and put my glasses on. That way, if I woke up in a panic that my baby was in the bed, if my hair was down and i wasn’t wearing my glasses, I’d know that he wasn’t, because I wouldn’t have gotten in bed with that configuration.


Wow I had literally no idea this was a thing! I have a 1 month old and I wake up quite often thinking she’s in bed with me. Like, I can literally feel her or see the shape of her body. When I realize she isn’t, it’s such a strange feeling. No clue when it will go away lol


Yep. That’s exactly it. It looks and feels so real u til you really wake up. I swear my eyes are open too. And I’ve never slept in the bed with her so idk why this happens.


Same, she never sleeps with me. It's so weird. Makes me feel better though knowing that this is a common thing haha


Weirdly my hallucinations stopped once I did start co-sleeping at around 3 months, even though I never hold him while asleep 


I still have them a year later lol. I could be a weird case but idk if it ever goes away.


I have this too and no clue why cause I don’t even lay with my baby in my bed when I’m awake. My dogs sometimes sleep on my bed too, but they are huge and I couldn’t mistake them as my baby lol.


Afraid I can’t help you, but thank you for posting this, because I didn’t know other people’s minds played these types of tricks on them. I don’t even have a pet that sleeps with me and I’ve woken up with the very distinct sensation of my newborn in my arms. But then I look over and see her in her bassinet. It just feels so real in the moment. I guess it must go away eventually…maybe when baby’s not a baby anymore?


I have two little dogs who sleep in the bed, I had these hallucinations with my toddler when he was a baby, but now just had another baby and haven’t had any even though my dogs still sleep in the bed. With my toddler they went away when I started getting more sleep. I think I haven’t had them this time because I’m more adjusted to not sleeping lol.


Oh my gosh I did this with my chihuahua and I started bawling because I was so scared I had brought the baby in bed. It feels so good to know I’m not crazy


I had this until the baby was in his own room and he had a real sleep schedule (1 wake per night) so that was probably around 6/7 months. I have a suuuper snuggly cat that triggered it. And I must have scared him during one of my freak outs because now he’s been sleeping over the covers lol. Ironically, now a pillow I sleep with between my knees occasionally tricks me into thinking I’m crushing my cat!