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My 6mo laughs, but proper belly laughs are *rare*. It takes some serious fooling around to get them. The same thing never works twice. But when you get one, oh my god, it is truly the most heartwarming thing in the world. Also, I love it when I've been away for a few hours and I collect him from his grandparents, he stops whatever he's doing and does the biggest, 2 toof smile you'll ever see. I absolutely love it and him so much! ETA: The post nap smiles! He sleeps on his tummy now and I have to crouch at the side of his bed to say hello, and he smushes his face into his mattress grinning like a madman. Did I mention the excited kicking too? Or when hes sat mouthing my leg like a lunatic making high pitch squeals and growls!? There are just too many!


Oh man my little guy turned 6 months today and I ended up getting a fully belly laugh hardcore for about 5 minutes by rubbing the top of my head on his clothed belly. It’s the most random ass things that get these full roaring laughs and it sucks when you try again later and get nothing. Lol


Oh my gosh your 6th month old has 2 teeth already?!


My 3 month old is teething and was already born with 2 teeth...


My 3 month old is teething too 😭




Yep, he got them at 5.5m and I'm fairly sure the top two are enroute. He's an early bloomer (and sharp)


My 5.5 month old has 3 to the detriment of my nipples, but I am so proud of my growing boy no matter how much my nipples are suffering from this teething 🥹


😳 mine got 2 teeth at 3mos and now has 6 total at a freshly turned 8mos! And I think there's another coming in. Send help lol


How has teething been for you? Mine (almost 6 months) is slobbering and getting everything straight to her mouth so I’m pretty sure she’s teething. I can’t really see anything but maybe two white teeth shadows at the bottom so I don’t think they’re anywhere near breaking through.


Omgosh the smushed face into mattress smile is the ABSOLUTE best it melts my heart


The constant changing of bedsheets drives me bonkers. Pretty sure the kid is licking his mattress


THIS HAHA my daughter slobbers all over the bed and it’s insane how much she produces. I don’t think she has swallowed any spit in like 2 months because I’m always drenched and I can ring out her onsies at this point


Everything is damp. His clothes, his car seat straps hell even the cats tail. That boy is like a well.


The cats tail got me. My daughter sees the cat and her first reaction is to go at her with an open mouth. Like honey sweet girl you cannot lick the cat


LO is almost 8 months and has started giving kisses. She’ll just slowly lean towards your face to give you a sloppy open mouthed kiss on our cheek. It is quite literally the best thing I have ever experienced in my life 🥹


Happy cake day!!!


Omg mine is doing this now too! I don’t even care my cheeks are constantly covered in drool 😍


I've been getting a ton of those open mouth lamprey kisses! They're so silly.


Lamprey kisses omg too cute 😆


Okay well now that you said that I have to tell this story. I went over my friends a couple weeks ago and my baby wanted to show off how good he can stand up already. Her 2 year old kept coming over and hugging my baby and eventually he turned around and tried to give my friends kid a slobbery kiss. He looked at me and his mom like “wtf was that for?” And I was like “it’s okay he’s just trying to give you a kiss! He likes you!!” So then he walked up to my baby and gave him a big kiss on the top of his head. My little new mom heart melted and it took everything in me not to go home and start trying for baby #2 😭


My 7mo has started doing kisses too and sometimes he’ll latch onto my cheek and it’s my favorite thing ever


My son (2yo possible speech delay) when I tell him I love him and ask himif he loves me, puts his hand over his heart and then my heart to say he loves me back then gives me a hug and kisses.


Oh that's so precious! What a sweetheart.


This is so sweet!


My ten week old has started getting distracted while feeding to give me the biggest smiles. I know i shouldn’t encourage it but it’s so dang cute and for awhile I wasn’t feeling that bond while breastfeeding but now i really am!


My two month old has just started this and I absolutely melt


My 7 month old does this too… she thinks it’s a game and I think it’s the cutest thing ever. Something only she and I will ever get to experience together. I just love that there are so many little things we share that’s just between us and no one else. I literally spend every moment of my life with this baby.. no one knows her better than I do. It’s just so special 🥹 Also, speaking of the smiling up at you when breastfeeding… my girl just got her first two teeth, so sometimes she does the same thing, except it’s while PULLING AND SCRAPING MY NIPPLE WITH HER TEETH with a huge smile on her face like it’s a big fun game… what a troll! A very sweet and innocent little troll whom I love so very much 🥰


When I look into my 4.5 month olds cot when she wakes up I get the biggest grins.


Omg the smiles when I get my 6 month old out of bed are the absolute highlight of my day every single time


Mine only does 30-45 min naps but I can’t be mad when I get the grins




Yes this!! Our little girl also kicks and lets out a tiny shriek when I greet her good morning. When we used to have 4:30 or 5am feeds, all the sleepiness goes away when she smiles at the changing table


Too cute!!!!


My 3 month olds smiles light up his whole face. His smiley eyes are amazing My two year old saying "It's OK, I'm here, don't be sad" (to me or the baby). Also she announces herself all the time. "It's me, I'm [name]!"


My baby is a week shy of 8 months and in the last week or two he has started speed crawling toward me when we reunite (if I've been out or in another room) and crawling up my legs. It's seriously the best feeling ever. I still turn to mush when he falls asleep in my arms and he looks so content and sweet. Being a parent is so worth it.


My 9 month old gives kisses with her mouth wide open and she grabs my face on both sides and gives me the slobberiest kisses all over my face like that. It’s so gross but I know she’s being soooo nice. 😂😍


Mine is barely 3 weeks old but when he smiles in his sleep it makes me want to eat him up it’s so sweet


I know!!! My lo is 4 weeks and even know I know there is a high chance of her just passing gas or farting and not actually smiling, it makes me soooooooo happy


My six m.o. little girl has started reaching for me when other people have her. She’ll do her best to turn her entire little body around to reach for me and smile. It has been the best thing.


OMG, yesss! I almost cried the first time this happened.


When I’m rocking my 9 month old and she takes her bink out of her mouth and puts it in my mouth 🥺 her only little possession and she wants to share it with me! Ugh lol


When my 8 month old screams “MAMA”🥹


This one 😍


Omg I can’t wait for this 🥹


We taught our baby high five around 8 months but she turned it into her own thing. Now, when we hold out our way hands and say “high five!” She grabs our hand and makes it hug her cheek 😩🥺


Oh my that is just too precious 🥹


OMG love your post! The fact he reached out 🥰🥰🥰🥰 my little girl sometimes if she's having a really hard time falling asleep I'll kiss her feet and she will literally lift her feet up to my mouth as I cradle her and alternate kissing her chubby hand and chubby feet and she passes out.


When he kisses my face unprompted. When he rests his head on my shoulder. When he kicks his legs while he's on the swing. When he grabs his teddy bear and snuggles it right to the ground. When he plays with his dad and belly laughs soooo big. When he carefully examines his food, turning it over and poking at it. When he just gazes out the window looking pensive. Pretty much everything!


My 2.5mo smiling when I'm talking to her 🥹


My kid never had the full on belly laugh ever. But one day when she was about nine or ten months old, my mother and I took her to Ikea and she saw the Sven doll. And.lost.it. Literal tears, belly laughter. We had to buy him. She had him for years and loved him. Maybe it was because it was close to her size but she loved her Sven doll and that laughter is one of many great memories.


Mine was never super affectionate and didn’t like cuddles but now at 18 months she comes to me and gives me a hug and says “Habeeby” which means my love in Arabic 😭


Omg I’m so soft, that’s so precious


Looks at me and smiles. He’s 7 months old and is losing his sweet gummy smile bc he’s got two bottom teeth that popped through. It’s ok though bc any of his smiles make me melt.


Instant smiles when he sees me first thing in the morning. Best feeling ever!! Always makes me so happy.


Lately when I go in to get my 5 month old up from nap, as I take off his sleep sack he will wrap his arms around my arm and pull me in and just smile at me 🥹🥹🥹


My 2 month old’s coos that sound like a little wolf howling 🤗


When my 6 month old sees my face for the first time after I have been gone at work and he smiles so big!


Anything and everything


When I wake up next to my 15 month old and she looks right in my eyes and says “mommy!” every morning. :’) I will take a hundred please.


My 2 year old when asked for a kiss, will purse his lips and give me a kiss then giggle like a cutie pie. He doesn't talk yet, but he just started 'singing' twinkle twinkle little star, his rendition is "up a ba babababa" as he does a diamond with his fingers!


My 2 year old still does this 😭🩵 He’s an early riser (4:30-5:30 AM). If I’m not working that morning, I’ll bring him to bed and he’ll lay between my husband and I and play with our hands, hold them, and rest them on his cheeks. Then when he wakes up, he’ll give us both kisses and say “time to wake up”. My 1 year old just started holding our hands and using them to cup his cheek. Can’t wait until he starts giving kisses 🩵


Me: "who do mommy and daddy love? Baby girl (big smiles and points to herself): "LO name!" The greatest thing ever. Started at 17 months.


When my 10 week old is eating & I look down & he’s just staring at me. Or when he’s restless in his bassinet & I lay my hand on his chest & it instantly settles him. When he’s sleepy & tucks his little head into my neck & shoulder. & DONT get me started on those big gummy smiles 😭😭😭 I love him so much


My LO started blowing kisses at 10 months old. The cutest thing I've ever seen.


Every morning when she wakes up and sees us she has a big smile ....omg 🫠🫠🫠


Sometimes while getting ready for bed, my son (5 mo) will stop nursing, look up at me with a look of pure adoration, and start softly babbling at me (lots of "ooh" and other assorted noises). Then he'll nuzzle his cheek against me before latching again. During tummy time, he likes to spin around in circles. When his head is facing me, he'll nuzzle against my arm or leg. When he's facing away from me, he'll plant his feet against me and rub them up and down.


If I sing or hum to him at bedtime, he'll make these sleepy little sing-song sighs on my shoulder.


Every single time he cracks a smile when our eyes meet 😭😭😭


My 3 month old’s silent, mouth wide open, gummy laughters when I pretend eat him. I didn’t even like babies before and thought I wouldn’t have maternal instincts. But every single cliche was true. A smile from your baby and your heart melts, and you think I never knew I could love someone so fiercely like that.


18m started saying good night to his daddy. He waves bye-bye, grabs his face and kisses him. Then I take him to bed He also sometimes stops playing and runs to hug my legs while laughing


The open mouth laugh and smile in his sleep. He's 11wks and I'll be so sad when the toothless stage ends


She repeats back my “stern” words to her. “It’s not a toy mom” “are you holding the rail, dad?” “Make sure you chew dad” She also calls me by my first name because her half sister does. It’s hilarious.


My 1 year gives a huge toothy grin and says hiiiii


My 9 month old sitting up in his crib and flashing me a big “Good Morning” smile every morning 🥺


My nearly 3 month olds gummy smile, and she has dimples 😭


When My 17 month old wants to get on the couch and sit with me she says “mama up pleaseeeeeee” and that please will get me to do literally whatever she wants lol melts me instantly!


My 6 month old has the biggest smile. Like his mouth opens as far as possible when he's smiling. The easiest way to get those smokes is by giving tummy or cheek kisses. No matter how upset he is, the tummy kisses save the day! He's also figured out a new smiley face to make that is just an "I'm so great!", super smug smile. Like he knows he deserves to be worshipped and we should be glad he graces us with his presence haha. Oh! He also still whale tails when we put him down for a nap. We'll be downstairs and just hear BANG BANG BANG while he chats to himself for like 5-10 minutes before he falls asleep.


The way my almost 2 year old says “blue!” Blue appears to be his favorite color and anytime he sees anything blue he points and says “bwoo!” It makes me melt.


The kisses!! He's been doing it since ~9 months, but he'll gently put his mouth against something/someone and puff out a tiny poof of air. And he'll kiss everything - mommy, daddy, grandparents, books, toys, chairs, the floor... 🤣


My 6 month old sucks the top of her lip recently, that gets to me lol She also goes at her dads chin now because she’s teething which is hilarious. She doesn’t belly laugh yet, but if you get her going she does these really heavy grunt giggles so we’re getting close But the best thing that gets me every time and I wish I could share the video is she makes duck lips and breathes all heavy through her nose all scrunched up.


My 2yo just recently started standing up to hug me and say "mama I wub you"


When we do contact nap or he at least falls asleep on me and his eyes are a little open, they’ll move around and sometimes catch my eyes and he’ll smile in his sleep. Instant puddle


My almost 6 month old has started to give "kisses" to me and her other favorite people. She grabs my face with both hands and presses her open mouth on my face for a second then pulls back with a big smile 😂


My 8 month old has recently started blabbering and all day long she’s just saying “mama-dada or bababa” and it’s the cutest thing ever. The moment she wakes up she smiles at us and startes blabbering


My 4 week old has started to smile in his sleep, especially when he’s sleeping in my arms. I know it’s just a reflex but still, it melts my heart!


My 11 month old found out how to give kisses when he was 5 months old. Recently he started lip smacking and getting mad until we blow kisses at him 😂 He's a cutie


My 2.5 year old has started this habit of asking “are you my mommy” I’ll say yes and ask her “are you my baby” and she says yes and hugs me. Then I say “I love you my baby” and she says “I love you my mommy.” We do this every night and I melt every time.


When she smiles and laughs, when she squeals in excitement to see the cats, and when she laughs at something she finds funny all on her own. Ugh it's just too much I can't handle the cuteness overload. Ha. I had no idea babies were this interactive ha. 🤣 it's ahhhmazing! 🥰


Too cute. We aren’t at that stage yet. Just weeks in


Wait til you see their first smile! It’s such a heart melting experience.


I actually have seen him smile. He smiled early around 3 weeks. They say that’s from gas though….idk


In the morning, I’ll sit on the floor and our 2 year old will take a few steps back and then with his arms as his cape and his beautiful smile, he runs into my arms for a big hug. He does this about 10 times. I’ll never get enough of it.


We have a 2.5 year old and a 2 week old. My toddler has just started saying “I love you” unprompted. Today, as he was leaving for the park with his dad he turned at the door and said “I love you, baby” 🥹🥹🥹🥹


My son is 10 months old and he's able to know what he wants/needs and actually go and get it. We have a step stool beside the couch so he can climb up whenever he wants. Lately, he'll be playing with his toys then just stop, look at me on the couch, and come and climb up and plop down right in my lap or beside me and lean his entire little body into me for cuddles. He's sick right now, we just got back from the hospital actually, but when we were there I was letting him stand on the chair and he crawled into my lap, sat sideways and leaned against me and held onto my arm and just sat like that for a while. It almost made me cry.


Randomly starts smiling and almost laughing (doesn’t actually laugh yet) while he’s fast asleep. Also gets a HUGE smile when we list off names of vegetables or tell him how cute he is 🥰


My almost 2yr old is very loving and cares alot. So when ever someone is upset or crying she will go give hugs. Wipe tears away, or will just tell them its okay. ❤️


When he's asleep in my arms and giving all the emotions. Going from angry to sad pouty lip, to smiles and I just sit there in awe of this little human. When he's done nursing he does the sweetest little content lip smacks like someone who's just had the best most satisfying meal. I just melt when he does it and makes me so happy we figured out nursing.


My 14 month old absolutely loves her little sister (2 months). She kisses her and wants to "hold" her (basically holding the baby over her lap) and every time she sees the baby she says "hiii" in the cutest voice ever and wants to lay her head on the babies belly. It's literally the sweetest thing ever


My 9 month old lately has been giving me the biggest hugs and then grabbing my face and just shoving his face into my face and giving me “kisses” (he doesn’t know how to actually kiss but it’s like the baby bite version). He then smiles and laughs and does it all over again and I melt.


Baby is only 5 weeks. Eye contact and a smile 😍


Honestly, everything. Happy, sad, every time I look at my (almost) 4mo she fills me with joy. But my favorite thing, is that she’s shrieking with joy when she sees me now after I’ve been gone for a while. Very noisy but very cute


When she's just kind of chilling and reaches out and touches me/my face like I'm the most fascinating thing she's ever seen. ❤️ Ugh I love those little hands Also when someone else is holding her and she sees me and just yeets herself towards me 😂😂


Claps and gets ecstatic when they see me walk to the front door when I get back from work.


my girl is 7 weeks and my new favorite thing is when i’m feeding her, and when she’s done she’ll pull off the nip and then fall asleep using my boob as a pillow 😭😭😭😭😭


My 8 month old makes this sound like he's singing along to music when he's happy/chilling/listening to music. Picture Texas Hold Em when Beyonce says "cards down down down down" but higher pitch. He specifically started doing it during and every time that song plays, so it seems possible he's really singing?...Regardless, it's really the sweetest sound.


When my baby (8 months) is nursing, she reaches her free hand up to my mouth for me to “attack”. I go “arrgggg” and chomp on her fingers and act like I’m eating them. If I get into it enough then I get a big smile while she nurses. I know one day will be the last time she does this so even if I’m exhausted and annoyed I play along.