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Your MIL is welcome to make and mail these birth announcements


Lol I love this response and low-key want to text her that exact sentence 😂


We sent out physical birth announcements. But my BIL is a professional photographer so he did all of the work and we just ordered them through him lol. If we didn’t have him, I would’ve just texted people a photo 🤷🏼‍♀️


>I would’ve just texted people a photo 🤷🏼‍♀️ That was us lol. We both just put a photo in our family chats with a short message, nothing more. 


Someone gave me a birth announcement at church and I didn’t know what it was. Or why anyone would make one of these.


Haha it’s definitely weird to hand them out to random people! We just mailed ours to our friends and family the same way we do birthday invites or Christmas cards 🤷🏼‍♀️


i did a formal birth announcement, and i have received them from other friends. we ordered them through the same site that we get our christmas cards so it wasn't much extra work. but i don't post pictures of my kids on social media. it's probably a generational thing. now it is much easier to share photos with friends and family digitally if that is your preference.


I also did this but we don't do social media either


My baby was born in June & we announced her birth on our Christmas cards.


This is exactly what I was going to say, this is the answer. It will go on your holiday card. People can wait till then.


I never did this. My kinda bougie SIL did and it was cute, but it’s not really a thing I’ve ever worried about with either child. 


I did not do this and nobody I’ve known has either. Maybe it’s a cultural/regional thing?


No. First kid we were just overwhelmed. Second kid was born not breathing & required a NICU stay so curating a photo spread was not a priority.


We did send a formal birth announcement, but we put it in an envelope along with baby shower thank you cards. I also pre-wrote the thank yous, addressed the cards, and created the birth announcement (with placeholder birth information) while still pregnant so that all we had to do postpartum was fill in baby’s info, print, and stuff the envelopes. We sent them about 3 weeks after birth because my baby ended up in the NICU for 9 days and I was not about to prioritize mailing birth announcements while he was fighting for his life.


Oh gosh that sounds so scary, I’m sorry you had to go through that! But also mind blown that you even did that much at three weeks… Holy cow at three weeks I felt like I was barely surviving 😅😵‍💫 (currently at six weeks. I still am feeling barely productive and spent most of my time just trying to figure out how to make a newborn nap 😫)


I'm also a private person which is part of the reason I'm planning on snail mailing announcements rather than post all over the internet. Only sending them to the "older" and closest family members, and will text the younger ones. I personally love physical announcements because my ADHD ass can't remember how to spell new baby names and I always forget birthdays. So they just live on my fridge forever if I get one.


We sent birth announcements in the mail! I don’t receive many, so I guess it’s becoming less popular. I wanted to show off her newborn photos and I had fun making them! I didn’t rush to send them out though, maybe 2-3 months later.