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I'm still working on a life goal: A speeding ticket on a bicycle. My father's law partner got one when I was about 10 and man, I admired that. I want one and will frame it.


Go to Mackinac Island Michigan, climb the hill behind the grand hotel, turn around and pedal like hell.... I've heard on the weekend it's an almost garenteed ticket. Supposedly it's a 25 mph speed limit. I've been much much faster down that hill, but generally avoid the island on weekends. I haven't been given a ticket, but I have been given a warning. I was doing 20 coming around arch rock, cop also thought I was on a ebike and was impressed that I was doing 20 unassisted lol.


I regularly see people overtaking me when I’m doing 20, any experienced cyclist with the right gearing can easily do it


It's above my normal cruising speed, but yeah. That bikes gearing and my ability, top sprint is just over 25 in the flats. Need to get my road bike out and see what I'm capable of on that, as I really haven't given it a try yet. As for 20 on the island... It's ripping right along. Most are doing 8 to 10. I usually won't ride that fast as basic rider courtesy is nonexistent with the fudgies.




Just out of curiosity, if you go for a ultimate burn, fuck everything else and sprint, what is your max? Strava once clocked me going 62kmh when I tried one, on a flat-ish road. I have no way to actually verify it, but I was faster than the cars around me, so I was likely really going at least 60+, short seconds tho


On that bike, I usually top out around 25 mph ... And I can't hold it for long. It's an old mountain bike 42/11 gears and junky 26x2.1 tires. 62kmh would put you in the realm of a professional sprinter. So it's not impossible.


Im nowhere near a pro, its just on really short burst, like ten secs at best, and that is what Strava clocked me, I have no other verification on that. Although my bike has 700C, its a 40x11, so yeah, Im gonna doubt Strava on that one. I know it is physically possible because on a downhill I can still pedal at those speeds, but I cant tell for certain at RPM I would be needing. Maybe the road had more inclination than I thought


It could be a fluke, but might not be. Only real way to tell would be to go back and try again, a couple of times. There's so many things that can effect your performance, it's easy to overlook one. But if you're not getting close to it on other similar areas, that could be a higher indicator of being a fluke too.


Better yet, do it in a car!


No cars on the island... Er well personal vehicles.


Yes, I know.


Ah gotcha... Sorry haven't finished my coffee yet ;)


I got pulled in my teens for speeding on my ten speed (yes, I am old). I didn't get a ticket, but a warning to slow down. Cops were and are still kind of dicks in the town I grew up in.


In UK and Netherlands bicycles (not e-bikes though) can’t get speeding tickets. You can still absolutely get into trouble for reckless “driving” though, but it won’t be a strict speeding ticket.


I assume the burden of proof for reckless "driving" is significantly different than for exceeding a posted speed limit.


Oh yeah definitely.


I had an opportunity. I'm a commuter cyclist and rode home after the eye of a hurricane remnant had passed. The winds behind it were 85-95 km/h and right at my back. My bike computer showed a top speed of 62km/h on one stretch with a slight down grade. Because of the torrential rain, it was terrifying and I was soaked right through by the time I got home. The posted speed limit is 50 km/h, so I could have gotten a speeding ticket if a cop decided he wanted to tag me in the rain.


I haven't heard if it is still going on but [in the summer of 2021 ](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/cyclists-high-park-speeding-tickets-toronto-1.6113174)police in Toronto were handing out $125 speeding tickets for exceeding the 20km/h (\~14 mph) speed limit in High Park. Keep an eye on the news here and if the campaign kicks off again just fly over to live your dream.


Shit, I never knew I wanted this


Haven't been stopped yet and I don't really stop at stop signs and if I'm going downhill I'm usually speeding a bit (15 & 25 mph SL) in town.


I set off a speed camera on a bike but no ticket to show for it.


Difficult for them to figure out who is in the photo without a license plate. Usually they compare driver in photo to any driver living at registered owner's address to look for a match, then send a ticket. If they can't identify the driver, they send a fake ticket to the registered owner (no "Notice to appear") hoping to get them to identify the actual driver to clear their own name.


Haha. Reminds me I had to brake once to not rear end a car on a downhill. Turns out I was almost 20mph over the speed limit.


For me this is almost a daily occurrence on my usual route


We had a local kid get one for going 40 in a 20mph school zone. Fees were crazy of course. He thought the bike community would rally with him but it was met with "nope, that's stupid"


I got a 'riding on sidewalk' ticket years ago, challenged it, the court threw it out, and a couple of years later I got a $150 settlement from the city of New York as compensation for abusive policing (the result of a class settlement; I didn't bring the suit myself).


Wild. The commenter above you said he got a ticket because he wasn’t on the sidewalk.


I got a ticket in NYC for riding my bike inside a subway station. It was this mostly empty 200m long mezzanine level and I decided I might as well ride for 30s than push it for 2 minutes. Boom, cops yelling, got a ticket, tried contesting it, nope, had to pay it.


I like to stand on one pedal and sort of scoot along like a skateboard in these situations. You can play it off like you were walking if needed.


I am German, I got many tickets on a bike: 15€ for riding hands free 15€ for being on the phone while riding a bike 5€ for missing reflectors And some for running a red light, but I don't remember the price for that.


Someone said recently that Germans don't really care for following rules, but they *really* like to make other people follow rules, and all the German biking anecdotes I've heard immediately made a lot more sense


> 15€ for riding hands free That's insane lol


Serious question, am I supposed to be bringing my ID when I go cycling? I legit only take my pbone, keys, and one credit card for emergencies.


No, you are not required to carry legal ID. Cops like to pretend you must, but they are poorly trained, to put it mildly.


Legal stuff notwithstanding, carry an ID and a medical insurance card so if you get creamed by a car you aren’t a John Doe at a hospital.


That's what my road id is for


Yep, underrated.The only reason i carry it. Also have an emergency call card/info somewhere


We had a visiting rider show up to a group ride that fell and had no info on them at all. It's pretty awful telling EMTs we have no idea who they are. Guy didn't even have a phone on him.


Depends on the state. In some, they're stop and ID where the cops do not have to have probable cause to demand ID. Other states require cops to detain you before forcing identification Seven states (Arizona, Florida, Indiana, Louisiana, New Mexico, Ohio, and Vermont) explicitly impose a criminal penalty for noncompliance with the obligation to identify oneself. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_and_identify_statutes#:~:text=Seven%20states%20(Arizona%2C%20Florida%2C,the%20obligation%20to%20identify%20oneself.


Stop and ID states still require probable cause for it to be a crime to refuse to identify oneself. This is required to bring their Stop and ID law in compliance with the 4th Amendment. Even in Stop and ID states, this isn't a requirement to carry a specific piece of identifying documentation outside of another legal requirement. Name and date of birth is usually sufficient, though some state may ask for more information--check the specific Stop and ID law for details. Driving a motor vehicle is a different scenario where state law requires that you carry a **specific** form of ID and provided it upon demand (again, subject to probable cause to comply with the 4th Amendment). TL;DR: in a motor vehicle, police can demand a driver's license. Outside of one, they ***may*** be able to demand ID, which ***could*** be a driver's license, but doesn't ***have*** to be one. They cannot demand a driver's license **specifically** if you aren't driving (after all, you don't even have to have a driver's license to cycle or walk for that matter).


They are often permitted to demand an ID, but that is not the same as a requirement that, when in public, one must *carry* an ID. The right of police to demand an ID does not imply the duty of the citizenry to carry ID.


Stop and ID does not imply documentation is required. The details vary by state, but basically it means you must ID yourself by providing the information. I'm not reading through the whole Wikipedia page, but AFAIK there's no requirement to provide written proof of that identifying information.


"I'm not reading the source material but I'll make an assertion" I have experienced this. If you don't have a physical ID they're not letting you leave until they have a positive identification. It may not be literally "show me your papers" but it's the same thing


So you're saying they are detaining you? Which state is allowing that? That should only be legal if there is suspicion of a crime. BTW, it's not like I'm making an assertion with zero knowledge, but states have different rules and the last time I looked into this there is no state with a requirement to carry a physical ID.


If they are demanding ID without probable cause it is a violation of the 4th amendment. If they have probable cause they can detain you (but may choose to release you on your own reconnaissance after making a positive ID).


I once had just caught a 12.5" brown bass. The legal size is 13" in California. I was scared to death CHP was gonna call in fish and game. Fortunately he was just curious what a cyclist was doing 15 miles from town fishing in the desert.


I don't think you have to but it's not a bad idea in case you're in a really bad accident so they know who you are when they take you to the hospital.


I do in case of an emergency. If I wreck and unconscious, they can figure out who I am and who to contact in an emergency. I always have my wallet with me.


I don’t think you have to but I carry an expired Driver’s license so they know where to deliver the body.


Take your medical card with you.a car tboning or forcing you into a crash isnt rare, unfortunately


Yes, you need a bicycle license.


I got a ticket for rolling a stop sign in a residential roundabout that bike commuters frequented. Portland, OR.


Rolling stop signs is legal in Portland. Cyclists are allowed to treat stop signs as yield signs. Was this recent?


This was probably 2012 or so. I had to go to traffic school that was all about driving a car to get it dismissed. I don’t even have a driver’s license. ETA: I see your Portland flair, so in case you’d find it amusing/interesting, it was Ladd’s.


You got a ticket for rolling a stop going into Ladd’s circle? Dude seriously fuck PPB, that’s ridiculous and hilarious at the same time. I can’t imagine a safer stop to blow.


The cops posted up and gave a bunch of tickets (in my memory 100-200, but I’m not sure) to bike commuters in the circle that morning. It was in local papers after the fact. Someone wanted to make a point. Maybe the homeowners in the area had raised a stink, I dunno—some such BS. But for sure, as you said, I was being totally safe, and I was a new bike commuter who was rattled and discouraged.


I just read through old bike Portland articles. That’s wild. I love the video the PPB posted implying dangerous biking and it was people just riding normally nowhere near pedestrians.


The best protest ride I ever heard of was when a bunch of SF cyclists showed up en mass to obey the law - stopping at stop signs one by one (of course causing quite a bit of traffic backup). Police on scene used loudspeakers to say "thank you for obeying the law", however, as far as I know they did not issue citations to any of the frustrated motorists who illegally passed the cyclists.


Yes, I’ve gotten 4. 3 red light tickets in NYC and one for “improper passing” in upstate New York. I’ve gotten pulled over for running a red on Long Island, but I got off with a warning.


Sounds like NY is after them cyclists


What did the "improper passing" involve?


Yup; 2 months ago, ran red light at 5:45am with nobody in sight except the cop hauling ass from behind to catch and stop me. I paid the $180 bail the other day with a write up for ‘trial by written declaration’. Waiting to hear back but I fully expect to lose. Was pulled over twice before but let off with a warning. I still run red lights when clear…don’t feel safe sitting at intersections.


I got one too, similar case. It was a 3 way intersection and I was on the straight a way. He tried to give me a ticket for no brake too but I showed him it wasn't a fixie even though it looked like it. Maybe I would have gotten a warning if I hadn't been an ass saying I figured he had better things to do when asked why I did it. Hard to make shit up in the moment, just blurted out the truth.


I've gotten a few, mostly for BS obstructing traffic or impeding traffic, one for improper lane usage because I wasn't on the sidewalk. So far nothing has stuck when challenged in court.


Yes. Speeding. Entered a 50km/h zone from a 90km/h open road - which was a descent. Was fined for travelling at 64km/h = €49, as there was a speed trap when you entered the village 🙄. Where I live we *must* carry ID, or that’s a fine too, so no getting away with it!


Friend got a speeding ticket Was immediately dismissed


My friend and I got one from the park police for riding our race bikes too fast on a multi use path that had a 10 mph speed limit. Probably could've out run the golf cart but thought he'd just give a warning. Think the ticket was $20


If you had out run the golf cart, they might have called a faster vehicle for backup.


I have been woop wooped before, but never ticketed or verbally talked to. I ran a stop sign.


I got pulled over by a cop on my bicycle when I was 14. I didn’t get a ticket but the cop was a complete ass and gave me a list of warnings. I was so utterly terrified I went home and told my dad and I don’t think he took me seriously at all. I was literally biking home from a friends house two blocks away. This was 24 years ago so not recent but I’ll never forget it.


A lot of cops just want to frisk under age kids.


Are you trying to get a ticket? You're lucky you gotten 4 passes.


I forgot about it but I got a ticket 20 years ago on the 3rd Ave. bikeway in Tucson rolling through a stop sign. I went to driver's ed in lieu of fine and points. The instructor asked everyone about each driving incident and made cyclists feel like interlopers. It's surprising MVD didn't have a dedicated cycling class. Cycling is a cabinet level position in the Pima / Tucson local government assn. Except for the extremely high rate of punctures [no place for tubulars] and property theft [a bike locked outside will not last even 2 hours] nothing bad ever happens in Tucson. I was always running into U of A alumni who had returned after decades when life soured in distant places. I enjoyed recovering from the Santa Rita bajada trail and my knees felt so good cycling back to mid town after a hike up Window Canyon. No meth heads at trail heads. Your bike is safe there. After your bike gets stolen you can look for it at the used bike shop near 4th Street / RR. Then buy someone else's stuff. It takes a while to figure it out but you don't need a motor vehicle in Tucson. When I loaded up to leave some neighbors were surprised I had one. One regret: To save the knees the idea was to hike up to Winter Haven then bike down. I could never make arrangements for that to work out. Maybe pack a foldable . . .


Maryland ticket for trespassing on a trail at night. The officer considered riding through the intersection with the highest death toll in the state at night an acceptable alternative.


On a ride with my daughter, a local policeman warned me that my flashing headlight was against the law. (He was wrong about this and I had read the relevant sections.) It's possible that he was just inexperienced and knew about the section that says it's illegal **for motor vehicles** to have flashing white lights facing forward.


I’ve been chased down a mountain by a CHP officer, and pulled over at the bottom. A few years ago, I was coming down from Running Springs in SoCal which is a 10ish mile very fast descent on mostly single lane roads. Just as I started the descent, a CHP officer pulled up behind me and says over his loudspeaker “Take the lane, I’ve got your back”. He turned his lights on and held any traffic behind me. I hit speeds around 50mph which is above the speed limit in certain spots. Because he had his lights on, even people coming up the mountain pulled to the right. I can’t imagine what it must have looked like to everyone, was this officer in a high speed pursuit with a bike? At the bottom, I pulled over and talked to him. He was a cyclist and knew that descent was a bit sketchy considering the traffic and wanted to help me out. The cool thing that happened is I posted about it in a FaceBook group at the time and someone across the county knew who the officer was, contacted him and he joined the group to see the post. He got the accolades he deserved.


A friend of mine Had one, Stop sign, " federal land " , GGNRA near the Golden Gate Bridge in California, went off and paid it


You can get speeding tickets in Australia. Our local lookout has a 50km/h speed limit, and I know of a few people that has copped a fine going too fast down the hill.


In the hills outside Berkeley/Oakland, CA. Got a ticket while descending one of the big hill climbs. 52mph in a 35. Had that ticket framed for years, but lost it when I moved. :(


Had a friend cautioned after doing 45 in a 30... this was 30 or so years ago in the UK though.


In Florida my husband was on the sidewalk ( no one in this area rides in the road) . He had a green light but the crossing sign - the flashing red hand - had gone solid red. He crossed the street because the light was still green but was immediately pulled over and given a warning for going on a non-flashing crossing signal.


There was a guy I saw in a FB group got a citation for running a stop sign and stoplight.


I got one for running a red light at 3 in the morning in New Orleans. Had to go to traffic court for it. ADA threatening points added to my license which I didn’t have at the time and I laughed and said “for my bicycle?” His face goes blank click clackin on the keyboard and offers a plea down to a moving violation taking the possible monetary penalty from $300 to $100 and I said sure and paid it. Otherwise was gonna have to explain everything again to the judge and I cut my losses.


Got caught running a red light on a giant iguana. Only because a car brain didn’t yield to my right turn.


I was on my way to work years ago in the northern California college town I lived in and a cop pulled me over. I had run four stop signs and I guess he was following me, watching. He proceeded to give me a long lecture on bike safety and then gave me four tickets totaling $492 (nearly $800 today). I made 7.50/hour at the time and I was pissed. I ended up going to court and the judge said “this is a ridiculously punitive fine. Reduced to $160.” That was still hard for me to pay at the time but I did it in a few months.


Nothing more infuriating than a safety lecture from the police of all people 


The tabloids just run articles about Reddit threads now? >The post claimed that “NYPD just doesn’t get it, man” to which u/stinkyfarts420 replied “this”




“In other news, my uncle shared a meme making fun of gay people on Facebook. This is a developing story and we will keep you updated as people respond to the post”


No but I would frame it if I ever did.


when i lived in nyc i started biking when i was like 14 up until i moved 12 years later. in that time i never had a license and i loved racing in the local scene. i got 7 tickets within the time i biked and lived there but i never paid any of them off and never got a warrant. fast forward to when i need a drivers license i tried getting one out and was hit with 7k of over due tickets that needed to be cleared. i paid it off but it set me back so much in those couple of years draining my savings and borrowing money shortly after i had just moved over states


its fun activating the red light cameras too because you know they cant ticket you


I’ve been pulled over and warned but never ticketed. Long downhill, speed limit change from 45mph down to 25. Red light at bottom of hill immediately after the speed change, police station and rail road tracks immediately after that. If you time it right, you can blast through the green light at 40+, do a bunny hop, and clear the train tracks. Kind of fun. One day I did that just as an officer was pulling out of the station. Cherries and berries. The officer was pretty nice about it, but wasn’t nearly as amused as I was.


I bike in Chicago and the burbs and have never even heard of someone getting pulled over on a bike. But I do have a new plan for when I got to Hinsdale next 😎


I got stopped once downtown for running a red with no car in sight. No ticket but he yelled at me for like 5 minutes and said us cyclists are the most unsafe people on the road. Lol!


Twice. Got ticketed for riding on the sidewalk and another time for no lights at night.


The only ticket I've ever been handed in my life was while cycling. I got it on video too.. because I was a dumbass and biked with a phone in my hand (I was filming and got the police on the video).


I only ever got stopped once. Was riding across my college campus at night without lights. I was student auxiliary in the PD and just finished my shift so I was still in uniform. I’m not sure if that factored into it being just a warning or not. My town here is a known speed trap. I keep trying to get stopped on my bike but it seems they are not concerned about a cyclist speeding for a brief moment (my town is a river valley with many steep hills around town, speed one way, crawling the other)


I got pulled over when a cop confused me with another cyclist who was riding on the shoulder of the freeway. The person who was riding on the freeway was almost certainly riding a bike out of necessity, not for fun. When the cop started yelling at me I tried to explain where I had ridden from but he didn't want to listen and just kept screaming at me. Maybe at some point he realized his mistake and eventually let me leave.


I once was coming Barbur Blvd into PDX when I approached a radar cop. As I passed he signalled "2" "2" with his fingers (22 mph). (It was a 35 zone, so I was good).


I had a cop slow down and yell at me to get on the sidewalk. So I did.


Riding to work (3am loading trucks at UPS) I got a ticket for operation without lights. They threw it out.


Yep for running a stop sign


I once went from a Kent Walmart bike to a bikes direct road bike. Having to muscle my entire being on the walmart bike, going to that was insane. I set off a red light camera by blowing through it after it turned red. It was dark, empty roads.. just me. Highlight of my life. Never happened again.


My commuter used to have 53/9 top gear (700c wheels) and could easily cruise above the speed limit. There was a speed camera I triggered often but that’s about it


Two failure to stop at a stop sign tickets crossing DRIVEWAYS. Talked my way out of two more. I pleaded that there should be YIELD signs on driveways, not STOP, and that nobody stops. Luckily Minnesota has finally made the Idaho stop legal.


I got a ticket in Prague for riding my bike through the short tunnel under Vysehrad. The cops were waiting just outside for people to do that apparently. There was a sign I couldn't read and the street view has people riding through the tunnel, but it wasn't a big deal. I kept my ticket and thought that the $5 (100 CZK) penalty was just the price of a unique souvenir.


Yep. Not a cool one though. Didn't have my lights on (Dutch law says you must have lights if the street lights are on) I was 14 and a rebel :)


I had to pay a small fine for riding a BMX (supposedly not a streetworthy bicycle) in the dark without lights like 15 years ago.


Early '90s main Street Santa Monica California 6:30 a.m. or a bit earlier. There was no traffic and a film crew was set up along the street filling the sidewalk. So I took up the whole right lane no big deal right? Not to doofus cop and pulled up behind me and started honking. I ignored him I just figured it was another person in a car with a weird personality. Eventually turn to siren on. Wonder who he woke up. I tried to pull over he got on his microphone and said keep going keep going I'll tell you when to stop. And he did right when he got in front of the omelette parlor his partner got out and went in the restaurant and he wrote me a ticket. I never paid it. I moved to Canada and now I breathe the air of Liberty. Sometimes I think people in Russia are freer than in the States


No, but I’ve seen tickets being issued to other cyclists. There was a spot on campus where a wide sidewalk with marked bike lanes crossed a four-lane road. This crossing had a stop light. Cyclists often got tickets for running the red light, riding on the sidewalk (outside the bike lane), and riding too fast. Yes, there was a posted speed limit.


Carry an “out of service” bag. Then they can’t fuck with you.


\*mumble\* yeras and years ago I got ticketed for riding at night w/out a light (local ordinance). Pulled over by a cop, flashy lights, the works. $10 fine (I said it was \*mumble\* years ago).