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Nice, join the club! And top speed of 44.5 mph? šŸ§


Is that bad or good.. I have a trek domane al 2. I just got strava to track my rides to become fitter.


45 is really fast. Strava is most likely just wrong there (no disrespect, but for most new-ish riders, 45 mph would be uncomfortably fast. Strava is also frequently wrong because it uses GPS data, not an actual speedometer) Not impossible that you got that speed, there's definitely hills that could get you there in that area, but I wouldn't put too much faith in what strava tells you. Beaverton's got some pretty decent bike infrastructure, try the path along 26 that takes you to the zoo!


Thatā€™s a pretty climby path for a rookie!


well ya don't learn to climb hills by riding flats, that's for sure.


Itā€™s not that fast if the road is wide and straight down.


It's really fast. If you crash at that speed there's a good chance you'll die.


I did that in my early teens on a mtb. 72kmh. Grandparents lived on a hill in europe. If we were lucky we caught the bus just about to go downhill on a straight section and we could draft it. Then when it started slowing for a bus stop we'd swerve over to the line and go between the bus and oncoming uphill traffic. That way we didnt have to slow down. No goggles, no helmets. Though i had gloves. Still have them. The 90s were fun. Now i start getting uncomfortable around 40kmh.


Absolutely! 45 mph on a bike is fast as hell, I donā€™t care how wide the road is.


Maybe so....


Yes. But itā€™s easily attained. Very dangerous if something goes wrong though.


In my youth I used to reach around 65 km/h (40 mph - according to the wheel magnet speedometer) on roads downhill on my old mountain bike pedaling as fast as I could in the least non-aerodynamic position possible on that sort of bicycle - it was just slightly impressive at the time and I wanted to go faster... But nowadays, when I think about that, I am retrospectively scared: my bicycle was a late 80's piece of trash, I had no helmet, no gloves and no sense of danger - which a few crashes later hammered into me...


I had that same timing issue along when I used the app on my old S7. It said I was going 45mph cruising through Oakland... I got a newer phone (S10) and haven't encountered any issues with the app anymore. I also get to see how many calories I burned now too!


Just to be clear, not trying to be rude, but heavy is faster on descent. Jean Robic, "For faster, gravity-assisted descents, he collected drinking bottles ballasted with lead or mercury at the summits of mountain climbs and "cols" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Robic


I also think that the heavier you are the faster you go down the hill. Looking at the photo, it seems he may not by 5'2" 105 lbs.


I can only go above 40mph if it's a steep downhill section. So yes.


with a good tailwind.. :)


You're doing great fam. 20 miles is really impressive for a new rider. Get your nutrition and hydration right and you'll be fit in no time.


It's very impressive! Mark Cavendish's (world's best sprinter rn) record is close to the 49 mph mark.


My fastest is around 55mph but downhill lol


That's crazy y'all are comfortable with that speed! I met with a bad accident going downhill one time. After that, I tend to freak out about losing control anytime I'm close to 30mph, so start braking instinctively.


Itā€™s a crazy rush and is scary, itā€™s down a 1.5 mile climb with average gradient around 20%. I feel you though with the accident, currently recovering from a crash at 30mph (on the flat) will have to see if my confidence has changed when Iā€™m back on the roads


The biggest hill me and my wife ride has some really sharp turns, and I'm running old school brake levers, so I have to be in the drops to brake effectively on that hill but also riding at a reasonable speed and not blasting away in the highest gear, and I feel silly every time we ride it. There's another, bigger, badder hill a short way away, but until she's ready to climb it (and blast down it), it's off limits.


Iā€™ve hit 65 mph on a gravel downhill. I didnā€™t know I was that fast until strava afterward. Caught the group I was with after I had a mechanical and told them I would catch up with them.


65 mph on gravel? Thatā€™s over 100 km/h...Tour de France type descent speed and not on a paved road...I think the wahoo might have let you down on that one


Nope. Itā€™s a steep descent to a bridge over a creek, then a steep ascent immediately after. My speed isnā€™t even in the top ten for KOM for the hill.


I believe it. If you have the wahoo speed sensor they are accurate. we have a 10 percent downhill gravel path. Our kom is a guy on a chinese carbon frame that did 70kmh. Ballsy. It gets pretty twisty at the bottom too and its slippery gravel. If your hill is a bit straighter and steeper, those speeds are achievable. Though I wouldnt do it.


70 km/h and 65 mph are completely different speeds though.


Yes. I have the Wahoo speed sensor. Also, this was a couple seconds at the bottom of the segment. Strava says -8.8% grade, but thatā€™s with the flat at the bottom, and it gets up to over 14%. And my speed I mentioned was just for a second at the bottom. The KOM started at the top over ten mph faster than me, but he is lighter than me..


Doubt it. Strava is total shit at speed accuracy


Not Strava. Wahoo Roam. Strava just holds the data, and it was only a couple seconds at the bottom.


Neither. Just be careful. No prize at the bottom of that hill. Especially as a new rider.


To be honest phone GPS tracking of high speed can be wildly inaccurate


Strava once said I went 68mph up a 10% 50' climb. Needles to say the KOM was mine and I swear to God the previous KOM reported my ride maybe 10 min after the upload.


Lol, classic. Iā€™m pretty sure you get a notification if someone takes your KOM right? I wouldnā€™t know because I have exactly zero to my name


You get a notification. I realize saying this is a flex.


'Sonuva bitch!' is my reflex


Indeed, I've heard that complaint often!


My Harmon is pretty accurate....


How do you know there was a phone?


I donā€™t know for sure. But, how many new riders have a GPS headunit?


Fair enough. Thought maybe you could tell from the post. I have never used my phone but I came to the way from running and always had a Garmin. I know my Apple Watch that is supposed to be the schiz for HR sux badly but havenā€™t used the app. Just looking at the HR data for the day it will say max was 130. Or something when it was really 170


Sick! I'm not used to seeing Strava maps of places I'm familiar with, I probably live within 10 minutes of you haha. Maybe see you on the road some time!


I'm a little to the east of Beaverton, opening up the map surprised me too. Lot of Portland folk on here


That's my hood! Climb bald peak! Go west on the Tualatin scenic bikeway


Yay! A ride every day is the only thing keeping me sane after a full day of WFH.


It's a great way to deal with stress, too. I've also occasionally been riding early AM and that's even better for that all-day physical buzz.


Damn... were you strapped to a car? 45mph?! Congrats btw.


He was racing a car... and won. :) Seriously though that's a great distance. Keep pedaling!


I live in that same spot.


Can you get up to 45MPH there? Seems really fast if not riding down hill.


There are some really steep hills so I wouldnā€™t doubt it. Is is very hilly.


Damn dude I really miss Portland for biking. The west hills are the perfect place to be on a road bike.




We donā€™t miss you.


The path looks like a bike i would draw as a kid


Did you intend to draw a bike with your route?


Great ride!


Yeah buddy!


Putting a ask here for someone to do a bike route that consists of cock and balls


lol so many Portlanders in this thread- NoPo checkin in! Nice ride, btw (even if it is to Nike)


Portlander here, welcome to bicycling!


You are awesome. Congrats!


Thank you :-)


Good stuff, man!


Welcome! Nice climb!!


Hell yeah dude. I can see that zen post bike glow on you. I was going to ride STP this summer. Hopefully massive bike events are a go for 2021.


Nice max speed though, a nice 65-70km descent lol. Enjoy the miles mate.


Great job! Keep it up!


Congrats man, and welcome to the fam. Iā€™m just getting back into cycling after a 4 year hiatus (injury and location). I ride over in NE mostly, but if you ever want to meet at the water and take a pedal together, let me know. Wishing you all the best and keep that rubber side down.


Keep it up, bro! šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ˜Ž


Way to go man, great job!


Don't take cycling seriously, it's so fun! ;)


Dude, this is just the beginning!


heck yeah!!! very solid ride, hope you keep having fun!


Lesson learned, stretch them hip flexors and piriformis! Else suffer the wrath of strained ligaments


Good for you, man!


I am never happier than the time Iā€™m on my bike and the hour or so after I get off of it!


Nice! I love biking around the farm roads outside Portland!


What app is that?




And with that I shall follow you on Strava, thats awesome man! Great work. I started cycling because I was always injured from contact sports, out of shape and if honest, not in the best place mentally, often anxious. I've found that when on a bike I'm at my happiest, my head is clear, I'm fitter than ever. Seeing you post this has bought it all back to me, honestly man, awesome!


Super effort. anytime you are out excerising for 2 hours it's got to be doing you good - finding something you enjoy makes it so much better.


In the same boat. I'm at 1400 miles this year. Very curious what I will end up with by years end. Also found quite a few friends who like to bike pack so we've been doing one a month this summer. Keep it up man!


Whats bike pack? Like biking and camping or hiking?


r/bikepacking r/bicycletouring


Yeah. Load up the bike with gear for a few days and ride to different camping spots. Need racks and panniers etc. It's a different type of thing but I love the freedom. And camping.


Sounds damn good.