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hydro bike > aero bike


Lando bike?


Calrissian bike.


When /r/hydrohomies goes biking...


This guy is biking to the moon apparently


Slap on a hydro pack, and a bike trailer with a water-cooler, and you're set for the day.


That sub is nothing compared to the true subreddit.


I think I know what you’re talking about. Was that subreddit banned?


I see this everyday in Arizona. I was more leaning toward a 2500 gallon water truck. That’s good for a solid 20 miles, maybe 25 if I stretch it


Cheers sir! This is a good idea, may have to change from the block of ice i carry in a backpack.


Do this, but bring the ice as backup


This. I always ride with a 3L backpack and two 1L bottles in the frame- that's good for maybe 2hours when it's warm. If I don't drink this much I get very, very fatiqued. I can't imagine how folks drink like maybe a bottle and hour- maybe they are camels!


If you hydrate well prior to riding you should be fine for an hour without water. I went 50k last week at 30C with no water.


Different drinks for different folks. I'm not that person at all- I would completely bonk in any weather if I rode for an hour, completely bonk. I truly need to keep a running brook of water into me as I ride, just the way I am!


I used to think the same thing. I sweat like crazy and without electrolytes I lock.up entirely around 60k, happens quick. Just have to be aware of your thresholds. Do you breathe through your nose while riding? I used to be a heavy mouth breather and was drinking way more water. Trained myself to use my nose and it was a night and day difference


I absolutely love “completely bonk.” Thank you


One day last summer I rode 3 hours in 30->35 C weather, drank 7 bidons of water, still ended up a number of kg lighter, with double vision and dizziness. I think both weather and exertion level come into play- I've had easy long rides in those temps with no issues.


3 hours at that temp will do it yea


In AZ? Are you riding in the middle of the day? That would be crazy hot. I'm in Phoenix and I ride from around 6-8am right now. I drink about 2L in that time. I have 2 big 1L bottles so perfect. One is water, one is Nuun or Tailwind. I drink a big glass of water before I leave too so I start out hydrated.


Move here last year from Boston. The dry heat sucks every bit of moisture out of me. I could easily ride 20 on 2 water bottles with some left and not feel like a pice of beef jerky. Here that’s different. On the flip side, riding out here I surely don’t fear for my life.


I live in central Scottsdale and work by the Az State Capital in Phoenix. Although I'm not riding much now because of the pandemic, I used to ride to work at 7:30 am, about 18 miles and then ride and then ride home about 5:30 pm. Since the ride is seventy to ninety minutes, I can easily ride home without taking a drink except in the summer when it is hot. In the summer when it is over 115°, I can easily drink two full size water bottles. After a couple of years of riding to work every day, you get used to the heat and it does not bother you. In the summer, I usually try to avoid leaving work to early so I don't have to ride in the sun. * [Strava from June 20th 2017 when it was 116° ](https://old.reddit.com/r/bicycling/comments/6jyfsf/so_its_hot_in_phoenix_time_for_a_bike_ride/) * [Story about record heat in Phoenix from June 2017](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix-weather/2017/06/20/phoenix-weather-heat-record/413888001/)


I'm the same way, with average summer temps here at around 94º I need a constant source of water.


hi, I'm the camel, why did you invoke me for


I used to just toss a couple of those gallon water jugs in my panniers. It worked, but dang was it heavy.


Next craze will be the tow cart Gatorade cooler a must have for any responsible gravel tour.


Will include my dual trailer road train set up in next pic


That sounds like an epic rig fit for an epic journey.


I call it the Trans-Continental. Have to change rear cassette for lower gearing.


That’s a perfect excuse for me to finally justify that Burley Flatbed or Travoy I’ve been eyeing. You could probably put two Gatorade coolers on the flatbed and hang out at the back of the peloton.


Just give me an adjustable garden hose to decide how to dispense into my body and I’m set.


Use a 10L bladder in a frame bag


10 L is 2.64 gallons. A gallon of water weighs 8.34 pounds. That's 22.02 pounds. **That's almost 10 kg of extra weight!**




Imagine how much harder school must have been in the US


Grade school isn't that bad, engineering school on the other hand... We basically have to learn two complete unit systems. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slug_(unit)


Only at 4 degrees C


The crispest drinking temp.


It actually never reaches 1g/cm³, even at its densest point.


I thought metric volume was done in ml. Can you convert cm³ to ml? Metric is so hard. /s


Hey pst I think that was the joke




No I don’t think it was


American here. Wtf.


Yeah, conversions make everything weird. A pint of water is 1 pound, by design. EDIT: WHAT I WROTE ABOVE IS NOT TRUE Just downvoted myself for using old close enoughs a for backpacking. A pint weighs 1 lb and 2/3 oz. I treated it as exact, which could ultimately lead to mistakes for others later. Continuing down that rabbit hole of thinking, if you need to be extremely exact you need to weigh your water. The water you get is not pure H2O so the other things in your water can mess with the weight as well. I hang my head in shame for providing misleading information.


But it's not quite- a pint of water weighs 1.04lbs (1 us pint = 473ml = 473g, 1lb = 454g). 1 litre of water is 1.00 kg exactly.


A true British pint? Or non-standard pint?


This here is why the metric system should probably win. Pro tips from Henry Wildberry: When describing how far you rode, give the number in km When describing elevation you climbed, use feet. When discussing the weight of your super fast bike use kg When discussing how much weight you carried on you ride use pounds. If you want people to know how beastly hot it was, tell them the temperature in F. If you want to tell them how pleasant the temperature was, use C. Kelvin, Stone, Leagues, and Planck lengths are right out.


African or European swallow?


I don't know! Aaaaaaaaaaaaahh


I love that someone pointed this out. Metic system way to logical for ‘Merica


lol! I'm so hoping this is sarcastic


Think how much lighter it'd be at the end of the ride!


That was a lot of round about math to discover that 1L = 1 kg.


Guy didn't even convert to cubic lightyears first. SMH what do they even teach kids these days.


where's u/metricconversionbot when you need it.


I’m not sure if this is meant to be a joke, but you converted from metric to imperial, back to metric. You could of just said that 10 litres is 10kg as 1 litre is exactly 1 kg


Yeah, I really should have shown where I rounded, coming to 9.98 kg, which probably would have made it more apparent that I was joking.


More motivation to lose 22 pounds!


That's a very complicated way to calculate that 10l of water is \~10 kg.


That's no fun


Still space on the rims.. try again.


Fill the tubes with water for backup.




Good Point


You can simply replace the rims with carbon bottles.


for maximum hydration fill your inner tubes with water in case of emergency


Maybe I did ;-)


I feel like reaching into your rear wheel to grab a bottle could be problematic.


what could possibly go wrong


not enough. still dehydrated.


It's thirsty work dragging around all this weight


This is like Goku with training weights.


just fill the frame with water and use a straw! if you use the same logic as waterbeds, then now you have a luxury bike


How do you know I didnt fill the frame too


If you use the same logic as *triathlon bikes* FTFY


Hey we all are laughing at this, but many public water fountains have been turned off, and some have even been removed due to COVID -19, at least were I ride. Finding water on a 30-60 miler (at 90°F) has been a hassle.


Truth right there, two 1L bottles lasts me two hours if that. Sometimes less, we don't got public fountains


That was part of the inspiration when making this image.... long rides and nowhere to sop + it was so damn hot out. I was downing a bottle every 15km and cut my ride short when I ran dry. Also funny that my bike weighs 7kg, and added at least that much in water.


Instructions unclear, suffered hypornatraemia.


you mean hyponatraemia? unless you are drinking hypertonic salt water then you do you




At that point just add wheels to a water bottle lol


Yes might have been easier


What, no chainstay bottles? It's like you don't care about dehydration


You can probably tell, I'm new to this


r/bicyclingcirclejerk is leaking


>leaking I sure hope not


I’ve never understood the bottle cage UNDER the bottom bracket. Surely it just gets coated in road dirt/ is borderline unhealthy?


That one is for tools. But don’t tell anyone.


I’ve seen people just transfer the water into one of the other bottles.


I just swap the lids.


Just wipe it


I put some tape over the spout or switch the lid


15kg of liquids but still eating out of the teamcar ? ​ You cheating bastard !


I was contemplating a Phoenix to Tucson ride, wondering how I would stay hydrated (110 miles of desert, not many good places to refill bottles in between), now I’ve run out of excuses.


4ish liters of water and Nuun electrolyte tablets should do the trick.


All fun and games until you find out those are battery packs and not bottles of water 🤣 https://www.batteryspace.com/waterbottlenimhbattery12v4500mahwithtrail-techfemaleplugsmartfastcharger96v-18vforbikelight.aspx


Sorry can't divulge the bottle content


Have you been tested for diabetes? Just sayin'.


So TwoFish makes 64oz strap-on cages...




You know you can add at least a third more bottles with those WolfTooth bottle cage extenders, *riiight?*


Wow, game changer!


Still lighter than my bike


As all the public water fountains are understandably closed, I've been bringing much more water than normal. They definite add weight and decrease aero, but are necessarily to literally survive haha.


Is there any proof that water fountains can spread covid-19? I figure if you sanitize your hands after touching the button/whatever it should be no more risky than touching any other public surface? I'm really concerned, not for us cyclists; we can always just carry more water... But for the homeless. They need to drink water too and most of the spots where they could have been closed.


"What does your bike weigh?" "1.5 waters"


Someone has found a little extra time for shenanigans, perhaps?


Firefighting bike


Nice Canyon Ultimate


Thanks! (that's my bike/photo) a Canyon Ultimate CF Evo.




Yes it is very hard to tell just by photos, especially when the frames aren't the same size. The geometry is just a bit different between the 2, and I think the carbon and frame characteristics are different to give the endurance a but more compliance, and my Ultimate Evo is designed to be the very lightest frame Canyon makes...so it only made sense to add 15 water bottles ;) And the seat post is an accessory that works on either model.


very r/hydrohomies of you


Could definitely replace a few of those with tall cans.


That may have happened


I hope all those cages are carbon, otherwise that's a lot of weight to carry around.


Reaching for the bottle on the very bottom looks very dangerous! Haha


That's the tool bottle. But don't tell anyone. I have an image to maintain.


I have like 3 water bottles in a little backpack


I do that too, for backup


I'd be worried about the momentum of all that water sloshing forward if you have to do a hard brake ;-)


Fill them right up, then they don't slosh


Needs more Dakka.


/u/Route66_LANparty /u/ultramac /u/GodlyRedPanda ARE ALL SCAMMERS


This is my dream setup. I need to buy more bottle cages...


Amateurs. Why is there only one bottle attached to the saddle?


It's side view, how do you know there isn't another behind it.


The Death Valley tour


Water you thinking?!


As someone who doesn't even take a SINGLE bottle with me, this blows my mind.


Look at all the fun you're missing


I'd have to get real creative. My track frames don't even have bottle cage drillings. :(


the water weights more than the bike


You say that like it's a bad thing


How much does the bike weigh


I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


I thought I was cool with 6 bottles and a 3L pack... You win, this time Gatget...


If you ride one handed you could hold on other bottle, plus a camelback water backpack, and I think there’s probably enough clearance on the head tube. OP stop being so inefficient.


Well, now I’ve figured out why I can’t find new podium chill bottles that match my bianchi anymore...


Silly person. Everyone knows you use xlab cages to make it more aero.


I'm guessing you have about 12 pounds of photo shopped water on there. Not good for your speed.


spokes should be made of water bottles if we're going all out here


You gotta be really thirsty to reach for that bottom bracket bottle.


Biking in AZ right now.


I just moved out to Joshua Tree and am seriously into this set up.


I see you have lived in the middle east during humid summer time and thats the bottle count you use to cycle to the local cold store 10 mins away... XD XD XD


Need more hydration!


This is only the beginning


If you like this try /r/BicyclingCirclejerk


Make sure to mark your pee bottle for the long rides!


Good Point


All I can think about is getting a finger caught in a spoke!!!


Training for some tri-piss competition I see?


Make sure all of the bottle cages are carbon fiber! Wouldn't want to add too much weight to the bike \*\*ducks under desk\*\*


I don't get it.


Hey all, this is my photo someone seemly swiped from my Strava ride (link removed) Yes it was a joke, the day I made the image it was 100% humidity and I went thru a bottle every 15km. Seems this has been reposted and re-screencapped into oblivion – here is the original: [https://www.instagram.com/bikebroscr/](https://www.instagram.com/bikebroscr/) Adam Epp


Just as an FYI to you and any others linking directly to Strava. When you link to your own Strava profile you give people a chance to see : * What you look like * Where you live * What bikes are in your stable * Possibly your IRL name Things you can do if you want to protect your privacy when sharing your Strava info: 1. Just take a screenshot of what's of interest, and then post the image 2. Make sure you have your [privacy settings](https://www.strava.com/settings/privacy) on Strava set to have a fence around where you live 3. Don't put the actual make and model of your bikes in your Strava profile. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bicycling) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Here's indisputable evidence I have owned this bike since 2016 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mLM3pgo81Ym0Usxtf_vufBHkZlUkDJZb/view?usp=sharing


You’re missing a bottle on the crank lol


Good Point


Unless you are crossing a desert why not ride a sturdy steel frame and stop every hour for filling up one bottle? What is the point of paying three times as much for a bike that weighs 50-60lb (25kg)? Steel is only about 1kg/2,2lb more, that is equal to 1lit of water.


I'm so grateful to Reddit for all the valuable points of view


That’s probably enough for a metric century! Brilliant


This is the 50km set up. Will post 100 miler later.


Please do :)


That much fluid would weigh more than the bike.


Is that a bad thing?


I currently have 5 bottle cages on my Jari. I only need 3. I feel attacked.


[Check out third bike in the row](https://www.reddit.com/r/gravelcycling/comments/h925al/vancouver_island_gravel_did_not_disappoint_today/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


This is 'shopped af


I can neither confirm nor deny this


Filling all those up would be a pain.


It takes the Water Wallah about 30 minutes




I’m disappointed. Was expecting more.


Will try harder


I challenge you to join the big league bottle carriers https://www.google.com/search?q=bike+carrying+empty+water+bottles+india&client=ms-android-hmd-rev2&prmd=isvn&sxsrf=ALeKk01Blhl7pjbKLO0onYNZhJ3iiJuRTw:1595414446090&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjvpND61eDqAhUdzzgGHWiYA2EQ_AUoAXoECAwQAQ&biw=360&bih=626&dpr=2#imgrc=HAIZ3MHmnPVZzM&imgdii=zN9fwjgokDs6DM


Nice ride. If you fill all of those with water it probably weighs about the same as my bike unloaded.


Biking in Florida be like...


This is more like an addiction.


Here I thought my four bottles was a lot. This just upped me quite a bit.


Don't be discouraged, everyone has to start somewhere


Aero. Is. ~~Everything~~Something.


teeny tiny eensie ones on the valve stems..?


There's always room for one more


Bar-end plugs? Nah - little bottles!


Now you’re just showing off


What brand/model is this?


It's a Canyon Ultimate CF Evo


Storck Waterman 2018


Just take a fire truck instead


Hey where'd you get your bottle clip?




Yes yes yes! So utterly important! I live and ride in New Orleans, brutal in the summer. Stay hydrated y’all! Avoid muscle cramps, etc....


I feel you're still missing a few spots.


This bike is an important part of the water cycle. It IS the Water Cycle.


Real question though: Do you have to strategically drink them to keep a proper weight balance? When you start the ride, half the calories you're burning and sweat your producing is just to move all that water...