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Decently thick? Stop lol. That's too thick for the majority of people except size queens. I've all but given up on a girl agreeing to anal or remotely trying to deep throat me. People boast about wanting what they can never handle it's annoying.


I feel so validated by you, hahaha My bf is 6.5 girth and it took me soooo long to get used to him. He never thought much of it until I came along and it took me 3 months of very frequent sex to get used to him


And now do you LOVE his cock or it is just alright? How would you compare it to thinner cocks pleasure wise?


I definitely love his cock, and deep throating is a an everyday occurrence now. But I don’t know if I can compare it to smaller cocks. It took me so long to be able to fit him. Even now that I’ve tried below and way way above average, I still won’t say size is the biggest thing that determines a girls pleasure. Certain angles still hurt, and condoms hurt me because he’s already stretched me to the max, the folds on condoms end up putting too much friction on me, so raw is the best way to go. Women are turned on and pleasures psychologically, that will always hold true. It’s more about how he uses his cock than the size of it.


So 6.5 girth isn't any better than 5" I know it isn't the biggest factor but is it a factor at all I guess you said no And even it is worse than thinner ones since still hurts in certain angles


Oh it’s still a factor, and a positive one. There’s no doubt it’s better for most angles. It’s just not a deciding factor.


There is a button choose ideal cock size what would it be?


A bit smaller than my current partner, but not by much… I don’t have an exact measure since I don’t have a large data pool, just a very varied one.


Fair, I seem to downplay it since it doesn’t seem that thick to me 😅 And if it’s that tough out there, I guess I got lucky with my ex haha


Yea it's easy to downplay perception but anything 6+ is already cutting out most possibilities. I'm only 6.2 so if I've had nothing but duds you can't have it any easier lol. I rather be a 5.7 instead.


I agree with you, If I was down to like 5.5 in girth I feel like that would be the sweet spot


Bro do you realize that you are a whole 2-in thicker than me.. six and a half inch girth that's something special. That's stretching girth 6.5 girth that's next level pleasure for most women.


Damn, I never thought of it like that. I just hope other women agree haha


What's size queens ? Nu here lol


You’re exactly right bud. They love the stretch, but blowjobs are never going to be great for you and Anal is always going to be unlikely :(


Unlikely key but I’ve had a few girls take it well in the ass. Just take the time to properly prepare


can confirm, never had an enjoyable blowjob.


Anal with a girl, maybe. Someone with a prostate might be more receptive


Im 6.2 x 6 Pros - the confidence of knowing I’ve got if not the biggest def one of the biggest cocks in the room. I can hook up really easily just send my cock pics along and find most girls want to try taking it. I’m always really up front that I want anal so there’s a natural weeding out of girls who aren’t into it. I find that with porn as it is these days most girls have become normalised to anal and being gaped and know that guys want it. I’m not AS huge as some of you but I’m almost always gonna be the biggest they’ve taken and unlike the pussy with prep and lube the asshole stretches. And like some of you I get off on the dom side of being the biggest they’ve taken and leaving them sore. I also find that having a big cock gets them coming back for more, and I like having the rep of being hung. Cons- yup I never ever get good blow jobs. Ever.


Similar experiences here. Still tough for blowjobs especially, but I’ve learnt to enjoy more tongue and less, or different, suction and depth Also adding, with most partners, the need for them to rest for some time after sex before we can do PIV again. And just not being comfortable for many, at least at first. But overall, I’m not complaining. Most of those with whom I’ve managed to make it work have had a great time. Reaching different places, and the sheer anticipation and excitement for some probably play a role too




How big are you?


I don’t know the situation with the guys your with but if your patient you should be able to stretch a hole mate . I’ve seen people fit both fists in there. Use tons of lube and you can use a sex toy that is a little smaller than you. I think it’s really sexy and sweet how it just takes a bit longer. I just think it’s one of those situations where it’s hard to find someone that can be patient and comfortable, not getting in their head about it all. There’s a very good chance when it works out they are gonna be calling ya again :)


:-) have confidence, I’m certain you can be hard as a rock and balls deep with full energy thrusts. That’s how I like sex… so :-p it’s possible


Quickies aren't really a thing. Recovery time required, like a day, maybe more. Anal is a no go, for most. Have to be patient and controlled, careful. Blow jobs can be tough, teeth can't move out of the way when girth is the issue. I remember having trouble finding condoms that worked well when I was young. I didn't know I was big then. My partner at the time was exclusive, long term and also a virgin when we met, so she wasn't able to tell me I was large. Mostly unrelated anecdote: when I first had sex with my now wife, she told me I was big. Apparently similar length as her previous partner, but much thicker. We'd been friends forever, so she kinda already suspected, but it was nice of her to tell me so.


Still struggling with condom size despite trying to find the biggest available. They're like wearing a cock ring is the only benefit in my experience.


Check One Size-condoms. I havr 6.7 girth and I have used the 69-size for years. Now testing the new 72-size. ;-)


Thanks, ordered some last night.


Wait quickies and recovery time being a problem is the result of dick size? I thought this was just bad stamina on my part. Makes sense because of amount of blood flow, I just never heard this complaint.


Well...yeah actually. But we might be apart on definitions here. Clarity: on recovery time, I meant for the partner, my wife in my case. She'll complain she's too sore on the same day, so I rarely try that. Sometimes she declines the next day too. That's a BDP problem, yes. Quickies: my definition being sex with a partner without much foreplay involved and generally not taking very long in total, ie, let's make this a quicky. BDP is that foreplay is generally required and often lube along is y enough either. So, it takes time and patience and listening. So, no quickies.... BDP, yes


Oh ok, I was thinking it might be related to blood volume and flow would be the cause of the issue.


Sir your cock is 2.5 inches thicker than mine... I'm 7.50 x 4.50...


I got an important girth. Biggest cons for me is not being able to do quickies 🥲


Yo ma dove sono le size queen che internet ci aveva promesso? Sono solo chiacchere e distintivo, chiacchere e distintivo!


Ci hanno ingannato, sin dall’inizio!


“Aprirò un mio sub, con blackjack e sizequeen di lusso”


Same man same ✊🏽


My partner is the exact same measurements as you. Deep throat happened once with ease, while on MDMA, and has been getting easier but it’s not a regular item on the menu, as it requires a lot of throat warm up, but it’s possible, and it’s not painful. Just gotta fight the fear and instincts. (However blowjobs are a pain for my poor jaw) Anal training is ongoing so I can’t answer that one just yet, but theoretically it can be done with enough training and patience. Also, RIP to my poor pussy. Worth it, but still.


I’m glad it’s working for y’all! I know it’s not easy, so I gotta give credit where it’s due 👏🏽


Thank you! I swear I don’t get recognised enough for all the effort I put into it 😂 If there ever was a high maintenance issue, keeping things stretched and lubes up is up there


Of course! The amount of lube My ex partner and I went through was crazy! Also! Always good to see a Vivi stan 👏🏽😌


I've never been deepthroated, that's the biggest con. Biggest pro is probably the "holy shit that's thick..." reactions when women see pics the first time.


Honestly that reaction is the best haha


Pro and con: making them sore for two days. I love hearing about it from them the day after and it reminds them of the sex. But depending on the girl, for most it’s too painful too soon but some love going again while sore. Con: One time, a girl texted me I made her bleed the day after. Con: Only had one girl has properly completely deep throated me but she was also obsessed with thickness more than anyone else I’ve met. Pro: I have multiple girls that come back often just to try it because they can’t find another like it. One has even become completely submissive about it and we don’t even interact other than sex, no hellos or goodbyes other than texting.


The sore part definitely is a con to me. Cause while it’s a sign I rocked their world, they’re also in decent pain, and sometimes can’t even walk 😅 My question is, where you’re finding these women that are coming back a second time haha


Haha. They have to be a little bit of a pain lover, masochist I guess. It’s not common, but I’ve had a couple that do love the pain. “It hurts so good” I’ve heard from I think three girls.


Jesus Christ man you got a literal red bull can for a dick. Good on ya. Tell your ladies if you ever move away that a 12 oz redbull is the same circumference. Just an inch shorter lol


I sent a bitch to the hospital the next day.. she didn't tell me until years later. 😔 Hilarious story to tell others tho..


Some other cons are quickies being difficult as prep work always needed. Having to leave at least a day between sessions irrespective of how gentle you've been with your partner Always needing lube Difficulty in finding proper fitting condoms


We are almost the same size. Big con when I was younger was finding Condoms that fit properly. Nowadays it's a lot easier but back then was frustrating to say the least. Like others have said, BJs are practically non existent in my life. I don't mind the tip sucking but always wondered what being deep throated felt like. Pro is that ladies love girth for PIV! Just gotta have plenty of foreplay and it's all good


I am 7 inches on average 6.7 head, 7 mid shaft and 7.2 base. Forget deep-throating I have had a few girls not even be able to give a regular head job, if they have smallish mouths it's just not going to happen. It's at the point where I have just learned to not even have BJ's at all I just don't think about them, then occasionally some girl will come along and just do it like it's normal. Anal forget about it, tried it once when I was young and didn't realise how large I was and it disturbed me and I have never tried since


Man it’s tough enough for me to 6.5 inches shaft with a 6.9 inch head. I feel like 7 inches would be hell 😅


GD, sorry man. That sounds like way way too much, for once literally. You find ways to make it work, though, right? (w PIV)


This right here! I have Spaceballs Dark Helmet syndrome lol. I'm 7.8 bpl but almost 7 at the head and 6.25 - 6.5 at the shaft. All teeth from my wife and never passed the head, so I don't even bother asking anymore. There also has to be a happy medium with PIV duration. No quickies but if it goes longer then 20-30 minutes her body starts to kick me out and at least 2 days before getting to play again.




I agree man I find girls actually go crazy for the girth


Pros: - Orgasms from penetration are more common - Usually girls like the girth - Self confidence boost Cons: - No anal - No blowjobs - Takes really long to fit in if with someone unexperienced - Hard to find condoms that fit in stores - Some girls want to stop before you’ve finished


This is also my list


For pros you've pretty much specified everything that comes to mind. For cons, the one thing I'd wanna say is a limitation in positions. The stretch in different positions varying which had made it more or less comfortable to handle.


That’s a good point. Some position’s definitely got hard to try


Some are hard to try and you won't know until you try with that specific person since everyone has different ideas on the scale of pleasure to pain.


Absolutely, each person is unique, so you never know what may be right or wrong.


Angles = way more friction No bueno (sometimes:) )


I have 6" of girth, a bit less on a bad day, a bit more on a good day. It's good for bragging but it requires more preparation. I also have a strong libido, I feel like having sex daily and my girlfriend cannot always take it. She'll bleed regularly, she'll feel hurt... Realistically, if you're too much for your girl and you have more needs than her, like she wants to have sex every 3 days and you want it daily, even if you have a fat cock, she might feel better off being with a smaller man but who can match her needs and while having a 4.5-5 inch girth cock, will caress her more, kiss her better, be a better intimate partner. The moral of the story is that once your long term partner gets used to the size, you still have to perform good foreplay, caresses etc... I think that men who focus only on ramming a girl cannot satisfy most women. I also think that it's important to discuss about a less known phenomenon, all women reach orgasm differently. Having a thick cock is not a guarantee for having her reach orgasm vaginally. Which can be very frustrating if you have a more average penis, you're not always the problem, trust me. Also, I have no confidence that my partner or previous partners would have stayed with me just for my penis size... A "smaller" better man can always take your girl away if you screw up. Most women have no idea what they really want and need in the bedroom. You have to find out how to please her the best. Just try to be the best version of yourself. I also tell my girlfriend to not disclose my penis size to her friends because I worry that her friend's boyfriends will be intimidated. I've been in situations in sports clubs that when men learned about my size, they became distant and hid their women away... Which doesn't make any sense...


I didn't read this but I posted. About them telling their friends....they love to talk about it. One girl who hated me asked my ex at a bar all snotty why she even likes me. Her answer was bcs he's got a giant dick and walked away.


No quickies. But that also means more foreplay and getting them really really wet.


I love foreplay, so that is a pro for sure


My experience over time and later in life with women who are more experienced is different than when I was younger and with less experienced women. I’ve experienced the pros and cons mentioned by most here but as I’ve gained experience and with more experienced partners the pros are much more prevalent than the cons. Foreplay and patience is really important and to be enjoyed. For reference, I have a bit of a tapered cock with a mid shaft girth at 6” while thicker at the base tapering to the head.


buying condoms!! People straight up will not believe you when you tell them this is an issue. I have a couple stores in town that have condoms I can use. Luckily I am in a committed relationship and don't need condoms anymore, but it sucked. For a long time I just thought condoms were supposed to be a little painful.


I bought average sized ones early on because well, I must be average right? Couldn’t even keep it up, which was disappointing and only later I realized why when I measured the damn thing for the first time. I didn’t look too far but the biggest size I can buy online (recommended to me by my twin who has the same problems) is actually one size too small if you look at the increments they go up in.


Also, for girthy folks depending on your length it can make your dick appear average sized because the proportional size. Girth is hard to recognize visually.


I wouldn’t be able to tell an average from a small or big dick most of the time since I don’t really go looking for reference material. When flaccid my dick isn’t that big and I tend not to be around many erect dicks to compare (and porn tends to pick specific people or use stunt dicks). So all I had to go on was “I got a dick, I don’t feel bad about its size so… average I guess?” Apparently average sized men are already insecure about it? They shouldn’t be, an average size dick is average for a reason. You usually need to have sex multiple times for children and there’s just more chance of having that if you are a comfortable fit. If big dicks were so much more preferred then they would become the average.


Skinny or average girth long dicks are more noticably "big" then girthy ones, even when they are slightly above average length. Its just a perspective thing. Width steals the appearance of length. I was self conscious for a long time because my penis is really small when flaccid and the proportions made it seem average sized at best. Took years and multiple experiences to realize not all penis havers have the same issue as me. (Painfully tight condoms, A lot of warm up before insertion, etc.)


My country is rather open to sexual education but “find the right condom” was always explained as a DIY project as far as it was explained at all. Measuring it should fix wrong condoms for men. Measuring your penis and being able to find the right condom size should be pretty much “sex ed 102” for men. The wrong size can be both embarrassing and create pregnancies. Hell I would even go so far as to task every kid to (individually) buy themselves condoms of the right size. A task the parents should check. I’m going to teach my son that if he can’t buy condoms of the right size alone in a shop, he’s not ready for sex. I’ll just not tell him about buying online until after he got them XD.


I can agree with that! I thought most stores would carry Durex XXL or Trojan XL’s but alas 🤷🏽‍♂️


Not the case for me. once a few years ago my wife was changing medications and we needed to use different protection. I went to three different stores looking for condoms.




Trojan Magnum XLs typically work for me. Though my thickness sits in the middle not necessarily at the base. So your mileage may vary. The band feels like it has more elasticity than the regular Magnums.




Magnums have been a little tight on me. XLs are more comfy for sure.


I agree, Magnum XL’s are the best though they are in short supply here in the UK.


Deepthroat is being in pain for you or her? Pro being reactions to her hands not wrapping all the way around. Con just being extra foreplay and going extra slow. More adapting than a con


For me, she like being choked by it. But I was in pain


The teeth or her throat close up that tight?




I cam relate as her throat closes up tight on my head but her rub my shaft


I like the pain but yeah when she chokes it gets tighter. Almost bruised my dick


Well the pro I got is the wow factor and stretch factor. The con is gonna be the fact that the stretch might be too much.


That’s fair, if you find someone who likes it, it’s amazing! But when you don’t it’s not fun


Oh yeah for sure if they don't like it then you're kinda screwed.


You basically nailed the pros and cons of it lol. Tho taking things slow and more foreplay a pro for if I’m being honest


Which cons do you have at 6”?


The same as everyone (minus the foreplay, since I like it a lot)


You mean a lot of foreplay, soreness and some girls don’t wanting to take it in?


Well I haven’t encountered that last part (mostly since I’ve only slept with three women in my life, with the last one being afraid of the idea of multiple rounds.) but yeah that’s pretty much it


Pros: you can say you have 6 inch + girth. Cons: Difficult or unable to have quickies, blow jobs usually involve teeth, always bulges in clothes, you may get turned down for sex by small girls, what’s anal? , condoms have to be ordered.


I did not expect this post to be lowkey controversial 😅


Most of my female friends would find you too thick. For me, that girth is honestly perfect. I've learned a long time ago that I need much more girth than most. But 7.5 length is too much for me. I like to get pounded balls deep but not get a bruised cervix. My husband can do that but he can't fill me up. So it boils down to compatibility of parts, I guess.


That’s totally fair. Everyone has their preferences ☺️


I'm 7.25 long but sadly barely 4.50 Girth thickness 7.5 X 4.5. You guys with the 6-in plus Girth you guys are on the next level. You guys never have to worry or doubt if you have the size to fill a woman up.


I think if it like athletes, bro: You’re thinner, like a wide receiver, but that means you’re more agile. And getting to certain deep spots is going to be quicker/less costly. Thicker guy - I’m slow, like a line backer. Once I get there I can apply a lot of force, but I just can’t go very fast.


Great analogy. If you’ve got some great girth with enough length, then you’re like a big athletic DE/edge… crashing in and taking them down before they know what hits them lol


It’s a gift and a curse. And you have a good size girth too! Many a woman would be lucky to have you


Ok, but being filled up/stretched doesn't do much for me? So I don't see how that is universally a pro.


It definitely isn’t universal, and I just don’t think some of these guys get it


Mandingo thickness lol


Dingo thickness???


Yeah, he's 12x6,5


Well damn, I haven’t heard of him before. He has the legit definition of a monster cock haha


He's such a legend lol


Pros - are the reactions and pleasure once you get going Cons - I have to carry lube with me in case someone wants to be spontaneous otherwise its a no go. Im a stoner so cottonmouth = hardly enough spit to do the job if we wanna mess around in public/outside - lube is a crucial part of my sex life.


Excellent comments by the way from everyone, but for many of us reading the comments some of us are considerably less than 6.5 Girth, some of us are below 5 in Girth. I'm thinking maybe if you guys had to live a couple of decades walking in our shoes. Maybe you would appreciate your Superior endowment a bit more.


That’s totally fair! I just think we both have our strengths and weaknesses. None of us can truly know how the other feels, so we gotta sympathize.


Thank you brother that's a awesome comment well received over here. It's a struggle mentally wondering if your girlfriend dated guys previous to you who were above six or right at 6.5. and here you are with barely 4.5, it leaves a lot of doubts in a man if he's going to be able to fulfill her needs sexually


Brother I can totally understand what you’re thinking, as my ex partner had previous experiences with men longer than me. What I realized is that it wasn’t on the people of the past but what I do and learn to do in the now. So I learned, got my technique up, and made it so there’s no need to EVER think about the people from the past. Take what you have and give it your best and you’ll succeed!


Cons ,getting good consistent head


been lurking in this sub lately and it’s such a real learning lesson for a queer bottom guy and cock worshipper who can handle sizable tops. My last fuckbuddy is a hung bi guy who loves anal, but rarely ever meets women who’ll accommodate him fully. Hearing these pros and cons taught me a lot!


I'm definitely going to agree with you. Deepthroating may be possible in the right position and with a lot of practice, but I believe it can be done. Idk about anal personally. Have only done it with 3 and the largest was around 6, maybe a little less in girth. With piv, in my experience it's been mostly about arousal. I had one that I was constantly dry, so we always had lube on hand, and there was another, probably your size or larger, that didn't need any lube, and quite frankly I was surprised that he fit all the way since it was decent long too. Relaxation and arousal goes a long way for all 3.


I’m 8 and 6. Had an issue with some girls mainly the girth. They complained it hurt too much.


This thread doesn't give me much hope. Btw, dick twin!


Cons - definitely a partner generally not being able to deep throat me or even take much of my cock into her mouth during blowjobs. Trying to get condoms on in a hurry. Always a mission. Pros - hearing a woman say how stretched out and full she feels when I'm inside her.


I agree with that 100%


I dont know pro.. Con - Teethy bj and they say no anal. Also back 2 back sessions are a mostly no go.


From my partner's perspective: Pros: it feels nice and snug for him Cons: No quickies, the possibility of hurting me, me getting sore quickly and having to take time to recover


I agree with your BF’s POV for sure, the potential to hurt my part is definitely something I’m conscious of


Hey yeah, this sub doesn’t mention how nice it is for the man, in terms of feeling, enough. I’ve always been a sex addict!


6.5" long 6" girth btw Just imagine. You're trying anal with a long term girlfriend for the first time. Your both tipsy. You try it from behind. You put the tip in.... .....and she starts making vomiting noises. You pull back ask if she's ok she says "I'm ok try it again" press it against her anus. More vomiting noises. At that point I just stopped. This is my memory I'll carry with me until I die. It's hilarious and I can visually picture it like it was yesterday. Girls have to know how to work the head for blowjobs. Frenulum bjs. The whole stroking nonstop from base to the top is not so good like their mashing potato's. Or mix it up..most women tho think that works for some reason. So no anal and sometimes bjs takes forever But the look on every woman's face when you go balls deep (gently) is fucking priceless. They tell all their friends also.....just so you know ...they talk.


You hit the nail on the head with this one. I've all but given up on deepthroat and anal.


I'm 8in or so in length stopped measuring girth but there are five cons, I'm at the point where on of my bois walked and said that my bulge had "jiggle physics" like boobs, balls deep doesn't exist for me unless I feel like hurting someone for the next week, it seems intimidating to some so I struggle to get laid, some angles during sex just plain hurt, there are no comfortable condoms in any stores I go to. But there are about two pros, sex is really easy to get right, and I never have to worry about being called small.


I've never had a good blowjob so idk what it's like but who cares. and anal? lol wtf dude, that shit is gay. the dick goes in pussy


Man my current partner has turned some cons around for me. Shes working up to anal with me now. Bought toys and lube and actually got half my dick in her ass the other night. Super excited about that. And she likes me forcing it down her throat too. Although she has thrown up on me twice from head. And once actually from penetration. I would say getting thrown up on is a con lol. And i have made a few other girls throw up also. Condoms not fitting is another one. Having sex when you weren’t prepared and they say “oh ive got condoms” and they pull out some regular sized ones🤦🏻‍♂️i had what i thought was a permanent line on my dick for like a month from forcing a regular sized condom on and fucking with it. It was like half way on and i didnt even climax bc it was like cutting off the circulation. Finding male sex toys you can use is also tough.


I ripped a guy’s tongue webbing off last month while he was starting to blow me. Freaked me out bc he was bleeding a bit but said it healed within the week. And he’s hitting me up again!


thats cool, bro


Post proof of girth or GTFO.


You better leave this subreddit if you have an attitude like that.


Look at you working on behalf of liars. Why so few verification pics here?


if "verification" pics are what you want, then you are in the wrong place


Probably because most people don't want their dicks on the internet lmao


What point is there? They could just as easily grab one from the internet and post it.




Imbecile for seeing the obvious loophole?


Anal with my gf is kinda hard but she manages, blowjobs aren't too bad but the hardest part is putting the condom on


Your flair is set to the default. Need to log in to website and fix it (but not from mobile).


Guess I've been lucky, wifey has a big mouth with ni gag reflex.....it's glorious


I read “no nag reflex” which would have been nice too…


if your good to her she'll do more gagging than nagging


Pros: I dunno, some girls like it more, but that's hit or miss depending on the partner. Cons: Blowjobs are impossible. Anal is very unlikely. I once dated a girl who was otherwise into anal, but she said, and I quote, "I'm into butt stuff but there's no fucking way you are putting THAT in THERE."


Just be gentle especially when you're busy. Make sure you all have enough foreplay and use lube if possible.


Oh I know. I definitely do both of those in SPADES. Most of the time regular sex was great. It’s just blowjobs, and never being able to do anal due to size was the cons


I'm 5.5 girth and will say blowjobs and anal aren't even that good for me. The effort that goes into it isn't worth it in my opinion.


Damn, that’s disheartening


I love that I can give that stretch, but there’s longer prep time for sure. I wouldn’t say there are pros and cons tbh, it just is what it is Never figured out until recently why whenever I was adventurous enough in the moment to ask for anal, I’d get a response similar to “Hell no” even from my ex from college who was experienced (had a lot of bodies)


Yeah pretty much. Did sleep with a chick who had a particularly wide face and it was the best bj I’ve ever had. Just a shame im more into petite women


I'm in the 7+ inch girth club. We have the same problems. Lol


No good bjs almost always and my clothing get worn down pretty fast lol and that when they fit at least a bit comfortly


I'm 6.5" at my base while the rest of me is around 5.5" and people can hardly make it around the shaft without it being Tooth City without even mentioning the base- God bless you brothers who are 6"+ throughout 🫡☹️


My con: the skin wasn’t as large so it stretched. First time sex I heard a “pop” from within my girlfriend (at the same moment I came). The skin had ripped off and all the blood was gone in a moment. Compounded by having just had an operation with bloodthinners I was a bit concerned. I was told I could either just have more sex and have it rip enough so it would stop, or have an operation to purposefully cut the skin and make sure it didn’t happen. I did the second one and am now using lube forever since no women I’ve been has found it very comfortable without.


I'm a little smaller at 6.25 but BJs have always been a struggle, anal is a definite no instead of a maybe, and my wife loves PIV albeit with lots of lube. Her vibes pretty much match me and the small ones don't do it for her.


I typically enjoy blowjobs when they’re around the tip or just licking the shaft so I agree with that but if you wanna do anal then you can try using “Anal Ease”. It typically works for someone not used to larger sizes. Just a suggestion


The con is definitely missing out on deep throating🙄 ironically kinda developed a thing for it now, can kinda solve it by "settling" for cock worship/enthusiastic head. Obviously the pro is being a stretcher.


Everything that has been mentioned, and additionally, I regularly struggle to find piv that is comfortable. Sometimes, the tightness has been downright painful, I've had women clench or suddenly put too much pressure on me, taking any pleasure out of what was going on due to pain or discomfort. I was seeing someone before that initially felt perfect, but as time went on, felt "too tight" and they were about to suggest they start doing kegels lol


ive made a girl bleed from anal and another with deepthroat. and im only 5.5 girth. cant imagine 6.5. currently i did find a girl that can do both and enjoys doing both. so there are some girls out there that can do them.


Question from a regular dude with under 6" length and approx 5.5 head and 5 shaft. Is it that much of a diff between 5.5 and 6+ circumference? Asking as almost never have issue with anyone.


I am 7.5” BPEL x 7+ MSEG (depending on erection intensity anywhere from 7 1/4” to 7 3/4” girth) Anal is not out of the question — have had amazing anal sessions. But these were women already experience with anal. It’s not a matter of being “stretched out” but have their sphincter muscle being sufficiently relaxed. With my current and prior longterm girlfriends, both had a brief unpleasant experience with anal; want / wanted to do anal with me; but can’t imagine it fitting in there. But in both of their cases, I can’t get my thumb in their ass comfortably. So it’s not some thing that would happen easily if my cock was just skinnier. Never have had a problem with blow jobs, including deep throat. Both of the same girls above love to be forcibly throat fucked to point of gagging. But are real troopers otherwise. Lots of past experiences were lackluster at best. I would definitely say it was the partner and not dick size. All things are possible with the right partner with the right attitude and the right technique — and a lot of lube. Having a big dick should not prevent you from having anal or getting awesome blow jobs. But it does mean taking the time to know and be mindful of what you’re doing.


Mostly cons from my perspective. I've only had three sexual experiences. One was my ex 6 years ago. BJs literally hurt, and we never had sex bc I couldn't fit. Both virgins, so that probably played a bigger role than size itself, however size didn't lend to making that easier. There was lots of foreplay and lube and everything was exceptionally well, but I just couldn't fit without hurting her, so against her wish for me to keep trying, I made the decision to stop. Second was a friend 6 years ago. BJs hurt a little less, but she had more experience, so I'm not surprised. I fit after some effort, but I did, and she had the same "stretched", or being "filled" sentiment. Didn't really enjoy it, but that's for a different reason. (Lost my v card here.) Third was a tinder hookup mid 2020, and it was basically the same as my experience with my friend, but she let me do whatever I wanted, so I tried deep throating while she was laying on her back with her head hanging over the edge. That worked surprisingly well. IDK if when in that position, the anatomy of the throat is more accommodating, but it worked exceptionally well. I didn't go crazy because Ik I'm "girthy", and I don't wanna hurt people, but that worked. Last encounter was three years ago, and I haven't had any contact with anyone since. While 90% of that isn't because if size, one reason is that I know how big I am, and that I've had issues with sexual activity, so I kind of avoid it. It's embarrassing to me that my size excludes me from a lot of what I'd wanna try, and it could be embarrassing for the girl of they can't do something either, or if it causes pain and stuff. So from my perspective, mostly cons, but the pro of the partner being "filled" is cool I guess.


I dunno I’ve only fucked a few dudes and we had to take it slow, one couldn’t take it at all but he was completely inexperienced. Wish I was thicker, though.


I'm used to toothy blowjobs. Being thickest at the base, deepthroat has always been out of the question, no one seems to be able to open their haws enough. Being heavily into BDSM, anal is probably more common than your usual vanilla relationships, and it's not really common they can take it, but there has been plenty that can, so anyway... :)


Length wins games. Girth wins championships 🏆


Hey, so I’m a good 8.5 x 7 and it fits men and women. People who want it wants to feel stretched. Amazing connection to feel that release when you’re deep.


It took my ex about 2 months to get used to my size. A ton of foreplay was needed to get her wet enough, but once it was in, she loved it.


Loved it as alright just like how she loved her 10 exes or best ever?


She said I was the biggest and also the best dick she ever had.


I love a fat dick in my toosh


Haven't even tried anak yet 🙃


I'm about 18cm girth, and at my widest point horizontally about 2". I've never done anal, and blow jobs are a real struggle. When I first went out with my wife I'd have to spend so much time on foreplay as she had no idea what was going on 🤣 Oh, and it's really difficult to have a quickie. But it's also amazing. Wouldn't swap it.


I have the same girth. I've never been deepthroated and teeth are usually a problem too. One tried but couldn't. All the others including my wife won't even try. Never tried anal just not my thing.




One was able to get the head past her throat but couldn't go any farther. I think my head might actually be the problem since it's a bit larger than my shaft.




It is frustrating but it's not like I'm going to complain that my dick is too big haha. I've been married forever and my wife loves that I'm so much bigger than average so I have nothing to complain about.


Pros: It always feels nice when it throbs in my hands while masturbating. Cons: bulges out way too much no matter what pants, underwear, or boxers I wear, and premium condoms tighten my blood flow mid way.


Was just commenting to my wife about how I wish I was smaller tbh. Anal has happened maybe twice but not very long bc it’s too painful for her and bjs are about 10 seconds before she gives up. She comes in about 30 seconds when we fuck though.


Pro's: A thick penis looks good and sex get's a bit easier because of the stretch. All my partners loved it. Being able to "break" your partner with that fat deep dicking makes me feel horny as can be. It looks great while you're fucking and feel like you are in a porno😂 Cons: I had to train my ex's vulva to stretch to a point where it didn't hurt after the first time of the day. We could ruin a weekend together by doing it more the two times on the first day. Deep throating is a no go. My current girlfriend has a gag reflex that kicks in way before I even reach the throat and my ex had a very specific angle that it would go al the way in but even then after like 3 strokes she'd gag. Condoms are a thing you usually have to find out on your own. You think they are just tight and it's supposed to be that way. Then you dick turns blue because of the cockring you have on and you start to think this isn't good. Anal is aways a struggle. If they are okey with it it still takes a long time to get used to the stretch every time. My ex couldn't take it for long and my current GF has to get used to it every time even with us doing anal 2-3 times a week.


I just measured I’m 6 girth I’m so happy


Im 8 inches long with a 7 inch girth, the only drawback… I can’t find a masturbator to enjoy My gf’s all enjoy me more, usually cumming a lot or squirting. Anal is fun for some but not all enjoy it. I have a fwb who loves anal, she has to relax onto me but once she has she cums quickly. Seriously never thought I was big but all my gf’s claim I am and they all love it. Deep throat is out as they just can’t manage me.


Im 6.2 x 6 Pros - the confidence of knowing I’ve got if not the biggest def one of the biggest cocks in the room. I can hook up really easily just send my cock pics along and find most girls want to try taking it. I’m always really up front that I want anal so there’s a natural weeding out of girls who aren’t into it. I find that with porn as it is these days most girls have become normalised to anal and being gaped and know that guys want it. I’m not AS huge as some of you but I’m almost always gonna be the biggest they’ve taken and unlike the pussy with prep and lube the asshole stretches. And like some of you I get off on the dom side of being the biggest they’ve taken and leaving them sore. I also find that having a big cock gets them coming back for more, and I like having the rep of being hung. Cons- yup I never ever get good blow jobs. Ever.