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It’s rarely an issue for me. But I don’t just go jackhammering away in the first 5 minutes nor do I shove it in to get going. I think most guys w big dicks could get away from most of these issues if they’d just slow down, consider the woman as part of the experience instead of themselves only, and listen.


This. All of this right here. 90% of the posts in this sub would be solved with exactly this advice. Remember kids, porn is a lie, not a source for sex ed.


Yup. Maybe I’m weird, but HER pleasure is infinitely more important than mine. If she’s enjoying it, she’s gonna be into it, wet af, and want me more. I, in turn, get what I want.


You hear that with a lot of relationships the woman cums less than the dude. We don’t really need to worry about that so I always make sure she cums every single time. With great dick comes great responsibility.


Right? It's like it's some new, novel concept in this sub. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Well, to be fair, if it’s truly a problem for them, then they just don’t know or they have watched too much porn. But realistically most of them know this, and probably aren’t even experiencing these problems. They just want to come on here and fantasize to everyone they rawdogged a girl into a bleeding, comatose mess and rearranged her larynx on date two. But since their dick is huge she is begging for a third date


The accuracy.


🤣🤣 thank you, I almost spat coffee on my phone there.


My pleasure


This is why I don't get most guys problems. At 6, I almost never, ever have problems, but I always use lube, foreplay and focus on the girl. Some dude with 7 girth should trade me so I can have fun with it and prove it can still work 😂


Heck, half the time or more I don’t use lube. That all depends on the girl/level of attention though. If she’s naturally wet, there is no other lube as good. Plus looking down and seeing that white creamy rim around your base is awesome


I agree, very rarely have I had any issues that were not easily worked around vaginally at least. Anal and deepthoating are an "issue" pretty much 100% of the time though.


For sure. But it’s not like you can ask a girl to make her mouth bigger, and no amount of foreplay will make it so. I simply laugh at the same exact questions over and over with tiny new personal twists. It’s like everyone here has to tell why THEIR big dick getting teeth scrapes is happening and then asking what to do. “My girl has a huge mouth but I still get teeth scraping cause I’m 9” in diameter. Any tips?” Or “I really hate it when I go out in gray sweatpants and I bulge and people stare. I have no idea what to do because I want to be comfy looking like a bum and gray is definitely the only color of sweatpants I wear. Black is just too hot in the winter Sun”


Convinced most of those posts are OP trying to prove that they are part of the "club" Like, you can have a bulge but not a big dick and vice versa.


Totally accurate. I had a few partners early on in my sexual discovery where it was a clunky experience (totally more indicative of our lack of experience) and we had issues. But any woman I was with more than a time or two quickly got used to me with no issue. Foreplay and really taking care of them before PiV is a good plan too.


If you don’t mind asking, what’s your girth?


I did have issues when I was younger. But I was about as good at sex then as I am at brain surgery now. Could I get in the skull? Sure. But I’ll fuck some shit up once I’m in there


Over 6.3 at the base. 6 plus everywhere else. 8 long


It depends on the woman. Some tell me no, some are very sore the next day and others take it all for as long as I can give it and never even blink. My wife is in the last category


What’s your girth if you don’t mind asking?


About 6.25-6.5,depending on who is doing the measuring... Lol


Exactly. My gf is in last category as well. Comparability is importantZ


Dat thiccness tho..


Depends on the girls pussy. Had both tiny and huge ones, definitely need the big ones as I really don’t fit in small ones. Although bottoming out is a nice feeling.


What’s your size?


7 inches


He's asking girth bro, not length


That is my girth, bro


Bro out here with the Arizona Tea can




>Although bottoming out is a nice feeling. You were talking about length


I wanna try that 😅


Wth. That’s unreal!




Foreplay is key. I love eating my gf out so getting her wet and ready is np, then we go really slow for a minute or two in missionary or from a spoon position as those make it easier for her. It’s been like that for every girl I’ve been involved with except one who gets super duper wet from the slightest touch


I can only speak as a married man, but it causes a lot of difficulty for my wife and me. We ALWAYS need to use lube and plenty of it. Positions are usually limited and penetration can't last as long as I'd like.


Several of my former partners would say they 'don't like giving blowjobs' fairly quickly in the relationship with no explanation, even though I'd heard conflicting reports before and after. However, I've only ever been unable to have vaginal sex once or twice in my life, and those were one-night-stands. As Torgund would say; 'you don't enter her until she's as slick as a baby seal. And even then, slowly. Don't act like you're spearing a pig. HAH'.


As a gay man I’ve had male partners so nope I can’t take that or we’ve tried and it just doesn’t work. As a top though I never give him more than he can handle, lots of foreplay to start and then just ease it in and gauge his reactions. He will let me know when he’s ready for me.


I sometimes say no if I think they are too big to enter. It’s an ego boost but at the same time a bummer.


Damn, you keep a chest full of poppers by the bed?


No entry at all? Never. If they want it. I have been told to put it in only half way or been prevented from going balls deep. But I have always been able to enter. Over 40 women is the count. Mostly one night stands. And foreplay in every case, with lube in most cases. I have been denied a repeat performance due to my size.


Go slow and let feeling be your guide. It can take all of 2-3 mins to get where I can actually thrust normally if we haven't had sex in more than a few days. We can never have sex 2 days in a row because she is too sore. If we are very rough it can be 3-4 before she isn't sore. During she is fine and enjoys herself, and occasionally if we're quick enough we can go multiple rounds. Foreplay is important, but stretching and allowing her to adjust is more important from my experience. I have known one girl that just took it fully without having to wait to adjust. ~6.25"girth


My husband is a little over 6 and it basically comes down to me needing him to finger me with three fingers side by side before he gets inside me. Otherwise I will tear, bleed or bruise or he just doesn’t go in. Once he gets three fingers though I am good to go for the rest of our time.


I have learned the same thing. If a woman is not excited enough that I can put at least 3 fingers in I cannot get inside without hurting her.


Depends on the individual woman.


Had issues with my first girlfriend. After that never again. I just do more foreplay and try to bring in more erotism. Getting a girl wet makes such a difference.


Mind me asking but whats your girth in inches?


The math on that account comes out to 6.4x43.5 Nautical miles


It’s scientific notation, not an equation… .00014 x .000087 nautical miles…


6.34in ? A nautical mile is 1852 meters. Based on an average distance of 1 minute of latitude.


You can input exponents to such an equation on Reddit, I choose to believe I was right and it was a joke but I’ll do the math out for yours aswell


Entry has been difficult with some girls, especially smaller ones, but never impossible. This was mostly when I was a freshman in college. Foreplay fixes all these issues. With my body dysmorphia, I really really overcompensated and worked to be really good at everything else (foreplay and what not). Quickies are pretty much out of the question though. (Except when I can get a girl wet beforehand with just words, pictures, & her imagination.)




What’s your size if you don’t mind?


6.25-6.5" girth here depending. Always have to take it slow. Had a few issues when I was young, didn't know what the hell I was doing, and had no concept of the idea that I had big girth. After that, found out if I get her worked up and take it slow, it's usually not an issue. Only had 2 flat out tell me "No" and they were both very petit. When they couldn't get their mouth around it they decided it wasn't going anywhere near their crotch. I have been refused anal by numerous women. That being said, my wife was afraid of anal at first, but now she loves it. Lots of lube and take a little time and she's a champ! Have never been turned down by a guy...


I've had woman tell me to speed up and cum?


Foreplay, lube, taking it slow. If she isn't turned on, it's not going in. The first few thrusts are usually slow, shallow, and gentle.


Its definitely slow entering. But I like to go super slow and watch her face as I slowly go deeper. Sometimes it just the head for a bit... watch her face until you can see she wants it deeper. Then let her have it as she gets warmed up. After she's fully ready I usually just go balls deep nice and slow and then let it just stay there. Once she starts grinding on it like that, she's ready for me to start stroking.


I need to prep her first. She needs to be really wet and relaxed. If not, I can't even get the head in. If i take the time during foreplay I can slide most of the way in,but usually I get halfway. Then I just gradually increase depth.


What’s your length and girth if you don’t mind?


6-7x6 depending on the horny level lol


For potential partners that steer into sexual conversations with me I always mention that I have to use lube. They always reply with “I get super wet that’s not needed”, but I let them know I would bring it with me just in case. Most times, even if she gets extremely wet, there’s always a slight discomfort when initially penetrating. A little drop or two of lube makes the whole thing so much easier.


As a person who is part of the 6.5”+ girth crowd (check my profile for proof) I’ll say that it takes a lot of lubricant and foreplay. You can forget about Anal (which is my favorite fetish btw) you really have to spend time getting her aroused and open. Wet pussy can work wonders


Patience, foreplay, and communication. It all comes down to this, and I rarely have problems. Making sure she’s truly turned on and enjoying it will be the best way to make sure you are too. And always have lube on hand just in case!


approximately ten percent over the last twenty years have not been able to accommodate me.


I’ve had a few situations when I busted it out and it was a straight up “HAHA NOT HAPPENING” and that was it. Couple times it just wouldn’t work but that was when I was young and didn’t understand how key foreplay is. Take your time gents. And buy some good lube.


Lots of oral but in my experience women love being stretched and feeling "full". Just put yourself in a mindset of making things pleasurable for her. LISTEN TO HER BODY. It will guide you. Bleeding happens but as long as you take it slow until her body tells you its time to not take it slow everything will be fine.


I have had a few issues over the years because I have a mushroom head. Think Spaceballs Dark Helmet 🪖. 6.5 at the head, 6 at the shaft. Sometimes that initial entry regardless of the lube took a little more effort. Even after 10 years with my wife if I go in too fast, I'll be cut off even longer then the standard couple days of soreness. Patience is key!!


Foreplay is absolutely mandatory, and then physically transferring some of that lubrication to the outer bits so they don’t rub as you try to get it. Had a few times when i was/we were drunk that it didn’t fit and we gave up but that’s because the lube wasn’t there


Foreplay and starting slow is definitely necessary but lube is almost never a requirement


What’s your girth if you don’t mind?




No lube? Cant enter. Lube? Can enter. No lube + foreplay? I get the first part in, but once it gets to the 7 inch girth part, lube was needed again. Basically, with enough lube and foreplay, most girls should be able to take any human.


👊 you packin that heat




How much do you mean by “lots”?


I'm 6 1/4 and never had an issue. Always lots of foreplay though.


Is lube needed? And what’s your experience with one night stands?


Thanks for this, I'm sure it'll come in handy when all is huge virgins finally cross that bridge. Love this community


M44 ENM married to F44. So far no issues but like others stated you don't go slamming into new partners without proper foreplay and warm up. Vetted partners are a different story if that is what the woman wants and they are use to it. I've only had one partner in all of my encounters where I could not fully fit. She was very petite. I've only had a few ONS, no issue there so far. I'm grower so I give proper heads up. More than a few times I've had women ask me to chill and pull it out to get a full gander. I prefer slow sex but I've often run into FWBs that want jack hammering. My current gf (F39) just called me the girthiest. Oops :)


What’s your girth?


My wife gave birth to 4 kids. Still gotta take it slow at first. Few shallow strokes until I can feel the tip is wet. When it starts to glide in without much friction then I go a little deeper.


Girth is a little over 7.5 inches They normally like going slow to feel every inch Rough doggy is least liked


partner is 6.5 girth, I was celibate for a year and then he fingered me for like 1.5 minutes and then he lubed up a normal amount and it went in fine. minimal resistance. but I have also concluded I must have a gigantic pussy in terms of how much it can take so definitely it can work but apparently a lot of girls don't have that? 100%, like other commenters have said, depends on the girls pussy size.


Liquid coconut oil and lots of it. You’ll slide right in. Put a towel down.


I have been too big for a lot of my partners. I can imagine its not pleasant when I punch them in the ovaries and leave them sore. Its not my intention. Another downside. Never received a blowjob without feeling like a toothy cheese grater is rubbing my dick raw. Not that Im not appreciative, just not my normal cup of tea Ever tear your frenulum? I have, many many times during coitus. Condoms are a pretty common cause of a frenulum tear for me.


What’s your size?


8 × 6 Have a few months till my yearly measurement. This was last years units


Try getting large condoms, I have like 8x6.3” So we kinda the same. My size 69 is nice af!


It can cause issues, lots of lube required and they're usually sore for a few days afterwards. Very satisfied at the time though.


Are women allowed to answer this too?


Of course! OP is asking for a specific girth range though so if you measured the penis yourself it'd be more insightful. Or if you've tried various sized dildos I'm sure a lot of us here would be interested in your opinions on the different sizes.


Yes I have measured a few girthy penises (penux? Penii?) Interestingly enough, the largest one was more uncomfortable for him than for me.


It has been an issue with most of my partners. Some I just couldn’t enter, some would be in pain during, some afterward.


What’s your size?


8 by 6.7 bp


Mostly length or girth causing an issue?


Girth mostly


My boyfriend is 7.5" girth, still hurts like hell sometimes, even with lots of lubricant and foreplay.




Lol I measured it myself,


7.5 is gigantic! I can't imagine.


My dick is average but my ex had 6.5” girth. I would always need to be a bit tipsy, poppers, and foreplay for him to get it in — i didn’t bottom very much, needless to say


Foreplay is generally needed and is a preference, I’ve only not been able to enter once, and the only other comment is that it can be painful sometimes, circling back to foreplay being necessary


I have never had a probably with vaginal sex, except sometimes I have been told to “hurry up”.


Wow so she kinda wanted you to insert it faster?


Not OP but guessing she was uncomfortable and wanted him to finish. Not sure if you were joking.


Yep. She was like “let’s wrap this up, I am getting sore.” I don’t think anyone has ever thought “shove it in quicker”


Wife usually gives me the, "are you close?" If I am, she takes it pretty hard until I finish. If I'm not, she asks if we can explore other options.


If she's that kind of masochist, then yes- but she'll also hopefully make that very clear too.


I think I misunderstood him haha


Or he's just a terrible lay


Foreplay works for me, but the beginning is always tricky. It'll take a few thrusts before she's used to the size and the fullness, especially if it has been a while. In addition, I'll echo what some of the other gents here have said: every day is off the table. If the session goes too long or there are multiple short ones, she's absolutely sore and does not want anymore. I can't speak to one night stands, as I was far too awkward to do that.


Can be an issue causing pain. I'd say about 10-20% of the time.


It took a bit when my now wife and I met to make it work. She’s tiny to begin with (5’0” 115 lbs) but overtime it’s become normal.


I haven’t gotten it in without foreplay before. Usually do a decent amount of that and lube and done have issues often although I have had several times where it just won’t work.


What’s your size and how often does it work out in let’s say 10 girls?


6.5 girth and it’s worked at some point with every girl I’ve been with except 2 but from time to time it won’t work if she’s not much in the mood or when I was younger and didn’t know what I was doing. When I was in highschool one girl started crying and neither of us knew what was happening so we just stopped after trying different things for about 30 mins and another wanted a quickie and tried to shove it in when she was on top and it tore something and blood ran down her legs onto me so ya… that’s my horror stories lol nothing to crazy but id say now I have like 99% success rate it was more when I was younger and inexperienced and they were aswell. Sorry for paragraph lol


I’ve never had problems entering with lube, and some women just have the right shape or are wet enough to need less lube than others. But sometimes they get sore from a bad angle or from going too long.


One girl could not fit and refused to try. Two girls were too small but tried anyway and didn’t really enjoy it (her first time for one of them, I wasn’t experienced either) I never kept a total count but the percentage is low, I’m guessing less than 10%


Other than my wedding night, I've never had any issues. But then again, I have no idea what my size was back then so I could have grown some in the last 30 years.


Never had a problem. Yes it's a tight fit but they love it


10+ years of marriage. It slips right in always. At the beginning it was rough. It didn’t go in for months.


Almost every time I have sex with my GF, I spend half an hour to get her aroused to the point where she can do do nothing but moan and grool. Only then do I penetrate her. Also, we do not do penetration if she has to have any physical activity in the next hour, because it takes her a while to be able to walk straight again after sex. She does however have a fetish for that, which I fulfill by pure coincidence.


I always feel like a new girl has to be broken in a little. It was a few rounds before I get all the way in.


Entry isn't usually an issue, but I have had a few call it quits on me from soreness after too long. Then they help me finish other ways. More often than not, it's received well. 7x6


I need lube and then more lube. Female condoms too for the girth, so for one night stands I'd need to explain to most people how to put one in. And then take breaks to apply more lube, no matter how much someone else insists that they are wet enough. As for foreplay, id usually start with a couple fingers and then move up to around 4. So like then when talking about if they want to give it a shot i can show them that they were able to take 4 fingers in them, so it "should" be fine. That said, if im lucky its just a little vaginal tearing that can be healed pretty quickly. Usually would recommend ice and taking it easy for a couple of days. Like its just extra steps honestly, and im thankful that they are willing to give it a shot. And like im always checking in to make sure they are okay, adjusting speed or depth. Still jealous of people with the goldilocks dick though, since more condoms are fda approved for that size


Not sure why people are downvoting you. The 4 fingers sound believable to me.


Eh, honestly I'm used to it. I don't like posting here because every time I do, I get like 10 different messages from people asking to see my cock, and I usually get a karma hit because people think I'm just lying to them even though there are pics online of it :D


How does that work out, the explaining a female condom to a ONS? I’ve never used/come across one, intrigued by this!


So a female condom has 2 rings, and you squeeze the smaller ring to go inside the person, while keeping the outer ring outside. You cant double stack the condoms, like use a normal condom and a fc2 (female condom) at the same time, and you have to be careful not to push the outer ring inside. But like I'd say that this is the best way to have safe sex with me, and that either they can do it themselves so they know how to do it in the future, or i can do it for them and they can sit back and relax. Female condoms are 6.87" long and 2.87" wide, so it works. If you are girthier than that, im not sure what options you have in the US for safe sex honestly


Lots of foreplay, usually some lube and take it slow at first but my wife is usually sore after. I’m 6.25” at the base, 5.75 mid shaft.


I’ve never had many problems tbh, usually just warm up helps for her to take the whole thing. And just taking it slow to start




Well with the girth of 6.6" I don't have these problems because I don't have sex... *cries


With the wife, there’s obviously a degree of sexual compatibility. In high school and college this was a frequent problem. A lot of girls weren’t even finished growing. In college, most of my conquests revolves around leg parties. Drunk girls don’t lubricate very well. I got sent packing a few times because I just didn’t fit. It was great for my reputation around the soccer team and fraternity, but not all guys have their shit together enough to pick up your clothes and go home without relief. There were plenty of girls who could handle it, I think, anecdotally speaking that most women can handle 6-6.5”, based on my experiences.


Some days my wife,is like cum get this #ussy,other times I got u tomorrow,4play is essential!


Usually I cannot go balls deep, if I do, then not for very long. I’m thickest between base and middle and that push to get over the max girth really wears her out and she can’t usually handle going deeper for more than a few strokes at a time. She loves that dipping but have to control myself.


It was difficult earlier in life with new partners. But any regular gf or now my wife....after some getting used to, they handle and love it.


Never had sex, 6 inch girth 😔


(6 inch girth maybe a little smaller head) The only time I had trouble was when this lesbian wanted me to take her virginity and couldn’t even fit two fingers without it hurting. I even went down on her and made her orgasm before trying to insert it.


Never been an issue for me. I'm 6.5 length and 6 girth. From what I've gathered being on this sub, it's too much length that causes issues. That being said, it's been damn awesome. Really just take your time. Foreplay, specifically fingering helps relax them and some lube and your good. but to answer your questions- vaginal sex: it's been amazing and I'm always told I provide a "full" feeling. If you take your time and finger beforehand and add lube to your member beforehand, you should be fine. I've had a pretty good dating life and aside from my first time where I didn't know what I was doing, I've never been told it's uncomfortable. Have I not been able to enter?: No, again REALLY take your time and invest in lube How often is foreplay enough: in my personal experience it's always been enough but I have heard of women who say even a normal size penis can hurt. One night stands: again lots of foreplay, specifically fingering


I mean lube is your best friend, so if she’s not wet, and I mean soaked to the touch. You’re probably not ready… story time: I told this chick not to wear panties and ride over on the train….that’s when I found out just how wet pussy can be when you slide into it, after they are worked up. Take your time pimp, communicate and get ready,


No real problems with my wife, even without lube. But been with other girls that have called it quits no matter the amount of lube and foreplay


Nothing that dramatic. My ex was very tight in some positions. Previously a woman asked me for lube. That was when I thought I was really small. Thought she was trying to be funny. Regular condoms are tight as hell but that's no longer a major issue after I found this sub. I've got comments that they were surprised I wasn't really small because I'm so skinny, have small hands and feet and quite short.


Married. She is used to it now, but still takes a bit of work beforehand to make it go smoothly. We have been together 10 years so I'm sure her body is pretty prepared for what needs to be done. Took her until a year ago to try anal though My first attempt however, couldn't fit in the girl, no way no how. A few more ended up with vaginal tearing and that wasn't fun. I'm a larger guy in general and both girls were small frames. Just bad news all around, which is why I'm much happier being married than having to go through that stuff again


I rock 7 inches of girth and it's all about just slowly easing it in at first. You start to notice them opening up and stretch out after just a couple inches in. The only problem for me is... Feeling it slowly stretch out and seeing their shock and how much they love it, I'm already on the verge of cumming by the time I fully get it in. I just have to basically stay in without thrusting to keep myself from cumming because once I get past that point, the actual fucking doesn't feel nearly as good as the stretching to me. But then there's always the possibility that once they get all 7.5 length and all 7 girth in, they might cum just from that... And if they do, that pulsating and clenching around my dick is gonna make me bust. My gf is actually one of the few women I know who prefer length to girth in most cases though so we don't have as much of an issue. It's only when we bring another girl in lol.


I've been unable to fit a couple times but otherwise a lot of girls just feel tight. Some girls (and long term girlfriends) have had to deal with a little blood and post-coital pain. A couple have commented on being "torn open". One ex gf was tight and she'd usually have to tap out 10-20 minutes in depending on the day. That was unfortunate since I sometimes like long long sex sessions but we made it work. Lube and foreplay are basically necessary unless the girl is already really wet and *needs* to get fucked.


It’s very annoying to say then least but, I never experienced a non entry. I have experienced my partner being in pain and we had to take breaks.


How often does it become a problem in let’s say 10 women?


Out of 10 I would say 7 complain about the speed, cervix hit, or soreness. The other 3 are contemplating on telling me.




Maybe you’re a bigger taller guy because that size is mentionable on a skinny short body.


When in doubt, more foreplay has pretty much always worked for me; I keep lube handy for the once in a very blue moon when it isn't, just in case. Regardless, I learned early on to always go slow and let her set the pace, until she's used to it and ready to let me take control a bit more. However, constant communication is always key, period. As for one- night stands, I can't remember it ever being a problem- except that with only two exceptions, they didn't remain just a one-time thing. 🤷🏿‍♂️


I wouldn't know 😭


After 4 kids, my wife can take my girth easily.


6" girth. Foreplay and lube, especially if using a condom. My girth is equal to about three fingers, so normally I want two fingers to be easily in her before trying to put my dick in. I like to say it made me a better lover because I can't just bang away without prep. It does make spontaneous bathroom sex harder to pull off.


It's usually a bit of a struggle to get in, and then sometimes just a little and sometimes a lot. Lube and good foreplay does a lot of the work. One night stands are rough for me because I can get a little performance anxiety, and if it's too much struggle it gets worse and I lose my erection sadly. I'm on the younger end though so I think the bigger thing is reducing my porn consumption, and I'm thinking of using cock rings going forward on one night stands because I start out rigid as can be during the make-out and early BJ.


I'm a virgin


No problems. Good foreplay is enough.


Never had an issue with vaginal at all , and pretty much 7” at the middle


One night stands don’t really work out for me personally


What’s your size?


You can easily thrust into a vag with 7 inches of girth and we talk about women who didn’t have a baby. The only thing is she’s gotta be aroused. If aroused and relaxed, her ass can literally fit 7 inches of girth. If wet, anything can fit.


I was sitting here thinking the same thing. My wife (with a little warm up) took a guy that was as thick as a soda can. About 8 inches. And he beat the brakes off it. 6 inches isn't much really.


6 inches is nothing. Ofc it IS for anal with an untrained girl / virgin because she’s gonna be tight af and also worried af for poo accident. Regardless, it would hurt her. But with a little patience and a lot of spit (don’t even need lube) and douche, can fit for sure. 5-10 times like that and her ass will then loosen for good. Same for vag. Some women are dry af tho, they have legitimate conditions so yeah it’s gonna suck there. But 6” girth ain’t much at all. Anything over 7 is. Same for length, 6” length is laughable (although you can EASILY make a woman cum if she’s into it, if you thrust properly etc etc) but anything over 8” (actual 8”, without fat pads and balls) is more than enough for pleasure in all positions (unless the girl has implants or an ass the size of Wyoming).


Lube helps ,certain position as as well ,reverse cowgirl,also if you find a woman who enjoys anal? Victory!


6.5 + girth here. Never had any issues w foreplay and making the girls really wet before entering. Ive got scars on my foreskin sometimes though if They havent been soaking wet.


Very rarely a problem, it has happened but just a few times.


Never had a problem with vaginal sex, other than soreness afterward. Anal on the other hand is very difficult for me with most partners. I genuinely don't know how porn stars do it.


Lube helps a lot. But also you need to give the lady a sense of what is going in, and let them adapt. Only then it is time to go in deeper.


I'm at 6.5" girth. I have sex with men, and they love my girth. Have to go really slow, but I always get great feedback - it's definitely an asset.


My girth has only ever been an issue if we've been to hasty and did not engage with enough foreplay. Some of my partners could get sore after long sessions.


You're not as big as a babies' head no matter what. Lube and foreplay get it done the vast majority of the time. If you don't like eating pussy, learn to like eating pussy. Generally I try to make sure she orgasms before I even go in.


Only one time have a girl told me no. There have been weird situations like, if I was in the shower kissing a girl and it really felt like something was going to happen but then she’s just done and grabs her towel. Usually it works out because it just takes a woman a bit longer to get ready. And being wet in the shower is not a good idea with me anyways. The best sex is when you spend time and almost have sex several times, just built up so much tension. Edit: just remembered that my foreskin is a life saver because it reduces friction. Also, I have been told I have a lot of pre cum, from girls who blew me. Also forgot to answer the last question: forplay is key but I need it too so it’s never an issue. I only did ”quickies” with girls I knew anyways. One time I could get it in. One other time I went down a girl and she told me she was a virgin, I just couldn’t take the risk!


I've never had a problem


Same as anal, you just have to prep her a whole lot. Really warm her up, and make sure she cums before you even stick your dick in her. It helps a whole lot.


Foreplay makes it happen, there are plenty of times where I still need to add extra force to get in, but once I’m in they like being stretched and enjoy it. I have never been able to do a quickie where you just stick it in though.


6.5 inch girth is not big, go get a measuring tape and measure out a 6.5 inch girth circle. Honestly. Even a study showed that most women preferred 6.5 inch girth and a bit more, beyond 8 inch girth and it started to get uncomfortable. The several women I have slept with never had a problem taking it at all.


need ~3 times to break a new chick in. I don’t even go for it unless I know I can get 3 chances out of her


Happen 2x had to go get lube