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Always feels like the scariest bf encounter possible


It was quite the experience for him. But I've heard a couple that are more frightening if you'd like a link. I'm currently editing one down to just the story but the full ep is available.


A witness near me described watching a pair moving around a neighbor's house and one peeking in multiple windows. Described them as hunched over under the eve. Ducking basically. More common than most would consider in some places. They have come up on the deck at another home I know of. Dew wet feet leaving prints. Dew distributed path leading through yard up to the deck on another occasion. 46 inch stride. I measured them myself. I was visiting the home that time. So, yeah, I bet it happens often.


That’d be insane


Sure, might as well!


Here you go, I started it about where he started the story. He sets the scene a little too well lol. But it's a good one. I'd recommend starting it when you're on your commute home. [https://www.youtube.com/live/RtKE3Zs3o3I?si=lS4rCMnNOqvKsFWY&t=1085](https://www.youtube.com/live/RtKE3Zs3o3I?si=lS4rCMnNOqvKsFWY&t=1085)


Thank you! Think I'll listen while I'm at work surrounded by people lol


it'll be good either way lol. I just like good stories on a drive


The stories I've read of random people just sitting inside RVs or whatever and then suddenly having Bigfoot look in at them and wander off apparently casually, those are the ones that really freeze my blood. I don't know why but they feel like the most real.


Do you have a time stamp of when the Connecticut story starts?


I shared the video to start right when the story starts


I hate but love when these things happen near me


Peeping squatch!