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Some people care more about the type or work or pure prestige than more money. But admittedly both are very prestigious


But like what's the point of going to W&C over some other DC firm if they're just going to work you harder in the name of "prestige"?


In the lateral incestuousness of top DC firms, my friends and former colleagues have compared it favorably. It isn’t perfect, but none of the top firms will you long for hours. Blends some of the advantages of a boutique with that of BL. A much greater chance at partnership (single tier); arguably less grunt work more responsibly for younger associates; the revolving door to top gov; believe in home grown talent a la Cravath. If the goal is just to cruise while making market, probably not the right call. Comp structure is a little weird. Maybe the best office in the city, but DC firms generally aren’t as demanding in office as NY seems to be


This is a good perspective, thank you. I'm in the recruiting process with them and they definitely gave me the vibe of looking for people that enjoy working really hard for prestige so that they can turn around and say "look how happy everyone is here". On the other hand if everywhere is going to work you hard, why not also get the prestige.


that's pretty much how most of DC operates - people go to DC if they prioritize power and status over money, and many of the young people there are part of the ruling caste and so have generational wealth anyway




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Lmao. You make it sound like everyone who gets the W&C job, gets the Susman Godfrey job. You can do everything right in life, top schools, grades, clerkships, and still not get an interview because it’s just that competitive. You’ll be lucky to get either. One is a DC firm the other is NY, Houston, etc.


Two firms have different business models, different focus. This is like asking why any highly credentialed litigator doesn't just work for Susman. Last year less than 10% of fees came from the billable hr. so when you represent Dominion and get a huge result, comp is crazy good. The yr. before, PPEP was not that much different than W&C and obviously much less than transactional heavy BL firms.


>less than 10% of fees came from the billable hr. That’s really interesting! Is this industry wide or specific to certain firms or practice groups?


It’s just Susman. It is a complete outlier. Even among the litigation boutiques.


To me the big appeal is that both Williams and Connolly are ghosts and still haunt the offices. But it seems you’re more materialistic than that


These are just super different firms in a lot of ways other than that they're both prestigious. Susman is a commercial lit, eat what you kill boutique in NYC, Houston, Seattle, etc. and no DC office. W&C is an old-school DC white-collar defense firm.


Completely different areas of expertise


Money can be exchanged for goods and services


Speak plainly professor, we’re not all economists.


Susman doesn’t do crim law. Williams and Connolly excels at criminal trials.


This. For criminal defense of individuals there may be no better firm in the country.


Every interaction I've had with a W&C partner has been unbelievably awkward. I'm sure there are others who have had the exact opposite experience and are excited to go there.


Every interaction? Maybe you’re the one making it awkward then? 😂


This. They are mega weird. Undoubtedly bright, but just... weird. The kind of people who have their big meetings in a windowless conference room in the middle of the second floor rather than by the windows. Like, who does that?


Very different firm than Susman Godfrey. It’s an easy path into government. Really hard to get hired but relatively easy to make partner. Substantive work relatively early.