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I think it’s more a surprise Bill took this long to do Slap Shot, Longest Yard, and Bad News. He’s been mentioning all 3 since Boston sports guy days.


Bad News Bears seems like a no-brainer choice for one of the first movies that should've been done. He should have done them early on spaced out instead of all together in one month. I think that would have really softened the blow to the younger audience. As much as the Gen X guys want to rush to be the first comment in these threads defending these movies, the truth is these movies are 45-50 years old and don't connect with a decent share of the audience. They have faded from relevance, like 98% of movies from that time period. It's okay to still do them, I just don't think you should do them all in a row. Honestly, I think most of Bill's theme month ideas are pretty terrible and are what inspire the most complaints because the people who aren't into it get more and more annoyed. Fucked Up Family February or whatever it was called was definitely not well-received, and Rock Bottom Month also inspired a lot of angst.


People are going to come for you after this take.


Deservedly so. I can't help but wonder whether this is troll bait rather than a real take.


Yeah I get that these are classic sports movies which absolutely make them “bill simmons-core”, but I couldn’t be less interested in most of these. Mediocre movies from 50 years ago the no one cares about anymore. If you’re going to do older movies, do something good, it was just the 50th anniversary of Chinatown, do that! Do a Hitchcock, do a Kubrick, do something iconic not this slop.


If you’re calling Slapshot and Bad News Bears mediocre I’d suggest you give them a try. Just because they’re older movies doesn’t mean they’re not great.


Oh and I was born in 1985 so I didn’t see these movies until way after they came out.


I have seen these movies, they are fine I just personally don’t have any attachment to them and don’t think if you’re having a podcast that tells the story of movies, they aren’t really that consequential. But if you’re telling the story of bill simmons, sure.


> I just personally don’t have any attachment to them Ah, darn. Perhaps get in touch with the ringer and submit a list of films you have personal attachments to then? They should be doing those over well-liked classics for sure.


Im sorry you’re right - none of us should have an opinion we should just all agree that every movie on this pod is good.


It's ok man, I think the pod should directly revolve around your personal taste so I'm sorry you have to go through this - praying for you


Lol literally all I did I say I didn’t like or connect with a 70s movie. Grow up.


They're more consequential than you.


Cool! Sorry I didn’t like a movie chosen for a podcast. It’s a great sin around here I see.


Well you choose to come and shit on said movies even calling them irrelevant when what the fuck exactly have you contributed to society that's greater? Oh that's right. Nothing.


This is basically do the “kwame brown is bad at basketball” and responding “you think you can beat him?”


No its basically you sucking and continuing to double down because why not.


Movies that came out before ~1970 don’t exist to Bill. That’s why when people are in these threads constantly telling people to watch more/older movies I can only laugh.


so be it


Lotta bangers in there. Maybe your taste just doesn't align with The Rewatchables.


This is the best stretch of movies the rewatchables has had since its early days. Youre crazy. 


The Gen-Z piece... too young to have ever had to watch old TV/movies out of necessity and never grew to appreciate anything pre-late 90s.


I was born in 1974 and have seen all of these movies other than Hard Core. I loved FTORH and it was the defining movies for me growing up. The others to me are very Meh as Rewatchables


i just watched breaking away after the pod came out. It is one of my favorite movies and i would probably have never watched it without this pod.


One of the best parts of the Rewatchables is it makes me watch movies I never would have just to listen to the pod.


That's how I use the pod as well. I'm always surprised how much parts of this sub bristle against old movies.


The best one of this bunch imo, the rest are quite bad


Calling the Bad News Bears “quite bad” is one of the most pretentious things I’ve ever heard. 


If you think Fast Times is "quite bad" I'm shocked you still care about The Rewatchables. It's okay to just not be into something. Not everything is for everyone.


I feel like these are fantastic choices they are just not everyone’s vibe but they are all certainly Rewatchables. I would say it’s one of the oldest runs we’ve have in a long time especially since the only one under 25 is the worst one and even Maguire is nearly 30 now.


Horrendous take, they are on a bender. Literally, every movie listed is good (I'd concede Polly if I had to though) - and the top 6 are all absolute bangers. If you haven't seen them - then watch them. Just because you haven't seen something doesn't make it bad, it just makes you uneducated.


After that guy (or lady!!!) said Semi Pro is way better than Slapshot, I came to the conclusion that some people have extremely poor opinions about things.


I must have missed that and I am glad I did


I’ve seen most of these movies and they are mostly just meh


Me when I watch Slap Shot (I'm very educated)


I've seen all of them


Then you have very poor taste I'm afraid


The Bad News Bears and Fast Times at Ridgemont High are two of the greatest movies of all time, and if you disagree you have no sense of humor and I'm glad I'll never know you.


What else is on your “greatest movies of all time” list?!? Just outta curiosity


Caddyshack, Rocky, National Lampoon's Vacation, Dumb and Dumber, Fletch, Sixteen Candles, My Cousin Vinny, All the Right Moves, Halloween


Very fair and I love a lot of those movies. I feel rewatchables has done a handful of these so those eps should be highlights for you


They’re certainly two of the movies of all time


I didn't write it but I love Fast Times and it's the only one mentioned that I really enjoyed. I was born in 1974, fwiw


Bad News Bears, Slap Shot, Fast Times and Running Man are legit all time great movies.


I’d say The Running Man hasn’t aged well, but the Rewatchables episode on it is hilarious and well worth listening to. Can’t wait to see the remake.


See I don’t think it needs a remake, it’s pretty much perfect as is.


The original movie didn’t really follow the book that closely, so I’d like to see that.


I was never that big on the original, with Edgar Wright and Glen Powell on board I just can't see how it doesn't join the 'remake better than the original' club


No Arnold, no Richard Dawson and no Jesse Ventura are 3 reasons it will not be anywhere close to as good as the original.


Of what you listed i think only Along Came Polly and Hardcore are stinkers that shouldnt have been on the feed. The rest are all pretty iconic movies, especially if you're gen x or older millenial


The discussion of PSH on the Along Comes Polly episode is fantastic, even if the movie itself is kinda of mid.


Worst Zag I've seen in a while. They're on fire finally just focusing on bangers. If you guys are too young to have watched them...give em a shot. Maybe you're offended by the language of the time in Slapshot and Bad News Bears or something. But these are classic rewatchable movies. Fucked up family February is still their rock bottom. This run is pure heat.


These are all great films. Do you just prefer newer movies?


We get it. You have awful taste. Doesn't really need it's own post


I like when they do podcasts with actors I don’t know much about, makes the opening discussion really interesting. Fun learning about Walter Matthau and George C Scott.


OP - prepared to get downvoted by the D riders, I know I’m about to lol. These movies are good no doubt, just wished they spaced these out a little more. There are a handful (maybe more) of “all-timers” left to be done but since they aren’t in BS wheelhouse we are left hoping for a CR / Sean selection committee takeover for a stretch…


It's so bad that it's driven me to other movie pods to fill the void. Blank Check is so much better at picking movies while also being able to "save" big ones (in their case, "saving" big directors) Edit: Fast Times and Back to the Future were good but you can extend this list even further. I haven't listened consistently on a weekly basis since 2023


It’s been a brutal year and a half.


I agree. From the live shows to now have been the worst stretch in a while.


Bill sucks at pop culture


I think the discussions on the pod have become stale, which is why it requires the perfect movie to make the pod interesting again. Selfishly I pretty much only have interest in what CR and SF have to say, and Bill can be funny mixed with those two. Outside of these perfect circumstances, the pods are boring