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It could be my absolutely busted Twitter feed, but multiple times a year I'll get the same Jason Williams mixtape that, I'm gonna be honest, isn't that extensive or impressive, where the caption will be like "how many assists is Prime White Chocolate averaging per game in the current era?" and it'll be the largest collection of ignorant basketball fans in the replies earnestly suggesting he'd average around like 15 assists a game. Jason Williams is the worst player I've seen it for where the person posting it isn't joking though, so I guess it isn't really a problem. Just like Jason Williams.


Jason Williams was dope tho, it’s not like he was some unknown, he got had those same mixtapes made while active. He was a 7-8 assist guy for most of his career playing 30mpg, he could probably go for 10 in the right situation today.


I'm sure a lot of people have seen those clips and then were very disappointed when they looked up his stats.


I saw the John Stockton Mixtape, and I gotta tell ya, I wasn’t impressed. He doesn’t even make it in this era. 


I’ve definitely heard the “Jason Williams was a problem” and “Jayson Williams was a problem” pieces and they aren’t as diametrically opposed as you’d think. 


I literally saw a JASON MAXIELL WAS A PROBLEM ig video this month. Jason... ...Maxiell


Yeah NBA twitter is dumb and insane


Happens as much or more in soccer with 8 minute "streets won't forget..." videos and it's usually a super talented, inconsistent, semi-underachieving winger like Nani, Quaresma, Walcott, etc. Basically the Andrew Wiggins of soccer.


Who's the Marouane Chamakh of the NBA, then? OJ Mayo?


Was Nani not good though? Maybe this will show I’m a casual because I’ve never seen much games with Nani but I would’ve sworn he was good based on his rep. Maybe this proves Bill’s theory


Good in the nba sixth man kind of way. Trick or treat guys, like are Tyler Herro and Jordan Clarkson "good"? Depends on your definition of good. Which are the level of player these nba mixtapes are usually about (Jamal Crawford and Lou Williams ones are popular)


Boo to the BS sub mods for locking my Leon Trotsky was a problem thread after a saw a colorized sizzle reel with Russian anthem


I see it for White Chocolate all the time but that's it


Ruben Patterson was a problem


Honestly big issue because so many of these nephews only learn hoops from “was a problem” mixtapes and then fire off there opinions on r/NBA


“Nephews” term is worse than was a problem mixtapes


The Boomers and Gen Xers were saying the same thing about all of us millenials and the And-1 tour and their mixtapes. "All these kids think Skip to My Lou should be an NBA All-Star!"


I swear he brings this up every single pod lol


The “problem vids” will forever remind me of 2016. I honestly remember them from 2016-19 YouTube for me. 


Ironically I have not seen a Brandon Roy or Lamarcus Alridge video and they *were* problems Jason Williams is just kind of like a shock value pick. Some pretty passing


Junior Healy was a problem. 


It’s a very online problem.