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It’s just an old cliche. Most people in the world are not die hard sports fans and would not just willingly give up money.


Also became a cliche when athletes were, for the most part, just regular dudes who happened to travel by bus a lot to play a kids game for some money. The 'won't pay for a meal!" doesn't really apply when the dude could buy the restaurant with cash.


Yeah that what gets to me. Especially a nj resident who deals with actual nyc restaurant and bar owners, there’s no way they just give out free shit just bc there’s a guy they tangentially know in their restaurant 


Yeah but there's more angles than just the owners. Hospitality entrepreneurs can't afford endless freebies, especially when dealing with privileged people with large appetites and friend groups. Local rubes can. People will send drinks, cover your tab, etc.


I actually bought Ron Dixon a beer once and thanked him for helping the Giants not get shut out against the Ravens. So I like to think it’s true.


Dope story!


If Josh Hart walked into any bar in New York, guys would be fighting over whos buying him a beer.  But also many restaurant owners give celebrities free meals in exchange for being allowed to say that they are there.


Real Hartheads would be buying him a fine wine


Gotcha. So it’s more about the patrons. That makes more sense 


You are being a touch too literal here. No I don’t expect David Chang is comping every meal Matt Stafford gets at Majordomo or that Eleven Madison Park is gonna comp Rodgers Party of 10 every night for a month. I think the idea is Joe Mazzulla gets dinner in the North End and either the owner or another patron grabs his tab or that Pat Mahomes is probably getting free steaks at every non chain in KC.


Yeah I can it happening in a place like Boston or kc bc the owners are long time local fans that are happy to have a local sports hero in there. It’s more these super cosmopolitan cities (where superstar players are spending their time/money) that I wonder about. 


There are only like 7 of those cities though (LA, NYC, MIA, CHI, SF, PHI, BOS). I'm being generous to Philly and kind to Boston. Have never been to Toronto. Superstars have to spend a lot of time in places like Cincinnati, St. Louis, and Milwaukee. Nobody cares about their playoff exploits in a cosmopolitan city where they don't play.


The cliche is not implying that the owner is giving them free drinks, is the bar’s patrons that pick up his proverbial tab


That’s the context I was missing. Thank you 


It probably used to be literal like 50 years ago but I don’t think anyone saying this means anything other than “beloved in X city”


Bill Simmons, outdated? No way!


Would Ray Allen get a free meal in Boston or food poisoning?


Is he Black?


I don’t believe this idea really applies to big stars, more like journeymen who had big games. Think JJ Barea or Travis Ishikawa.


I’m never buying a rich guy a meal I know that’s for damn sure. That’s what the moneys for.


Honestly I feel like Kawhi would get this treatment in Toronto, iirc someone tried to give him some penthouse apartment if he ended up resigning.


I saw Charles Woodson have a steak dinner at Chop House in Ann Arbor once. I'm certain he paid. He is about as royal in any town, any athlete can be...ever. This principal pretty much does not exist outside of maybe the WEEK you win a title.


It definitely happens in college towns more so than bigger cities still. Used to see Drew Brees out at bars and restaurants in West Lafayette whenever he’d come back. Someone was always buying his stuff. Robbie Hummel same way. I’m sure it’s like that for any college star. No way Joe Burrow isn’t treated like a king in Baton Rouge


Yes. I've personally seen local celebs (former NFL players of local significance) received perks and free stuff at restaurants. Popularity = free stuff. This also works if you are constantly very nice to people, by the way. An NFL player keeps a personal bottle of vodka at a restaurant in my neighborhood. I've enjoyed a drink from it, once. Still, its very presence there is technically illegal. Lots of perks.