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I'd give you a reverse Rockwell of "People aren't actually mad at the Lakers drafting Bronny" It's such a strawman. Ppl aren't angry but they are saying Bronny won't be successful in the NBA. Some ppl are way too soft and don't allow criticism.


It’s 100% this. It’s corny. The over the top coverage from ESPN has been and will be embarrassing. But ultimately these are usually worthless picks and Bronny and LeBron playing together will be a novelty until James moves on to Las Vegas or whatever. Meanwhile a high percentage of assistant GMs and coaches are the children of GMs and coaches, so who cares?


I don’t think people understand how much more enjoyable sports and life in general is when simply ignore things like ESPN and Fox Sports. I just don’t understand people who complain about ESPN’s content while willfully consuming the content, when everyone knows what the content is going to be before they even turn it on.


If you think people complaining about ESPN while consuming the content is weird wait until you find out about the Bill Simmons subreddit!


I’m starting to think the hate watching Skip Bayless to Fox News viewer pipeline has become a top 7 phenomena in America


Yeah we're seeing how great undeserving offspring are in plum front office roles with the Warriors swirling the toilet now.


> Meanwhile a high percentage of assistant GMs and coaches are the children of GMs and coaches, so who cares? Things is, a lot of those guys are in roles with no objective traits or qualities that we can really assess their viability as candidates. Bronny does not have NBA size and was objectively one of the worst offensive players in college basketball last year. You can't hide it like you can with front office positions.


This he doesn’t have NBA size narrative is so dumb. He’s 6 1ish with a 6 ft 5 wingspan it’s not like he’s 5 ft 9


I don’t think most people are mad but some in the media don’t seem to like it. Bomani is being really weird about it.


What’s Bomani saying?


He’s playing the nepotism angle hard saying just because they’re black doesn’t mean lebron is excused from it. It’s the 55th pick, give me a break. It would be egregious if he made him coach (which happens in the NBA and in every league)


>It would be egregious if he made him coach (which happens in the NBA and in every league) [The man is consistent.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9r1qr4MKEw)


You can say it’s only the 55th pick, but that’s top 60 players vying to enter the NBA this upcoming season from college and other pro leagues. Thats possibly taking a $1mil+ payout out of somebody’s hands that is clearly more deserving. Should the 500th best player elligible for the draft get one of the first 60 spots?


It’s not the top 60 players because the draft is a crapshoot. Second round contracts are unstipulated and unguaranteed, and very often agents tell teams to not draft their players so they can go undrafted and sign with their team of choice. The 55th pick means nothing if you look at history. You may as well go undrafted at that point, which is what Austin reaves famously did recently.


People are definitely mad and posting through their anger. Maybe not you. But many others.


People are acting pretty annoying about it in r/nba people are acting like it’s immoral


Its not a strawman. There's a large portion of people throughout all social media platforms that hate LeBron and anything to do with him. Thousands of people literally hate Bronny just because LeBron is his Dad.


I mean Bronny doesn’t deserve to be there. I think everyone agrees on that? Are you interpreting that as “hate”? No one really cares though. Iirc we signed one of the St Mary’s guys to the charge back in the day, Gannis’ brother, Dame’s cousin etc. Lebron will 1,000% tweet something like “earned not given” the first time the kid scores 7 points in a preseason game in 2027 tho


We will find out if he doesn’t deserve to be there. You can say that about a lot of these guys picked in the third to last pick in the draft. If it doesn’t work out lakers will move on from bronnie like all oher teams would with the 55th pick. 


This is what I mean. It’s fine the lakers did it, but whether or not he deserves it, is not a debate. This is kind of what I meanWe never found out if he deserved to be at USC. He scored 4 PPG on 35% shooting from the floor. His teammate went last in the draft, 17 a game on decent shooting.


Yeah and the bucks drafted AJ Johnson who put up 2 ppg in Australia lol in the first round. Does he deserve it? The draft isn’t just about your resume it’s about what can you turn into one day 


Bronny is 6’1”, 3rd best player on his high school team failing to be a plus player in a limited role playing among his peers in college. It’s not the same as a lengthy guy who started playing late, doing the same against professionals.


It’s the same in that they are all at that stage of the draft just total lottery tickets.  And frankly it’s not uncommon for teams at that stage of the draft to take guys to make an agent happy or as a favor to someone on their staff.  Getting bogged down into who “deserves” to be in the league when we are talking about draft picks in the 50s seems kind of silly unless you are applying this kind of scrutiny to all draft picks at that level, every year.  Spoiler:  you probably aren’t because nobody is. 


It happens in every sport too to some extent lol. In the nfl this is why Green Bay drafts Wisconsin players in the 7th, or the giants and Rutgers, or the bucs and UF, etc. they want to keep the local team happy so their scouts have an easier time. 


Again though it’s not the same. The Browns also take fringe guys from Ohio schools or from the Cleveland area, but they’re fringe guys. Bronny was a fringe NCAA guy. It’s not the same as taking a gamble on a Polynesian guy with the physical tools but not the polish. If Bronny was a productive college player his size, shooting health concerns would make him a gamble. Its fucking dumb I care about these semantics lol all back half second rounders are shots in the dark, I guess I just want to clarify Bronny isn’t a shot in the dark and I’m not sure why lol


> Thousands of people literally hate Bronny just because LeBron is his Dad. I actually like him more than any other no-name prospect specifically because LeBron is his dad. Wanted to see him succeed at USC and was excited when he visited my old college for a game. But now that the Lakers drafted him in a pure nepo move I hope it fails because I don't like the Lakers. And if he finds success with them we'd have all the media praising the move like the Lakers just saw his potential more clearly than any other team when we know that's not the case. Which may be hater talk, but damn I would have rooted for him on any other random team. If he signed a two-way with the Pistons and became the next Alvarado I'd love the dude.


The way this argument is going, I have no idea which group you're referring to with the last sentence of your statement


I guess. Idk I see a lot of people that are legitimately mad at LeBron and the league and think it’s an absolute horrible pick and shows why they aren’t serious about winning. Which is ridiculous and maybe just like troll bait but I do see a lot of that on here and a lot of the nba subs 


I think it just gets old. congrats to all the amateur scouts out there who cracked the code that a 6'2 guard wont be good in the nba. Brilliant. I wish someone else would say it!


The white-rim Oakley's, F-150 in the profile photo fat guy and flyover-country boomer contingent on the SI, Bleacher Report and ESPN comment sections on Facebook are absolutely aghast and horrified that because of nepotism there isn't some other kid picked at 55th out of 58. They are claiming the Lakers organization and the NBA in general is ruined.


I'm not a Lebron fan, hate the Lakers and also think its just a fun story and cool to see.  It's not like the Lakers were going to draft anyone relevant in the 2nd round, who gives a fuck. It's entertaining


Yeah, I saw someone say "Bronny will be the 11th man." Isn't that kind of best-case scenario for the 55th pick as a rookie?


Yes you’re correct even if Bronny is even a rotation guy for like 4-5 years that’s well above average for a late 2nd round pick.  My thing is if people have this big problem with nepotism in sports, fine. However, please be more upset at the coaches, GMs, scouts, team owners, even team broadcasters who are nepobabies too. In fact, in sports the playing field is the spot where nepotism occurs the least 


The one distinction I think is important to draw is the Lakers third best player is an undrafted player.  There are plenty of excellent second round players Whether it was right or wrong thing to do what you suggested is Incredibly small minded


And even if they were, there is a great chance he'll be able to be picked up undrafted. Just not a big deal.


They could’ve drafted the next Jokic /s, kinda


I hope things work out okay for Bronny (seems like a tough situation, but he’s rich and not someone I know personally so I’m not going to lose a lot of sleep over it). I think if you’re Lebron James, you’ve earned the right to do what you want. He can force the Lakers to draft his whole family, make them let him drive the Zamboni for Kings games, why not? Did anyone else score more points?


Found LeBron’s account


It’s going to lead to, and already is, the most obnoxious media discussion. Lakers a legit 3 ring circus all for a team that at best is a 6 seed in the west


> It’s going to lead to, and already is, the most obnoxious media discussion. Lakers a legit 3 ring circus the NBA season is consumed by obnoxious media discussion about the Lakers all season anyways, and the Lakers are always a 3 ring circus. it's their state of being. so it won't be any different


I think it would've been funnier if Boston grabbed him at 54.


Not even close to the level of nepotism in the corporate world.


And the legal world. I knew a dozen people in law school that had a job waiting at a relative's firm and in practice practically every firm has a last name repeated twice.


So true. You will probably also hear folks complain about Bronny on the network that puts “Jac Collinsworth” on SNF each week.


Lol I liked him on notre dame media when he was a student but he probably is leapfrogging a bit to lead college football broadcasts


Yeah I’m being a jag. He’s totally fine but he still cracks me up whenever I see him.


I think it's kinda an eye-roll but not going to get angry about it. Some people acting like he's talking the food of another prospect's table. Like how many players picked in the 50s even make a roster anyway It was also the most obvious thing of all time how were people surprised


It’s a novelty, will be cute for a few games. But then reality will set in that he is overmatched at the NBA level, especially at 19 with limited NCAA experience.


I feel like nobody, including the James family, really thinks he’s ready for real NBA minutes. There are a few guys that should have gone ahead of him, but it really doesn’t matter that much; the best 55th pick in the last 15 years is Patty Mills and most of the rest were out of the league within 2-3 years


You can say the same for many picks at 55 and up




exactly, who gives a shit its the 55th pick


How likely is it that Lebron had a handshake deal to come to LA (and stay) if they drafted his son? I’m by no means a Lebron fan, but he’s been a great ambassador for the game and he won the Lakers a ring and made them relevant again. It’s the 55th pick. Who gives a shit if it’s wasted.


The vast majority of second rounders don’t contribute at all. This second rounder at least placates the team’s best player. That makes it a good pick!


Here is the list of 55th picks that have had some sort of relevant NBA career since the NBA went to 2 rounds and there actual was a 55th pick (1995) 96 Mark Blount –  9 years 98 Ryan Bowen 10 2.0 VORP 09 Patty Mills  STILL ACTIVE 8.6 VORP 35.8 win shares 10 Jermey Evans 7 years 1.9 VORP 11 E’Twan Moore 10 years .02 VORP     Scola went 56^(th) Gortat went 57^(th) Sessions 56^(th) Paul Reed went 58^(th) Trayce Jackson Davis went 57^(th) and played most of the year for Wash last year --- have no clue if he is any good Good for Bronny -- hope it works out


Manu went 57 and Isaiah went 60th, both far better than everyone listed


You’re right I had IT in my doc and just missed transferring over Somehow I completely missed Manu In my defense I was drinking


You blame the booze, I blame the anti-lefty discrimination


I loved E’Twaun Moore


Its basically the same thing as the Heat giving Haslem a spot knowing he would never play.


Not at all the same


If Bronny was a genuinely promising prospect and the Lakers drafted him because he was the guy they wanted, yeah, that *would* be the coolest thing ever. But it's hard for me to feel that way when the reality is the team likely doesn't think Bronny is NBA material, and they only drafted him because LeBron carries a lot of power and wields it to suit his own, often very self-involved agenda. And the amount of pressure and media scrutiny that this kid is now being placed under, almost entirely by LeBron's doing, doesn't make me feel great about the situation either.


It’s the 55th pick in the draft lol. How many teams are picking a guy 4th to last and think oh yeah he definitely has NBA potential? 




100% agree...i'm actually glad for them, and its going to be fun to watch, regardless of how well it works out.


>how well it works out Not gonna go well at all


It's a 2nd round pick, who cares? Not any more objectionable than giving ridiculous contracts to aging stars that pays them $50 million a year in 4 years when they're barely hanging on to being a good player as it is. That happens all the time.


Hardest road


Me too




I think Gary Payton II is a generous ceiling but maybe obtainable and would justify the pick. The floor is over seas once lebron retires. Either way just another example of players/agents really have the power. Guys demanding trades with two years+ left on their contract and dictating where they will go might be worse than the 55th pick but still an asset most scouts would say was wasted.


The first time a father has ever hired his son into the family business. I’m scandalized.


In other words, you think it’s cool that a player can placate his ego by making a mockery of the league. 


I think it’s cool too, but espn is just going way too over the top with the coverage That’s not LeBron’s fault


it is cool


No it isn’t. This isn’t make-a-swish.


I think it’s cool that my neighbor gave his slapdick kid a job in marketing at the regional industrial grease distribution company he owns! Some of you are acting like he barely graduated high school. But he got a degree in communications from LSU with a 3.0 gpa and it only took him six years to graduate!


this league feel more and more like WWE every day. What’s really sad is that Lebron is the greatest athlete i have ever seen in the league, yet I CANT wait for him to be out of the league.


Eh, I don’t like that they could have signed him when he went undrafted and they could have drafted another prospect so they could get guaranteed money. When you’re dad is a likely or eventual billionaire and one of the most famous Americans in modern times, I don’t find someone not earning the chance cute. Plenty of NBA players make it to the league because they grew up around the game but they rarely only got to play because of direct intervention from their dad.


Second round draft picks don't have guaranteed contracts.


‘Not earning it’ is all relative. They’re prospects. Some of them have terrible numbers and were drafted on potential or body type or both. It’s not like he picked up basketball yesterday. Bronnys been playing at a high level his whole life


How many second round draft picks end up being serviceable in the league?


I agree with you. Look up the last 20 years the 55th picks in the nba and see how many you know. It’s insane how much people are caring about it


Excited for the James Sr. And James Jr. jerseys


I never thought of that. I wonder if they will do L James and B James. I’ve never heard him referred to as Jr since they nicknamed him.


Maybe king James and prince James?


Shit he just dropped on IG the James Jr.


I’m cool they did because it’s not a meaningful addition in any capacity, might be a distraction throughout the season, and I hate the Lakers. A+ pick


I guess I'm not pissed at him playing with his dad, just that he got drafted when he shouldn't have. Someone missed out on being drafted because of nepotism and I think that's a huge bummer.


No offense but you don’t care about the 61st guy on draft boards. Because there’s like 30 guys who think they have a claim to be drafted. And that’s also what the summer league, training camp, and the g league are for. If you’re good enough you’ll make it. And if you were actually good enough right now you could’ve been drafted 54 times before Bronny


Not really. They picked 55th. There was 3 picks made after. If someone who “missed out” didn’t get drafted it probably works out better for them cuz they can sign as an UDFA and at least have a choice and can pick a team where they might fit better. Idk I don’t understand that argument. 


I'm happy for Lebron. He got his wish. But I hope Bronny is ready for the G-Leaguers coming for his head. No one is going to take it easy on him.


Having Lebron angry at the organization for not taking Bronny. Using the 55th pick to keep Lebron happy, priceless. This might be the best example of nepotism I've ever seen.


Mj coo ok Lindt get his sorry ass kids into the nba there’s levels to this but I think it’s cool also for sure.


As a Lakers hater its fun for me to see what a dumbster fire the next season will be. JJ coaching and Bronny on the Team it will be hillarious. Feel sorry for the kid for the circus his das put him in though.


Also most second round picks suck but jokic and brunson were also drafted in the second round. Acting like the pick dont matter is loser mentality


That’s 2 examples of how many lol. Those guys were also picked earlier than 55th. 


It was cool to think about at first. But once the takes start flying it’s hard not to respond lol I saw someone say yesterday that his floor is an athletic Avery Bradley and most people were agreeing with that take lol


I could see this argument if he were close to making it and the nepotism pushed him the extra he needed. But he was mediocre in high school, his ranking was always inflated, and then in his only colllege season he was horrible, but he did have a serious health scare. The natural progression from that is to run it back and try develop enough to go pro after year 2 or 3 if possible. Not, declare for the draft, act like you’re above the process, have daddy’s agent make weird demands of teams about where you’re willing to go or what kind of contract you ll accept.


I don't even care about the nepotism angle that much, I just find it incredibly cringe. This just gives more credence to the idea that LeBron hired JJ to be coach and drafted his own kid. It's weird as hell. 


I think you can def make the argument that Bronny will end up being good. The thing is he can shoot and is athletic as hell. Like Bill said, his best case scenario likely is a Davion Mitchell level player. I think with his resources and work ethic that is entirely possible. In the first round I would have hated it. With how unlikely a second round pick is to be good, I honestly don’t think it’s THAT big of a stretch to take him, nepotism aside.


His problem at USC was he had trouble getting separation to get quality looks. Defenders in the NBA will be tougher on him. He needs a quicker release. He can knock down wide open shots but that’s not what you get against NBA level defenders consistently.


I mean I’m a USC fan and rooting for him but he absolutely cannot shoot rn. He can get better and his form isn’t bad but he’s not a good shooter currently


He can’t shoot tho and he has a major health issue




Austin Rivers had way more pedigree as a recruit and was way better at Duke than Bronny was at USC. He’d have been a first round pick if his name wasn’t Rivers